Ejemplo n.º 1
 function calc_accts()
     global $DB, $error_ar;
     echo "Billing accounts ...\n";
     $start_time = microtime(1);
     //$n = 0;
     $account_result = $DB->make_select('Accounts');
     //$account_result = $DB->make_select('Accounts', '', "`status`='Open'");
     for ($n = 0; $account_row = $DB->row($account_result); $n++) {
         $status = $account_row['status'];
         $amount = $account_row['amount'];
         $bonustime = $account_row['bonustime'];
         //$statusinfo = $account_row['statusinfo'];
         $NOW = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $now = strtotime($NOW);
         //$now = time();
         $addsql = array();
         if ($status == 'Active') {
             $account = new Account();
             list($amount, $bonustime, $closetime) = $account->getBalance();
             $ostperiod = $closetime - $now;
             $ostdays = round($ostperiod / iDAY, 0);
             $addsql['closetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $closetime);
             if ($ostperiod + iDAY * $account->billing_opts['credit_days'] <= 0) {
                 echo "Suspend account {$account->domain} (id={$account->id})\n";
                 if (ACTION) {
                     if ($account->suspend(false)) {
             } elseif ($ostdays == 7 || $ostdays == 3 || $ostdays <= 1) {
                 echo "Send mail to account {$account->domain} ({$account->contact->Email}) with '{$status}' status about close date in {$ostdays} days\n";
                 if (ACTION) {
             $addsql['amount'] = $amount;
             $addsql['bonustime'] = $bonustime;
         } elseif ($status == 'Open') {
             $account = new Account();
             //$amount = 0; $bonustime = 0;
             $period_live = $now - strtotime($account_row['opentime']);
             $days_live = round($period_live / iDAY, 0);
             if ($days_live == 25) {
                 if (ACTION) {
                 echo "Send mail to account {$account->domain} ({$account->contact->Email}) with '{$status}' status about close date in {$ostdays} days\n";
             } elseif ($days_live >= 30) {
                 echo "Close account {$account->domain} (id={$account->id})\n";
                 if (ACTION) {
                     if ($account->suspend(false)) {
             //$addsql['amount'] = $amount;
             //$addsql['bonustime'] = $bonustime;
         } elseif ($status == 'Suspend') {
             $account = new Account();
             $period = $now - strtotime($account_row['closetime']);
             if ($period >= 60 * iDAY) {
                 echo "Delete account {$account_row['domain']} (id={$account_row['AccountID']})\n";
                 if (ACTION) {
                     log_event('delete account', 'notice', '', $account_row['AccountID'], $account_row['ResellerID']);
                     $whm = new WhmAPI($account->ServerID);
                     $result = $whm->killacct($account);
                     if ($result) {
                         //echo nl2br($whm->xml->rawout);
                     } else {
                         echo $whm->geterrmsg();
                 $addsql['status'] = 'Deleted';
                 //$addsql['statusinfo'] = "$statusinfo\nautomatic deleted $NOW";
         } elseif ($status == 'Deleted') {
             $addsql['lastproc'] = 0;
             // pack and archive account if closetime > 6 * iMON
         } elseif ($status == 'Staff') {
             // our accounts
         } else {
             $error_ar[] = "Unknown Status for account {$account_row['domain']} (id={$account_row['AccountID']})\n";
         if (ACTION) {
             $addsql['lastproc'] = $NOW;
             $result = $DB->make_update('Accounts', '`AccountID`=' . $account_row['AccountID'], $addsql);
     echo "Finished Step. {$n} account calculated. Time " . intval((microtime(1) - $start_time) * 1000) . "ms.\n\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function unsuspend()
     global $DB;
     log_event('unsuspend account', 'notice', '', $this->id, $this->reseller->id);
     $whm = new WhmAPI($this->ServerID);
     $result = $whm->unsuspend($this);
     if ($result) {
         $show = '<br />Аккаунт возобновлён <br />';
         $show .= '<pre>' . $result . '</pre><br />';
         $this->lastproc = iNOW_TEXT;
         $this->status = 'Active';
         $DB->make_update('Accounts', '`AccountID`=' . $this->id, array('status' => $this->status, 'lastproc' => $this->lastproc));
         if ($data = $DB->row($DB->make_select('Services', '*', "`AccountID`={$this->id} AND `name`='hosting'", 'opentime', 'DESC', 1))) {
             $serv = new Service_hosting();
             $last = count($serv->mod) - 1;
             if ($serv->mod[$last]['time'] == 0) {
                 // проблема, сервис открыт, а аккаунт в суспенде
                 // так пусть так и будет
             } elseif (iNOW_UNIX - $serv->mod[$last]['opentime'] - $serv->mod[$last]['time'] > 3 * iDAY) {
                 // Открываем новый сервис, если простой более 3х дней. TODO использовать billing_opts
                 $serv->mod[] = $serv->mod[$last];
                 $serv->mod[$last + 1]['opentime'] = iNOW_UNIX;
                 $serv->mod[$last + 1]['time'] = 0;
             } else {
                 // если срок маленький, то пускай списывается прошлым сервисом
                 $serv->mod[$last]['time'] = 0;
         	$result = $DB->make_select('Services', '*,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(opentime) as opentime,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(closetime) as closetime', "`AccountID`=$this->id AND `name`='hosting'", 'opentime', 'DESC', 1);
         	if($data = $DB->row($result)) {
         		if($data['closetime'] == 0) {
         			// проблема, сервис открыт, а аккаунт в суспенде
         			// так пусть так и будет
         		}elseif(iNOW_UNIX - $data['closetime'] > 3*iDAY) { // Открываем новый сервис, если простой более 3х дней. TODO использовать billing_opts
         			$serv = new Service_hosting(array('AccountID'=>$this->id, 'opentime'=>iNOW_TEXT, 'closetime'=>0, 'mod'=>$this->package->id));
         		}else{	// если срок маленький, то пускай списывается прошлым сервисом
         			Service::closeService($this->id, 'hosting', 0);
     } else {
         $show = $whm->geterrmsg();
     return $show;