Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Make an image link
  * @param Title $title Title object
  * @param File $file File object, or false if it doesn't exist
  * @param array $frameParams Associative array of parameters external to the media handler.
  *     Boolean parameters are indicated by presence or absence, the value is arbitrary and 
  *     will often be false.
  *          thumbnail       If present, downscale and frame
  *          manualthumb     Image name to use as a thumbnail, instead of automatic scaling
  *          framed          Shows image in original size in a frame
  *          frameless       Downscale but don't frame
  *          upright         If present, tweak default sizes for portrait orientation
  *          upright_factor  Fudge factor for "upright" tweak (default 0.75)
  *          border          If present, show a border around the image
  *          align           Horizontal alignment (left, right, center, none)
  *          valign          Vertical alignment (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, 
  *                          bottom, text-bottom)
  *          alt             Alternate text for image (i.e. alt attribute). Plain text.
  *          caption         HTML for image caption.
  * @param array $handlerParams Associative array of media handler parameters, to be passed 
  *       to transform(). Typical keys are "width" and "page". 
  * @param string $time, timestamp of the file, set as false for current
 function makeImageLink2(Title $title, $file, $frameParams = array(), $handlerParams = array(), $time = false)
     global $wgContLang, $wgUser, $wgThumbLimits, $wgThumbUpright;
     if ($file && !$file->allowInlineDisplay()) {
         wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " does not allow inline display\n");
         return $this->makeKnownLinkObj($title);
     if (!$file) {
     // Shortcuts
     $fp =& $frameParams;
     $hp =& $handlerParams;
     $section = WikihowArticleEditor::getImageSection($file->getName());
     // Clean up parameters
     $page = isset($hp['page']) ? $hp['page'] : false;
     if (!isset($fp['align'])) {
         $fp['align'] = '';
     if (!isset($fp['alt'])) {
         $fp['alt'] = '';
     $imageClass = "";
     $prefix = $postfix = '';
     $isPortrait = false;
     $isLarge = false;
     $sourceWidth = $file->getWidth();
     $sourceHeight = $file->getHeight();
     if ($sourceHeight > $sourceWidth) {
         if ($sourceWidth > 200) {
             $isPortrait = true;
             $isLarge = true;
     } else {
         if ($sourceWidth > 400) {
             $isLarge = true;
     if ($section != "summary" && $section != "steps") {
         $isLarge = false;
     if ($section == "summary") {
         //for intro they must specify 625 and center to have it shown
         if ($hp['width'] >= 625) {
             $imageClass .= " introimage ";
     if ($file && !isset($hp['width'])) {
         $hp['width'] = $file->getWidth($page);
         if (isset($fp['thumbnail']) || isset($fp['framed']) || isset($fp['frameless']) || !$hp['width']) {
             $wopt = $wgUser->getOption('thumbsize');
             if (!isset($wgThumbLimits[$wopt])) {
                 $wopt = User::getDefaultOption('thumbsize');
             // Reduce width for upright images when parameter 'upright' is used
             if (isset($fp['upright']) && $fp['upright'] == 0) {
                 $fp['upright'] = $wgThumbUpright;
             // Use width which is smaller: real image width or user preference width
             // For caching health: If width scaled down due to upright parameter, round to full __0 pixel to avoid the creation of a lot of odd thumbs
             $prefWidth = isset($fp['upright']) ? round($wgThumbLimits[$wopt] * $fp['upright'], -1) : $wgThumbLimits[$wopt];
             if ($hp['width'] <= 0 || $prefWidth < $hp['width']) {
                 $hp['width'] = $prefWidth;
     //not using thumbs on large images anymore
     if (!$isLarge && isset($fp['thumbnail']) || isset($fp['manualthumb']) || isset($fp['framed'])) {
         # Create a thumbnail. Alignment depends on language
         # writing direction, # right aligned for left-to-right-
         # languages ("Western languages"), left-aligned
         # for right-to-left-languages ("Semitic languages")
         # If  thumbnail width has not been provided, it is set
         # to the default user option as specified in Language*.php
         if ($fp['align'] == '') {
             $fp['align'] = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'left' : 'right';
         return $prefix . $this->makeThumbLink2($title, $file, $fp, $hp, $time) . $postfix;
     if ($file && isset($fp['frameless'])) {
         # For "frameless" option: do not present an image bigger than the source (for bitmap-style images)
         # This is the same behaviour as the "thumb" option does it already.
         if ($sourceWidth && !$file->mustRender() && $hp['width'] > $sourceWidth) {
             $hp['width'] = $sourceWidth;
     if ($file && $hp['width']) {
         # Create a resized image, without the additional thumbnail features
         if ($isLarge) {
             if ($isPortrait) {
                 //it's a portrait image
                 $height = min(550, $sourceHeight);
                 $hp['width'] = $sourceWidth * $height / $sourceHeight;
                 $imageClass .= " largeimage portrait";
             } else {
                 if ($isLarge) {
                     //this is our low threshold, so show it as big as possible
                     $hp['width'] = min(670, $sourceWidth);
                     //now make sure it's not too tall.
                     $newHeight = $sourceHeight * $hp['width'] / $sourceWidth;
                     if ($newHeight > 550) {
                         //limit all images to 550
                         $hp['width'] = $sourceWidth * 525 / $sourceHeight;
                     $imageClass .= " largeimage ";
             if ($hp['width'] < 670) {
                 $imageClass .= " underwidth ";
         $thumb = $file->transform($hp);
     } else {
         $thumb = false;
     if (!$isLarge) {
         $imageClass .= " t{$fp['align']}";
     if (!$thumb) {
         $s = $this->makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, '', '', '', '', $time == true);
     } else {
         $s = $thumb->toHtml(array('desc-link' => true, 'href' => '', 'onclick' => 'return loadimg("' . $thumb->path . '", "' . $thumb->url . '" );', 'alt' => $fp['alt'], 'valign' => isset($fp['valign']) ? $fp['valign'] : false, 'img-class' => isset($fp['border']) ? 'thumbborder' : false));
         $h = $thumb->getHeight();
         $w = $thumb->getWidth();
         /*$s = "<div class='rounders' style='width:{$w}px;height:{$h}px;'>$s
         	 <div class='corner top_left'></div><div class='corner top_right'></div><div class='corner bottom_left'></div><div class='corner bottom_right'></div>
     if ('' == $fp['align']) {
         $fp['align'] = 'right';
     $imageClass .= " float{$fp['align']} ";
     if (isset($fp['thumbnail'])) {
         $imageClass .= " mthumb ";
     //for mobile thumb
     $rptLink = class_exists('InaccurateImages') ? InaccurateImages::getReportImageLink() : "";
     $s = "<div class='mwimg {$imageClass}' style='max-width:{$hp['width']}px'>{$rptLink}{$s}</div>";
     return str_replace("\n", ' ', $prefix . $s . $postfix);