Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function forceKill()
     if (!X_Env::isWindows()) {
         X_Env::execute("kill -9 `ps aux | grep {$this->path} | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     } else {
         X_Env::execute("taskkill /IM SopCast.exe /F", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function startEngine(X_Threads_Thread $thread)
     // assume all parameters are ready
     $thread->log("Spawning SopCast...");
     $source = $this->getParam('source');
     $command = (string) X_SopCast::getInstance()->setUri($source);
     X_Env::execute($command, X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     $thread->log("SopCast execution finished");
 public function startEngine(X_Threads_Thread $thread)
     // assume all parameters are ready
     $thread->log("Spawning RTMPDump (rtmpgw-own3d)...");
     $source = $this->getParam('source');
     // set the path
     if (X_Env::isWindows()) {
         X_RtmpDumpOwn3d::getInstance()->setPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../bin/rtmpdump-own3d-win/rtmpgw-own3d.exe');
     } else {
         X_RtmpDumpOwn3d::getInstance()->setPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../bin/rtmpdump-own3d-linux/rtmpgw-own3d');
     $own3dPlugin = X_VlcShares_Plugins::broker()->getPlugins('own3d');
     if ($own3dPlugin instanceof X_VlcShares_Plugins_Own3d) {
         // try to get reference to vlc-streamer
         /* @var $vlcStreamer X_Streamer_Engine_Vlc */
         //$vlcStreamer = X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->streamer()->get('vlc');
         // get the channel id
         //$source = substr($source, strlen('rtmpdump-own3d://'));
         // make the plugin to parse params from server and build a rtmpdump-weebtv uri
         //$source = $weebPlugin->getLinkParams($source);
         // always live
         //$command = (string) X_RtmpDumpOwn3d::getInstance()/*->setLive(true)*/->parseUri($source)/*->setStreamPort($weebPlugin->getStreamingPort())*/;
         $vlcStreamer->setParam('profile', "#std{access=http{mime=video/x-flv},mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst={$own3dPlugin->getStreamingPort()}/stream}");
         // redirect std error to null
         // and force quite
         //X_Env::execute("$command -q 2> /dev/null", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
         //X_Env::execute($command, X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
         $command = (string) X_RtmpDumpOwn3d::getInstance()->parseUri($source)->setStreamPort($own3dPlugin->getStreamingPort());
         X_Env::execute($command, X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
         $thread->log("RTMPDump execution finished");
     } else {
         $thread->log("RTMPDump-own3d cannot be started without own3d plugin and vlc streamer");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function _invoke()
     $source = $this->_location;
     $osTweak = X_Env::isWindows() ? '2>&1' : '2>&1';
     $ffmpeg = "\"{$this->options->path}\"";
     $str = X_Env::execute("{$ffmpeg} -i \"{$source}\" {$osTweak}", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_ARRAY, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     return $str;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function _send($command, $outtype = X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE)
     X_Env::debug(__METHOD__ . ": sending message {$command}");
     $command = str_replace('{%command%}', $command, $this->nc_command);
     $return = X_Env::execute($command, $outtype, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     if ($outtype != X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE) {
         X_Env::debug(print_r($return, true));
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function _invoke()
     $source = $this->_location;
     $mediainfo = "\"{$this->options->path}\"";
     $str = X_Env::execute("{$mediainfo} --Output=XML \"{$source}\"", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_IMPLODED, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     return trim($str);
 function thumbAction()
     // time to get params from get
     /* @var $request Zend_Controller_Request_Http */
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if (!is_writable(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public/images/fsthumbs/thumbs/")) {
         throw new Exception('"/public/images/fsthumbs/thumbs/" must be writable');
     $l = $request->getParam('l', false);
     if ($l == false) {
         throw new Exception(X_Env::_('p_fsthumbs_invalidlocation'));
     $ldec = X_Env::decode($l);
     $itemRealPath = $this->fsPlugin->resolveLocation($ldec);
     if ($itemRealPath == false) {
         throw new Exception(X_Env::_('p_fsthumbs_invalidlocation'));
     // cache check and redirect if possible
     $imagePath = "/images/fsthumbs/thumbs/{$l}.jpg";
     // else thumb creation and then redirect
     if (!file_exists(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public{$imagePath}")) {
         if (X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->ffmpeg()->isEnabled()) {
             // create the thumb
             $ffmpegPath = $this->options->helpers->ffmpeg->path;
             $destPath = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public{$imagePath}";
             $secOffset = intval($this->plugin->config('capture.seconds', '2')) + (int) rand(0, 10) - 5;
             if ($secOffset < 1) {
                 $secOffset = 1;
             $imageDim = $this->plugin->config('thumbs.size', '320x240');
             if (!preg_match('/(\\d{3})x(\\d{3})/', $imageDim)) {
                 X_Debug::e("Thumb size is not a valid value (IIIxIII): {$imageDim}");
                 $imageDim = '320x240';
             // thumb creation should be always completed
             // semaphore is needed for folders with lots files and low-end cpus
             $lockFile = fopen(__FILE__, 'r+');
             flock($lockFile, LOCK_EX);
             $exec = "{$ffmpegPath} -itsoffset -{$secOffset} -i \"{$itemRealPath}\" -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s {$imageDim} \"{$destPath}\"";
             $return = X_Env::execute($exec);
             // remove lock
             flock($lockFile, LOCK_UN);
             $filesize = @filesize($destPath);
             if ($filesize == 0) {
                 // it's better to replace the thumbs created with
                 // a placeholder file to prevent a new creation
                 @copy(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public/images/fsthumbs/nothumbs.jpg", $destPath);
                 clearstatcache(true, $destPath);
                 $filesize = @filesize($destPath);
             $thumb = new Application_Model_FsThumb();
             // try to load an old entry in db, this prevent error when files are removed but not the reference in db
             Application_Model_FsThumbsMapper::i()->fetchByPath($itemRealPath, $thumb);
             try {
                 X_Debug::i('Thumb stored');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 X_Debug::e("Error while storing thumb data: {$e->getMessage()}");
             //X_Debug::i(var_export($return, true));
             // -itsoffset -30  -i test.avi -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s 320x240 test.jpg
         } else {
             $imagePath = "/images/fsthumbs/nothumbs.jpg";
     // if it is wiimc i have to return here the image directly, not a redirect
     if (X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->devices()->isWiimc()) {
         $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')->setHeader('Content-Length', @filesize(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public{$imagePath}"));
         readfile(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public{$imagePath}");
     } else {
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrlAndExit($imagePath, array('prependBase' => true, 'code' => 302));
 public function forceKill()
     if (!X_Env::isWindows()) {
         X_Env::execute("killall rtmpgw-own3d", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     } else {
         X_Env::execute("taskkill /IM rtmpgw-own3d.exe /F", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function forceKillAll()
     X_Env::execute("taskkill /IM vlc.exe /F", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);
     if (file_exists($this->pidFile)) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function forceKillAll()
     $path = '"' . trim($this->_options->get('path', 'vlc'), '"') . '"';
     X_Env::execute("killall {$path}", X_Env::EXECUTE_OUT_NONE, X_Env::EXECUTE_PS_WAIT);