Ejemplo n.º 1
  * User wants to take a new subscription
 protected function displayNew()
     $check = WpSubscription::canSubscribe($this->getUser());
     if ($check !== true) {
         $this->action = self::ACTION_LIST;
         $this->msgKey = $check;
         $this->msgType = 'error';
     // load invitation using the hidden field
     // maybe there is a better way to do this?
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $invitation = null;
     if ($this->invitation != null) {
         $invitation = $this->invitation;
     } elseif ($request->getCheck('wpInvitation')) {
         $invitation = WpInvitation::newFromCode($request->getText('wpInvitation'));
         if ($invitation instanceof WpInvitation) {
             if (!$invitation->canBeUsed()) {
                 $invitation = null;
                 // can no longer be used
     $formDescriptor = array();
     if ($invitation instanceof WpInvitation) {
         $formDescriptor['UseInvitation'] = array('type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sub-new-section', 'label-message' => 'wp-inv-code-field', 'help-message' => 'wp-use-inv-help2', 'default' => $invitation->getCode(), 'disabled' => true);
     $formDescriptor['Invitation'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'label' => 'hidden', 'default' => $invitation != null ? $invitation->getCode() : '');
     $formDescriptor['Plan'] = array('type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sub-new-section', 'label-message' => 'wp-planfield', 'help-message' => 'wp-planfield-help', 'validation-callback' => array($this, 'validateSubscribeNewPlanId'), 'options' => array());
     $formDescriptor['Check'] = array('type' => 'check', 'section' => 'sub-new-section', 'label-message' => 'wp-checkfield', 'validation-callback' => array($this, 'validateSubscribeCheck'), 'required' => 'true');
     $plans = WpPlan::factoryAvailableForFirstSubscription($invitation);
     foreach ($plans as $plan) {
         $wpp_name = $plan->getName();
         $price = $plan->getPrice();
         $formDescriptor['Plan']['options'][wfMessage('wp-plan-desc-short', wfMessage('wpp-' . $wpp_name)->text(), $price['amount'])->text()] = $plan->getId();
         if ($this->planName == $wpp_name) {
             $formDescriptor['Plan']['default'] = $plan->getId();
     $htmlForm = new HTMLFormS($formDescriptor);
     $htmlForm->setTitle($this->getTitleFor(self::TITLE_NAME, self::ACTION_NEW));
     $htmlForm->setSubmitCallback(array($this, 'processNew'));
     if ($this->invitation != null) {
         // invitation code comes from another form, so only diplay form and do not process submission
     } else {
         // store invitation code if it has been loaded from the current form
         $this->invitation = $invitation;
     if ($htmlForm->show()) {
         // form validated and processed OK
         switch ($this->just_subscribed->getTmrStatus()) {
             case 'PE':
                 $this->msgType = 'success';
                 $this->msgKey = 'wp-new-success-ok';
         $this->action = self::ACTION_LIST;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns available offers, taking account of the invitation.
  * @param WpInvitation $invitation Optional invitation
  * @return array array of WpPlans 
  * @todo also add plan available using an invitation
 public static function factoryAvailableForFirstSubscription($invitation = null)
     $offers = array();
     if ($invitation instanceof WpInvitation) {
         $invitatonOffers = $invitation->getCategory()->getPlans();
         foreach ($invitatonOffers as $offer) {
     $nb_wikiplaces = 0;
     $nb_wikiplace_pages = 0;
     $diskspace = 0;
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $now = $dbr->addQuotes(wfTimestamp(TS_DB));
     $conds = $dbr->makeList(array("wpp_start_date <= {$now}", "wpp_end_date > {$now}", "wpp_invitation_only" => 0, "wpp_nb_wikiplaces >= {$nb_wikiplaces}", "wpp_nb_wikiplace_pages >= {$nb_wikiplace_pages}", "wpp_diskspace >= {$diskspace}"), LIST_AND);
     $result = $dbr->select('wp_plan', '*', $conds, __METHOD__);
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $offer = self::constructFromDatabaseRow($row);
     return $offers;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function validateCode($code, $alldata)
     if (!preg_match('/^[\\w_\\-\\?\\!\\.\\,]+$/', $code)) {
         return 'Error: Code should contain: alphanumeric chars _ - ? ! . , (space replaced by _)';
     $invitation = WpInvitation::newFromCode($code);
     if ($invitation instanceof WpInvitation) {
         return 'Error: This code already exists.';
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Subscribe to a plan (= no current active plan)
  * WARNING, you should ensure the user can subscribe before calling this: use canSubscribe() and canSubscribeTo()
  * @param User $use The user who buy the plan, and will use it 
  * @param WpPlan $plan
  * @param WpInvitation $invitation Optional
  * @return WpSubscription the newly created subscription if ok, or null if an error occured (db error)
 public static function subscribe($user, $plan, $invitation = null)
     if ($user === null || !$user instanceof User || $plan === null || !$plan instanceof WpPlan) {
         throw new MWException('Cannot subscribe, invalid argument.');
     $invitationId = 0;
     if ($invitation instanceof WpInvitation) {
         $invitationId = $invitation->getId();
     $user_id = $user->getId();
     $db_master = $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     // archive the current sub if necessary
     // not that even if this sub is active, it will be archived
     // so, be sure that you need to call this subscribe() !
     $current_sub = self::newByUserId($user_id);
     $tmr = self::createTMR($user_id, $user->getEmail(), $plan, WP_SUBSCRIPTION_TMR_TYPE_NEW);
     // already paid, or waiting a payment ?
     switch ($tmr['tmr_status']) {
         case 'OK':
             // already paid by user
             $now = self::now();
             $end = self::calculateEndDateFromStart($now, $plan->getPeriod());
             $renewal_plan_id = $plan->getRenewalPlan($end)->getId();
             if ($current_sub != null) {
                 $current_sub->update($plan->getId(), $user_id, $tmr['tmr_id'], 'OK', $now, $end, true, $renewal_plan_id, false, $invitationId, $db_master);
                 $sub = $current_sub;
             } else {
                 $sub = self::create($plan->getId(), $user_id, $tmr['tmr_id'], 'OK', $now, $end, true, $renewal_plan_id, false, $invitationId, $db_master);
             if ($sub == null) {
                 return null;
             return $sub;
         case 'PE':
             // waiting payment
             if ($current_sub != null) {
                 $current_sub->update($plan->getId(), $user_id, $tmr['tmr_id'], 'PE', null, null, false, WPP_ID_NORENEW, false, $invitationId, $db_master);
                 $sub = $current_sub;
             } else {
                 $sub = self::create($plan->getId(), $user_id, $tmr['tmr_id'], 'PE', null, null, false, WPP_ID_NORENEW, false, $invitationId, $db_master);
             return $sub;
     // if we arrive here, the payment status is unknown
     wfDebugLog('wikiplaces', 'WpSubscription::subscribe() ERROR the transaction status is not handled: "' . $tmr['tmr_status'] . '" of tmr_id[' . $tmr['tmr_id'] . ']');
     return null;