public function body_content() { global $FANNIE_URL; $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); ob_start(); echo "<style type=text/css>\n#payperiods {\n margin-top: 50px;\n}\n\ td {\n background: #ffffcc;\n}\ th {\n background: #ffffcc;\n text-align: right;\n}\n\ntr.two td {\n background: #ffffff;\n}\ntr.two th {\n background: #ffffff;\n text-align: right;\n}\na {\n color: blue;\n}\n\n#temptable th {\n text-align: left;\n}\n#temptable td {\n text-align: right;\n padding-left: 2em;\n}\n\n#temptable {\n font-size: 125%;\n}\n\n#newtable th{\n text-align: left;\n}\n#newtable td{\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n</style>"; echo "<h3>Salary Employee PTO Status</h3>"; $infoQ = $sql->prepare_statement("select,e.adpID,\n s.totalTaken as daysTaken\n from employees as e left join\n salarypto_ytd as s on e.empID=s.empID\n where e.empID=?"); $infoR = $sql->exec_statement($infoQ, array($this->empID)); $infoW = $sql->fetch_row($infoR); echo "<h2>{$infoW['name']} [ <a href={$FANNIE_URL}auth/ui/loginform.php?logout=yes>Logout</a> ]</h2>"; echo "<table class=\"table\" id=newtable>"; echo "<tr class=one><th>PTO Allocation</th><td>{$infoW['adpID']}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class=two><th>PTO Taken, YTD</th><td>{$infoW['daysTaken']}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class=one><th>PTO Remaining</th><td>" . ($infoW['adpID'] - $infoW['daysTaken']) . "</td></tr>"; echo "</tr></table>"; $periodsQ = $sql->prepare_statement("select daysUsed,month(dstamp),year(dstamp) \n from salaryHours where empID=? order by dstamp DESC"); $periodsR = $sql->exec_statement($periodsQ, array($this->empID)); $class = array("one", "two"); $c = 0; echo "<table id=payperiods class=\"table\">"; echo "<tr><th>Month</th><th>PTO Taken</th></tr>"; while ($row = $sql->fetch_row($periodsR)) { echo "<tr class=\"{$class[$c]}\">"; $dstr = date("F Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $row[1], 1, $row[2])); echo "<td>{$dstr}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row['0']}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $c = ($c + 1) % 2; } echo "</table>"; echo "<div class=\"well\">\n <u>Please Note</u>: This web-base PTO Access Page is new. If you notice any problems,\n please contact Colleen or Andy.\n </div>"; echo "</body></html>"; return ob_get_clean(); }
public function fetch_report_data() { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $fetchQ = "select,e.adpID,e.PTOLevel,\n h.totalHours,c.cusp,e.empID,\n p.ptoremaining,u.hours\n from employees as e left join hoursalltime as h on e.empID=h.empID\n left join cusping as c on e.empID=c.empID\n left join pto as p on e.empID=p.empID\n left join uto as u on e.empID=u.empID\n where deleted=0\n order by"; $fetchP = $sql->prepare_statement($fetchQ); $fetchR = $sql->exec_statement($fetchP); $report = array(); while ($fetchW = $sql->fetch_row($fetchR)) { $record = array($fetchW['name'], $fetchW['adpID'], $fetchW['PTOLevel'], $fetchW['ptoremaining'], $fetchW['hours'], $fetchW['totalHours']); $report[] = $record; } return $report; }
public function fetch_report_data() { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $query = ' SELECT, e.adpID, e.PTOLevel, p.PTORemaining, \'\' AS spacer, l.LevelID, l.PTOHours, l.HoursWorked, h.totalHours, h.totalHours - c.HoursWorked AS hoursAtCurrentLevel, l.HoursWorked - c.HoursWorked AS levelspan, ((h.totalHours-c.HoursWorked) / (l.HoursWorked-c.HoursWorked)) * 100 as percentProgress, ((h.totalHours-c.HoursWorked) / (l.HoursWorked-c.HoursWorked)) * l.PTOHours as prorated, \'\' AS spacer2, p.PTORemaining + ((h.totalHours-c.HoursWorked) / (l.HoursWorked-c.HoursWorked)) * l.PTOHours as ttl FROM employees AS e LEFT JOIN pto AS p ON e.empID=p.empID LEFT JOIN PTOLevels AS l ON e.PTOLevel+1=l.LevelID LEFT JOIN PTOLevels AS c ON e.PTOLevel=c.LevelID LEFT JOIN hoursalltime AS h ON e.empID=h.empID WHERE e.deleted=0 AND e.department < 900 ORDER BY'; $result = $sql->query($query); $report = array(); while ($row = $sql->fetch_row($result)) { $record = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->num_fields($result); $i++) { if (is_numeric($row[$i]) && $row[$i] != (int) $row[$i]) { $row[$i] = number_format($row[$i], 2); } $record[] = $row[$i]; } $report[] = $record; } return $report; }
public function body_content() { $db = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $empID = FormLib::get('id'); if (!is_numeric($empID)) { return '<div class="alert alert-error">Error: no employee ID specified</div>'; } $fetchQ = $db->prepare_statement("select adpid,name,department from employees where empID=?"); $fetchR = $db->exec_statement($fetchQ, array($empID)); $fetchW = $db->fetch_row($fetchR); $ret = "<form action=WfcHtListPage.php method=post>"; $ret .= "<input type=hidden name=action value=update />"; $ret .= "<input type=hidden name=id value={$empID} />"; $ret .= '<div class="form-group">'; $ret .= "<label>ADP ID#</label>\n <input class=\"form-control\" type=text name=adpid value=\"{$fetchW['adpid']}\" />"; $ret .= '</div>'; $ret .= '<div class="form-group">'; $ret .= "<label>Name</label>\n <input class=\"form-control\" type=text name=name value=\"{$fetchW['name']}\" />"; $ret .= '</div>'; $ret .= '<div class="form-group">'; $ret .= "<label>Department</label>"; $deptsQ = "select name,deptID from Departments order by name"; $deptsR = $db->query($deptsQ); $ret .= "<select name=dept class=\"form-control\">"; $ret .= "<option value=\"\"></option>"; while ($deptsW = $db->fetch_row($deptsR)) { if ($deptsW['deptID'] == $fetchW['department']) { $ret .= "<option value={$deptsW['deptID']} selected>{$deptsW['name']}</option>"; } else { $ret .= "<option value={$deptsW['deptID']}>{$deptsW['name']}</option>"; } } $ret .= "</select>"; $ret .= "</div>"; $ret .= "<p><button type=submit class=\"btn btn-default\">Save Changes</button>"; $ret .= ' <a href="WfcHtListPage.php" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</a>'; $ret .= "</p>"; $ret .= "</form>"; return $ret; }
public function body_content() { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); if (FormLib::get('month') !== '') { $ids = FormLib::get('ids', array()); $days = FormLib::get('days'); $datestamp = FormLib::get('year') . "-" . str_pad(FormLib::get('month'), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-01"; $insQ = $sql->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO salaryHours VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $sql->exec_statement($insQ, array($ids[$i], $datestamp, $days[$i])); } return '<div class="alert alert-success">Salary PTO added</div>'; } else { $ret = "<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method=post>"; $fetchQ = "select empID,name from employees where department >= 998 \n and deleted=0 order by name"; $fetchR = $sql->query($fetchQ); $ret .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-5">'; $ret .= "<table class=\"table\">"; $ret .= "<tr><th>Employee</th><th>Days taken</th></tr>"; while ($fetchW = $sql->fetch_row($fetchR)) { $ret .= "<tr><td>{$fetchW['name']}</td>"; $ret .= "<td><input type=number name=days[] class=\"form-control\" required value=0 /></td>"; $ret .= "<input type=hidden name=ids[] value={$fetchW['empID']} /></tr>"; } $ret .= "<tr><th>Month</th><th>Year</th></tr>"; $ret .= "<tr><td><select name=month class=\"form-control\">"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1); $mname = date('F', $stamp); $ret .= "<option value={$i}>{$mname}</option>"; } $ret .= "</select></td><td>"; $ret .= "<input type=number class=\"form-control\" required name=year value=" . date("Y") . " /></td></tr>"; $ret .= "</table>"; $ret .= "</div></div>"; $ret .= '<p><button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button></p>'; $ret .= "</form>"; return $ret; } }
public function form_content() { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $periods = ""; $periodQ = "SELECT periodID,dateStr from PayPeriods ORDER BY periodID desc"; $periodR = $sql->query($periodQ); while ($periodW = $sql->fetch_row($periodR)) { $periods .= "<option value={$periodW['0']}>{$periodW['1']}</option>"; } ob_start(); ?> <form method=get action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <table><tr> <td> <b>Starting pay period</b>: </td><td> <select name=startPeriod><?php echo $periods; ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td> <b>Ending pay period</b>: </td><td> <select name=endPeriod><?php echo $periods; ?> </select> </td></tr> </table> <input type=submit value=Submit /> </form> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
public function get_view() { $db = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $model = new WfcHtEmployeesModel($db); $model->deleted(1); $ret = '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Employee</label> <select name="oldID" class="form-control">'; foreach ($model->find('name') as $e) { $ret .= sprintf('<option value="%d">%s (%d)</option>', $e->empID(), $e->name(), $e->empID()); } $ret .= '</select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>New ID#</label> <input type="number" name="newID" class="form-control" /> </div> <p> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Change ID</button> </p> </form>'; return $ret; }
public function body_content() { global $FANNIE_OP_DB; $EXCLUDE_EMAILS = array('root' => True, 'finance' => True, 'pop' => True, 'quickbooks' => True, 'testuser' => True, 'printer' => True, 'games' => True, 'csc' => True, 'ldap' => True, 'relfvin' => True, 'jkresha' => True); $new_accounts = array(); $ret = ''; $db = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $chkQ = $db->prepare_statement("SELECT empID, name FROM employees WHERE empID=?"); $insQ = $db->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO employees VALUES (?,?,NULL,0,8,NULL,0)"); exec('getent passwd', $users, $exit_code); foreach ($users as $line) { // extract users with group 100 from unix passwd file $fields = explode(":", $line); $uid = $fields[2]; $group = $fields[3]; if ($group != "100") { continue; } $shortname = $fields[0]; if (isset($EXCLUDE_EMAILS[$shortname])) { continue; } // reformat name as "last, first" $tmp = explode(" ", $fields[4]); $name = ""; for ($i = 1; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { $name .= $tmp[$i] . " "; } if (count($tmp) > 1) { $name = trim($name) . ", "; } if (count($tmp) == 0) { $name = $shortname; } else { $name .= $tmp[0]; } // create entry in hours database $chkR = $db->exec_statement($chkQ, array($uid)); if ($db->num_rows($chkR) == 0) { $new_accounts[$uid] = $shortname; $db->exec_statement($insQ, array($uid, $name)); $ret .= "Added ADP entry for {$name}<br />"; } else { $w = $db->fetch_row($chkR); if ($name != $w['name']) { echo '<span class="glpyhicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span>'; } echo "{$name} exists as "; echo $w['name'] . '<br />'; } } echo '<hr />'; /** Create corresponding POS user accounts */ $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB); $chkQ = $dbc->prepare_statement("SELECT uid FROM Users WHERE uid=?"); $insQ = $dbc->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,'','',?,'','')"); foreach ($new_accounts as $uid => $uname) { $uid = str_pad($uid, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $chkR = $dbc->exec_statement($chkQ, array($uid)); if ($dbc->num_rows($chkR) == 0) { $dbc->exec_statement($insQ, array($uname, $uid)); $ret .= "Added user account for {$uname}<br />"; } } if (count($new_accounts) == 0) { $ret .= '<i>No new employees found</i><br />'; } $ret .= '<p /> <a href="WfcHtMenuPage.php">Main Menu</a>'; return $ret; }
public function body_content() { $db = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $ppID = -1; if (FormLib::get('id') !== '') { $ppID = FormLib::get('id'); } $order = ""; if (isset($_GET["order"])) { switch (strtolower($_GET['order'])) { case 'name': $order = ''; break; case 'adpid': $order = 'e.adpid'; break; case 'hours': $order = 'i.hours'; break; case 'othours': $order = 'i.othours'; break; case 'ptohours': $order = 'i.ptohours'; break; case 'emergencyhours': $order = 'i.emergencyhours'; break; case 'secondratehours': $order = 'i.secondratehours'; break; } } $dir = "asc"; if (isset($_GET["dir"])) { switch (strtolower($_GET['dir'])) { case 'asc': $dir = 'asc'; break; case 'desc': $dir = 'desc'; break; } } $otherdir = "desc"; if ($dir == "desc") { $otherdir = "asc"; } $ret = "<select class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"top.location='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id='+this.value;\">"; $ppQ = "select periodID,dateStr from PayPeriods order by periodID desc"; $ppR = $db->query($ppQ); while ($ppW = $db->fetch_row($ppR)) { $ret .= "<option value={$ppW['0']}"; if ($ppW[0] == $ppID) { $ret .= " selected"; } if ($ppID == -1) { $ppID = $ppW[0]; } $ret .= ">{$ppW['1']}</option>"; } $ret .= "</select>"; $ret .= "<table class=\"table\">"; $ret .= "<tr>"; if ($order == "") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=name&dir={$otherdir}>Name</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=name&dir=asc>Name</a></th>"; } if ($order == "e.adpid") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=adpid&dir={$otherdir}>ADP ID</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=adpid&dir=asc>ADP ID</a></th>"; } if ($order == "i.hours") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=hours&dir={$otherdir}>Reg. Hours</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=hours&dir=asc>Reg. Hours</a></th>"; } if ($order == "i.othours") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=othours&dir={$otherdir}>OT Hours</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=othours&dir=asc>OT Hours</a></th>"; } if ($order == "i.ptohours") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=ptohours&dir={$otherdir}>PTO Hours</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=ptohours&dir=asc>PTO Hours</a></th>"; } if ($order == "i.emergencyhours") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=emergencyhours&dir={$otherdir}>Emerg. Hours</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=emergencyhours&dir=asc>Emerg. Hours</a></th>"; } if ($order == "i.secondratehours") { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=secondratehours&dir={$otherdir}>Alt. Hours</a></th>"; } else { $ret .= "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$ppID}&order=secondratehours&dir=asc>Alt. Hours</a></th>"; } $ret .= "</tr>"; $dataQ = "select,e.adpid,i.hours,i.othours,i.ptohours,i.emergencyhours,i.secondratehours\n from ImportedHoursData as i left join employees as e on i.empID=e.empID\n where periodID=?\n order by {$order} {$dir}"; $dataP = $db->prepare_statement($dataQ); $dataR = $db->exec_statement($dataQ, array($ppID)); $class = array("one", "two"); $c = 1; while ($dataW = $db->fetch_row($dataR)) { $ret .= "<tr class={$class[$c]}>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['name'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['adpid'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['hours'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['othours'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['ptohours'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['emergencyhours'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "<td>" . $dataW['secondratehours'] . "</td>"; $ret .= "</tr>"; $c = ($c + 1) % 2; } $ret .= "</table>"; return $ret; }
public function body_content() { $edit = FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('edit_employees'); $sort = ""; if (FormLib::get('sort') !== '') { switch (strtolower(FormLib::get('sort'))) { case 'name': $sort = ''; break; case 'adpid': $sort = 'e.adpid'; break; case 'ptolevel': $sort = 'e.ptolevel'; break; case 'ptoremaining': $sort = 'p.ptoremaining'; break; case 'hours': $sort = 'u.hours'; break; case 'totalhours': $sort = 'h.totalhours'; break; } } $dir = "asc"; if (FormLib::get('dir') !== '') { switch (strtolower(FormLib::get('dir'))) { case 'asc': $dir = 'asc'; break; case 'desc': $dir = 'desc'; break; } } $otherdir = "desc"; if ($dir == "desc") { $otherdir = "asc"; } $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $fetchQ = "select,e.adpID,\n case when e.department>=998 then 'Salary' else e.PTOLevel end as PTOLevel,\n case when e.department>=998 then ' ' else h.totalHours end as totalHours,\n c.cusp,e.empID,\n case when s.totalTaken is null then p.ptoremaining else e.adpID-s.totalTaken end as ptoremaining,\n case when e.department>=998 then ' ' else u.hours end as hours\n from employees as e left join hoursalltime as h on e.empID=h.empID\n left join cusping as c on e.empID=c.empID\n left join pto as p on e.empID=p.empID\n left join uto as u on e.empID=u.empID\n left join salarypto_ytd s on e.empID=s.empID\n {$this->dept_restrict}\n order by {$sort} {$dir}"; $fetchP = $sql->prepare_statement($fetchQ); $fetchR = $sql->exec_statement($fetchP, $this->dept_args); ob_start(); if (FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('view_all_hours')) { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $deptsQ = "select name,deptID from Departments order by name"; $deptsR = $sql->query($deptsQ); echo "Show Department: "; echo "<select class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"top.location='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?showdept='+this.value;\">"; echo "<option value=\"\">All</option>"; while ($deptsW = $sql->fetch_row($deptsR)) { if ($this->selected_dept == $deptsW[1]) { echo "<option value={$deptsW['1']} selected>{$deptsW['0']}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value={$deptsW['1']}>{$deptsW['0']}</option>"; } } if ($this->selected_dept == -1) { echo "<option selected value=\"-1\">DELETED</option>"; } else { echo "<option value=\"-1\">DELETED</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } else { if (strlen($this->dept_list) > 4) { $sql = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $deptsQ = "select name,deptID from Departments WHERE deptID IN {$this->dept_list} order by name"; $deptsP = $sql->prepare_statement($deptsQ); $deptsR = $sql->exec_statement($deptsP, $this->list_args); echo "Show Department: "; echo "<select class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"top.location='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?showdept='+this.value;\">"; echo "<option value=\"\">All</option>"; while ($deptsW = $sql->fetch_row($deptsR)) { if ($this->selected_dept == $deptsW[1]) { echo "<option value={$deptsW['1']} selected>{$deptsW['0']}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value={$deptsW['1']}>{$deptsW['0']}</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; } } echo "<table class=\"table\"><tr>"; if ($sort == "") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=name&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Name</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=name&dir=asc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Name</a></th>"; } if ($sort == "e.adpid") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=adpid&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>ADP ID</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=adpid&dir=asc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>ADP ID</a></th>"; } if ($sort == "e.ptolevel") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=ptolevel&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>PTO Level</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=ptolevel&dir=asc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>PTO Level</a></th>"; } if ($sort == "p.ptoremaining") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=ptoremaining&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Avail. PTO</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=ptoremaining&dir=desc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Avail. PTO</a></th>"; } if ($sort == "u.hours") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=hours&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Avail. UTO</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=hours&dir=desc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Avail. UTO</a></th>"; } if ($sort == "u.hours") { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=totalhours&dir={$otherdir}&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Total Hours</a></th>"; } else { echo "<th><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sort=totalhours&dir=desc&showdept={$this->selected_dept}>Total Hours</a></th>"; } echo "</tr>"; while ($fetchW = $sql->fetch_row($fetchR)) { if ($fetchW[4] == "PRE") { echo "<tr class=\"pre\">"; } elseif ($fetchW[4] == "POST") { echo "<tr class=\"post\">"; } elseif ($fetchW[4] == "!!!") { echo "<tr class=\"earned\">"; } else { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td><a href=WfcHtViewEmpPage.php?id={$fetchW['5']}>{$fetchW['0']}</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>{$fetchW['1']}</td>"; echo "<td align=center>{$fetchW['2']}</td>"; echo "<td align=right>" . (is_numeric($fetchW[6]) ? sprintf("%.2f", $fetchW[6]) : $fetchW[6]) . "</td>"; echo "<td align=right>" . (is_numeric($fetchW[7]) ? sprintf("%.2f", $fetchW[7]) : $fetchW[7]) . "</td>"; echo "<td align=right>" . (is_numeric($fetchW[3]) ? sprintf("%.2f", $fetchW[3]) : $fetchW[3]) . "</td>"; if ($edit) { echo "<td><a href=WfcHtEditPage.php?id={$fetchW['5']}>Edit</a></td>"; if ($this->selected_dept == "-1") { echo "<td><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=undelete&id={$fetchW['5']}>Undelete</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=delete&id={$fetchW['5']}>Delete</a></td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } echo '</table>'; return ob_get_clean(); }
private function import_content() { $db = WfcHtLib::hours_dbconnect(); $datalines = FormLib::get('data'); $start = FormLib::get('start'); $end = FormLib::get('end'); $dateStr = date('n/j/Y', strtotime($start)) . ' - ' . date('n/j/Y', strtotime($end)); $year = date('Y', strtotime($start)); $ppIDQ = "select max(periodID)+1 from PayPeriods"; $ppIDR = $db->query($ppIDQ); $ppIDW = $db->fetch_row($ppIDR); $ppID = $ppIDW[0]; $ppQ = $db->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO PayPeriods (periodID, dateStr, year, startDate, endDate) \n VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); $ppR = $db->exec_statement($ppQ, array($ppID, $dateStr, $year, $start, $end)); $eIDQ = $db->prepare_statement("select empID from employees where adpID=?"); $insQ = $db->prepare_statement("INSERT INTO ImportedHoursData \n VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,?,?,?)"); foreach ($datalines as $line) { $fields = explode(",", $line); $eIDR = $db->exec_statement($eIDQ, array($fields[0])); if ($db->num_rows($eIDR) < 1) { continue; } $eIDW = $db->fetch_row($eIDR); $empID = $eIDW['empID']; $insR = $db->exec_statement($insQ, array($empID, $ppID, $year, $fields[1], $fields[2], $fields[3], $fields[5], $fields[6], $fields[4])); } $cuspQ = $db->prepare_statement("UPDATE cusping as c \n left join employees as e\n on c.empID = e.empID\n SET e.PTOLevel=e.PTOLevel+1, e.PTOCutoff=?\n where c.cusp = '!!!'"); $cuspR = $db->exec_statement($cuspQ, array($ppID)); $ret = "<p>ADP data import complete!<br />"; $ret .= "<a href=WfcHtListPage.php>View Employees</a><br />"; $ret .= "<a href=WfcHtPayPeriodsPage.php>View Pay Periods</a></p>"; return $ret; }