
if (!class_exists('XenForo_Application', false)) {
$__output = '';
$__output .= '<dl class="example">
	<dt>' . 'Example' . ':</dt>
	<dd>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('nl2br', array('0' => $bbCodeExampleHtml ? $bbCodeExampleHtml : htmlspecialchars($bbCodeEval, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</dd>
<dl class="output">
	<dt>' . 'Output' . ':</dt>
	<dd class="baseHtml">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('bbCode', array('0' => $bbCodeParser, '1' => $bbCodeEval)) . '</dd>
Ejemplo n.º 2
    if (XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::styleProperty('messageShowLocation') and $post['location']) {
        $__compilerVar44 .= '
					<dl class="pairsJustified">
						<dt>' . 'Nơi ở' . ':</dt>
						<dd><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('misc/location-info', '', array('location' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => $post['location'], '1' => '-')))) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" itemprop="address" class="concealed">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($post['location'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</a></dd>
    $__compilerVar44 .= '
    if (XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::styleProperty('messageShowHomepage') and $post['homepage']) {
        $__compilerVar44 .= '
					<dl class="pairsJustified">
						<dt>' . 'Web' . ':</dt>
						<dd><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($post['homepage'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '1' => '-')) . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" itemprop="url">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($post['homepage'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</a></dd>
    $__compilerVar44 .= '
    $__compilerVar43 .= $this->callTemplateHook('message_user_info_extra', $__compilerVar44, array('user' => $post, 'isQuickReply' => $isQuickReply));
    $__compilerVar43 .= '			
    if (XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::styleProperty('messageShowCustomFields') and $post['customFields']) {
        $__compilerVar43 .= '
        $__compilerVar45 = '';
        $__compilerVar45 .= '
if (!class_exists('XenForo_Application', false)) {
$__output = '';
$__output .= '	<div class="formHiderHeader">
		<label><input type="radio" name="thread_type" value="new" class="Hider Disabler" id="ctrl_move_posts_thread_type_new" checked="checked" /> ' . 'New Thread' . '</label>
	<div class="formHiderTarget" id="ctrl_move_posts_thread_type_new_Disabler">
		<dl class="ctrlUnit">
			<dt><label for="ctrl_node_id">' . 'Destination Forum' . ':</label></dt>
				<select name="node_id" id="ctrl_node_id" class="textCtrl">
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $__output .= '
					<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($node['node_id'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" ' . ($node['node_id'] == $firstPost['node_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' ' . ($node['node_type_id'] != 'Forum' ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('repeat', array('0' => '&nbsp; ', '1' => htmlspecialchars($node['depth'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . htmlspecialchars($node['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</option>
$__output .= '
$__compilerVar6 = '';
$__compilerVar6 .= htmlspecialchars($firstPost['prefix_id'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$__compilerVar7 = '';
$__compilerVar7 .= 'post_move';
$__compilerVar8 = '';
$__compilerVar8 .= '#ctrl_node_id';
$__compilerVar9 = '';

if (!class_exists('XenForo_Application', false)) {
$__output = '';
$__output .= '<div class="previewTooltip">
	' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('avatarhtml', array($post, false, array('user' => '$post', 'size' => 's'), '')) . '
	<div class="text">
		<blockquote class="previewText">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('nl2br', array('0' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('wordtrim', array('0' => $post['messageParsed'], '1' => $xenOptions['discussionPreviewLength'])))) . '</blockquote>
		<div class="posterDate muted">' . htmlspecialchars($post['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ', ' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('datetimehtml', array($post['post_date'], array('time' => htmlspecialchars($post['post_date'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'class' => 'faint'))) . '</div>
$__extraData['title'] .= 'Choose a Category';
$__output .= '

<form action="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('resources/add', false, array()) . '" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay">

	<dl class="ctrlUnit">
		<dt><label for="ctrl_resource_category_id">' . 'Category' . ':</label></dt>
			<select name="resource_category_id" class="textCtrl" id="ctrl_resource_category_id" autofocus="true">
				<option value="0">&nbsp;</option>
foreach ($categories as $categoryId => $_category) {
    $__output .= '
					<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($categoryId, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
						' . ((!$_category['allowResource'] or !$_category['canAdd']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') . '
						>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('repeat', array('0' => '&nbsp; ', '1' => htmlspecialchars($_category['depth'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . htmlspecialchars($_category['category_title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</option>
$__output .= '
			<p class="explain">' . 'Select the category that best describes your resource.' . '</p>

	<dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
			<input type="submit" value="' . 'Continue' . '..." accesskey="s" class="button primary" />
Ejemplo n.º 6
<ol class="section memberList">
foreach ($topUsers['users'] as $user) {
    $__output .= '
		<li class="primaryContent memberListItem' . ($extended ? ' extended' : '') . '"' . ($id ? ' id="' . htmlspecialchars($id, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"' : '') . '>
				' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('avatarhtml', array($user, false, array('user' => '$user', 'size' => 's', 'class' => $noOverlay ? 'NoOverlay' : ''), '')) . '
				<div class="member">
    if ($user['user_id']) {
        $__output .= '
						<h3 class="username">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('usernamehtml', array($user, '', true, array('class' => 'StatusTooltip' . ($noOverlay ? ' NoOverlay' : ''), 'title' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($user['status'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')))))) . '</h3>
						<div class="userInfo">
							<div class="userBlurb dimmed">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('userBlurb', array('0' => $user)) . '</div>
							<dl class="userStats pairsInline">
								<dt title="' . 'Total messages posted by ' . htmlspecialchars($user['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' . '">' . htmlspecialchars($topUsers['month_str'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ': ' . 'Bài viết' . ':</dt> <dd>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::numberFormat($user['messages_delta'], '0') . '</dd>
								<dt title="' . 'Number of times something posted by ' . htmlspecialchars($user['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' has been \'liked\'' . '">' . 'Đã được thích' . ':</dt> <dd>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::numberFormat($user['likes_delta'], '0') . '</dd>
    } else {
        $__output .= '
						<h3 class="username guest dimmed">' . 'Khách' . '</h3>
Ejemplo n.º 7
function ePFU(c,a){if(c){c=c.split("#")[0];var b=c.split("?");if(1!=b.length){b=decodeURI(b[1]);a+="=";for(var b=b.split("&"),e=0,d;d=b[e];++e)if(0===d.indexOf(a))return unescape(d.split("=")[1])}}}';
        $__compilerVar76 .= $__compilerVar78;
        $__compilerVar76 .= '
$__compilerVar76 .= '
	<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('fullurl', array('0' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::styleProperty('ogLogoPath'), '1' => '1')) . '" />
	<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . 'RSS Feed For ' . htmlspecialchars($xenOptions['boardTitle'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' . '" href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('forums/-/index.rss', false, array()) . '" />
if ($pageDescription['content'] and !$pageDescription['skipmeta'] and !$head['description']) {
    $__compilerVar76 .= '<meta name="description" content="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('wordTrim', array('0' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('stripHtml', array('0' => $pageDescription['content'])), '1' => '200')) . '" />';
$__compilerVar76 .= '
if ($head) {
    foreach ($head as $headElement) {
        $__compilerVar76 .= $headElement;
$__compilerVar76 .= '
$__output .= $this->callTemplateHook('page_container_head', $__compilerVar76, array());
$__output .= '
if ($categories) {
    $__output .= '
			<input type="hidden" name="child_categories" value="0" />
			<dl class="ctrlUnit">
				<dt><label for="ctrl_categories">' . 'Search in Categories' . ':</label></dt>
						<li><select name="categories[]" id="ctrl_categories" size="7" multiple="multiple" class="textCtrl">
							<option value=""' . (!$search['categories'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . 'All Categories' . '</option>
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $__output .= '
								<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($category['category_id'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"' . ($search['categories'][$category['category_id']] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('repeat', array('0' => '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '1' => htmlspecialchars($category['depth'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . htmlspecialchars($category['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</option>
    $__output .= '
						<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="child_categories" value="1"' . ($search['child_categories'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> ' . 'Search child categories as well' . '</label></li>
$__output .= '

if ($supportsRelevance) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
<li id="report-' . htmlspecialchars($report['report_id'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" class="discussionListItem ' . ($report['assigned_user_id'] == $visitor['user_id'] ? 'assignedSelf' : '') . ' report-' . htmlspecialchars($report['report_state'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">

	<div class="listBlock posterAvatar">
		<span class="avatarContainer">
			' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('avatarhtml', array($report, true, array('user' => '$report', 'size' => 's', 'img' => 'true'), '')) . '

	<div class="listBlock main">

		<div class="titleText">
			<h3 class="title">
				<a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('reports', $report, array()) . '">';
        if ($report['isVisible']) {
            $__compilerVar1 .= XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('wrap', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($report['contentTitle'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false), '1' => '50'));
        } else {
            $__compilerVar1 .= 'Unknown Content';
        $__compilerVar1 .= '</a>

			<div class="secondRow">
				<div class="posterDate muted">
        if ($report['username']) {
            $__compilerVar1 .= XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('usernamehtml', array($report, '', false, array('title' => 'Content creator')));
        } else {
            $__compilerVar1 .= 'Guest';
        $__compilerVar1 .= ',
Ejemplo n.º 10
$__extraData['sidebar'] .= $this->callTemplateHook('resource_view_sidebar_below_resource_controls', $__compilerVar72, array('resource' => $resource));
$__extraData['sidebar'] .= '

if ($otherResources) {
    $__extraData['sidebar'] .= '
	<div class="section">
		<div class="secondaryContent" id="moreAppsByAuthor">
			<h3><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('resources/authors', $resource, array()) . '" class="concealed">' . 'More Resources from ' . htmlspecialchars($resource['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' . '</a></h3>
    foreach ($otherResources as $otherResource) {
        $__extraData['sidebar'] .= '
				<dt style="margin-top: 5px"><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('resources', $otherResource, array()) . '">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('resourcePrefix', array('0' => $otherResource)) . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($otherResource['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</a></dt>
					<dd class="muted">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($otherResource['tag_line'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</dd>
    $__extraData['sidebar'] .= '
$__extraData['sidebar'] .= '

$__compilerVar73 = '';
$__extraData['sidebar'] .= $this->callTemplateHook('resource_view_sidebar_below_other_resources', $__compilerVar73, array('resource' => $resource));
$__extraData['sidebar'] .= '
Ejemplo n.º 11
$__compilerVar110 .= '

if ($user['location']) {
    $__compilerVar110 .= '
											<dl><dt>' . 'Nơi ở' . ':</dt> <dd><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('misc/location-info', '', array('location' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => $user['location'], '1' => '-')))) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" itemprop="address" class="concealed">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($user['location'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</a></dd></dl>
$__compilerVar110 .= '

if ($user['occupation']) {
    $__compilerVar110 .= '
											<dl><dt>' . 'Nghề nghiệp' . ':</dt> <dd>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($user['occupation'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</dd></dl>
$__compilerVar110 .= '
if ($customFieldsGrouped['personal']) {
    $__compilerVar110 .= '
    foreach ($customFieldsGrouped['personal'] as $field) {
        $__compilerVar110 .= '
        $__compilerVar111 = '';
        $__compilerVar112 = '';
        $__compilerVar112 .= '
if (!class_exists('XenForo_Application', false)) {
$__output = '';
$__output .= '<h3 class="description">

if ($content['resource_update_id'] == $content['description_update_id']) {
    $__output .= '
		' . '' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('username', array('0' => $user, '1' => 'primaryText')) . ' posted the resource ' . '<a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('resources', $content, array()) . '">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('resourcePrefix', array('0' => $content)) . htmlspecialchars($content['resource_title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>' . '.' . '
} else {
    $__output .= '
		' . '' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('username', array('0' => $user, '1' => 'primaryText')) . ' updated the resource ' . '<a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('resources/update', $content, array('update' => $content['resource_update_id'])) . '">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('resourcePrefix', array('0' => $content)) . htmlspecialchars($content['resource_title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($content['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>' . '.' . '
$__output .= '


if ($content['resource_update_id'] == $content['description_update_id']) {
    $__output .= '
	<p class="snippet">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('censor', array('0' => htmlspecialchars($content['tag_line'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . '</p>
} else {
    $__output .= '
	<p class="snippet">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('snippet', array('0' => $content['message'], '1' => '100')) . '</p>
        if (!$hasPassword) {
            $__output .= '
							<p class="explain">' . 'Disassociating with all external accounts will cause a password to be generated for your account and emailed to ' . htmlspecialchars($visitor['email'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '.' . '</p>
        $__output .= '
    } else {
        $__output .= '
			<dl class="ctrlUnit">
				<dd>' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('nl2br', array('0' => 'Your account is not currently associated with a Google account.

Associating with Google makes it easier to log in to the forum or share content back to Google.')) . '</dd>
			<dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
					<span class="button primary GoogleLogin" data-client-id="' . htmlspecialchars($xenOptions['googleClientId'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" data-redirect-url="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('register/google', '', array('code' => '__CODE__', 'csrf' => $session['sessionCsrf'])) . '"><span>' . 'Associate with Google' . '</span></span>
    $__output .= '

		<input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="' . htmlspecialchars($visitor['csrf_token_page'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="_xfConfirm" value="1" />

if (!class_exists('XenForo_Application', false)) {
$__output = '';
if ($categories) {
    $__output .= '
	<ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $__output .= '
        if (!$category['parent_category_id']) {
            $__output .= '<li><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('gallery/categories', $category, array()) . '">' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::string('repeat', array('0' => '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', '1' => htmlspecialchars($category['depth'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) . htmlspecialchars($category['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a></li>';
        $__output .= '
    $__output .= '
} else {
    $__output .= '
	<ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
		<li class="secondaryContent muted">
			' . 'There is no category to display.' . '