  * Function adds users to a process with decission WAITING
  * workflowslotuser_id and user_id can be different, if a useragent is set.
  * then workflowslotuser_id is still the same, but user_id is different and
  * set to id of the useragent
  * @param int $workflowslotuser_id, id of the slotuser
  * @param int $user_id, id of the user which receives the workflow
  * @param int $wfProcessId, foreignkey from WorkflowProcess
 public function addProcessUser($workflowslotuser_id, $user_id, $wfProcessId) {
     $wfProcessUser = new WorkflowProcessUser();
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Write the new Station and set active write email
     * @param WorkflowSlotUser $user
     * @param int $version_id, workflowversion id
     * @param int $workflowtemplate_id , workfowtemplate id
    public function setNewStationActive (WorkflowSlotUser $user, $version_id, $workflowtemplate_id) {
        $currentWorkflowProcessUser = WorkflowProcessUserTable::instance()->getProcessUserByWorkflowSlotUserId($user->getId());
        $workflowPU = new WorkflowProcessUser();
        $mail = new PrepareStationEmail($this->station->version_id, $this->station->workflowtemplate_id, $user->getUserId(), $this->station->context, $this->station->serverUrl);

     * This function writes the structure of workflowprocess and workflowprocessusers of an old version and
     * replaces this structre with the id's of the new version and its slots, and users
     * @param array $lastStationData, data of the old workflow with its processes and processusers
     * @param array $newData, contains the id's of the new users and slots
     * @param <type> $version_id
     * @param <type> $workflow_id
    public function restartAtLastStation(array $lastStationData, array $newData, $version_id, $workflow_id) {
        for($a = 0;$a<count($lastStationData);$a++) {
            $lastSlots = $lastStationData[$a];
            $newSlots = $newData[$a];

            if($lastSlots['userprocess'] != '') {
                for($b=0;$b<count($lastSlots['userprocess']);$b++) {
                    $lastProcess = $lastSlots['userprocess'][$b];
                    if(isset($lastProcess['process']) == true) {
                        $wfProcess = new WorkflowProcess(); // write the process
                        $wfProcess->setWorkflowtemplateId($workflow_id); // wf id
                        $wfProcess->setWorkflowversionId($version_id); // new id of the worklflow
                        $wfProcess->setWorkflowslotId($newSlots['slot_id']); //the id of the new slot is used
                        $wfprocessId = $wfProcess->getId();
                        $newProcessUser = $newSlots['slotuser_id'][$b];
                        $processCounter = 0;

                        // write processes of the user
                            $lastProcessUser = $lastProcess['process'][$c];
                            $user_id = $lastProcessUser['user_id'];
                            $wfsUid = $newProcessUser['id'];

                            // create the new states of the
                            if($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'STOPPEDBYADMIN' OR $lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'STOPPEDBYUSER') {
                                $setDecission = 'WAITING';
                            else if ($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'WAITING') {
                                $setDecission = 'WAITING';
                            else if ($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'SKIPPED') {
                                $setDecission = 'SKIPPED';
                            else if ($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'USERAGENTSET') {
                                $setDecission = 'USERAGENTSET';
                            else if ($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'DONE') {
                                $setDecission = 'DONE';
                            else if ($lastProcessUser['decissionstate'] == 'ARCHIVED') {
                                $setDecission = 'ARCHIVED';
                            else {
                                $setDecission = 'SKIPPED';
                            $wfProcessUser = new WorkflowProcessUser();

                            if($setDecission == 'WAITING') {
                                $mail = new PrepareStationEmail($version_id, $workflow_id, $user_id, $this->context, $this->serverUrl);

Ejemplo n.º 4
     * the Action restarts the workflow
     * @param sfWebRequest $request
     * @return <type>
    public function executeRestartWorkflow(sfWebRequest $request) {
        $context = sfContext::getInstance();
        $context->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Partial', 'I18N', 'Url', 'Date', 'CalculateDate', 'ColorBuilder', 'Icon', 'EndAction');

        $createWorkObj = new PrepareWorkflowData();
        $startDate = array();

        $version_id = $request->getParameter('versionid');
        $newValue = $request->getParameter('restartWorkflowFirstTab_useoldvalues',0); // set flag if values form previous version will be used or from the default value of the fields
        $endreason = $createWorkObj->createEndreason($request->getPostParameter('restartWorkflowFirstTabSettings', array())); // set additional settings
        $startDate = $createWorkObj->createStartDate('', ''); // startdate is always at the moment
        $content = $createWorkObj->createRestartContenttype($request->getPostParameters());// ste contenttype of the additional text

        $workflowtemplate_id = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getWorkflowVersionById($version_id)->toArray(); // load the current workflowversion

        WorkflowTemplateTable::instance()->updateEndaction($workflowtemplate_id[0]['id'],$endreason); // update the endaction/additionalsettings

        $currentVersion = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getLastVersionById($workflowtemplate_id[0]['workflowtemplate_id'])->toArray(); // load the last workflow
        $slots = WorkflowSlotTable::instance()->getSlotByVersionId($version_id); // get all slots for the current workflow

        WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->setVersionInactive($version_id); // set the current version inactive
        WorkflowTemplateTable::instance()->restartWorkflow($workflowtemplate_id[0]['workflowtemplate_id']); // remove stopflag from template

        $wfRestart = new RestartWorkflow();
        // set flag if workflow uses old values or not
        //load the data for fields. they contain old values or the default field values. the data array contains slots and its fields, values and users of the last version
        $data = $wfRestart->buildSaveData($slots);

        // create a new instance of the workflow
        $wfVersion = new WorkflowVersion();
        $newVersionId = $wfVersion->getId();

        * to transfer the last version of the workflow into a new one, it is needed to copy
        * the old version and set new relations (ids). $slotCounter stores the id's of the
        * new created slots, user and userproeccess, to replace the old values with the new ones.
        $dataStore = array();
        $slotCounter = 0;

        foreach($data as $slot) {

            $singleSlot = new WorkflowSlot();

            $slotId = $singleSlot->getId();
            // ids of created slots
            $dataStore[$slotCounter]['slot_id'] = $slotId;

            $fields = $slot['fields']; // the fields of the slot
            $users = $slot['users']; // the users of the slot

            // create the fields for the slot and set the value
            foreach($fields as $field) {
                $newField = new WorkflowSlotField();
                $fieldId = $newField->getId();
                switch($field['type']) {
                    case 'TEXTFIELD':
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldTextfield();
                    case 'CHECKBOX':
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldCheckbox();
                    case 'NUMBER':
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldNumber();
                    case 'DATE':
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldDate();
                    case 'TEXTAREA':
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldTextarea();
                    case 'RADIOGROUP':
                        $items = $field['items'];
                        foreach($items as $item) {
                            $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldRadiogroup();
                    case 'CHECKBOXGROUP':
                        $items = $field['items'];
                        foreach($items as $item) {
                            $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldCheckboxgroup();
                    case 'COMBOBOX':
                        $items = $field['items'];
                        foreach($items as $item) {
                            $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldCombobox();
                    case 'FILE':
                        $moveFile = new FileUpload();
                        $moveFile->moveFile($field['items'][0], $newVersionId,$workflowtemplate_id[0]['workflowtemplate_id'], $request->getParameter('versionid'));
                        $newField = new WorkflowSlotFieldFile();

            // save the users for a slot
            $userCounter = 0;
            foreach($users as $user) {
                $wfSlotUser = new WorkflowSlotUser();
                // store the new id of the user and its user_id
                $dataStore[$slotCounter]['slotuser_id'][$userCounter]['id'] = $wfSlotUser->getId();
                $dataStore[$slotCounter]['slotuser_id'][$userCounter++]['user_id'] = $user['user_id'];


         *  save files from file grid in overview.
         *  files are moved forom ext
         *  $keys[0]['uploadfile']->file1
         *  $keys[1]['uploadfile']->file2
         *  it is also necessary to use $_FILES instead of $request->getFiles()
        $files = $_FILES;
        $keys = array();
        $keys = array_keys($files);

        for($a=0;$a<count($keys);$a++) {
	$key = $keys[$a];
            if(substr_count($key, 'uploadfile') == 1) {
                $fileUpload = new FileUpload();
        $workflowTemplate = WorkflowTemplateTable::instance()->getWorkflowTemplateByVersionId($version_id)->toArray();

        $sendToAllSlotsAtOnce = MailinglistVersionTable::instance()->getActiveVersionById($workflowTemplate[0]['mailinglisttemplateversion_id'])->toArray();
        if($request->getPostParameter('restartWorkflowFirstTab_startpoint') == 'BEGINNING'){ // workflow starts from beginning
            // check if mailinglist is send to all slots at once, no workflowprocessuser data is needed to be loaded
            if($sendToAllSlotsAtOnce[0]['sendtoallslotsatonce'] == 1) { // create all slots
                $calc = new CreateWorkflow($newVersionId);
                $calc->setServerUrl(str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index',true)));
            else { // create a single slot
                $calc = new CreateWorkflow($newVersionId);
                $calc->setServerUrl(str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index',true)));
        else if ($request->getPostParameter('restartWorkflowFirstTab_startpoint') == 'LASTSTATION') { // workflow is send to last station
            $wfRestart = new RestartWorkflow();
            $wfRestart->setServerUrl(str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index',true)));
            // load the workflowprocessuser / workflowprocess data of the old version
            $lastStationdata = $wfRestart->getRestartData($version_id);
            // write the oldversions workflowprocessuser/workflowprocess and set the new id's from $dataStore array
            $wfRestart->restartAtLastStation($lastStationdata, $dataStore, $newVersionId, $workflowtemplate_id[0]['workflowtemplate_id']);
        else { // workflow will start at specific station
            $slotOrder = array();
            $slotOrder = explode('__', $request->getPostParameter('restartWorkflowFirstTab_startpointid'));
            $slotPosition = $slotOrder[1]; // Slot Position worklfow must start
            $userPosition = $slotOrder[3]; // position of the user in the slot. e.g. Slot 3 and User 2
            $currentUserSlotId = $dataStore[0]['slotuser_id'][0]['id']; // get Id of the first WorkflowSlot of the restarted Workflow
            $newUserSlotId = $dataStore[$slotPosition-1]['slotuser_id'][$userPosition-1]['id']; // get Id of the first WorkflowSlotUser of the restarted Workflow
            $direction = 'UP'; // direction is UP!

            // write first Process
            $wfProcess = new WorkflowProcess();
            $wfProcessId = $wfProcess->getId();

            // write first user
            $wfProcessUser = new WorkflowProcessUser();
            // use Set Nextstation with direction UP from slot 1 user 1 to defined user e.g. slot 3 and user 2
            $calc = new SetStation($newVersionId, $newUserSlotId, $currentUserSlotId, $direction, $context, str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index',true)));

         * set the response of the action.
         * it is needed to use this response when using fileupload in extjs with symfony.
         * extjs is uploading files using iframe. this iframe needs text/html as response
        $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8');
        $json = array('success' => true);
        $string = '<textarea>'.json_encode($json).'</textarea>';
        return sfView::NONE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
     * Calculate the next stations and set them to inactive
     * @param int $workflowslot_id, id of the slot
     * @param int $position, position
     * @return <type>
    public function calculateStation($workflowslot_id, $position) {
        $nextUser = $this->getNextUser($workflowslot_id, $position);
         if(!empty($nextUser)) {
             if($nextUser[0]['id'] != $this->station->newWorkflowSlotUser_id) {
                 $wfp = new WorkflowProcess();
                 $wfoId = $wfp->getId();

                 $wfpu = new WorkflowProcessUser();
                 $this->calculateStation($nextUser[0]['workflowslot_id'], $nextUser[0]['position']+1);
             else {
                 $wfp = new WorkflowProcess();
                 $wfoId = $wfp->getId();

                 $wfpu = new WorkflowProcessUser();
                 $mail = new PrepareStationEmail($this->station->version_id, $this->station->workflowtemplate_id, $nextUser[0]['user_id'], $this->station->context, $this->station->serverUrl);
                 return true;
         else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
     * Add a useragent manually
     * @param sfWebRequest $request
     * @return <type>
    public function executeSetUseragent(sfWebRequest $request) {
        $useragent_id = $request->getParameter('userid');
        $workflowprocess_id = $request->getParameter('workflowprocessuserid');
        $version_id = $request->getParameter('versionid');
        $currentVersion = WorkflowProcessUserTable::instance()->getProcessById($workflowprocess_id)->toArray();
        $workflowId = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getWorkflowVersionById($version_id)->toArray();
        $context = sfContext::getInstance();
        $context->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Partial', 'I18N', 'Url', 'Date', 'CalculateDate', 'ColorBuilder', 'Icon', 'EndAction');

        $processObj = new WorkflowProcessUser();

        $mailObj = new PrepareStationEmail($version_id, $workflowId[0]['workflowtemplate_id'], $useragent_id, $context,str_replace('/layout', '', url_for('layout/index',true)));

        $detailsObj = new WorkflowDetail();

        $workflowsettings = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getWorkflowVersionById($version_id);
        $userData = $detailsObj->buildUserData($workflowsettings, $version_id);
        $this->renderText('{"detailData" : '.json_encode($userData).'}');
        return sfView::NONE;
     * Recursive function, which calculates and creates a useragent.
     * The Function calculates out of an timestamp the next useragent
     * The $sumUseragenttime variable is summed up by each set useragent.
     * $sumUseragenttime = $sumUseragenttime + (mountofUseragents * userUserSetinngsUserAgenttime)
     * @param array $userAgent, current Useragent
     * @param int $sumUseragenttime, useragent time which is summed up by each written useragent
     * @param int $userAgentOffset, offset for the array
    public function setNewUserAgent(array $userAgent, $sumUseragenttime, $userAgentOffset) {
        if($this->checkSubObj->cronJobSetting == 1){
            if($this->currentTime > ($sumUseragenttime + $this->process['inprogresssince'])) {
                $decissionstate = 'USERAGENTSET';
                $nextUserAgent = $this->getNextUserAgent($userAgentOffset);
                if(is_array($nextUserAgent) == true) { // a useragent was found
                    $sumUseragenttime = $sumUseragenttime + $this->process['useragenttime'];
                    $processObj = new WorkflowProcessUser();
                    $this->setNewUserAgent($nextUserAgent, $sumUseragenttime, $userAgentOffset);
                else { // last Useragent in list is selected
                    $decissionstate = 'WAITING';
            else {
                $decissionstate = 'WAITING';
        else {
            $decissionstate = 'WAITING';

        if($decissionstate == 'WAITING') {
            $processObj = new WorkflowProcessUser();
            // get Additional Data, to send an email
            $workflowSettings = WorkflowProcessTable::instance()->getWorkflowProcessById($this->process['id']);
            $workflowVersionTable = WorkflowVersionTable::instance()->getWorkflowVersionById($workflowSettings[0]->getWorkflowversionId())->toArray();

            // sendmail
            $mailObj = new PrepareStationEmail($workflowVersionTable[0]['id'], $workflowVersionTable[0]['workflowtemplate_id'], $userAgent['useragent_id'], $this->checkSubObj->context, $this->checkSubObj->serverUrl);