Ejemplo n.º 1
 function _processSave(&$controller, &$xoopsUser)
     $statusArr = $this->mActionForm->get('status');
     $comment_handler = xoops_gethandler('comment');
     foreach (array_keys($statusArr) as $cid) {
         $comment =& $comment_handler->get($cid);
         if (is_object($comment)) {
             $olddata['com_status'] = $comment->get('com_status');
             $newdata['com_status'] = $this->mActionForm->get('status', $cid);
             if (count(array_diff_assoc($olddata, $newdata)) > 0) {
                 $comment->set('com_status', $this->mActionForm->get('status', $cid));
                 if (!$comment_handler->insert($comment)) {
                     return LEGACY_FRAME_VIEW_ERROR;
                 $add_userpost = false;
                 $call_approvefunc = false;
                 $call_updatefunc = false;
                 $notify_event = false;
                 if (!empty($newdata['com_status']) && $newdata['com_status'] != XOOPS_COMMENT_PENDING) {
                     if (XOOPS_COMMENT_PENDING == $olddata['com_status']) {
                         $add_userpost = true;
                         if (XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE == $newdata['com_status']) {
                             $call_updatefunc = true;
                             $call_approvefunc = true;
                             $notify_event = 'comment';
                     } elseif (XOOPS_COMMENT_HIDDEN == $olddata['com_status'] && XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE == $newdata['com_status']) {
                         $call_updatefunc = true;
                     } elseif (XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE == $olddata['com_status'] && XOOPS_COMMENT_HIDDEN == $newdata['com_status']) {
                         $call_updatefunc = true;
                 $comment_config = Legacy_CommentEditAction::loadCallbackFile($comment);
                 if ($comment_config && $call_approvefunc != false) {
                     $function = $comment_config['callback']['approve'];
                     if (function_exists($function)) {
                         call_user_func($function, $comment);
                 if ($comment_config && $call_updatefunc != false) {
                     $function = $comment_config['callback']['update'];
                     if (function_exists($function)) {
                         $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('com_modid', $comment->getVar('com_modid')));
                         $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_itemid', $comment->getVar('com_itemid')));
                         $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_status', XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE));
                         $comment_count = $comment_handler->getCount($criteria);
                         call_user_func_array($function, array($comment->getVar('com_itemid'), $comment_count, $comment->getVar('com_id')));
                 $uid = $comment->getVar('com_uid');
                 if ($uid > 0 && false != $add_userpost) {
                     $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
                     $poster =& $member_handler->getUser($uid);
                     if (is_object($poster)) {
                         $member_handler->updateUserByField($poster, 'posts', $poster->getVar('posts') + 1);
                 // RMV-NOTIFY
                 // trigger notification event if necessary
                 if ($notify_event) {
                     $not_modid = $comment->getVar('com_modid');
                     include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php';
                     $not_catinfo =& notificationCommentCategoryInfo($not_modid);
                     $not_category = $not_catinfo['name'];
                     $not_itemid = $comment->getVar('com_itemid');
                     $not_event = $notify_event;
                     $comment_tags = array();
                     $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
                     $not_module =& $module_handler->get($not_modid);
                     $com_config =& $not_module->getInfo('comments');
                     $comment_url = $com_config['pageName'] . '?';
                     //Umm....not use com_exparams(--;;Fix Me!)
                     //$extra_params = $comment->getVar('com_exparams');
                     //$comment_url .= $extra_params;
                     $comment_url .= $com_config['itemName'];
                     $comment_tags['X_COMMENT_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $not_module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $comment_url . '=' . $comment->getVar('com_itemid') . '&com_id=' . $comment->getVar('com_id') . '&com_rootid=' . $comment->getVar('com_rootid') . '#comment' . $comment->getVar('com_id');
                     $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
                     $notification_handler->triggerEvent($not_category, $not_itemid, $not_event, $comment_tags, false, $not_modid);
                 //notify if
             //count if
         //object if
     foreach (array_keys($statusArr) as $cid) {
         if ($this->mActionForm->get('delete', $cid) == 1) {
             $comment =& $comment_handler->get($cid);
             if (is_object($comment)) {
                 if (!$comment_handler->delete($comment)) {
                     return LEGACY_FRAME_VIEW_ERROR;
                 if ($comment->get('com_status') != 1 && $comment->get('com_uid') > 0) {
                     $memberhandler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
                     $user =& $memberhandler->getUser($comment->get('com_uid'));
                     if (is_object($user)) {
                         $count = $user->get('posts');
                         if ($count > 0) {
                             $memberhandler->updateUserByField($user, 'posts', $count - 1);
                 // get all comments posted later within the same thread
                 $thread_comments =& $comment_handler->getThread($comment->getVar('com_rootid'), $cid);
                 include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
                 $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'com_id', 'com_pid', 'com_rootid');
                 $child_comments =& $xot->getFirstChild($cid);
                 // now set new parent ID for direct child comments
                 $new_pid = $comment->getVar('com_pid');
                 $errs = array();
                 foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
                     $child_comments[$i]->setVar('com_pid', $new_pid);
                     // if the deleted comment is a root comment, need to change root id to own id
                     if (false != $comment->isRoot()) {
                         $new_rootid = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id');
                         $child_comments[$i]->setVar('com_rootid', $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id'));
                         if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                             $errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>' . $cid . '</b> to <b>' . $new_pid . '</b>. (ID: ' . $new_rootid . ')';
                         } else {
                             // need to change root id for all its child comments as well
                             $c_child_comments =& $xot->getAllChild($new_rootid);
                             $cc_count = count($c_child_comments);
                             foreach (array_keys($c_child_comments) as $j) {
                                 $c_child_comments[$j]->setVar('com_rootid', $new_rootid);
                                 if (!$comment_handler->insert($c_child_comments[$j])) {
                                     $errs[] = 'Could not change comment root ID from <b>' . $cid . '</b> to <b>' . $new_rootid . '</b>.';
                     } else {
                         if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                             $errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>' . $cid . '</b> to <b>' . $new_pid . '</b>.';
                 if (count($errs) > 0) {
                     return LEGACY_FRAME_VIEW_ERROR;
                 // callback
                 $comment_config = Legacy_CommentEditAction::loadCallbackFile($comment);
                 if ($comment_config) {
                     $function = $comment_config['callback']['update'];
                     if (function_exists($function)) {
                         $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('com_modid', $comment->getVar('com_modid')));
                         $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_itemid', $comment->getVar('com_itemid')));
                         $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_status', XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE));
                         $comment_count = $comment_handler->getCount($criteria);
                         call_user_func_array($function, array($comment->getVar('com_itemid'), $comment_count, $comment->getVar('com_id')));
             //if object
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Return number of products from one or several categories
  * @param integer	$cat_cid
  * @param boolean	$withNested
  * @return integer
 function getCategoryProductsCount($cat_cid, $withNested = true)
     global $h_myshop_products;
     $childsIDs = array();
     $childsIDs[] = $cat_cid;
     if ($withNested) {
         // Search sub-categories
         $items = $childs = array();
         include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
         $items = $this->getAllCategories();
         $mytree = new XoopsObjectTree($items, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
         $childs = $mytree->getAllChild($cat_cid);
         if (count($childs) > 0) {
             foreach ($childs as $onechild) {
                 $childsIDs[] = $onechild->getVar('cat_cid');
     return $h_myshop_products->getCategoryProductsCount($childsIDs);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function topicsmanager()
    global $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsDB;
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
    //$uploadfolder=sprintf(_AMS_AM_UPLOAD_WARNING,XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule -> dirname().'/images/topics');
    $uploadirectory = "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/images/topics';
    $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0;
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/tree.php";
    $xt = new AmsTopic($xoopsDB->prefix("ams_topics"));
    $allTopics = $xt->getAllTopics();
    $totaltopics = count($allTopics);
    if ($totaltopics > 0) {
        $topic_obj_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($allTopics, 'topic_id', 'topic_pid');
        $topics_arr = $topic_obj_tree->getAllChild(0);
    echo "<form action='index.php' method='POST'>";
    echo "<div class=\"odd\">";
    echo "<div style='text-align: center;'><b>" . _AMS_AM_TOPICSMNGR . ' (' . ($start + 1) . '-' . ($start + $xoopsModuleConfig['storycountadmin'] > $totaltopics ? $totaltopics : $start + $xoopsModuleConfig['storycountadmin']) . ' ' . _AMS_AM_OF . ' ' . $totaltopics . ')' . "</b><br /><br />";
    echo "<table border='1' width='100%'><tr class='bg3'><td align='center'>" . _AMS_AM_TOPIC . "</td><td align='left'>" . _AMS_AM_TOPICNAME . "</td><td align='center'>" . _AMS_AM_PARENTTOPIC . "</td><td> " . _AMS_AM_WEIGHT . " </td><td align='center'>" . _AMS_AM_ACTION . "</td></tr>";
    //If topic not empty
    if ($totaltopics > 0) {
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($topics_arr as $thisTopic) {
            if ($i > $start && $i - $start <= $xoopsModuleConfig['storycountadmin']) {
                $linkedit = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/admin/index.php?op=topicsmanager&amp;topic_id=' . $thisTopic->topic_id();
                $linkdelete = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/admin/index.php?op=delTopic&amp;topic_id=' . $thisTopic->topic_id();
                $action = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a> - <a href='%s'>%s</a>", $linkedit, _AMS_AM_EDIT, $linkdelete, _AMS_AM_DELETE);
                $parent = '&nbsp;';
                $pid = $thisTopic->topic_pid();
                if ($pid > 0) {
                    $parent = $topics_arr[$pid]->topic_title();
                    $thisTopic->prefix = str_replace(".", "-", $thisTopic->prefix) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    $thisTopic->prefix = str_replace(".", "", $thisTopic->prefix);
                echo "<tr><td>" . $thisTopic->topic_id() . "</td><td align='left'>" . $thisTopic->prefix() . $thisTopic->topic_title() . "</td><td align='left'>" . $parent . "</td><td align='center'><input type='text' name='weight[" . $thisTopic->topic_id() . "]' value='" . $thisTopic->weight . "' size='10' maxlength='10' /> </td><td>" . $action . "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='3'></td><td><input type='hidden' name='op' value='reorder' />\r\n                <input type='submit' name='submit' value='" . _AMS_AM_SUBMIT . "' /></td><td></td></tr>";
    echo "</table></div></div></form>";
    if ($totaltopics > $xoopsModuleConfig['storycountadmin']) {
        $pagenav = new XoopsPageNav($totaltopics, $xoopsModuleConfig['storycountadmin'], $start, 'start', 'op=topicsmanager');
        echo "<div align='right'>";
        echo $pagenav->renderNav() . '</div><br />';
    $topic_id = isset($_GET['topic_id']) ? intval($_GET['topic_id']) : 0;
    if ($topic_id > 0) {
        $xtmod = $topics_arr[$topic_id];
        $topic_title = $xtmod->topic_title('E');
        $op = 'modTopicS';
        if (trim($xtmod->topic_imgurl()) != '') {
            $topicimage = $xtmod->topic_imgurl();
        } else {
            $topicimage = "blank.png";
        $btnlabel = _AMS_AM_MODIFY;
        $parent = $xtmod->topic_pid();
        $formlabel = _AMS_AM_MODIFYTOPIC;
        $banner = $xtmod->banner;
        $banner_inherit = $xtmod->banner_inherit;
        $forum = $xtmod->forum_id;
    } else {
        $topic_title = '';
        $op = 'addTopic';
        $topicimage = 'xoops.gif';
        $btnlabel = _AMS_AM_ADD;
        $parent = 0;
        $formlabel = _AMS_AM_ADD_TOPIC;
        $banner = '';
        $banner_inherit = 0;
        $forum = 0;
    $sform = new XoopsThemeForm($formlabel, "topicform", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/admin/index.php', 'post');
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_AMS_AM_TOPICNAME . ' ' . _AMS_AM_MAX40CHAR, 'topic_title', 40, 50, $topic_title), true);
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('op', $op), false);
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('topic_id', $topic_id), false);
    if ($totaltopics > 0) {
        $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel(_AMS_AM_PARENTTOPIC, $topic_obj_tree->makeSelBox('topic_pid', 'topic_title', '--', $parent, true)));
    } else {
        $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('topic_pid', 0));
    // ********** Picture
    $imgtray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_AMS_AM_TOPICIMG, '<br />');
    $imgpath = sprintf(_AMS_AM_IMGNAEXLOC, "modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . "/images/topics/");
    $imageselect = new XoopsFormSelect($imgpath, 'topic_imgurl', $topicimage);
    $topics_array = XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/AMS/images/topics/");
    foreach ($topics_array as $image) {
        $imageselect->addOption("{$image}", $image);
    $imageselect->setExtra("onchange='showImgSelected(\"image3\", \"topic_imgurl\", \"" . $uploadirectory . "\", \"\", \"" . XOOPS_URL . "\")'");
    $imgtray->addElement($imageselect, false);
    $imgtray->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel('', "<br /><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/" . $uploadirectory . "/" . $topicimage . "' name='image3' id='image3' alt='' />"));
    $uploadfolder = sprintf(_AMS_AM_UPLOAD_WARNING, XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/images/topics');
    $fileseltray = new XoopsFormElementTray('', '<br />');
    $fileseltray->addElement(new XoopsFormFile(_AMS_AM_TOPIC_PICTURE, 'attachedfile', $xoopsModuleConfig['maxuploadsize']), false);
    $fileseltray->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel($uploadfolder), false);
    //Forum linking
    $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
    $forum_module =& $module_handler->getByDirname('newbb');
    if (is_object($forum_module) && $forum_module->getVar('version') >= 200) {
        $forum_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('forum', 'newbb', true);
        if (is_object($forum_handler)) {
            $forums = $forum_handler->getForums();
            if (count($forums) > 0) {
                $forum_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($forums, 'forum_id', 'parent_forum');
                $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel(_AMS_AM_LINKEDFORUM, $forum_tree->makeSelBox('forum_id', 'forum_name', '--', $forum, true)));
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea(_AMS_AM_TOPICBANNER, 'banner', $banner));
    $inherit_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_BANNERINHERIT, 'banner_inherit', $banner_inherit);
    $inherit_checkbox->addOption(1, _YES);
    //Added in AMS 2.50 Final. Use News 1.62 permission style
    //Enhance in AMS 3.0 Beta 1. Add default permission for approval=admin, submit=admin,User.
    // Permissions
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    $group_list =& $member_handler->getGroupList();
    $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $group_type_ref =& $member_handler->getGroups(null, true);
    $admin_list = array();
    $user_list = array();
    $full_list = array();
    $admincount = 1;
    $usercount = 1;
    $fullcount = 1;
    foreach (array_keys($group_type_ref) as $i) {
        if ($group_type_ref[$i]->getVar('group_type') == 'Admin') {
            $admin_list[$i] = $group_list[$i];
            $user_list[$i] = $group_list[$i];
        if ($group_type_ref[$i]->getVar('group_type') == 'User') {
            $user_list[$i] = $group_list[$i];
        $full_list[$i] = $group_list[$i];
    $admin_list = array_keys($admin_list);
    $user_list = array_keys($user_list);
    $full_list = array_keys($full_list);
    $groups_ids = array();
    if ($topic_id > 0) {
        // Edit mode
        $groups_ids = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds('ams_approve', $topic_id, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'));
        $groups_ids = array_values($groups_ids);
        $groups_AMS_can_approve_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_APPROVEFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_approve[]', $groups_ids);
    } else {
        // Creation mode
        $groups_AMS_can_approve_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_APPROVEFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_approve[]', $admin_list);
    $groups_ids = array();
    if ($topic_id > 0) {
        // Edit mode
        $groups_ids = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds('ams_submit', $topic_id, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'));
        $groups_ids = array_values($groups_ids);
        $groups_AMS_can_submit_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_SUBMITFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_submit[]', $groups_ids);
    } else {
        // Creation mode
        $groups_AMS_can_submit_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_SUBMITFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_submit[]', $user_list);
    $groups_ids = array();
    if ($topic_id > 0) {
        // Edit mode
        $groups_ids = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds('ams_view', $topic_id, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'));
        $groups_ids = array_values($groups_ids);
        $groups_AMS_can_view_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_VIEWFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_view[]', $groups_ids);
    } else {
        // Creation mode
        $groups_AMS_can_view_checkbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox(_AMS_AM_VIEWFORM, 'groups_AMS_can_view[]', $full_list);
    // Submit buttons
    $button_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray('', '');
    $submit_btn = new XoopsFormButton('', 'post', $btnlabel, 'submit');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Creates all the meta datas :
 * - For Mozilla/Netscape and Opera the site navigation's bar
 * - The Dublin's Core Metadata
 * - The link for Firefox 2 micro summaries
 * - The meta keywords
 * - The meta description
 * @package News
 * @author Instant Zero (http://xoops.instant-zero.com)
 * @copyright (c) Instant Zero
function nw_CreateMetaDatas($story = null)
	global $xoopsConfig, $xoTheme, $xoopsTpl;
	$content = '';
	$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
	include_once NW_MODULE_PATH . '/class/class.newstopic.php';

	 * Firefox and Opera Navigation's Bar
	if(nw_getmoduleoption('sitenavbar', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME)) {
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Home\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s/\" />\n",$xoopsConfig['sitename'],XOOPS_URL);
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Contents\" href=\"%s\" />\n",NW_MODULE_URL . '/index.php');
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Search\" href=\"%s\" />\n",XOOPS_URL.'/search.php');
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Glossary\" href=\"%s\" />\n",NW_MODULE_URL . '/archive.php');
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"%s\" href=\"%s\" />\n",$myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MA_NW_SUBMITNEWS), NW_MODULE_URL . '/submit.php');
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s/\" />\n",$xoopsConfig['sitename'], XOOPS_URL.'/backend.php');

		// Create chapters
		include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/tree.php';
		include_once NW_MODULE_PATH . '/class/class.newstopic.php';
		$xt = new nw_NewsTopic();
		$allTopics = $xt->getAllTopics(nw_getmoduleoption('restrictindex', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME));
		$topic_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($allTopics, 'topic_id', 'topic_pid');
		$topics_arr = $topic_tree->getAllChild(0);
		foreach ($topics_arr as $onetopic) {
			$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Chapter\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s\" />\n",$onetopic->topic_title(),NW_MODULE_URL . '/index.php?storytopic='.$onetopic->topic_id());

	 * Meta Keywords and Description
 	 * If you have set this module's option to 'yes' and if the information was entered, then they are rendered in the page else they are computed
	$meta_keywords = '';
	if(isset($story) && is_object($story)) {
		if(xoops_trim($story->keywords()) != '') {
			$meta_keywords = $story->keywords();
		} else {
			$meta_keywords = nw_createmeta_keywords($story->hometext().' '.$story->bodytext());
		if(xoops_trim($story->description())!='') {
			$meta_description = strip_tags($story->description);
		} else {
			$meta_description = strip_tags($story->title);
		if(isset($xoTheme) && is_object($xoTheme)) {
			$xoTheme->addMeta( 'meta', 'keywords', $meta_keywords);
			$xoTheme->addMeta( 'meta', 'description', $meta_description);
		} elseif(isset($xoopsTpl) && is_object($xoopsTpl)) {	// Compatibility for old Xoops versions
			$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_meta_keywords', $meta_keywords);
			$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_meta_description', $meta_description);

	 * Dublin Core's meta datas
	if(nw_getmoduleoption('dublincore', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME) && isset($story) && is_object($story)) {
		$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
		$xoopsConfigMetaFooter =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Title" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($story->title())."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Creator" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($story->uname())."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Subject" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($meta_keywords)."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Description" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($story->title())."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Publisher" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($xoopsConfig['sitename'])."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Date.created" scheme="W3CDTF" content="'.date('Y-m-d',$story->created)."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Date.issued" scheme="W3CDTF" content="'.date('Y-m-d',$story->published)."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Identifier" content="'.NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid()."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Source" content="'.XOOPS_URL."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Language" content="'._LANGCODE."\" />\n";
		$content .= '<meta name="DC.Relation.isReferencedBy" content="'.NW_MODULE_URL . '/index.php?storytopic='.$story->topicid()."\" />\n";
		if(isset($xoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_copyright'])) {
			$content .= '<meta name="DC.Rights" content="'.nw_DublinQuotes($xoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_copyright'])."\" />\n";

	 * Firefox 2 micro summaries
	if(nw_getmoduleoption('firefox_microsummaries', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME)) {
		$content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"microsummary\" href=\"%s\" />\n",NW_MODULE_URL . '/micro_summary.php');

	if(isset($xoopsTpl) && is_object($xoopsTpl)) {
		$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_module_header', $content);
Ejemplo n.º 5
         include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';
     redirect_header($redirect_page . '=' . $com_itemid . '&amp;com_order=' . $com_order . '&amp;com_mode=' . $com_mode, 1, _CM_COMDELETED);
 case 'delete_all':
     $comment_handler = xoops_gethandler('comment');
     $comment =& $comment_handler->get($com_id);
     $com_rootid = $comment->getVar('com_rootid');
     // get all comments posted later within the same thread
     $thread_comments =& $comment_handler->getThread($com_rootid, $com_id);
     // construct a comment tree
     include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
     $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'com_id', 'com_pid', 'com_rootid');
     $child_comments =& $xot->getAllChild($com_id);
     // add itself here
     $child_comments[$com_id] =& $comment;
     $msgs = array();
     $deleted_num = array();
     $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
     foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
         if (!$comment_handler->delete($child_comments[$i])) {
             $msgs[] = _CM_COMDELETENG . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id') . ')';
         } else {
             $msgs[] = _CM_COMDELETED . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id') . ')';
             // store poster ID and deleted post number into array for later use
             $poster_id = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_uid');
             if ($poster_id > 0) {
                 $deleted_num[$poster_id] = !isset($deleted_num[$poster_id]) ? 1 : $deleted_num[$poster_id] + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Retourne le nombre de produits d'une ou de plusieurs catégories
  * @param  integer $cat_cid    L'identifiant de la catégorie dont on veut récupérer le nombre de produits
  * @param  boolean $withNested Faut il inclure les sous-catégories ?
  * @return integer Le nombre de produits
 public function getCategoryProductsCount($cat_cid, $withNested = true)
     global $h_oledrion_products;
     $childsIDs = array();
     $childsIDs[] = $cat_cid;
     if ($withNested) {
         // Recherche des sous catégories de cette catégorie
         $items = $childs = array();
         include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
         $items = $this->getAllCategories(new oledrion_parameters());
         $mytree = new XoopsObjectTree($items, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
         $childs = $mytree->getAllChild($cat_cid);
         if (count($childs) > 0) {
             foreach ($childs as $onechild) {
                 $childsIDs[] = $onechild->getVar('cat_cid');
     return $h_oledrion_products->getCategoryProductsCount($childsIDs);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function displayDelete()
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $op = Request::getCmd('op', 'delete', 'POST');
     $mode = Request::getString('com_mode', 'flat');
     $order = Request::getString('com_order', COMMENTS_OLD1ST);
     $id = Request::getInt('com_id');
     /* @var $comment CommentsComment */
     /* @var $comment_handler CommentsCommentHandler */
     $comment_handler = $this->getHandlerComment();
     $comment = $comment_handler->get($id);
     if (!is_object($comment)) {
         $xoops->redirect(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url'), 1, XoopsLocale::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION);
     $module = $xoops->getModuleById($comment->getVar('modid'));
     if (!is_object($module)) {
         $xoops->redirect(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url'), 1, XoopsLocale::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION);
     if (!$xoops->isAdminSide && COMMENTS_APPROVENONE == $xoops->getModuleConfig('com_rule', $module->getVar('dirname')) || !$xoops->isUser() && !$xoops->getModuleConfig('com_anonpost', $module->getVar('dirname')) || !$xoops->isModule()) {
         $xoops->redirect(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url'), 1, XoopsLocale::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION);
     $modid = $module->getVar('mid');
     /* @var $plugin CommentsPluginInterface */
     if ($plugin = \Xoops\Module\Plugin::getPlugin($module->getVar('dirname'), 'comments')) {
         if ($xoops->isAdminSide) {
             $redirect_page = $this->url('admin/main.php?com_modid=' . $modid . '&amp;com_itemid');
         } else {
             $redirect_page = $xoops->url('modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $plugin->pageName() . '?');
             $comment_confirm_extra = array();
             if (is_array($extraParams = $plugin->extraParams())) {
                 foreach ($extraParams as $extra_param) {
                     if (isset($_GET[$extra_param])) {
                         $redirect_page .= $extra_param . '=' . $_GET[$extra_param] . '&amp;';
                         // for the confirmation page
                         $comment_confirm_extra[$extra_param] = $_GET[$extra_param];
             $redirect_page .= $plugin->itemName();
         $accesserror = false;
         if (!$xoops->isUser()) {
             $accesserror = true;
         } else {
             if (!$xoops->user->isAdmin($modid)) {
                 $accesserror = true;
         if (false != $accesserror) {
             $ref = $xoops->getEnv('HTTP_REFERER');
             if ($ref != '') {
                 $xoops->redirect($ref, 2, XoopsLocale::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION);
             } else {
                 $xoops->redirect($redirect_page . '?' . $plugin->itemName() . '=' . (int) $id, 2, XoopsLocale::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION);
         switch ($op) {
             case 'delete_one':
                 if (!$comment_handler->delete($comment)) {
                     echo $xoops->alert('error', _MD_COMMENTS_COMDELETENG . ' (ID: ' . $comment->getVar('id') . ')');
                 $itemid = $comment->getVar('itemid');
                 $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('modid', $modid));
                 $criteria->add(new Criteria('itemid', $itemid));
                 $criteria->add(new Criteria('status', COMMENTS_ACTIVE));
                 $comment_count = $comment_handler->getCount($criteria);
                 $plugin->update($itemid, $comment_count);
                 // update user posts if its not an anonymous post
                 if ($comment->getVar('uid') != 0) {
                     $member_handler = $xoops->getHandlerMember();
                     $poster = $member_handler->getUser($comment->getVar('uid'));
                     if (is_object($poster)) {
                         $member_handler->updateUserByField($poster, 'posts', $poster->getVar('posts') - 1);
                 // get all comments posted later within the same thread
                 $thread_comments = $comment_handler->getThread($comment->getVar('rootid'), $id);
                 $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'id', 'pid', 'rootid');
                 $child_comments = $xot->getFirstChild($id);
                 // now set new parent ID for direct child comments
                 $new_pid = $comment->getVar('pid');
                 $errs = array();
                 foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
                     $child_comments[$i]->setVar('pid', $new_pid);
                     // if the deleted comment is a root comment, need to change root id to own id
                     if (false != $comment->isRoot()) {
                         $new_rootid = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('id');
                         $child_comments[$i]->setVar('rootid', $child_comments[$i]->getVar('id'));
                         if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                             $errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <strong>' . $id . '</strong> to <strong>' . $new_pid . '</strong>. (ID: ' . $new_rootid . ')';
                         } else {
                             // need to change root id for all its child comments as well
                             $c_child_comments = $xot->getAllChild($new_rootid);
                             $cc_count = count($c_child_comments);
                             foreach (array_keys($c_child_comments) as $j) {
                                 $c_child_comments[$j]->setVar('rootid', $new_rootid);
                                 if (!$comment_handler->insert($c_child_comments[$j])) {
                                     $errs[] = 'Could not change comment root ID from <strong>' . $id . '</strong> to <strong>' . $new_rootid . '</strong>.';
                     } else {
                         if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                             $errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <strong>' . $id . '</strong> to <strong>' . $new_pid . '</strong>.';
                 if (count($errs) > 0) {
                     echo $xoops->alert('error', $errs);
                 $xoops->redirect($redirect_page . '=' . $itemid . '&amp;com_order=' . $order . '&amp;com_mode=' . $mode, 1, _MD_COMMENTS_COMDELETED);
             case 'delete_all':
                 $rootid = $comment->getVar('rootid');
                 // get all comments posted later within the same thread
                 $thread_comments = $comment_handler->getThread($rootid, $id);
                 // construct a comment tree
                 $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'id', 'pid', 'rootid');
                 $child_comments = $xot->getAllChild($id);
                 // add itself here
                 $child_comments[$id] = $comment;
                 $msgs = array();
                 $deleted_num = array();
                 $member_handler = $xoops->getHandlerMember();
                 foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
                     if (!$comment_handler->delete($child_comments[$i])) {
                         $msgs[] = _MD_COMMENTS_COMDELETENG . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('id') . ')';
                     } else {
                         $msgs[] = _MD_COMMENTS_COMDELETED . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('id') . ')';
                         // store poster ID and deleted post number into array for later use
                         $poster_id = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('uid');
                         if ($poster_id > 0) {
                             $deleted_num[$poster_id] = !isset($deleted_num[$poster_id]) ? 1 : $deleted_num[$poster_id] + 1;
                 foreach ($deleted_num as $user_id => $post_num) {
                     // update user posts
                     $poster = $member_handler->getUser($user_id);
                     if (is_object($poster)) {
                         $member_handler->updateUserByField($poster, 'posts', $poster->getVar('posts') - $post_num);
                 $itemid = $comment->getVar('itemid');
                 $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('modid', $modid));
                 $criteria->add(new Criteria('itemid', $itemid));
                 $criteria->add(new Criteria('status', COMMENTS_ACTIVE));
                 $comment_count = $comment_handler->getCount($criteria);
                 $plugin->update($itemid, $comment_count);
                 echo $xoops->alert('info', $msgs);
                 echo '<br /><a href="' . $redirect_page . '=' . $itemid . '&amp;com_order=' . $order . '&amp;com_mode=' . $mode . '">' . XoopsLocale::GO_BACK . '</a>';
             case 'delete':
                 $comment_confirm = array('com_id' => $id, 'com_mode' => $mode, 'com_order' => $order, 'op' => array(_MD_COMMENTS_DELETEONE => 'delete_one', _MD_COMMENTS_DELETEALL => 'delete_all'));
                 if (!empty($comment_confirm_extra) && is_array($comment_confirm_extra)) {
                     $comment_confirm = $comment_confirm + $comment_confirm_extra;
                 echo $xoops->confirm($comment_confirm, 'comment_delete.php', _MD_COMMENTS_DELETESELECT);
Ejemplo n.º 8
* News export
* You can use this function in the module's admin when you click on the tab named "News Export"
* First select a range of date, possibly a range of topics and if you want, check the option "Include Topics Definitions"
* to also export the topics.
* News, and topics, will be exported to the XML format.
function NewsExport()
    global $xoopsDB;
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
    echo "<br />";
    $sform = new XoopsThemeForm(_AM_NEWS_EXPORT_NEWS, "exportform", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/admin/index.php', 'post');
    $dates_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_NEWS_EXPORT_BETWEEN);
    $date1 = new XoopsFormTextDateSelect('', 'date1', 15, time());
    $date2 = new XoopsFormTextDateSelect(_AM_NEWS_EXPORT_AND, 'date2', 15, time());
    $topiclist = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_NEWS_PRUNE_TOPICS, 'export_topics', '', 5, true);
    $topics_arr = array();
    $xt = new NewsTopic();
    $allTopics = $xt->getAllTopics(false);
    // The webmaster can see everything
    $topic_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($allTopics, 'topic_id', 'topic_pid');
    $topics_arr = $topic_tree->getAllChild(0);
    if (count($topics_arr)) {
        foreach ($topics_arr as $onetopic) {
            $topiclist->addOption($onetopic->topic_id(), $onetopic->topic_title());
    $sform->addElement($topiclist, false);
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormRadioYN(_AM_NEWS_EXPORT_INCTOPICS, 'includetopics', 0), false);
    $sform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('op', 'launchexport'), false);
    $button_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray('', '');
    $submit_btn = new XoopsFormButton('', 'post', _SUBMIT, 'submit');
 function deleteComment($com_id)
     $delete_op = isset($_POST['delete_op']) ? xoops_trim($_POST['delete_op']) : 'delete_one';
     switch ($delete_op) {
         case 'delete_one':
             $comment_handler = xoops_gethandler('comment');
             $comment =& $comment_handler->get($com_id);
             if (!$comment_handler->delete($comment)) {
                 return xoops_error(_CM_COMDELETENG . ' (ID: ' . $comment->getVar('com_id') . ')');
             $com_itemid = $comment->getVar('com_itemid');
             // update user posts if its not an anonymous post
             if ($comment->getVar('com_uid') != 0) {
                 $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
                 $com_poster =& $member_handler->getUser($comment->getVar('com_uid'));
                 if (is_object($com_poster)) {
                     $member_handler->updateUserByField($com_poster, 'posts', $com_poster->getVar('posts') - 1);
             // get all comments posted later within the same thread
             $thread_comments =& $comment_handler->getThread($comment->getVar('com_rootid'), $com_id);
             include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
             $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'com_id', 'com_pid', 'com_rootid');
             $child_comments =& $xot->getFirstChild($com_id);
             // now set new parent ID for direct child comments
             $new_pid = $comment->getVar('com_pid');
             //				$errs = array();
             $msgs = '';
             foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
                 $child_comments[$i]->setVar('com_pid', $new_pid);
                 // if the deleted comment is a root comment, need to change root id to own id
                 if (false != $comment->isRoot()) {
                     $new_rootid = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id');
                     $child_comments[$i]->setVar('com_rootid', $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id'));
                     if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                         //							$errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>'.$com_id.'</b> to <b>'.$new_pid.'</b>. (ID: '.$new_rootid.')';
                         $msgs .= 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>' . $com_id . '</b> to <b>' . $new_pid . '</b>. (ID: ' . $new_rootid . ')<br />';
                     } else {
                         // need to change root id for all its child comments as well
                         $c_child_comments =& $xot->getAllChild($new_rootid);
                         $cc_count = count($c_child_comments);
                         foreach (array_keys($c_child_comments) as $j) {
                             $c_child_comments[$j]->setVar('com_rootid', $new_rootid);
                             if (!$comment_handler->insert($c_child_comments[$j])) {
                                 //									$errs[] = 'Could not change comment root ID from <b>'.$com_id.'</b> to <b>'.$new_rootid.'</b>.';
                                 $msgs .= 'Could not change comment root ID from <b>' . $com_id . '</b> to <b>' . $new_rootid . '</b>.<br />';
                 } else {
                     if (!$comment_handler->insert($child_comments[$i])) {
                         //							$errs[] = 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>'.$com_id.'</b> to <b>'.$new_pid.'</b>.';
                         $msgs .= 'Could not change comment parent ID from <b>' . $com_id . '</b> to <b>' . $new_pid . '</b>.<br />';
             //				if(count($errs) > 0)
             if ($msgs != '') {
                 //					return xoops_error($errs);
                 return $msgs;
             //			redirect_header($redirect_page.'='.$com_itemid.'&amp;com_order='.$com_order.'&amp;com_mode='.$com_mode, 1, _CM_COMDELETED);
             return _CM_COMDELETED;
         case 'delete_all':
             $comment_handler = xoops_gethandler('comment');
             $comment =& $comment_handler->get($com_id);
             $com_rootid = $comment->getVar('com_rootid');
             // get all comments posted later within the same thread
             $thread_comments =& $comment_handler->getThread($com_rootid, $com_id);
             // construct a comment tree
             include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
             $xot = new XoopsObjectTree($thread_comments, 'com_id', 'com_pid', 'com_rootid');
             $child_comments =& $xot->getAllChild($com_id);
             // add itself here
             $child_comments[$com_id] =& $comment;
             //				$msgs = array();
             $msgs = '';
             $deleted_num = array();
             $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
             foreach (array_keys($child_comments) as $i) {
                 if (!$comment_handler->delete($child_comments[$i])) {
                     //						$msgs[] = _CM_COMDELETENG.' (ID: '.$child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id').')';
                     $msgs .= _CM_COMDELETENG . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id') . ')<br />';
                 } else {
                     //						$msgs[] = _CM_COMDELETED.' (ID: '.$child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id').')';
                     $msgs .= _CM_COMDELETED . ' (ID: ' . $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_id') . ')<br />';
                     // store poster ID and deleted post number into array for later use
                     $poster_id = $child_comments[$i]->getVar('com_uid');
                     if ($poster_id > 0) {
                         $deleted_num[$poster_id] = !isset($deleted_num[$poster_id]) ? 1 : $deleted_num[$poster_id] + 1;
             foreach ($deleted_num as $user_id => $post_num) {
                 // update user posts
                 $com_poster = $member_handler->getUser($user_id);
                 if (is_object($com_poster)) {
                     $member_handler->updateUserByField($com_poster, 'posts', $com_poster->getVar('posts') - $post_num);
             $com_itemid = $comment->getVar('com_itemid');
             // execute updateStat callback function if set
             if (isset($comment_config['callback']['update']) && trim($comment_config['callback']['update']) != '') {
                 $skip = false;
                 if (!function_exists($comment_config['callback']['update'])) {
                     if (isset($comment_config['callbackFile'])) {
                         $callbackfile = trim($comment_config['callbackFile']);
                         if ($callbackfile != '' && file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $moddir . '/' . $callbackfile)) {
                             include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $moddir . '/' . $callbackfile;
                         if (!function_exists($comment_config['callback']['update'])) {
                             $skip = true;
                     } else {
                         $skip = true;
                 if (!$skip) {
                     $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('com_modid', $this->mid));
                     $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_itemid', $com_itemid));
                     $criteria->add(new Criteria('com_status', XOOPS_COMMENT_ACTIVE));
                     $comment_count = $comment_handler->getCount($criteria);
                     $comment_config['callback']['update']($com_itemid, $comment_count);
             //				return xoops_result($msgs);
             return $msgs;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    if (!isset($_SESSION['items_count']) || $_SESSION['items_count'] == -1) {
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as cpt FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("topics") . " WHERE menu=1";
        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
        list($count) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
        $_SESSION['items_count'] = $count;
    } else {
        $count = $_SESSION['items_count'];
    if ($count > 0) {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/class/class.newstopic.php';
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
        $xt = new NewsTopic();
        $allTopics = $xt->getAllTopics(news_getmoduleoption('restrictindex'));
        $topic_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($allTopics, 'topic_id', 'topic_pid');
        $topics_arr = $topic_tree->getAllChild(0);
        if ($module) {
            foreach ($topics_arr as $onetopic) {
                if ($gperm_handler->checkRight('news_view', $onetopic->topic_id(), $groups, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid')) && $onetopic->menu()) {
                    $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = $onetopic->topic_title();
                    $modversion['sub'][$i]['url'] = "index.php?storytopic=" . $onetopic->topic_id();
$modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME2;
$modversion['sub'][$i]['url'] = "archive.php";
if ($cansubmit) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_category', _MD_MYLINKS_CATEGORY);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_hits', _MD_MYLINKS_HITS);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_rating', _MD_MYLINKS_RATING);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_vote', _MD_MYLINKS_VOTE);
// get main category titles
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new Criteria('pid', 0, '='));
$catElements = array('title');
$mainCatTitleArray = $mylinksCatHandler->getAll($criteria, $catElements, false, true);
$mainCatIdArray = array_keys($mainCatTitleArray);
$catCount = count($mainCatIdArray);
$mainCatIds = $catCount ? '(' . implode(',', $mainCatIdArray) . ')' : '';
$rankings = array();
foreach ($mainCatIdArray as $catKey) {
    $treeIds = array();
    $thisCatTree = $myCatTree->getAllChild($catKey);
    if (!empty($thisCatTree)) {
        $treeIds = array_keys($thisCatTree);
    array_push($treeIds, $catKey);
    $subcatIds = '(' . implode(',', $treeIds) . ')';
    $sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, hits, rating, votes FROM " . "" . $xoopsDB->prefix("mylinks_links") . "" . " WHERE status>0 AND cid IN {$subcatIds} WHERE {$sortDB}>0 ORDER BY {$sortDB} DESC LIMIT 0,10";
    $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
    if ($result) {
        $catTitle = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($mainCatTitleArray[$catKey]['title']);
        $rankings[$catKey]['title'] = sprintf(_MD_MYLINKS_TOP10, $catTitle);
        $rank = 1;
        while (list($lid, $lcid, $ltitle, $hits, $rating, $votes) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
            $thisCatObj = $mylinksCatHandler->get($lcid);
            $homePath = "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . "/index.php'>" . _MD_MYLINKS_MAIN . "</a>&nbsp;:&nbsp;";
            $itemPath = "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . "/viewcat.php?cid={$lcid}'>" . $thisCatObj->getVar('title') . "</a>";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Creates, for Mozilla/Netscape and Opera the site navigation's bar
 * @package News
 * @author Hervé Thouzard (www.herve-thouzard.com)
 * @copyright (c) The Xoops Project - www.xoops.org
function CreateSiteNavBar()
    global $xoopsConfig;
    $content = '';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/news/class/class.newstopic.php";
    $content = sprintf("<link rel=\"Home\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s/\" />\n", $xoopsConfig['sitename'], XOOPS_URL);
    $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Contents\" href=\"%s\" />\n", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php');
    $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Search\" href=\"%s\" />\n", XOOPS_URL . '/search.php');
    $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Glossary\" href=\"%s\" />\n", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/archive.php');
    $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"%s\" href=\"%s\" />\n", $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_NW_SUBMITNEWS), XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/submit.php');
    $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s/\" />\n", $xoopsConfig['sitename'], XOOPS_URL . '/backend.php');
    // create chapters
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/tree.php";
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/news/class/class.newstopic.php";
    $xt = new NewsTopic();
    $allTopics = $xt->getAllTopics(getmoduleoption('restrictindex'));
    $topic_tree = new XoopsObjectTree($allTopics, 'topic_id', 'topic_pid');
    $topics_arr = $topic_tree->getAllChild(0);
    foreach ($topics_arr as $onetopic) {
        $content .= sprintf("<link rel=\"Chapter\" title=\"%s\" href=\"%s\" />\n", $onetopic->topic_title(), XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=' . $onetopic->topic_id());
    return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Affiche le bloc des catégories en fonction de la catégorie en cours (fonctionne de paire avec les pages du module)
function b_oledrion_category_show($options)
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $block = array();
    include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/oledrion/include/common.php';
    $url = OLEDRION_URL . 'include/oledrion.css';
    $xoopsTpl->assign("xoops_module_header", "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$url}\" />");
    $block['nostock_msg'] = oledrion_utils::getModuleOption('nostock_msg');
    if (intval($options[0]) == 0) {
        // Catégories selon la page en cours
        $block['block_option'] = 0;
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['current_category']) || $GLOBALS['current_category'] == -1) {
            return false;
        $cat_cid = intval($GLOBALS['current_category']);
        include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/oledrion/include/common.php';
        if ($cat_cid > 0) {
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
            $tbl_categories = $tblChilds = $tbl_tmp = array();
            $tbl_categories = $h_oledrion_cat->getAllCategories(new oledrion_parameters());
            $mytree = new XoopsObjectTree($tbl_categories, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
            $tblChilds = $mytree->getAllChild($cat_cid);
            //$tblChilds = array_reverse($tblChilds);
            foreach ($tblChilds as $item) {
                $tbl_tmp[] = "<a href='" . $item->getLink() . "' title='" . oledrion_utils::makeHrefTitle($item->getVar('cat_title')) . "'>" . $item->getVar('cat_title') . "</a>";
            $block['block_categories'] = $tbl_tmp;
            $category = null;
            if ($cat_cid > 0) {
                $category = $h_oledrion_cat->get($cat_cid);
                if (is_object($category)) {
                    $block['block_current_category'] = $category->toArray();
        } else {
            // On est à la racine, on n'affiche donc que les catégories mères
            $tbl_categories = array();
            $criteria = new Criteria('cat_pid', 0, '=');
            $tbl_categories = $h_oledrion_cat->getObjects($criteria, true);
            foreach ($tbl_categories as $item) {
                $tbl_tmp[] = "<a href='" . $item->getLink() . "' title='" . oledrion_utils::makeHrefTitle($item->getVar('cat_title')) . "'>" . $item->getVar('cat_title') . "</a>";
            $block['block_categories'] = $tbl_tmp;
    } elseif (intval($options[0]) == 1) {
        // Affichage classique
        $block['block_option'] = 1;
        include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/oledrion/include/common.php';
        include_once OLEDRION_PATH . 'class/tree.php';
        $tbl_categories = $h_oledrion_cat->getAllCategories(new oledrion_parameters());
        $mytree = new Oledrion_XoopsObjectTree($tbl_categories, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
        $jump = OLEDRION_URL . "category.php?cat_cid=";
        $additional = "onchange='location=\"" . $jump . "\"+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'";
        if (isset($GLOBALS['current_category']) && $GLOBALS['current_category'] != -1) {
            $cat_cid = intval($GLOBALS['current_category']);
        } else {
            $cat_cid = 0;
        $htmlSelect = $mytree->makeSelBox('cat_cid', 'cat_title', '-', $cat_cid, false, 0, $additional);
        $block['htmlSelect'] = $htmlSelect;
    } else {
        // Affichage de toute l'arborescence, dépliée
        $block['block_option'] = 2;
        $block['liMenu'] = $h_oledrion_cat->getUlMenu('category_title');
    return $block;
Ejemplo n.º 14
function b_myshop_category_show($options)
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $block = array();
    include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/myshop/include/common.php';
    $url = MYSHOP_URL . 'include/myshop.css';
    $xoopsTpl->assign("xoops_module_header", "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$url}\" />");
    $block['nostock_msg'] = myshop_utils::getModuleOption('nostock_msg');
    if (intval($options[0]) == 0) {
        $block['block_option'] = 0;
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['current_category']) || $GLOBALS['current_category'] == -1) {
            return false;
        $cat_cid = intval($GLOBALS['current_category']);
        include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/myshop/include/common.php';
        if ($cat_cid > 0) {
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
            $tbl_categories = $tblChilds = $tbl_tmp = array();
            $tbl_categories = $h_myshop_cat->getAllCategories();
            $mytree = new XoopsObjectTree($tbl_categories, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
            $tblChilds = $mytree->getAllChild($cat_cid);
            foreach ($tblChilds as $item) {
                $tbl_tmp[] = "<a href='" . $item->getLink() . "' title='" . myshop_utils::makeHrefTitle($item->getVar('cat_title')) . "'>" . $item->getVar('cat_title') . "</a>";
            $block['block_categories'] = $tbl_tmp;
            $category = null;
            if ($cat_cid > 0) {
                $category = $h_myshop_cat->get($cat_cid);
                if (is_object($category)) {
                    $block['block_current_category'] = $category->toArray();
        } else {
            $tbl_categories = array();
            $criteria = new Criteria('cat_pid', 0, '=');
            $tbl_categories = $h_myshop_cat->getObjects($criteria, true);
            foreach ($tbl_categories as $item) {
                $tbl_tmp[] = "<a href='" . $item->getLink() . "' title='" . myshop_utils::makeHrefTitle($item->getVar('cat_title')) . "'>" . $item->getVar('cat_title') . "</a>";
            $block['block_categories'] = $tbl_tmp;
    } else {
        // Normal display
        $block['block_option'] = 1;
        include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/myshop/include/common.php';
        include_once MYSHOP_PATH . 'class/tree.php';
        $tbl_categories = $h_myshop_cat->getAllCategories();
        $mytree = new Myshop_XoopsObjectTree($tbl_categories, 'cat_cid', 'cat_pid');
        $jump = MYSHOP_URL . "category.php?cat_cid=";
        $additional = "onchange='location=\"" . $jump . "\"+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'";
        if (isset($GLOBALS['current_category']) && $GLOBALS['current_category'] != -1) {
            $cat_cid = intval($GLOBALS['current_category']);
        } else {
            $cat_cid = 0;
        $htmlSelect = $mytree->makeSelBox('cat_cid', 'cat_title', '-', $cat_cid, false, 0, $additional);
        $block['htmlSelect'] = $htmlSelect;
    return $block;