Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get Geometry JSON
  * @param int $incident_id
  * @param string $incident_title
  * @param int $incident_date
  * @return array $geometry
 private static function _get_geometry($incident_id, $incident_title, $incident_date, $on_the_back_end, $color, $link_target = "_self")
     $geometry = array();
     if ($incident_id) {
         $db = new Database();
         // Get Incident Geometries via SQL query as ORM can't handle Spatial Data
         $sql = "SELECT id, AsText(geometry) as geometry, geometry_label, \n\t\t\t\tgeometry_comment, geometry_color, geometry_strokewidth FROM " . self::$table_prefix . "geometry \n\t\t\t\tWHERE incident_id=" . $incident_id;
         $query = $db->query($sql);
         $wkt = new Wkt();
         foreach ($query as $item) {
             $geom = $wkt->read($item->geometry);
             $geom_array = $geom->getGeoInterface();
             $json_item = "{";
             $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
             $json_item .= "\"properties\": {";
             $json_item .= "\"id\": \"" . $incident_id . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"feature_id\": \"" . $item->id . "\", ";
             $title = $item->geometry_label ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_label, TRUE) : utf8tohtml::convert($incident_title, TRUE);
             $fillcolor = $item->geometry_color ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_color, TRUE) : $color;
             $strokecolor = $item->geometry_color ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_color, TRUE) : $color;
             $strokewidth = $item->geometry_strokewidth ? $item->geometry_strokewidth : "3";
             if ($on_the_back_end) {
                 $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href='" . url::base() . "admin/reports/edit/" . $incident_id . "'>" . $title . "</a>")) . "\",";
             } else {
                 $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a target='" . $link_target . "' href='" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $incident_id . "'>" . $title . "</a>")) . "\",";
             $json_item .= "\"description\": \"" . utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_comment, TRUE) . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"color\": \"" . $fillcolor . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"strokecolor\": \"" . $strokecolor . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"strokewidth\": \"" . $strokewidth . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"link\": \"" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $incident_id . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"category\":[0], ";
             $json_item .= "\"timestamp\": \"" . strtotime($incident_date) . "\"";
             $json_item .= "},\"geometry\":" . json_encode($geom_array) . "}";
             $geometry[] = $json_item;
     return $geometry;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get Geometry JSON
  * @param int $incident_id
  * @param string $incident_title
  * @param int $incident_date
  * @param string $incident_link
  * @return array $geometry
 protected function get_geometry($incident_id, $incident_title, $incident_date, $incident_link)
     $geometry = array();
     if ($incident_id) {
         $geom_data = $this->_get_geometry_data_for_incident($incident_id);
         $wkt = new Wkt();
         foreach ($geom_data as $item) {
             $geom = $wkt->read($item->geometry);
             $geom_array = $geom->getGeoInterface();
             $title = $item->geometry_label ? $item->geometry_label : $incident_title;
             $item_name = $this->get_title($title, $incident_link);
             $fillcolor = $item->geometry_color ? $item->geometry_color : "ffcc66";
             $strokecolor = $item->geometry_color ? $item->geometry_color : "CC0000";
             $strokewidth = $item->geometry_strokewidth ? $item->geometry_strokewidth : "3";
             $json_item = array();
             $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
             $json_item['properties'] = array('id' => $incident_id, 'feature_id' => $item->id, 'name' => $item_name, 'description' => $item->geometry_comment, 'color' => $fillcolor, 'icon' => '', 'strokecolor' => $strokecolor, 'strokewidth' => $strokewidth, 'link' => $incident_link, 'category' => array(0), 'timestamp' => strtotime($incident_date));
             $json_item['geometry'] = $geom_array;
             $geometry[] = $json_item;
     return $geometry;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get Geometry JSON
  * @param int $incident_id
  * @param string $incident_title
  * @param int $incident_date
  * @return array $geometry
 private function _get_geometry($incident_id, $incident_title, $incident_date)
     $geometry = array();
     if ($incident_id) {
         $geom_data = $this->_get_geometry_data_for_incident($incident_id);
         $wkt = new Wkt();
         foreach ($geom_data as $item) {
             $geom = $wkt->read($item->geometry);
             $geom_array = $geom->getGeoInterface();
             $json_item = "{";
             $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
             $json_item .= "\"properties\": {";
             $json_item .= "\"id\": \"" . $incident_id . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"feature_id\": \"" . $item->id . "\", ";
             $title = $item->geometry_label ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_label, TRUE) : utf8tohtml::convert($incident_title, TRUE);
             $fillcolor = $item->geometry_color ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_color, TRUE) : "ffcc66";
             $strokecolor = $item->geometry_color ? utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_color, TRUE) : "CC0000";
             $strokewidth = $item->geometry_strokewidth ? $item->geometry_strokewidth : "3";
             $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href='" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $incident_id . "'>" . $title . "</a>")) . "\",";
             $json_item .= "\"description\": \"" . utf8tohtml::convert($item->geometry_comment, TRUE) . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"color\": \"" . $fillcolor . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"strokecolor\": \"" . $strokecolor . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"strokewidth\": \"" . $strokewidth . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"link\": \"" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $incident_id . "\", ";
             $json_item .= "\"category\":[0], ";
             $json_item .= "\"timestamp\": \"" . strtotime($incident_date) . "\"";
             $json_item .= "},\"geometry\":" . json_encode($geom_array) . "}";
             $geometry[] = $json_item;
     return $geometry;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // If there's nothing there, don't show it
 if ($qval === '' or $qval === 0 or $qval === '0') {
 // If it's really long and not an exempted key, chop off the end
 if (is_string($qval) and strlen($qval) > 150 and $qkey != 'location' and $qkey != 'days_of_the_week') {
     $qval = substr($qval, 0, 150) . '&#8230;';
 // If it's a specific location, show the polygon on a static map
 if ($qkey == 'location' and $qval == 'specific') {
     // TODO: Find some more intuitive way to illustrate where this is.
     //$qval = print_r($qualifiers['geometry'],true);;
     $qval = 'Geofenced<br/>';
     $qval .= '<img src="' . Kohana::config('core.site_protocol') . '://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=275x200';
     $wkt = new Wkt();
     foreach ($qualifiers['geometry'] as $geom_key => $geom) {
         $geom = json_decode($geom);
         // Decode in qualifiers array too, so it gets passed to edit as an array
         $qualifiers['geometry'][$geom_key] = $geom;
         // Decode polygon with WKT
         $polygon = $wkt->read($geom->geometry);
         $coordinates = $polygon->getCoordinates();
         WKT::collapse_points($coordinates, 0);
         // for polygons
         if (is_array($coordinates)) {
             $qval .= "&path=color:0xff0000ff|weight:2|fillcolor:0xFFFF0033|";
             $qval .= implode('|', WKT::flatten($coordinates));
         } else {
             $qval .= '&markers=' . $coordinates;
Ejemplo n.º 5
     * Retrieve Single Marker
    public function single($incident_id = 0)
        $json = "";
        $json_item = "";
        $json_array = array();

        $marker = ORM::factory('incident')
            ->where('id', $incident_id)

        if ($marker->loaded)
            /* First We'll get all neighboring reports */
            $incident_date = date('Y-m', strtotime($marker->incident_date));
            $latitude = $marker->location->latitude;
            $longitude = $marker->location->longitude;

            $filter = "";
            // Uncomment this to display markers from this month alone
            // $filter .= " AND i.incident_date LIKE '$incident_date%' ";
            $filter .= " AND i.id <>".$marker->id;

            // Database
            $db = new Database();

            // Get Neighboring Markers Within 50 Kms (31 Miles)
            $query = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT i.*, l.`latitude`, l.`longitude`,
            ((ACOS(SIN($latitude * PI() / 180) * SIN(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) + COS($latitude * PI() / 180) * COS(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) * COS(($longitude - l.`longitude`) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515) AS distance
             FROM `".$this->table_prefix."incident` AS i INNER JOIN `".$this->table_prefix."location` AS l ON (l.`id` = i.`location_id`) INNER JOIN `".$this->table_prefix."incident_category` AS ic ON (i.`id` = ic.`incident_id`) INNER JOIN `".$this->table_prefix."category` AS c ON (ic.`category_id` = c.`id`) WHERE i.incident_active=1 $filter
            HAVING distance<='20'
             ORDER BY i.`incident_date` DESC LIMIT 100 ");

            foreach ($query as $row)
                $json_item = "{";
                $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
                $json_item .= "\"properties\": {";
                $json_item .= "\"id\": \"".$row->id."\", ";

				$encoded_title = utf8tohtml::convert($row->incident_title,TRUE);
				$encoded_title = str_ireplace('"','&#34;',$encoded_title);
				$encoded_title = json_encode($encoded_title);
				$encoded_title = str_ireplace('"','',$encoded_title);

                $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href='" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $row->id . "'>".$encoded_title."</a>")) . "\",";
                $json_item .= "\"link\": \"".url::base()."reports/view/".$row->id."\", ";
                $json_item .= "\"category\":[0], ";
                $json_item .= "\"timestamp\": \"" . strtotime($row->incident_date) . "\"";
                $json_item .= "},";
                $json_item .= "\"geometry\": {";
                $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Point\", ";
                $json_item .= "\"coordinates\":[" . $row->longitude . ", " . $row->latitude . "]";
                $json_item .= "}";
                $json_item .= "}";

                array_push($json_array, $json_item);
			// Single Main Incident
			$json_single = "{";
			$json_single .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
			$json_single .= "\"properties\": {";
			$json_single .= "\"id\": \"".$marker->id."\", ";

			$encoded_title = utf8tohtml::convert($marker->incident_title,TRUE);

			$json_single .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href='" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $marker->id . "'>".$encoded_title."</a>")) . "\",";
			$json_single .= "\"link\": \"".url::base()."reports/view/".$marker->id."\", ";
			$json_single .= "\"category\":[0], ";
			$json_single .= "\"timestamp\": \"" . strtotime($marker->incident_date) . "\"";
			$json_single .= "},";
			$json_single .= "\"geometry\":";
			// Get Incident Geometries via SQL query as ORM can't handle Spatial Data
			$sql = "SELECT AsText(geometry) as geometry FROM ".$this->table_prefix."geometry
				 WHERE incident_id=".$marker->id;
			$query = $db->query($sql);
			$geometry = array();
			$wkt = new Wkt();
			foreach ( $query as $item )
				$geom = $wkt->read($item->geometry);
				$geom_array = $geom->getGeoInterface();
				$geometry[] = $json_single.json_encode($geom_array)."}";
			// If there are no geometries, use Single Incident Marker
			if ( ! count($geometry))
				$json_item = $json_single;
				$json_item .= "{\"type\":\"Point\", ";
				$json_item .= "\"coordinates\":[" . $marker->location->longitude . ", " . $marker->location->latitude . "]";
				$json_item .= "}";
				$json_item .= "}";
				$json_item = implode(",", $geometry);

            array_push($json_array, $json_item);

        $json = implode(",", $json_array);
        header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
        $this->template->json = $json;