Ejemplo n.º 1
        printf('<p>If you\'re seeing this message in-game then something else went wrong, and I look like a bit of a fool.  Try refreshing the page and if it happens again let me know.</p>');
        printf('<p style="color: #666666; font-style: italic;">This window will automatically close in a few seconds.</p>');
    // ========================================================================
} elseif ($action == "getloc") {
    // ========================================================================
    // ========================================================================
} elseif ($action == "locusov") {
    // ========================================================================
    $n_LocusID = strtoupper(trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["lid"])));
    $aTempWH = new Wormhole($n_LocusID);
    if ($aTempWH->isValidLocus()) {
        if ($aTempWH->isWHLocus()) {
            $whTxt = sprintf('<div class="iH sW"><a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="whInfo" title="System info">%s</a></div> is a <div class="iH %s">%s%s</div> system with ', $aTempWH->getSysName(), $aTempWH->getClassCSS(), $aTempWH->getClassDesc(), $aTempWH->hasAnomaly() ? sprintf(' <a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="whAnom" title="Anomaly info">%s</a>', $aTempWH->getAnomalyName()) : '');
            $staticInfoSQL = sprintf("SELECT it.typeName, COALESCE(whClass.valueFloat,whClass.valueInt) AS wormholeType FROM " . EVEDB_NAME . ".invTypes it " . "LEFT JOIN " . EVEDB_NAME . ".dgmTypeAttributes whClass USING(typeID) " . "WHERE it.typeID IN (SELECT typeID FROM " . WHDB_NAME . ".staticMap WHERE constellationID = '%d') " . "AND whClass.attributeID = 1381 " . "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(wormholeType,'7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6')", $aTempWH->getConstellationID());
            $rsStatics = mysql_query_cache($staticInfoSQL, $whConn);
            $whStatic = array();
            if (is_array($rsStatics)) {
                if (count($rsStatics) > 1) {
                    for ($s = 0; $s < count($rsStatics); $s++) {
                        $whStatic[] = sprintf('<div class="iH sS %s"><a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="whStatic" title="Static info">%s</a></div> <div class="iH %s">(%s)</div>', getClassCSS($rsStatics[$s]["wormholeType"]), preg_replace("/Wormhole /i", "", $rsStatics[$s]["typeName"]), getClassCSS($rsStatics[$s]["wormholeType"]), getClassDesc($rsStatics[$s]["wormholeType"], true));
                    $whTxt .= implode(", ", $whStatic) . sprintf(" static%s.", sizeof($whStatic) > 1 ? "s" : "");
                } elseif (count($rsStatics) == 1) {
                    $whTxt .= sprintf('<div class="iH sS %s"><a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="whStatic" title="Static info">%s</a></div> <div class="iH %s">(%s)</div> static.', getClassCSS($rsStatics[0]["wormholeType"]), preg_replace("/Wormhole /i", "", $rsStatics[0]["typeName"]), getClassCSS($rsStatics[0]["wormholeType"]), getClassDesc($rsStatics[0]["wormholeType"], true));
        } else {