public function ensureSpecifiedUser() { $strUsername = $this->request->getProperty("username"); $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance(); $error = $labels->getLabel("text_collections_error_private_collection_save"); $error = sprintf($error, $strUsername); Xerxes_Helper::ensureSpecifiedUser($strUsername, $this->request, $this->registry, $error); }
public function doExecute() { $arrSaved = array(); $arrMatch = array(); $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); // find all of the xerxes records $objRecords = $this->request->getData("//xerxes_record", null, "DOMNodeList"); if ($objRecords->length > 0) { foreach ($objRecords as $objXerxesRecord) { $strResultSet = ""; $strRecordNumber = ""; $objResultSet = $objXerxesRecord->getElementsByTagName("result_set")->item(0); $objRecordNumber = $objXerxesRecord->getElementsByTagName("record_number")->item(0); if ($objResultSet != null) { $strResultSet = $objResultSet->nodeValue; } if ($objRecordNumber != null) { $strRecordNumber = $objRecordNumber->nodeValue; } if ($strRecordNumber != "" && $strResultSet != "") { // see if it's listed in session as being saved if (Xerxes_Helper::isMarkedSaved($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber)) { $key = Xerxes_Helper::savedRecordKey($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber); $id = $_SESSION['resultsSaved'][$key]['xerxes_record_id']; array_push($arrSaved, $id); $arrMatch[$id] = $strResultSet . ":" . $strRecordNumber; } } } if (count($arrSaved) == 0) { return 0; } // fetch all the saved records on this page in one query to the database $arrResults = $objData->getRecordsByID($arrSaved); if (count($arrResults) == 0) { return 0; } else { $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml->loadXML("<saved_records />"); foreach ($arrResults as $objSavedRecord) { // id $objSavedRecordXml = $objXml->createElement("saved"); $objSavedRecordXml->setAttribute("id", $arrMatch[$objSavedRecord->id]); $objIDXml = $objXml->createElement("id", $objSavedRecord->id); $objSavedRecordXml->appendChild($objIDXml); // labels foreach ($objSavedRecord->tags as $tag) { $objTagXml = $objXml->createElement("tag", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($tag)); $objSavedRecordXml->appendChild($objTagXml); } $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objSavedRecordXml); } $this->request->addDocument($objXml); return 1; } } }
public function doExecute() { $lang = $this->request->getProperty("lang"); // main list of subcategories and databases $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml->loadXML("<category />"); // list of subcategories that should go in the sidebar $objSidebar = new DOMDocument(); $objSidebar->loadXML("<sidebar />"); $strOld = $this->request->getProperty("category"); $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject"); $configSidebar = $this->registry->getConfig("SUBCATEGORIES_SIDEBAR", false, null, $lang); $arrSidebar = explode(",", $configSidebar); // look up home page default subject from config if no subject was specified, and we were // instructed to look it up with use_categories_quicksearch=true if ($strSubject == "" && $this->request->getProperty("use_categories_quicksearch") == "true") { $strSubject = $this->registry->getConfig("categories_quicksearch", false, "quick-search", $lang); } $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $objCategoryData = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, $strOld, "metalib", null, $lang); $y = 1; if ($objCategoryData != null) { $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("name", $objCategoryData->name); $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("normalized", $objCategoryData->normalized); // standard url for the category $arrParams = array("base" => "databases", "action" => "subject", "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized); $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); $objElement = $objXml->createElement("url", $url); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objElement); // the attributes of the subcategories $db_list_index = 1; foreach ($objCategoryData->subcategories as $objSubData) { $objSubCategory = $objXml->createElement("subcategory"); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("name", $objSubData->name); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("position", $y); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("id", $objSubData->id); $y++; // the database information foreach ($objSubData->databases as $objDatabaseData) { $objDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($objDatabaseData, $this->request, $this->registry, $db_list_index); $objDatabase = $objXml->importNode($objDatabase, true); $objSubCategory->appendChild($objDatabase); } // if marked for the sidebar, put it there if (in_array($objSubData->name, $arrSidebar)) { $objImport = $objSidebar->importNode($objSubCategory, true); $objSidebar->documentElement->appendChild($objImport); } else { $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objSubCategory); } } } $this->request->addDocument($objXml); $this->request->addDocument($objSidebar); return 1; }
public function doExecute() { // ensure this is the same user $strRedirect = $this->enforceUsername(); if ($strRedirect != null) { $this->request->setRedirect($strRedirect); return 1; } // get request parameters and configuration settings $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username"); $strSource = $this->request->getProperty("source"); $strID = $this->request->getProperty("id"); // params for deciding where to send the user back $strType = $this->request->getProperty("type"); $strLabel = $this->request->getProperty("label"); $iStart = $this->request->getProperty("startRecord"); $iTotal = $this->request->getProperty("total"); $iCount = $this->request->getProperty("recordsPerPage"); $strSort = $this->request->getProperty("sortKeys"); // ensure we send user back to a page with actual results! if ($iTotal == 1 && ($strLabel != "" || $strType != "")) { // if this is the last result in a tag or format grouping, then // simply redirect back to the folder home page $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "home", "sortKeys" => $strSort, "username" => $this->request->getSession("username")); } else { // if the last record in the results is also the last one on // the page (of 10 or whatever), send the user back to an // earlier page with results on it if ($iStart > $iCount && $iStart == $iTotal) { $iStart = $iStart - $iCount; } $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "home", "username" => $this->request->getSession("username"), "type" => $strType, "label" => $strLabel, "sortKeys" => $strSort, "startRecord" => $iStart); } $strReturn = $this->request->url_for($arrParams); // delete the record from the database $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $objData->deleteRecordBySource($strUsername, $strSource, $strID); // update the session // Sorry this gets a bit confusing, the api hasn't stayed entirely consistent. $resultSet = ""; $recordNumber = $strID; $id = explode(':', $strID); // metalib if (count($id) > 1) { $resultSet = $id[1]; $recordNumber = $id[2]; } Xerxes_Helper::unmarkSaved($resultSet, $recordNumber); // send the user back out, so they don't step on this again $this->request->setRedirect($strReturn); return 1; }
public function doExecute() { $objXml = new DOMDOcument(); $objXml->loadXML("<databases />"); $strID = $this->request->getProperty("id"); $strQuery = $this->request->getProperty("query"); $alpha = $this->request->getProperty("alpha"); $objDataMap = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $arrResults = array(); if ($strID) { $arrResults = $objDataMap->getDatabases($strID); if (count($arrResults) == 0) { throw new Xerxes_Exception_NotFound("Can not find database with id {$strID}"); } } elseif ($alpha != "") { $this->addAlphaList(); $arrResults = $objDataMap->getDatabasesStartingWith($alpha); } elseif ($strQuery) { $arrResults = $objDataMap->getDatabases(null, $strQuery); } elseif ($this->request->getProperty("suppress_full_db_list") != "true") { $this->addAlphaList(); // only show single letters, please if ($this->registry->getConfig("DATABASE_LIST_SINGLE_LETTER_DISPAY", false, false) && $this->request->getProperty("action") == "alphabetical") { $params = array("base" => "databases", "action" => "alphabetical", "alpha" => "A"); $link = $this->request->url_for($params); $this->request->setRedirect($link); return 0; } // all database $arrResults = $objDataMap->getDatabases(); } foreach ($arrResults as $objDatabaseData) { $objDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($objDatabaseData, $this->request, $this->registry); $objDatabase = $objXml->importNode($objDatabase, true); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objDatabase); } $this->request->addDocument($objXml); return 1; }
public static function completeUrlTemplates($records, $objRequest, $objRegistry, &$database_links_dom = null) { // If we weren't passed in a cached DOMDocument with a database_links // section, create one. Note that the var was passed by reference, // so this is available to the caller. if ($database_links_dom == null) { $metalib_ids = array(); foreach ($records as $r) { array_push($metalib_ids, $r->getMetalibID()); } $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $databases = $objData->getDatabases($metalib_ids); $database_links_dom = new DOMDocument(); $database_links_dom->loadXML("<database_links/>"); foreach ($databases as $db) { $objNodeDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToLinksNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry); $objNodeDatabase = $database_links_dom->importNode($objNodeDatabase, true); $database_links_dom->documentElement->appendChild($objNodeDatabase); } } // Pick out the templates into a convenient structure $linkTemplates = self::getLinkTemplates($database_links_dom); ### Add link to native record and to external holdings URL too, if # available from metalib template. foreach ($records as $r) { if ($r->getMetalibID() && array_key_exists($r->getMetalibID(), $linkTemplates)) { $arrTemplates = $linkTemplates[$r->getMetalibID()]; foreach ($arrTemplates as $type => $template) { $filled_in_link = $r->resolveUrlTemplate($template); if (!empty($filled_in_link)) { array_push($r->links, array(null, $filled_in_link, $type)); } } } } }
public function doExecute() { $objSearch = $this->getSearchObject(); // metalib search object $bolRedirect = false; // final determination to redirect on merge $objStatus = new DOMDocument(); // search status $objMerge = new DOMDocument(); // merge information $iProgress = null; // number of times metalib status polled // params from the request $id = $this->request->getProperty("group"); $strGroup = $this->getGroupNumber(); $strMergeRedirect = $this->request->getProperty("mergeRedirect"); // configuration options $configShowMergedResults = $this->registry->getConfig("IMMEDIATELY_SHOW_MERGED_RESULTS", false, true); $configApplication = $this->registry->getConfig("APPLICATION_SID", false, ""); $configFacets = $this->registry->getConfig("FACETS", false, false); $configRecordsPerPage = $this->registry->getConfig("RECORDS_PER_PAGE", false, 10); $iRefreshSeconds = $this->registry->getConfig("SEARCH_PROGRESS_CAP", false, 35); $configHitsCap = (string) $iRefreshSeconds / 5; $configSortPrimary = $this->registry->getConfig("SORT_ORDER_PRIMARY", false, "rank"); $configSortSecondary = $this->registry->getConfig("SORT_ORDER_SECONDARY", false, "year"); // access control $objSearchXml = $this->getCache($id, "search", "DOMDocument"); Xerxes_Helper::checkDbListSearchableByUser($objSearchXml, $this->request, $this->registry); // redirect link base $arrParams = array("base" => "metasearch", "action" => "results", "group" => $id); // determine if redirect after merge if ($configShowMergedResults == true) { $bolRedirect = true; } if ($strMergeRedirect == "false") { $bolRedirect = false; } else { if ($strMergeRedirect == "true") { $bolRedirect = true; } } // get status of the search and cache result $objStatus = $objSearch->searchStatus($strGroup); $this->setCache($id, "group", $objStatus); // cap the number of refreshes if ($this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}") != null) { // get refresh count $iProgress = (int) $this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}"); // if we hit limit, set metalib finish flag to true if ($iProgress >= (int) $configHitsCap) { $objSearch->setFinished(true); } else { $iProgress++; $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", $iProgress); } } else { $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", 1); } // if done see if there are results and merge and redirect, // otherwise this will fall thru and continue with auto refreshing if ($objSearch->getFinished() == true) { $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", 10); // check to see if there are any documents to merge, and then merge // and create facets $iGroupTotal = 0; // total number of hits in the group $arrDatabaseHits = array(); // total number of databases with hits $objSimpleXml = simplexml_import_dom($objStatus->documentElement); $bolSearchLinkHit = false; $strSearchLinkSet = ""; foreach ($objSimpleXml->xpath("//base_info") as $objBase) { if ((string) $objBase->no_of_documents == "888888888") { $bolSearchLinkHit = true; $strSearchLinkSet = (string) $objBase->set_number; } elseif ((int) $objBase->no_of_documents > 0) { // we'll only count the databases with hits $iGroupTotal += (int) $objBase->no_of_documents; array_push($arrDatabaseHits, (string) $objBase->set_number); } } // only got a search-and-link database if ($iGroupTotal == 0 && $bolSearchLinkHit == true) { $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strSearchLinkSet; $this->request->setRedirect($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); return 1; } // got hits if ($iGroupTotal > 0) { // we'll only issue the merge command if there is more than one database // with hits, otherwise there's no point if (count($arrDatabaseHits) == 1) { $strSetNumber = $arrDatabaseHits[0]; // redirect to results page $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strSetNumber; $this->cache->save(); $this->request->setRedirect($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); return 1; } else { $strMergeSet = ""; // merge set identifier $iMergeCount = 0; // count of documents in the merge set // merge the top results $objMerge = $objSearch->merge($strGroup, $configSortPrimary, $configSortSecondary); // get the newly updated status that resulted from that merge // operation and cache $objStatus = $objSearch->searchStatus($strGroup); $this->setCache($id, "group", $objStatus); $objXPath = new DOMXPath($objMerge); // extract new merge set number and total hits for merge set if ($objXPath->query("//new_set_number")->item(0) != null) { $strMergeSet = $objXPath->query("//new_set_number")->item(0)->nodeValue; } if ($objXPath->query("//no_of_documents")->item(0) != null) { $iMergeCount = (int) $objXPath->query("//no_of_documents")->item(0)->nodeValue; } if ($strMergeSet == "") { //throw new Exception( "Result from Metalib returned no set number" ); } // cache the facets response, but only if there are more results than a single page // and facets have been turned on if ($iMergeCount > $configRecordsPerPage && $configFacets == true) { $objFacetXml = $objSearch->facets($strMergeSet, "all", $configApplication); $this->setCache($id, "facets", $objFacetXml); // cache a slimmed down version of the facets as well // to ease the load on the interface $strFacetSlim = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objFacetXml, "xsl/utility/facets-slim.xsl"); $this->setCache($id, "facets_slim", $strFacetSlim); } } // redirect to results page with merge set if ($bolRedirect == true) { // catch no hits if ($iMergeCount == 0) { // check to see if any of the individual dbs had a search-and-link with // a 'results found' indicator $bolIndividual = false; $strIndividualSet = ""; foreach ($objStatus->getElementsByTagName("base_info") as $objDb) { foreach ($objDb->getElementsByTagName("no_of_documents") as $objDocs) { if ((int) $objDocs->nodeValue > 0) { $bolIndividual = true; if ($objDb->getElementsByTagName("set_number")->item(0) != null) { $strIndividualSet = $objDb->getElementsByTagName("set_number")->item(0)->nodeValue; break 2; } } } } if ($bolIndividual == true) { // redirect to individual results page $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strIndividualSet; $this->cache->save(); $this->request->setRedirect($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); return 1; } } else { // redirect to merged results page $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strMergeSet; $this->cache->save(); $this->request->setRedirect($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); return 1; } } } } // build the response from previous cached data $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml = $this->documentElement(); $objXml = $this->addSearchInfo($objXml, $id); $objXml = $this->addStatus($objXml, $id); $objXml = $this->addProgress($objXml, $this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}")); $this->request->addDocument($objXml); $this->saveCache(); return 1; }
public function doExecute() { $start = microtime(true); $arrFields = array(); // fields to return in response $iMaximumRecords = 10; // maximum number of records to return $iTotalHits = 0; // total number of hits in response $arrResults = array(); // holds results returned // metalib search object $objSearch = $this->getSearchObject(); // parameters from request $id = $this->request->getProperty("group"); $strGroup = $this->getGroupNumber(); $strResultSet = $this->request->getProperty("resultSet"); $iStartRecord = (int) $this->request->getProperty("startRecord"); // access control $objSearchXml = $this->getCache($id, "search", "DOMDocument"); Xerxes_Helper::checkDbListSearchableByUser($objSearchXml, $this->request, $this->registry); // marc fields to return from metalib; we specify these here in order to keep // the response size as small (and thus as fast) as possible $strMarcFields = self::MARC_FIELDS_BRIEF; // $strMarcFields = "#####, OPURL"; // configuration options $configRecordPerPage = $this->registry->getConfig("RECORDS_PER_PAGE", false, self::DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE); $configMarcFields = $this->registry->getConfig("MARC_FIELDS_BRIEF", false); $configIncludeMarcRecord = $this->registry->getConfig("XERXES_BRIEF_INCLUDE_MARC", false, false); $configFacets = $this->registry->getConfig("FACETS", false, false); // add additional marc fields specified in the config file if ($configMarcFields != null) { $configMarcFields .= ", " . $strMarcFields; } else { $configMarcFields = $strMarcFields; } // empty querystring values will return as 0, so fix here in case if ($iStartRecord == 0) { $iStartRecord = 1; } $iMaximumRecords = (int) $configRecordPerPage; // extract total hits from this result set $objXml = $this->getCache($id, "group", "SimpleXML"); foreach ($objXml->xpath("//base_info") as $base_info) { if ($base_info->set_number == $strResultSet) { $strTotalHits = $base_info->no_of_documents; if ($strTotalHits == "888888888") { $iTotalHits = 1; } else { $iTotalHits = (int) $strTotalHits; } } } // set marc fields to return in response $arrFields = explode(",", $configMarcFields); // get results from metalib $objResultsXml = $objSearch->retrieve($strResultSet, $iStartRecord, $iMaximumRecords, $iTotalHits, "customize", $arrFields); // build the response, including previous cached data $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml = $this->documentElement(); $objXml = $this->addSearchInfo($objXml, $id); $objXml = $this->addStatus($objXml, $id, $strResultSet, $iTotalHits); $objXml = $this->addProgress($objXml, $this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}")); // if this is a search-and-link resource add the original xml that contains the link if ($objResultsXml->getElementsByTagName("search_and_link")->item(0) != null) { $objImport = $objXml->importNode($objResultsXml->documentElement, true); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objImport); // this is a http post submission, so we need to see if we have added the post // data to the alternate record link in the IRD, since X-Server bug prevents this // from coming through in the response $objSearchType = $objResultsXml->getElementsByTagName("search_and_link_type")->item(0); if ($objSearchType != null) { if ($objSearchType->nodeValue == "POST") { $objSearchXml = $this->getCache($id, "search", "SimpleXML"); $objGroupXml = $this->getCache($id, "group", "SimpleXML"); $databases_id = $objGroupXml->xpath("//base_info[set_number = '{$strResultSet}']/base_001"); if (count($databases_id) != 1) { throw new Exception("cannot find search-and-link database in group cache"); } $metalib_id = (string) $databases_id[0]; $databases = $objSearchXml->xpath("//database[@metalib_id='{$metalib_id}']"); if (count($databases) != 1) { throw new Exception("cannot find database '{$metalib_id}' in search cache"); } $database = $databases[0]; // the form action $post = (string) $database->link_search_post; // the data to be posted $data = (string) $database->link_native_record_alternative; if ($post == "" || $data == "") { throw new Exception("cannot create http post elements for search-and-link database"); } // xml close to what we need in html, just to make this easy $objPostXML = $objXml->createElement("post"); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objPostXML); $objForm = $objXml->createElement("form"); $objForm->setAttribute("action", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($post)); $objPostXML->appendChild($objForm); foreach (explode("&", $data) as $pair) { $arrKeys = explode("=", $pair); $key = $arrKeys[0]; $value = $arrKeys[1]; // metalib docs say only TERM1 is used in the 'URL mask', if ($value == "TERM1") { $value = (string) $objSearchXml->pair[0]->query; } $objInput = $objXml->createElement("input"); $objInput->setAttribute("name", $key); $objInput->setAttribute("value", $value); $objForm->appendChild($objInput); } } } } else { // add the records themselves foreach ($objResultsXml->getElementsByTagName("record") as $objRecord) { array_push($arrResults, $objRecord); } // this will also convert the marc-xml to xerxes_record, and check for an already // saved record $objXml = $this->addRecords($objXml, $arrResults, $configIncludeMarcRecord); } $objXml = $this->addFacets($objXml, $id, $configFacets); $this->request->addDocument($objXml); // echo time(true) - $start . "<br>"; return 1; }
public function doExecute() { $objXml = new DOMDOcument(); $objXml->loadXML("<category />"); $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject"); $strUser = $this->request->getProperty("username"); $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $objCategoryData = null; // only fetch if we actually have params, avoid the fetch-everything phenomena if ($strSubject && $strUser) { $objCategoryData = $objData->getSubject($strSubject, null, Xerxes_DataMap::userCreatedMode, $strUser); } // if there hasn't if (!$objCategoryData) { if ($this->request->getRedirect()) { // nevermind, we're in the creation process, already redirected, // just end now. return 1; } else { throw new Xerxes_Exception_NotFound("text_collections_error_personal_collection_not_found"); } } // make sure they have access if (!$objCategoryData->published) { Xerxes_Helper::ensureSpecifiedUser($objCategoryData->owned_by_user, $this->request, $this->registry, "text_collections_error_private_collection"); } $y = 1; if ($objCategoryData != null) { $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("name", $objCategoryData->name); $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("normalized", $objCategoryData->normalized); $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("owned_by_user", $objCategoryData->owned_by_user); $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("published", $objCategoryData->published); // we treat the 'default' collection (usually 'My Saved Records') special // giving it less flexibility for simplicity, in the XSL/javascript. if ($this->isDefaultCollection($objCategoryData)) { $objXml->documentElement->setAttribute("is_default_collection", "yes"); } // standard url for the category $arrParams = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "subject", "username" => $strUser, "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized); $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); $objElement = $objXml->createElement("url", $url); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objElement); //edit url for the user-created category $arrParams = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "edit_form", "username" => $strUser, "subject" => $objCategoryData->normalized); $url = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); $objElement = $objXml->createElement("edit_url", $url); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objElement); // the attributes of the subcategories $db_list_index = 1; foreach ($objCategoryData->subcategories as $objSubData) { $objSubCategory = $objXml->createElement("subcategory"); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("name", $objSubData->name); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("position", $y); $objSubCategory->setAttribute("id", $objSubData->id); $y++; // the database information foreach ($objSubData->databases as $objDatabaseData) { $objDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($objDatabaseData, $this->request, $this->registry, $db_list_index); $objDatabase = $objXml->importNode($objDatabase, true); $objSubCategory->appendChild($objDatabase); } $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objSubCategory); } } $this->request->addDocument($objXml); return 1; }
/** * Do something with uncaught errors */ public static function handle($e, Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry) { if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS", false, false)) { throw $e; } // flag certain exception types for special handling in the xslt $strErrorType = get_class($e); // might be a sub-class, reset so view will catch. if ($e instanceof PDOException) { $strErrorType = "PDOException"; } // if this is the command line, just rethrow the error so we can see it; might // make this a little better formatted in the future if ($objRequest->isCommandLine()) { throw $e; } else { // translate heading and message $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance(); if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception) { $heading = $e->heading(); } else { $heading = "text_error"; } $heading = $labels->getLabel($heading); $message = $labels->getLabel($e->getMessage()); // first output to apache error log error_log("Xerxes error: " . $message . ": " . $e->getTraceAsString()); //set proper http response code $resultStatus = 500; if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_AccessDenied) { $resultStatus = 403; } else { if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_NotFound) { $resultStatus = 404; } } header(' ', true, $resultStatus); // send back http status as internal server error or other specified status // for the web, we'll convert the error message to xml along with the type // of exception and hand display off to the error.xsl file $objError = new DOMDocument(); $objError->loadXML("<error />"); $objMessage = $objError->createElement("message", $message); $objMessage->setAttribute("type", $strErrorType); $objError->documentElement->appendChild($objMessage); $objHeading = $objError->createElement("heading", $heading); $objError->documentElement->appendChild($objHeading); // make sure we're showing the main error file $objRegistry->setConfig("XSL_PARENT_DIRECTORY", null); // set the base url for the error.xsl file's benefit; don't want to assume that // the earlier code to this effect was executed before an exception, so this is redundant $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, ""); $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME'); // check for a non-standard port $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT'); if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) { $port = ""; } else { $port = ":" . $port; } $protocol = "http://"; if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) { $protocol = "https://"; } $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port . $base_path; $objBaseURL = $objError->createElement("base_url", $web); $objError->documentElement->appendChild($objBaseURL); // if it's a db denied exception, include info on dbs. if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_DatabasesDenied) { $excluded_xml = $objError->createElement("excluded_dbs"); $objError->documentElement->appendChild($excluded_xml); foreach ($e->deniedDatabases() as $db) { $element = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry); $element = $objError->importNode($element, true); $excluded_xml->appendChild($element); } } // add in the request object's stuff $request_xml = $objRequest->toXML(); $imported = $objError->importNode($request_xml->documentElement, true); foreach ($imported->childNodes as $childNode) { $objError->documentElement->appendChild($childNode); } if ($objRequest->getProperty("format") == "xerxes") { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $objError->saveXML(); } else { // display it to the user. Transform will pick up local // xsl for error page too, great. echo Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objError, "xsl/error.xsl"); } } // need to incorporate methods for doing additional actions based on the type // of error -- probably a config option }
public function doExecute() { $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml->loadXML("<navbar />"); ### saved records link $arrLink = array("base" => "folder"); // make sure there is no return if coming from login to prevent a spider // from thinking this is a different page if ($this->request->getProperty("base") != "authenticate") { $arrLink["return"] = $this->request->getServer("REQUEST_URI"); } $savedRecordsLink = $this->addNavbarElement($objXml, "saved_records", $arrLink); // add numSavedRecords and sessionSavedRecords for proper icon display $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); $num = $objData->totalRecords($this->request->getSession("username")); $savedRecordsLink->setAttribute("numSavedRecords", (string) $num); $savedRecordsLink->setAttribute("numSessionSavedRecords", Xerxes_Helper::numMarkedSaved()); ### my collections (i.e., databases) $arrCollectionUrl = array("base" => "collections", "action" => "list"); if (Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($this->request)) { $arrCollectionUrl["username"] = $this->request->getSession("username"); } $this->addNavbarElement($objXml, "saved_collections", $arrCollectionUrl); ### authentication // tell it to force an https url if so configured. $force_secure_login = false; if ($this->registry->getConfig("secure_login", false) == "true") { $force_secure_login = true; } // login $this->addNavbarElement($objXml, "login", array("base" => "authenticate", "action" => "login", "return" => $this->request->getServer("REQUEST_URI")), $force_secure_login); // logout $this->addNavbarElement($objXml, "logout", array("base" => "authenticate", "action" => "logout", "return" => $this->request->getServer("REQUEST_URI"))); ### db alphabetical list $this->addNavbarElement($objXml, "database_list", array("base" => "databases", "action" => "alphabetical")); ### languages $languages = $this->registry->getConfig("LANGUAGES", false); if ($languages != null) { // map locales to language codes foreach ($languages as $language) { $order = NULL; $code = NULL; foreach ($language->attributes() as $name => $val) { if ($name == "code") { $code = (string) $val; } if ($name == "locale") { $locale = (string) $val; if ($locale == '') { $locale = 'C'; } } } $locales[$code] = $locale; } $languages_xml = $objXml->createElement("languages"); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($languages_xml); $language_names = Xerxes_Framework_Languages::getInstance(); foreach ($languages->language as $language) { $code = (string) $language["code"]; $readable_name = $language_names->getNameFromCode("iso_639_2B_code", $code, $locales[$code]); $native_name = $language_names->getNameFromCode("iso_639_2B_code", $code); $language_node = $objXml->createElement("language"); $languages_xml->appendChild($language_node); $language_node->setAttribute("code", $code); $language_node->setAttribute("name", $readable_name); $language_node->setAttribute("native_name", $native_name); $language_node->setAttribute("locale", $locales[$code]); // link back to home page $current_params = $this->request->getURIProperties(); // this page // this is necessary on the home page if (!array_key_exists("base", $current_params)) { $current_params["base"] = ""; } // subject pages can't support a swap, so send user back to home page if (($current_params["base"] == "databases" || $current_params["base"] == "embed") && array_key_exists("subject", $current_params)) { $current_params = array(); $current_params["base"] = ""; } // add the languages $current_params["lang"] = $code; // with language set $url = $this->request->url_for($current_params); $language_node->setAttribute("url", $url); } } $this->request->addDocument($objXml); return 1; }
public function doExecute() { // metalib search object $objSearch = $this->getSearchObject(); // params from the request $strQuery = $this->request->getProperty("query"); $strQuery2 = $this->request->getProperty("query2"); $strField = $this->request->getProperty("field"); $strField2 = $this->request->getProperty("field2"); $strFindOperator = $this->request->getProperty("find_operator1"); $arrDatabases = $this->request->getProperty("database", true); $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject"); $strSpell = $this->request->getProperty("spell"); $strContext = $this->request->getProperty("context"); $strContextUrl = $this->request->getProperty("context_url"); // configuration options $configNormalize = $this->registry->getConfig("NORMALIZE_QUERY", false, false); $configBaseUrl = $this->registry->getConfig("BASE_URL", true); $configYahooID = $this->registry->getConfig("YAHOO_ID", false, "calstate"); $configSearchLimit = $this->registry->getConfig("SEARCH_LIMIT", true); $configContextUrl = $this->registry->getConfig("LIMIT_CONTEXT_URL", false); // if so configured, ensure that context_url is limited to certain domain(s) if ($configContextUrl != null) { $bolPassed = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::withinDomain($strContextUrl, $configContextUrl); if ($bolPassed == false) { throw new Exception("context_url only allowed for specified domains"); } } // database communications object $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap(); // if subject is given but not databases, automatically find // databases for subject, from first sub-category. if ($strSubject != null && count($arrDatabases) == 0) { $search_limit = $this->registry->getConfig("SEARCH_LIMIT", true); $arrDatabases = array(); $objSubject = $objData->getSubject(strtolower($strSubject), null, "metalib", null, $this->request->getProperty("lang")); // did we find a subject that has subcategories? if ($objSubject != null && $objSubject->subcategories != null && count($objSubject->subcategories) > 0) { $subs = $objSubject->subcategories; $objSubcategory = $subs[0]; $index = 0; // get databases up to search limit from first subcat, // add to $arrdatabases. foreach ($objSubcategory->databases as $objDatabaseData) { if ($objDatabaseData->searchable == 1) { array_push($arrDatabases, $objDatabaseData->metalib_id); $index++; } if ($index >= $search_limit) { break; } } } } // if we have a subject, but no context/contexturl, look // them up for the subject. Allows convenient defaults // for direct-linking into search results. if ($strContext == "" && $strSubject != "") { // look up the subject if we haven't already, to get the name. if (!isset($objSubject)) { $objSubject = $objData->getSubject($strSubject); } $strContext = $objSubject->name; } if ($strContextUrl == "" && $strSubject != "") { $strContextUrl = $this->request->url_for(array("base" => "databases", "action" => "subject", "subject" => $strSubject)); } // ensure a query and field if ($strQuery == "") { throw new Exception("text_metasearch_error_no_search_terms"); } if ($strField == "") { $strField = "WRD"; } if ($strField2 == "") { $strField2 = "WRD"; } if ($strFindOperator == "") { $strFindOperator = "AND"; } // get databases $arrDB = $objData->getDatabases($arrDatabases); // start out database information xml object. $objXml = new DOMDocument(); $objXml->loadXML("<search />"); // access control for databases $excludedDbs = array(); $excludedIDs = array(); foreach ($arrDB as $db) { if (!Xerxes_Helper::dbSearchableForUser($db, $this->request, $this->registry)) { $excludedDbs[] = $db; $excludedIDs[] = (string) $db->metalib_id; } } if (count($excludedDbs) > 0) { // remove excluded dbs from our db lists. what a pain in php, sorry. foreach ($arrDB as $key => $db) { if (in_array((string) $db->metalib_id, $excludedIDs)) { unset($arrDB[$key]); } } foreach ($arrDatabases as $key => $id) { if (in_array($id, $excludedIDs)) { unset($arrDatabases[$key]); } } // and make a note of the excluded dbs please. $excluded_xml = $objXml->createElement("excluded_dbs"); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($excluded_xml); foreach ($excludedDbs as $db) { $element = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($db, $this->request, $this->registry); $element = $objXml->importNode($element, true); $excluded_xml->appendChild($element); } } // ensure correct number of databases selected if (count($arrDatabases) < 1 && count($excludedDbs) > 0) { $e = new Xerxes_Exception_DatabasesDenied("text_metasearch_error_not_authorized"); $e->setDeniedDatabases($excludedDbs); throw $e; } elseif (count($arrDatabases) < 1) { throw new Exception("text_metasearch_error_no_databases"); } if (count($arrDatabases) > $configSearchLimit) { $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance(); $error = $labels->getLabel("text_metasearch_error_too_many_databases"); $error = sprintf($error, $configSearchLimit); throw new Exception($error); } $strSpellCorrect = ""; // spelling correction $strSpellUrl = ""; // return url for spelling change $strGroup = ""; // group id number $strNormalizedQuery = ""; // normalized query // query parser provides normalization and spell check $objQueryParser = new Xerxes_QueryParser(); // normalize query option is still experimental (2009-04-16) $strFullQuery = $objQueryParser->normalizeMetalibQuery($strField, $strQuery, $strFindOperator, $strField2, $strQuery2, $configNormalize); // initiate search with Metalib $strGroup = $objSearch->search($strFullQuery, $arrDatabases); // something went wrong, yo! if ($strGroup == "") { throw new Exception("Could not initiate search with Metalib server"); } // check spelling unless this is a return submission from a previous spell correction $strSpellSuggestions = null; if ($strSpell == null) { // check spelling $strAltYahoo = $this->registry->getConfig("ALTERNATE_YAHOO_LOCATION", false); $strSpellCorrect = $objQueryParser->checkSpelling($strQuery, $configYahooID, $strAltYahoo); $strSpellCorrect2 = null; if ($strQuery2) { $strSpellCorrect2 = $objQueryParser->checkSpelling($strQuery2, $configYahooID); } if ($strSpellCorrect != "" || $strSpellCorrect2 != "") { // construct spell check return url with spelling suggestion // If both search fields were used (advanced search), spell corrections // may be in first, second, or both. $strNewQuery = $strQuery; $arrSuggestions = array(); if ($strSpellCorrect) { $strNewQuery = $strSpellCorrect; array_push($arrSuggestions, $strSpellCorrect); } $strNewQuery2 = $strQuery2; if ($strSpellCorrect2) { $strNewQuery2 = $strSpellCorrect2; array_push($arrSuggestions, $strSpellCorrect2); } $strSpellSuggestions = join(" ", $arrSuggestions); $strSpellUrl = "./?base=metasearch&action=search&spell=1&query=" . urlencode($strNewQuery) . "&field=" . $strField; if ($strNewQuery2) { $strSpellUrl .= "&query2=" . urlencode($strNewQuery2) . "&field2=" . $strField2; } $strSpellUrl .= "&context=" . urlencode($strContext); $strSpellUrl .= "&context_url=" . urlencode($strContextUrl); foreach ($arrDatabases as $strDatabase) { if ($strDatabase != null) { $strSpellUrl .= "&database=" . $strDatabase; } } } } // create search information xml $arrSearch = array(); $arrSearch["date"] = date("Y-m-d"); $arrSearch["spelling"] = $strSpellSuggestions; $arrSearch["spelling_url"] = $strSpellUrl; $arrSearch["context"] = $strContext; $arrSearch["context_url"] = $strContextUrl; foreach ($arrSearch as $key => $value) { $objElement = $objXml->createElement($key, Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value)); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objElement); } $objPair = $objXml->createElement("pair"); $objPair->setAttribute("position", 1); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objPair); $arrQuery = array(); $arrQuery["query"] = $strQuery; $arrQuery["field"] = $strField; $arrQuery["normalized"] = $strFullQuery; foreach ($arrQuery as $key => $value) { $objElement = $objXml->createElement($key, Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value)); $objPair->appendChild($objElement); } // add second pair if present. if ($strQuery2) { $objOperator = $objXml->createElement("operator", $strFindOperator); $objOperator->setAttribute("position", 1); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objOperator); $objPair = $objXml->createElement("pair"); $objPair->setAttribute("position", 2); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objPair); $arrQuery = array(); $arrQuery["query"] = $strQuery2; $arrQuery["field"] = $strField2; foreach ($arrQuery as $key => $value) { $objElement = $objXml->createElement($key, Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXml($value)); $objPair->appendChild($objElement); } } // get links from ird records for those databases that have been included in the search and // store it here so we can get at this information easily on any subsequent page without having // to go back to the database $objDatabaseLinks = $objXml->createElement("database_links"); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objDatabaseLinks); foreach ($arrDB as $objDatabase) { // create a database node and append to database_links $objNodeDatabase = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToLinksNodeset($objDatabase, $this->request, $this->registry); $objNodeDatabase = $objXml->importNode($objNodeDatabase, true); $objDatabaseLinks->appendChild($objNodeDatabase); } // add any warnings from metalib $objWarnings = $objSearch->getWarnings(); if ($objWarnings != null) { $objImport = $objXml->importNode($objWarnings->documentElement, true); $objXml->documentElement->appendChild($objImport); } $strGroup = $this->getSearchDate() . "-" . $strGroup; // save this information in the cache $this->setCache($strGroup, "search", $objXml); // redirect to hits page $arrParams = array("base" => "metasearch", "action" => "hits", "group" => $strGroup); $this->saveCache(); $this->request->setRedirect($this->request->url_for($arrParams)); return 1; }
protected function isMarkedSaved($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber) { return Xerxes_Helper::isMarkedSaved($strResultSet, $strRecordNumber); }