Ejemplo n.º 1
            switch ($command) {
                case "/query":
                    $dst = trim(strstr($line, ' ', FALSE));
                    echo "[] Interactive conversation with {$dst}:\n";
                case "/accountinfo":
                    echo "[] Account Info: ";
                case "/lastseen":
                    echo "[] Request last seen {$dst}: ";
                    echo "[] Send message to {$dst}: {$line}\n";
                    $wa->Message(time() . "-1", $dst, $line);
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == "-l") {
    echo "\n[] Listen mode:\n";
    while (TRUE) {
        $data = $wa->GetMessages();
        if (!empty($data)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2

require "whatsprot.class.php";
# phone number, IMEI, and name, the IMEI is reversed
# and hashed in whatsprot.class.php so just put your
# IMEI here as it is!
$options = getopt("d::", array("debug::"));
$debug = array_key_exists("debug", $options) || array_key_exists("d", $options) ? true : false;
$w = new WhatsProt("***********", "***************", "John Doe", $debug);
$w->Message(time() . "-1", "***********", "yürp");
# To send an image, put the image on the internet somewhere and send it with the MessageImage function.
# if you want to be real fancy then take a scaled down version (100pixel) and base64_encode it,
# and send that as the last parameter to the MessageImage function.
# I wrote a quick function (funcs.php->createIcon) to do all this for you.
# You can also just leave the last param empty to send no icon
# Obviously this needs better integration... but this is a start...
# Also thumb.jpgb64 is just for an example!
$iconfile = "tests/thumb.jpgb64";
$fp = fopen($iconfile, "r");
$icon = fread($fp, filesize($iconfile));
$w->MessageImage(time() . "-1", "***********", "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vT0wjhrlTaQ/T_bwd4_PUYI/AAAAAAAABog/oKPZ6ssJqC0/s673/DSC02471.JPG", "DSC02471.jpg", 55508, $icon);
while (1) {
    $msgs = $w->GetMessages();
    foreach ($msgs as $m) {
        # process inbound messages
        #print($m->NodeString("") . "\n");
Ejemplo n.º 3

require "whatsprot.class.php";
# phone number, IMEI, and name, the IMEI is reversed
# and hashed in whatsprot.class.php so just put your
# IMEI here as it is!
$options = getopt("d::", array("debug::"));
$debug = array_key_exists("debug", $options) || array_key_exists("d", $options) ? true : false;
# Target phone number
$target = "**********";
$w = new WhatsProt("************", "********", "John Doe", true);
# Now Login function sends Nickname and (Available) Presence
# Implemented out queue messages and auto msgid
$w->Message($target, "1");
$w->Message($target, "2");
$w->Message($target, "3");
$w->Message($target, "4");
$w->Message($target, "5");
# You can create a ProcessNode class (or whatever name you want) that has a process($node) function
# and pass it through setNewMessageBind, that way everytime the class receives a text message it will run
# the process function to it.
$pn = new ProcessNode($w, $target);
while (1) {
    $msgs = $w->GetMessages();
    foreach ($msgs as $m) {
        # process inbound messages
        //print($m->NodeString("") . "\n");