Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** Creates a new session entry in database and return its ID.
  * @param $uid the id of the logged user
  * @param $suid the id of the administrator who has just su'd to the user
  * @return session the session id
 private function writeSession($uid, $suid = null)
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $host = strtolower(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     $browser = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
     @(list($forward_ip, ) = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']));
     $forward_host = $forward_ip;
     if ($forward_host) {
         $forward_host = strtolower(gethostbyaddr($forward_host));
     $proxy = '';
     if ($forward_ip || @$_SERVER['HTTP_VIA']) {
         $proxy = 'proxy';
     $uid = $uid == 0 ? null : $uid;
     $suid = $suid == 0 ? null : $suid;
     XDB::execute("INSERT INTO  log_sessions\n                              SET  uid={?}, host={?}, ip={?}, forward_ip={?}, forward_host={?}, browser={?}, suid={?}, flags={?}", $uid, $host, ip_to_uint($ip), ip_to_uint($forward_ip), $forward_host, $browser, $suid, $proxy);
     if ($forward_ip) {
         $this->proxy_ip = $ip;
         $this->proxy_host = $host;
         $this->ip = $forward_ip;
         $this->host = $forward_host;
     } else {
         $this->ip = $ip;
         $this->host = $host;
     return XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT  qdj
                      SET  question = {?}, answer1 = {?}, answer2 = {?},
                           count1 = 0, count2 = 0, writer = {?}', $this->question, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->writer->id());
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function handler_ajax_todo_add($page)
     if (Json::has('tobedone')) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  todo
                               SET  uid = {?}, sent = NOW(), checked = 0, tobedone = {?}', S::user()->id(), Json::s('tobedone'));
         if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) {
             $page->jsonAssign('todo_id', XDB::insertId());
         } else {
             $page->jsonAssign('error', "Impossible d'ajouter une nouvelle tâche");
     } else {
         $page->jsonAssign('error', "Requête invalide");
     return PL_JSON;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function getComponentId(array $component)
     $where = '';
     foreach ($component['types'] as $type) {
         $where .= XDB::format(' AND FIND_IN_SET({?}, types)', $type);
     $id = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT  id
                                FROM  profile_addresses_components_enum
                               WHERE  short_name = {?} AND long_name = {?}' . $where, $component['short_name'], $component['long_name']);
     if (is_null($id)) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_addresses_components_enum (short_name, long_name, types)
                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?})', $component['short_name'], $component['long_name'], implode(',', $component['types']));
         $id = XDB::insertId();
     return $id;
Ejemplo n.º 5
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $tags);
XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_job_term_enum` (`name`, `full_name`) VALUES ("Emplois", "Emplois")');
$opened_nodes = array();
$broader_ids = array(XDB::insertId());
XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job_term_relation VALUES (0, {?}, "narrower", "original"), ({?}, {?}, "narrower", "computed")', $broader_ids[0], $broader_ids[0], $broader_ids[0]);
// loop through the structures
foreach ($values as $val) {
    if (($val['type'] == 'open' || $val['type'] == 'complete') && !empty($val['attributes']['intitule'])) {
        $intitule = $val['attributes']['intitule'];
        if (mb_strtoupper($intitule) == $intitule) {
            $intitule = ucfirst(mb_strtolower($intitule));
        $res = XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_job_term_enum (name, full_name)
                                  VALUES  ({?}, {?})', $intitule, $intitule . ' (emploi' . ($val['type'] == 'open' ? 's' : '') . ')');
        $newid = XDB::insertId();
        array_unshift($broader_ids, $newid);
        array_unshift($opened_nodes, $val['tag']);
        foreach ($broader_ids as $i => $bid) {
            XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job_term_relation VALUES ({?}, {?}, "narrower", {?})', $bid, $newid, $i == 1 ? 'original' : 'computed');
    if (count($opened_nodes) > 0 && $val['tag'] == $opened_nodes[0] && ($val['type'] == 'close' || $val['type'] == 'complete')) {
/* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT  activities
                      SET  target = {?}, origin = {?}, title = {?},
                           description = {?}, days = {?}, default_begin = {?},
                           default_end = {?}', $this->target->id(), !$this->origin ? null : $this->origin->id(), $this->title, $this->description, $this->days, $this->default_begin, $this->default_end);
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /** Import de l'annuaire de l'AX depuis l'export situé dans le home de jacou */
 function handler_import($page, $action = 'index', $file = '')
     global $globals;
     if ($action == 'index') {
     // toutes les actions sont faites en ajax en utilisant jquery
     header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
     // log des actions
     $report = array();
     $modulepath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fusionax/') . '/';
     $spoolpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../spool/fusionax/') . '/';
     if ($action == 'launch') {
         if ($file == '') {
             $report[] = 'Nom de fichier non renseigné.';
         } elseif (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../spool/fusionax/' . $file)) {
             $report[] = 'Le fichier ne se situe pas au bon endroit.';
         } else {
             // séparation de l'archive en fichiers par tables
             $file = $spoolpath . $file;
             // Split export into specialised files
             exec('grep "^AD" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Adresses.txt');
             exec('grep "^AN" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Anciens.txt');
             exec('grep "^FO.[0-9]\\{4\\}[MD][0-9]\\{3\\}.Etudiant" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_MD.txt');
             exec('grep "^FO.[0-9]\\{4\\}[MD][0-9]\\{3\\}.Doct. de" ' . $file . ' >> ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_MD.txt');
             exec('grep "^FO" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations.txt');
             exec('grep "^AC" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Activites.txt');
             exec('grep "^EN" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Entreprises.txt');
             exec($modulepath . 'formation.pl');
             exec('mv -f ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_out.txt ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations.txt');
             exec('mv -f ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_MD_out.txt ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_MD.txt');
             $report[] = 'Fichier parsé.';
             $report[] = 'Import dans la base en cours...';
             XDB::execute("UPDATE  profiles\n                                 SET  ax_id = NULL\n                               WHERE  ax_id = ''");
             $next = 'integrateSQL';
     } elseif ($action == 'integrateSQL') {
         // intégration des données dans la base MySQL
         // liste des fichiers sql à exécuter
         $filesSQL = array(0 => 'Activites.sql', 1 => 'Adresses.sql', 2 => 'Anciens.sql', 3 => 'Formations.sql', 4 => 'Entreprises.sql', 5 => 'Formations_MD.sql');
         if ($file != '') {
             // récupère le contenu du fichier sql
             $queries = explode(';', file_get_contents($modulepath . $filesSQL[$file]));
             $db = mysqli_init();
             $db->options(MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, true);
             $db->real_connect($globals->dbhost, $globals->dbuser, $globals->dbpwd, $globals->dbdb);
             foreach ($queries as $q) {
                 if (trim($q)) {
                     // coupe le fichier en requêtes individuelles
                     if (substr($q, 0, 2) == '--') {
                         // affiche les commentaires dans le report
                         $lines = explode("\n", $q);
                         $l = $lines[0];
                         $report[] = addslashes($l);
                     // exécute la requête
                     $res = $db->query(str_replace('{?}', $spoolpath, $q));
                     if ($res === false) {
                         throw new XDBException($q, $db->error);
             // trouve le prochain fichier à exécuter
             $nextfile = $file + 1;
         } else {
             $nextfile = 0;
         if ($nextfile > 5) {
             // tous les fichiers ont été exécutés, on passe à l'étape suivante
             $next = 'adds1920';
         } else {
             // on passe au fichier suivant
             $next = 'integrateSQL/' . $nextfile;
     } elseif ($action == 'adds1920') {
         // Adds promotion 1920 from AX db.
         $report[] = 'Ajout de la promotion 1920';
         $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT  prenom, Nom_complet, ax_id
                                 FROM  fusionax_anciens
                                WHERE  promotion_etude = 1920;');
         $eduSchools = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS);
         $eduSchools = array_flip($eduSchools);
         $eduDegrees = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES);
         $eduDegrees = array_flip($eduDegrees);
         $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_X];
         $entry_year = 1920;
         $grad_year = 1923;
         $promo = 'X1920';
         $hrpromo = '1920';
         $sex = 'male';
         $xorgId = 19200000;
         $type = 'x';
         while ($new = $res->next()) {
             $firstname = $new['prenom'];
             $lastname = $new['Nom_complet'];
             $ax_id = $new['ax_id'];
             $hrid = User::makeHrid($firstname, $lastname, $hrpromo);
             $res1 = XDB::query('SELECT  COUNT(*)
                                   FROM  accounts
                                  WHERE  hruid = {?}', $hrid);
             $res2 = XDB::query('SELECT  COUNT(*)
                                   FROM  profiles
                                  WHERE  hrpid = {?}', $hrid);
             if (is_null($hrid) || $res1->fetchOneCell() > 0 || $res2->fetchOneCell() > 0) {
                 $report[] = $ax_id . ' non ajouté';
             $fullName = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname;
             $directoryName = $lastname . ' ' . $firstname;
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profiles (hrpid, xorg_id, ax_id, sex)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $hrid, $xorgId, $ax_id, $sex);
             $pid = XDB::insertId();
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_public_names (pid, lastname_initial, firstname_initial, lastname_main, firstname_main)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $lastname, $firstname, $lastname, $firstname);
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_display (pid, yourself, public_name, private_name,
                                                         directory_name, short_name, sort_name, promo)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $firstname, $fullName, $fullName, $directoryName, $fullName, $directoryName, $promo);
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_education (pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, flags)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $eduSchools[Profile::EDU_X], $degreeid, $entry_year, $grad_year, 'primary');
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, full_name, directory_name, display_name, lastname, firstname, sex)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $hrid, $type, 0, 'pending', $fullName, $directoryName, $firstname, $lastname, $firstname, $sex);
             $uid = XDB::insertId();
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  account_profiles (uid, pid, perms)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?})', $uid, $pid, 'owner');
         $report[] = 'Promo 1920 ajoutée.';
         $next = 'view';
     } elseif ($action == 'view') {
         XDB::execute('CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=MERGE VIEW  fusionax_xorg_anciens AS
                                                       SELECT  p.pid, p.ax_id, pd.promo, pd.private_name, pd.public_name,
                                                               pd.sort_name, pd.short_name, pd.directory_name
                                                         FROM  profiles        AS p
                                                   INNER JOIN  profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)');
         $next = 'clean';
     } elseif ($action == 'clean') {
         // nettoyage du fichier temporaire
         //exec('rm -Rf ' . $spoolpath);
         $report[] = 'Import finit.';
     foreach ($report as $t) {
         // affiche les lignes de report
         echo "\$('#fusionax').append('" . $t . "<br/>');\n";
     if (isset($next)) {
         // lance le prochain script s'il y en a un
         echo "\$.getScript('fusionax/import/" . $next . "');";
     // exit pour ne pas afficher la page template par défaut
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function handler_add_accounts($page, $action = null, $promo = null)
     require_once 'name.func.inc.php';
     if (Env::has('add_type') && Env::has('people')) {
         static $titles = array('male' => 'M', 'female' => 'MLLE');
         $lines = explode("\n", Env::t('people'));
         $separator = Env::t('separator');
         $promotion = Env::i('promotion');
         if (Env::t('add_type') == 'promo') {
             $eduSchools = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS);
             $eduSchools = array_flip($eduSchools);
             $eduDegrees = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES);
             $eduDegrees = array_flip($eduDegrees);
             switch (Env::t('edu_type')) {
                 case 'X':
                     $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_X];
                     $entry_year = $promotion;
                     $grad_year = $promotion + 3;
                     $promo = 'X' . $promotion;
                     $hrpromo = $promotion;
                     $type = 'x';
                 case 'M':
                     $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_M];
                     $grad_year = $promotion;
                     $entry_year = $promotion - 2;
                     $promo = 'M' . $promotion;
                     $hrpromo = $promo;
                     $type = 'master';
                 case 'D':
                     $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_D];
                     $grad_year = $promotion;
                     $entry_year = $promotion - 3;
                     $promo = 'D (en cours)';
                     $hrpromo = 'D' . $promotion;
                     $type = 'phd';
                     $page->killError("La formation n'est pas reconnue : " . Env::t('edu_type') . '.');
             $best_domain = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT  id
                                                 FROM  email_virtual_domains
                                                WHERE  name = {?}', User::$sub_mail_domains[$type] . Platal::globals()->mail->domain);
             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                 if ($infos = self::formatNewUser($page, $line, $separator, $hrpromo, 6)) {
                     $sex = self::formatSex($page, $infos[3], $line);
                     $lastname = capitalize_name($infos[0]);
                     $firstname = capitalize_name($infos[1]);
                     if (!is_null($sex)) {
                         $fullName = build_full_name($firstname, $lastname);
                         $directoryName = build_directory_name($firstname, $lastname);
                         $sortName = build_sort_name($firstname, $lastname);
                         $birthDate = self::formatBirthDate($infos[2]);
                         if ($type == 'x') {
                             if ($promotion < 1996 && preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}$/', $infos[4])) {
                                 /* Allow using Xorg ID for old promotions, to allow fixing typos in names */
                                 $xorgId = $infos[4];
                                 $year = intval(substr($xorgId, 0, 4));
                                 if ($year != $promotion) {
                                     $page->trigError("La ligne {$line} n'a pas été ajoutée car le matricule Xorg n'a pas la date correspondant à la promotion.");
                             } else {
                                 $xorgId = Profile::getXorgId($infos[4]);
                         } elseif (isset($infos[4])) {
                             $xorgId = trim($infos[4]);
                         } else {
                             $xorgId = 0;
                         if (is_null($xorgId)) {
                             $page->trigError("La ligne {$line} n'a pas été ajoutée car le matricule École est mal renseigné.");
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profiles (hrpid, xorg_id, ax_id, birthdate_ref, sex, title)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $xorgId, isset($infos[5]) ? $infos[5] : null, $birthDate, $sex, $titles[$sex]);
                         $pid = XDB::insertId();
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_public_names (pid, lastname_initial, lastname_main, firstname_initial, firstname_main)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $lastname, $lastname, $firstname, $firstname);
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_display (pid, yourself, public_name, private_name,
                                                                     directory_name, short_name, sort_name, promo)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $firstname, $fullName, $fullName, $directoryName, $fullName, $sortName, $promo);
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, promo_year, flags)
                                            VALUES  (100, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, \'primary\')', $pid, $eduSchools[Profile::EDU_X], $degreeid, $entry_year, $grad_year, $promotion);
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, full_name, directory_name,
                                                              sort_name, display_name, lastname, firstname, sex, best_domain)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $type, 0, 'pending', $fullName, $directoryName, $sortName, $firstname, $lastname, $firstname, $sex, $best_domain);
                         $uid = XDB::insertId();
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  account_profiles (uid, pid, perms)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?})', $uid, $pid, 'owner');
                         Profile::rebuildSearchTokens($pid, false);
         } else {
             if (Env::t('add_type') == 'account') {
                 $type = Env::t('type');
                 $newAccounts = array();
                 foreach ($lines as $line) {
                     if ($infos = self::formatNewUser($page, $line, $separator, $type, 4)) {
                         $sex = self::formatSex($page, $infos[3], $line);
                         if (!is_null($sex)) {
                             $lastname = capitalize_name($infos[0]);
                             $firstname = capitalize_name($infos[1]);
                             $fullName = build_full_name($firstname, $lastname);
                             $directoryName = build_directory_name($firstname, $lastname);
                             $sortName = build_sort_name($firstname, $lastname);
                             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, email, full_name, directory_name,
                                                              sort_name, display_name, lastname, firstname, sex)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $type, 0, 'pending', $infos[2], $fullName, $directoryName, $sortName, $firstname, $lastname, $firstname, $sex);
                             $newAccounts[$infos['hrid']] = $fullName;
                 if (!empty($newAccounts)) {
                     $page->assign('newAccounts', $newAccounts);
             } else {
                 if (Env::t('add_type') == 'ax_id') {
                     $type = 'x';
                     foreach ($lines as $line) {
                         $infos = explode($separator, $line);
                         if (sizeof($infos) > 3 || sizeof($infos) < 2) {
                             $page->trigError("La ligne {$line} n'a pas été ajoutée : mauvais nombre de champs.");
                         $infos = array_map('trim', $infos);
                         if (sizeof($infos) == 3) {
                             // Get human readable ID with first name and last name
                             $hrid = User::makeHrid($infos[1], $infos[0], $promotion);
                             $user = User::getSilent($hrid);
                             $axid = $infos[2];
                         } else {
                             // The first column is the hrid, possibly without the promotion
                             $user = User::getSilent($infos[0] . '.' . $promotion);
                             if (is_null($user)) {
                                 $user = User::getSilent($infos[0]);
                             $axid = $infos[1];
                         if (!$axid) {
                             $page->trigError("La ligne {$line} n'a pas été ajoutée : matricule AX vide.");
                         if (is_null($user)) {
                             $page->trigError("La ligne {$line} n'a pas été ajoutée : aucun compte trouvé.");
                         $profile = $user->profile();
                         if ($profile->ax_id) {
                             $page->trigError("Le profil " . $profile->hrpid . " a déjà l'ID AX " . $profile->ax_id);
                         XDB::execute('UPDATE  profiles
                                  SET  ax_id = {?}
                                WHERE  pid = {?}', $axid, $profile->id());
         $errors = $page->nb_errs();
         if ($errors == 0) {
             $page->trigSuccess("L'opération a été effectuée avec succès.");
         } else {
             $page->trigSuccess('L\'opération a été effectuée avec succès, sauf pour ' . ($errors == 1 ? 'l\'erreur signalée' : "les {$errors} erreurs signalées") . ' ci-dessus.');
     } else {
         if (Env::has('add_type')) {
             $res = XDB::query('SELECT  type
                              FROM  account_types');
             $page->assign('account_types', $res->fetchColumn());
             $page->assign('add_type', Env::s('add_type'));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function commit()
     /* TODO: refines this filter on promotions by using userfilter. */
     if (XDB::execute("INSERT INTO  announces\n                         SET  uid = {?}, creation_date=NOW(), titre={?}, texte={?},\n                              expiration={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?}, flags=CONCAT(flags,',valide,wiki')", $this->user->id(), $this->titre, $this->texte, $this->expiration, $this->pmin, $this->pmax)) {
         $eid = XDB::insertId();
         if ($this->img) {
             XDB::execute("INSERT INTO announce_photos\n                                      SET eid = {?}, attachmime = {?}, x = {?}, y = {?}, attach = {?}", XDB::insertId(), $this->imgtype, $this->imgx, $this->imgy, $this->img);
         global $globals;
         if ($globals->banana->event_forum) {
             require_once 'banana/forum.inc.php';
             $banana = new ForumsBanana($this->user);
             $post = $banana->post($globals->banana->event_forum, $globals->banana->event_reply, $this->titre, MiniWiki::wikiToText($this->texte, false, 0, 80));
             if ($post != -1) {
                 XDB::execute("UPDATE  announces\n                                     SET  creation_date = creation_date, post_id = {?}\n                                   WHERE  id = {?}", $post, $eid);
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function commit()
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  id
                          FROM  profile_job_enum
                         WHERE  name = {?}', $this->name);
     if ($res->numRows() != 1) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_job_enum (name, acronym, url, email, holdingid, SIREN_code, NAF_code, AX_code)
                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->name, $this->acronym, $this->url, $this->email, $this->holdingid, $this->SIREN, $this->NAF_code, $this->AX_code);
         $jobid = XDB::insertId();
         $phone = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'hq', 'link_id' => $jobid, 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'display' => $this->tel, 'pub' => 'public'));
         $fax = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'hq', 'link_id' => $jobid, 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'display' => $this->fax, 'pub' => 'public'));
         $address = new Address(array('jobid' => $jobid, 'type' => Address::LINK_COMPANY, 'text' => $this->address));
     } else {
         $jobid = $res->fetchOneCell();
     XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_job
                      SET  jobid = {?}
                    WHERE  pid = {?} AND id = {?}', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id);
     if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0) {
         return XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_job (jobid, pid, id)
                                   VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?})', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function insert()
     $schema = Schema::get(get_class($this));
     $table = $schema->table();
     $id = $schema->id();
     XDB::execute("INSERT INTO {$table} SET `{$id}` = NULL");
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function handler_adm_importlogs($page, $step, $param = null)
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Paiements - Réconciliations');
     $page->assign('step', $step);
     if (isset($_SESSION['paymentrecon_data'])) {
         // create temporary table with imported data
         XDB::execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE payment_tmp (
                         reference VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,
                         date DATE,
                         amount DECIMAL(9,2),
                         commission DECIMAL(9,2)
         foreach ($_SESSION['paymentrecon_data'] as $i) {
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO payment_tmp VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $i['reference'], $i['date'], $i['amount'], $i['commission']);
     if ($step == 'step1') {
         $page->assign('title', 'Étape 1');
         // was a payment method choosen ?
         if ($param != null) {
             $_SESSION['paymentrecon_method'] = (int) $param;
         } else {
             // ask to choose a payment method
             $res = XDB::query('SELECT id, text FROM payment_methods');
             $page->assign('methods', $res->fetchAllAssoc());
     } elseif ($step == 'step2') {
         $page->assign('title', 'Étape 2');
         // import logs formated in CVS
         $fields = array('date', 'reference', 'amount', 'commission');
         $importer = new PaymentLogsImporter();
         $importer->apply($page, 'admin/reconcile/importlogs/step2', $fields);
         // if import is finished
         $result = $importer->get_result();
         if ($result != null) {
             $_SESSION['paymentrecon_data'] = $result;
     } elseif ($step == 'step3') {
         $page->assign('title', 'Étape 3');
         // compute reconcilation summary data
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  MIN(date) AS period_start, MAX(date) AS period_end,
                                    count(*) AS payment_count, SUM(amount) AS sum_amounts,
                                    SUM(commission) AS sum_commissions
                              FROM  payment_tmp');
         $recon = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
         $recon['method_id'] = $_SESSION['paymentrecon_method'];
         // create reconciliation item in database
         if (Post::has('next')) {
             // get parameters
             $recon['period_start'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', Post::v('period_start'));
             $recon['period_end'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', Post::v('period_end'));
             // FIXME: save checks to be done at next step
             // Create reconcilation item in database
             // FIXME: check if period doesn't overlap with others for the same method_id
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  payment_reconcilations (method_id, period_start, period_end,
                                                                payment_count, sum_amounts, sum_commissions)
                                VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $recon['method_id'], $recon['period_start'], $recon['period_end'], $recon['payment_count'], $recon['sum_amounts'], $recon['sum_commissions']);
             $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id'] = XDB::insertId();
             // reconcile simple cases (trans.commission n'est modifié que s'il vaut NULL)
             XDB::execute("UPDATE  payment_transactions AS trans, payment_tmp AS tmp\n                                 SET  trans.recon_id = {?}, trans.commission=tmp.commission\n                               WHERE  trans.fullref = tmp.reference\n                                      AND trans.amount = tmp.amount AND DATE(trans.ts_confirmed) = tmp.date\n                                      AND (trans.commission IS NULL OR trans.commission = tmp.commission)\n                                      AND method_id = {?} AND recon_id IS NULL AND status = 'confirmed'", $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id'], $recon['method_id']);
             // show summary of the imported data + ask form start/end of reconcilation period
         } else {
             $recon['period_start'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/', '\\3/\\2/\\1', $recon['period_start']);
             $recon['period_end'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/', '\\3/\\2/\\1', $recon['period_end']);
             $page->assign('recon', $recon);
     } elseif ($step == 'step4') {
         $page->assign('title', 'Étape 4');
         // get reconcilation summary informations
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT * FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id = {?}', $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id']);
         $recon = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
         $page->assign('recon', $recon);
         if (Post::has('force')) {
             foreach (Post::v('force') as $id => $value) {
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  payment_transactions AS trans, payment_tmp AS tmp
                                  SET  trans.recon_id = {?}, trans.commission = tmp.commission
                                WHERE  trans.id = {?} AND trans.fullref = tmp.reference', $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id'], $id);
             $page->trigSuccess('La réconciliation a été forcée pour ' . count(Post::v('force')) . ' transaction(s).');
         } elseif (Post::has('next')) {
             if (strlen($recon['comments']) < 3) {
                 $page->trigError('Le commentaire doit contenir au moins 3 caractères.');
             } else {
                 XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET status = 'transfering' WHERE id = {?}", $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id']);
         } elseif (Post::has('savecomments')) {
             $recon['comments'] = Post::v('comments');
             $page->assign('recon', $recon);
             XDB::execute('UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET comments = {?} WHERE id = {?}', $recon['comments'], $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id']);
             $page->trigSuccess('Les commentaires ont été enregistrés.');
         // reconcilation results - ok
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  count(*), SUM(amount), SUM(commission)
                              FROM  payment_transactions
                             WHERE recon_id = {?}', $recon['id']);
         list($ok_count, $ok_sum_amounts, $ok_sum_coms) = $res->fetchOneRow();
         $page->assign('ok_count', $ok_count);
         // reconcilation results - ref exists, but some data differs
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  id, fullref, method_id, ts_confirmed, trans.amount, trans.commission, status, recon_id,
                                    reference, date, tmp.amount as amount2, tmp.commission as commission2
                              FROM  payment_transactions AS trans
                        INNER JOIN  payment_tmp          AS tmp ON (trans.fullref = tmp.reference)
                             WHERE  trans.recon_id IS NULL OR trans.recon_id != {?}', $recon['id']);
         $differs = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
         $page->assign_by_ref('differs', $differs);
         $page->assign('differ_count', count($differs));
         // reconcilation results - ref doesn't exists in database
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  tmp.*
                              FROM  payment_tmp          AS tmp
                         LEFT JOIN  payment_transactions AS trans ON (trans.fullref = tmp.reference)
                             WHERE  trans.fullref IS NULL');
         $only_import = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
         $page->assign_by_ref('only_import', $only_import);
         $page->assign('onlyim_count', count($only_import));
         // reconcilation results - exists in database but not in import
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  trans.*
                              FROM  payment_transactions AS trans
                         LEFT JOIN  payment_tmp          AS tmp ON (trans.fullref = tmp.reference)
                             WHERE  {?} <= DATE(trans.ts_confirmed) AND DATE(trans.ts_confirmed) <= {?}
                                    AND tmp.reference IS NULL AND method_id = {?}', $recon['period_start'], $recon['period_end'], $recon['method_id']);
         $only_database = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
         $page->assign_by_ref('only_database', $only_database);
         $page->assign('onlydb_count', count($only_database));
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Insert a new Wiki in the DB
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO wiki SET name = {?}', $this->name);
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function handler_edit($page, $eid = null)
     global $globals;
     // get eid if the the given one is a short name
     if (!is_null($eid) && !is_numeric($eid)) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT eid\n                                 FROM group_events\n                                WHERE asso_id = {?} AND short_name = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $eid);
         if ($res->numRows()) {
             $eid = (int) $res->fetchOneCell();
     // check the event is in our group
     if (!is_null($eid)) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT short_name\n                                 FROM group_events\n                                WHERE eid = {?} AND asso_id = {?}", $eid, $globals->asso('id'));
         if ($res->numRows()) {
             $infos = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
         } else {
             return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     $moments = range(1, 4);
     $error = false;
     $page->assign('moments', $moments);
     if (Post::v('intitule')) {
         $short_name = event_change_shortname($page, $eid, $infos['short_name'], Env::v('short_name', ''));
         if ($short_name != Env::v('short_name')) {
             $error = true;
         $evt = array('eid' => $eid, 'asso_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'paiement_id' => Post::v('paiement_id') > 0 ? Post::v('paiement_id') : null, 'debut' => Post::v('deb_Year') . '-' . Post::v('deb_Month') . '-' . Post::v('deb_Day') . ' ' . Post::v('deb_Hour') . ':' . Post::v('deb_Minute') . ':00', 'fin' => Post::v('fin_Year') . '-' . Post::v('fin_Month') . '-' . Post::v('fin_Day') . ' ' . Post::v('fin_Hour') . ':' . Post::v('fin_Minute') . ':00', 'short_name' => $short_name);
         $trivial = array('intitule', 'descriptif', 'noinvite', 'subscription_notification', 'show_participants', 'accept_nonmembre', 'uid');
         foreach ($trivial as $k) {
             $evt[$k] = Post::v($k);
         if (!$eid) {
             $evt['uid'] = S::v('uid');
         if (Post::v('deadline')) {
             $evt['deadline_inscription'] = Post::v('inscr_Year') . '-' . Post::v('inscr_Month') . '-' . Post::v('inscr_Day');
         } else {
             $evt['deadline_inscription'] = null;
         // Store the modifications in the database
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_events (eid, asso_id, uid, intitule, paiement_id,
                                                  descriptif, debut, fin, show_participants,
                                                  short_name, deadline_inscription, noinvite,
                                                  accept_nonmembre, subscription_notification)
                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
           ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  asso_id = VALUES(asso_id), uid = VALUES(uid), intitule = VALUES(intitule),
                                    paiement_id = VALUES(paiement_id), descriptif = VALUES(descriptif), debut = VALUES(debut),
                                    fin = VALUES(fin), show_participants = VALUES(show_participants), short_name = VALUES(short_name),
                                    deadline_inscription = VALUES(deadline_inscription), noinvite = VALUES(noinvite),
                                    accept_nonmembre = VALUES(accept_nonmembre), subscription_notification = VALUES(subscription_notification)', $evt['eid'], $evt['asso_id'], $evt['uid'], $evt['intitule'], $evt['paiement_id'], $evt['descriptif'], $evt['debut'], $evt['fin'], $evt['show_participants'], $evt['short_name'], $evt['deadline_inscription'], $evt['noinvite'], $evt['accept_nonmembre'], $evt['subscription_notification']);
         // if new event, get its id
         if (!$eid) {
             $eid = XDB::insertId();
         foreach ($moments as $i) {
             if (Post::v('titre' . $i)) {
                 $montant = strtr(Post::v('montant' . $i), ',', '.');
                 $money_defaut += (double) $montant;
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_event_items (eid, item_id, titre, details, montant)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  titre = VALUES(titre), details = VALUES(details), montant = VALUES(montant)', $eid, $i, Post::v('titre' . $i), Post::v('details' . $i), $montant);
             } else {
                 XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  group_event_items
                                     WHERE  eid = {?} AND item_id = {?}', $eid, $i);
         // request for a new payment
         if (Post::v('paiement_id') == -1 && $money_defaut >= 0) {
             $p = new PayReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " - " . Post::v('intitule'), Post::v('site'), $money_defaut, Post::v('confirmation'), 0, 999, $globals->asso('id'), $eid, Post::v('payment_public') == 'yes');
             if ($p->accept()) {
             } else {
                 $page->assign('payment_message', Post::v('confirmation'));
                 $page->assign('payment_site', Post::v('site'));
                 $page->assign('payment_public', Post::v('payment_public') == 'yes');
                 $page->assign('error', true);
                 $error = true;
         // events with no sub-event: add a sub-event with default name
         if ($nb_moments == 0) {
             XDB::execute("INSERT INTO group_event_items\n                                   VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'Événement', '', 0)", $eid, 1);
         if (!$error) {
     // get a list of all the payment for this asso
     $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT  id, text\n                                FROM  payments\n                               WHERE  asso_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('old', flags)", $globals->asso('id'));
     $paiements = array();
     while ($a = $res->next()) {
         $paiements[$a['id']] = $a['text'];
     $page->assign('paiements', $paiements);
     // when modifying an old event retreive the old datas
     if ($eid) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  eid, intitule, descriptif, debut, fin, uid,\n                             show_participants, paiement_id, short_name,\n                             deadline_inscription, noinvite, accept_nonmembre, subscription_notification\n                       FROM  group_events\n                      WHERE eid = {?}", $eid);
         $evt = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
         // find out if there is already a request for a payment for this event
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  stamp\n                                 FROM  requests\n                                WHERE  type = 'paiements' AND data LIKE {?}", PayReq::same_event($eid, $globals->asso('id')));
         $stamp = $res->fetchOneCell();
         if ($stamp) {
             $evt['paiement_id'] = -2;
             $evt['paiement_req'] = $stamp;
         $page->assign('evt', $evt);
         // get all the different moments infos
         $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT  item_id, titre, details, montant\n                       FROM  group_event_items AS ei\n                 INNER JOIN  group_events AS e ON(e.eid = ei.eid)\n                      WHERE  e.eid = {?}\n                   ORDER BY item_id", $eid);
         $items = array();
         while ($item = $res->next()) {
             $items[$item['item_id']] = $item;
         $page->assign('items', $items);
     $page->assign('url_ref', $eid);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /** Create a new, empty, pending newsletter issue
  * @p $nlid The id of the NL for which a new pending issue should be created.
  * @return Id of the newly created issue.
 public function createPending()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  newsletter_issues
                           SET  nlid = {?}, state=\'new\', date=NOW(),
                                title=\'to be continued\',
                                mail_title=\'to be continued\'', $this->id);
     return XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 16
    $subsectors = XDB::iterator('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `profile_job_subsector_enum` WHERE sectorid = {?}', $oldsector['id']);
    while ($oldsubsector = $subsectors->next()) {
        if ($oldsubsector['name'] == $oldsector['name']) {
            // adds sector term to jobs and mentorships linked to subsector with same name as sector
            XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_job_term`
                          SELECT  `pid`, `id`, {?}, "original"
                            FROM  `profile_job`
                           WHERE  `sectorid` = {?} AND `subsectorid` = {?}', $sector_id, $oldsector['id'], $oldsubsector['id']);
            XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_mentor_term`
                          SELECT  `pid`, {?}
                            FROM  `profile_mentor_sector`
                           WHERE  `sectorid` = {?} AND `subsectorid` = {?}', $sector_id, $oldsector['id'], $oldsubsector['id']);
        // adds subsector as term
        XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_job_term_enum` (`name`, `full_name`) VALUES ( {?}, {?} )', $oldsubsector['name'], $oldsubsector['name'] . ' (secteur)');
        $subsector_id = XDB::insertId();
        // links to root for sectors and to sector
        XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_job_term_relation` VALUES ({?}, {?}, "narrower", "computed"), ({?}, {?}, "narrower", "original"), ({?}, {?}, "narrower", "computed")', $root_sector_id, $subsector_id, $sector_id, $subsector_id, $subsector_id, $subsector_id);
        // adds subsector term to linked jobs and mentorships
        XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_job_term`
                      SELECT  `pid`, `id`, {?}, "original"
                        FROM  `profile_job`
                       WHERE  `sectorid` = {?} AND `subsectorid` = {?}', $subsector_id, $oldsector['id'], $oldsubsector['id']);
        XDB::execute('INSERT INTO `profile_mentor_term`
                      SELECT  `pid`, {?}
                        FROM  `profile_mentor_sector`
                       WHERE  `sectorid` = {?} AND `subsectorid` = {?}', $subsector_id, $oldsector['id'], $oldsubsector['id']);
/* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function handler_edit_announce($page, $aid = null)
     global $globals, $platal;
     $page->assign('new', is_null($aid));
     $art = array();
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Visualiser' || Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image' || Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image') {
         if (!is_null($aid)) {
             $art['id'] = $aid;
         $art['titre'] = Post::v('titre');
         $art['texte'] = Post::v('texte');
         $art['contacts'] = Post::v('contacts');
         $art['promo_min'] = Post::i('promo_min');
         $art['promo_max'] = Post::i('promo_max');
         $art['nom'] = S::v('nom');
         $art['prenom'] = S::v('prenom');
         $art['promo'] = S::v('promo');
         $art['hruid'] = S::user()->login();
         $art['uid'] = S::user()->id();
         $art['expiration'] = Post::v('expiration');
         $art['public'] = Post::has('public');
         $art['xorg'] = Post::has('xorg');
         $art['nl'] = Post::has('nl');
         $art['event'] = Post::v('event');
         $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'xnetannounce');
         $this->upload_image($page, $upload);
         $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts'];
         if ($art['event']) {
             $art['contact_html'] .= "\n{$globals->baseurl}/{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$art['event']}";
         if (!$art['public'] && ($art['promo_min'] > $art['promo_max'] && $art['promo_max'] != 0 || $art['promo_min'] != 0 && ($art['promo_min'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_min'] >= 2020) || $art['promo_max'] != 0 && ($art['promo_max'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_max'] >= 2020))) {
             $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions est invalide.");
         if (!trim($art['titre']) || !trim($art['texte'])) {
             $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu.");
         if (Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image') {
         $art['photo'] = $upload->exists() || Post::i('photo');
         if (Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image' && !is_null($aid)) {
             XDB::query('DELETE FROM  group_announces_photo
                               WHERE  eid = {?}', $aid);
             $art['photo'] = false;
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer') {
         $promo_min = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_min'];
         $promo_max = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_max'];
         $flags = new PlFlagSet();
         if ($art['public']) {
         if ($art['photo']) {
         if (is_null($aid)) {
             $fulltext = $art['texte'];
             if (!empty($art['contact_html'])) {
                 $fulltext .= "\n\n'''Contacts :'''\\\\\n" . $art['contact_html'];
             $post = null;
             if ($globals->asso('forum')) {
                 require_once 'banana/forum.inc.php';
                 $banana = new ForumsBanana(S::user());
                 $post = $banana->post($globals->asso('forum'), null, $art['titre'], MiniWiki::wikiToText($fulltext, false, 0, 80));
             XDB::query('INSERT INTO  group_announces (uid, asso_id, create_date, titre, texte, contacts,
                                                       expiration, promo_min, promo_max, flags, post_id)
                              VALUES  ({?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $post);
             $aid = XDB::insertId();
             if ($art['photo']) {
                 list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo();
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_announces_photo
                                       SET  eid = {?}, attachmime = {?}, x = {?}, y = {?}, attach = {?}', $aid, $imgtype, $imgx, $imgy, $upload->getContents());
             if ($art['xorg']) {
                 $article = new EvtReq("[{$globals->asso('nom')}] " . $art['titre'], $fulltext, $art['promo_min'], $art['promo_max'], $art['expiration'], "", S::user(), $upload);
                 $page->trigWarning("L'affichage sur la page d'accueil de Polytechnique.org est en attente de validation.");
             } else {
                 if ($upload && $upload->exists()) {
             if ($art['nl']) {
                 $article = new NLReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " : " . $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html']);
                 $page->trigWarning("La parution dans la Lettre Mensuelle est en attente de validation.");
         } else {
             XDB::query('UPDATE  group_announces
                            SET  titre = {?}, texte = {?}, contacts = {?}, expiration = {?},
                                 promo_min = {?}, promo_max = {?}, flags = {?}
                          WHERE  id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contacts'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $art['id'], $globals->asso('id'));
             if ($art['photo'] && $upload->exists()) {
                 list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo();
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_announces_photo (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $aid, $imgtype, $upload->getContents(), $imgx, $imgy);
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Annuler') {
     if (empty($art) && !is_null($aid)) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  *, FIND_IN_SET('public', flags) AS public,\n                                       FIND_IN_SET('photo', flags) AS photo\n                                 FROM  group_announces\n                                WHERE  asso_id = {?} AND id = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $aid);
         if ($res->numRows()) {
             $art = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
             $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts'];
         } else {
             $page->kill("Aucun article correspond à l'identifiant indiqué.");
     if (is_null($aid)) {
         $events = XDB::iterator("SELECT *\n                                      FROM group_events\n                                     WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = 0", $globals->asso('id'));
         if ($events->total()) {
             $page->assign('events', $events);
     $art['contact_html'] = @MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($art['contact_html']);
     $page->assign('art', $art);
     $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO castes SET `group` = {?}, rights = {?}', $this->group->id(), (string) $this->rights);
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO images SET seen = 0, lastseen = NOW()');
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO surveys SET writer = {?}', S::user()->id());
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
     foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function insert($id = null, $type = 'all')
     if ($id == null) {
         $this->name = uniqid();
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO groups SET name = {?}', $this->name);
         $this->id = XDB::insertId();
     } else {
         $this->name = 'g_' . $id;
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO groups SET gid = {?}, name= {?}', $id, $this->name);
         $this->id = $id;
      * Create the castes
     if ($type == 'user') {
         // A user group only needs an admin caste & a restricted caste.
     } else {
         $admins = $this->addCaste(Rights::admin());
         $members = $this->addCaste(Rights::member());
         $logics = $this->addCaste(Rights::logic());
         $friends = $this->addCaste(Rights::friend());
          * Create the 'restricted' caste
         $restricted = new UserFilter(new UFC_Caste(array($admins, $members, $logics)));
          * Create the 'everybody' caste
          * It's better not to refer to the restricted caste, as we don't know in what
          * order the bubbling is going to happen
         $everybody = new UserFilter(new UFC_Caste(array($admins, $members, $logics, $friends)));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function vote($uid, $args)
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  survey_votes
                           SET  survey_id = {?}, uid = {?}', $this->id, $uid == 0 ? null : $uid);
     // notes the user as having voted
     $vid = XDB::insertId();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->questions); $i++) {
         $ans = $this->questions[$i]->checkAnswer($args[$i]);
         if (!is_null($ans) && is_array($ans)) {
             foreach ($ans as $a) {
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO survey_answers
                                       SET vote_id     = {?},
                                           question_id = {?},
                                           answer      = {?}', $vid, $i, $a);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function insert($type = '')
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  links
                           SET  id = NULL');
     $r = XDB::query('SELECT  MAX(rank)
                        FROM  links
                       WHERE  ns = {?}', $type)->fetchOneCell();
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
     $this->rank($r + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 protected function action_saveSubs($groups)
     global $globals;
     $uid = $this->user->id();
     Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = array();
     XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  forum_subs
                         WHERE  uid = {?}', $this->user->id());
     if (!count($groups)) {
         return true;
     $fids = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('name', 'SELECT  fid, name
                                           FROM  forums');
     $diff = array_diff($groups, array_keys($fids));
     foreach ($diff as $g) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  forums (name)
                            VALUES  ({?})', $g);
         $fids[$g] = XDB::insertId();
     foreach ($groups as $g) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  forum_subs (fid, uid)
                            VALUES  ({?}, {?})', $fids[$g], $uid);
         Banana::$profile['subscribe'][] = $g;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function insert($id = null)
     if ($id == null) {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO account SET perms = "user"');
         $this->id = XDB::insertId();
     } else {
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO account SET uid = {?}, perms= "user"', $id);
         $this->id = $id;
     $group = new Group();
     $group->insert(null, 'user');
     $group->name('user_' . $this->id());
     $group->label('Groupe personnel de ' . $this->fullName());
     XDB::execute('UPDATE account SET `group` = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $group->id(), $this->id());
     $this->group = $group;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * to use to send the data for moderation
  * if $this->item->unique is true, then the database will be cleaned before
 public function insert()
     if (is_null($this->item)) {
     if ($this->item->unique()) {
         XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  validate
                             WHERE  writer = {?} AND `group` = {?} AND type = {?}', $this->writer->id(), $this->group->id(), $this->type);
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  validate
                           SET  writer = {?}, `group` = {?}, type = {?}, 
                                item = {?}, created = NOW()', $this->writer->id(), $this->group->id(), $this->type, $this->itemToDb());
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function insert()
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  activities_instances
                           SET  activity = {?}, writer = {?}, comment = {?},
                                begin = {?}, end = {?}', $this->activity->id(), $this->writer->id(), $this->comment, $this->begin->toDb(), $this->end->toDb());
     $this->id = XDB::insertId();