Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function get_html()
     $params = $this->params;
     if ($params['ids'] === false) {
         // v6.2 || $params['height'] === false || $params['width'] === false) {
         // bail out if we haven't got the required parameters
     if ($params['layout']) {
         // v5.6
         $params['style'] = $params['style'] . " " . $params['layout'];
         // adds class of (eg) 'tabs'
     //$posttypes = array_merge(get_post_types( array('_builtin'=> false)),array('post','attachment','page') ); // v6.28 added page
     $posttypes = array_keys(get_insertable_posttypes());
     // v6.52
     $args = array('post_type' => $posttypes, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_parent' => null, 'post__in' => $params['ids']);
     $rankedposts = get_ranked_posts($args);
     // v6.4 Was $this->get_ranked_posts
     $html_slidemain = "\n\n<div id='slidemain'>\n";
     $html_text = '';
     // needed for attachment version
     $html_thumb = "<div id ='slidethumbs'>\n";
     $c = 0;
     // NB non-human counting from 0!
     $video_ids = array();
     // an array of ids used by the YouTube API // v4.1
     foreach ($rankedposts as $rankedpost) {
         $img_id = '';
         // v6.11 so wf_get_credits($img_id) can bail out for videos
         // v6.28 so that values from last time get destroyed. Don't need to check isset() first
         $html_slidemain .= "\n<div id ='slide" . $c . "' class='slide'>\n";
         if ($rankedpost->post_type != 'attachment') {
             // a post, so get image id (and link?) from customfield in the post (not the page)
             $custom_value = get_post_meta($rankedpost->ID, 'extras', true);
             // the contents of customfield extras - or ''
             if ($custom_value != '') {
                 $qstring = qscode($custom_value);
                 // the QUERYSTRING version
                 parse_str($qstring, $q_array);
                 // parses the querystring into an associative array
             if (isset($q_array['featured_video'])) {
                 // v4.1  'featured_video' takes precedence over 'slidepic_id' and featured image
                 $this_img = "<iframe  id='player_" . $c . "' width='290' height='200' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/" . $q_array['featured_video'] . "?rel=0&enablejsapi=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>";
                 $video_ids[] = 'player_' . $c;
             } else {
                 if (isset($q_array['slidepic_id'])) {
                     $img_id = $q_array['slidepic_id'];
                     // v4.1  'slidepic_id' takes precedence over featured image
                 } else {
                     if (has_post_thumbnail($rankedpost->ID)) {
                         $img_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($rankedpost->ID);
                     } else {
                         throw new WF_Exception('Slideshow: no image or video found');
                         // v4.1
                 $this_img = wp_get_attachment_image($img_id, $size = $params['pic_size'], $icon = false, $attr = array('alt' => '', 'title' => ''));
             $html_slidemain .= $this_img;
             if ($params['text_type'] != 'none') {
                 // v6.28
                 $html_slidemain .= "\n<div class='slide_text'>\n";
                 if ($params['showtitles'] || $params['text_type'] == 'titles') {
                     // v6.28
                     $html_slidemain .= "<h4>" . remove_square_brackets($rankedpost->post_title) . "</h4>\n";
                     // v6.28
                 //$html_slidemain .= postProcessSidepost($rankedpost->post_content)."</div>\n";
                 $html_slidemain .= Wf_Widget::get_excerpt_or_full($rankedpost, $params['text_type'], $list = false) . "</div>\n";
                 // v6.28
             if (isset($q_array['link']) || $params['selflinks']) {
                 // some sort of link is required // v4.1 v4.3
                 $coverlink = $params['selflinks'] ? get_permalink($rankedpost->ID) : wf_linkfix($q_array['link']);
                 // v4.1
                 $html_slidemain .= "<a class='coverlink' href='" . $coverlink . "'>&nbsp;</a>\n";
                 // v3.22 (was slidelink)
             //} else {
             //throw new WF_Exception('Slideshow: no customfield found'); // v4.1
         } else {
             // it's an attachment
             $img_id = $rankedpost->ID;
             $this_img = wp_get_attachment_image($img_id, $size = $params['pic_size'], $icon = false, $attr = array('alt' => '', 'title' => ''));
             $html_slidemain .= $this_img . "\n";
         $html_slidemain .= wf_get_credits($img_id);
         // returns empty if no 'credit=' in description, otherwise a <div> (or <a> if it's a link)
         // v6.27
         switch ($params['layout']) {
             case 'tabs':
                 //case 'buttons':
                 $this_img = "&nbsp;";
             case 'thumbnails':
                 // and 'buttons'
                 $html_thumb .= "\n<span class='slidethumb' id ='slidethumb" . $c . "'>\n" . $this_img . "\n";
                 $html_thumb .= "<span class='darkner'></span>\n</span>\n";
                 // v6.30 changed divs to spans
         $html_slidemain .= "</div>\n";
         // v6.27
     // foreach
     $html = "\n\n<div id='slideshow' class='" . $params['style'] . "'>";
     // assemble it all
     $html .= extra_markup($params);
     // v6.65
     if ($params['heading']) {
         // v3.36
         $html .= "\n<div class='hwrap'>\n<h2>" . $params['heading'] . "</h2>\n</div>\n";
     $html .= $html_slidemain . "\n</div>\n\n";
     if ($params['layout']) {
         // == 'thumbnails' || $params['layout'] == 'buttons') { // v6.27
         $html .= $html_thumb . "\n</div>\n\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n\n";
     $html = str_replace('title=""', '', $html);
     if (!empty($video_ids)) {
         // v4.1
         global $widget_params;
         $widget_params = $video_ids;
         if (!function_exists('pass_youtube_params')) {
             function pass_youtube_params($widget_params)
                 global $widget_params;
                 wp_localize_script('init_videos_js', 'video_params', $widget_params);
         add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'pass_youtube_params');
     // v6.69
     $this->js_params['speed'] = $params['speed'];
     $this->js_params['interval'] = $params['interval'];
     self::add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'pass_js_params');
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function output_a_post($rankedpost, $params)
     // v3.50
     global $post;
     $post_store = $post;
     $post = $rankedpost;
     // v3.40
     $html = '';
     d('$rankedpost->ID', $rankedpost->ID);
     if ($rankedpost->post_type != 'attachment') {
         // changed from == 'post' 19.3.12  3.18
         $html .= "\n<div class='" . $params['style'] . "'>\n";
         $html .= Wf_Widget::wf_editlink($rankedpost->ID);
         // v5.9
         $html .= extra_markup($params);
         // v4.2
         $custom_fields = get_post_custom($rankedpost->ID);
         // v3.32
         // v3.37 This section now looks for a customfield "extras" applied to the post, and gives priority to this for "when" and "link"
         $when_html = '';
         if (isset($custom_fields['when'])) {
             // an array
             //$html .= "<p class = 'details'>".$when[0]."</p>\n"; // v3.37  DODGY!! Has $when been defined?
             $when_html = "<p class = 'details'>" . $custom_fields['when'][0] . "</p>\n";
         if (isset($custom_fields['extras'])) {
             // v3.37
             $qstring = qscode($custom_fields['extras'][0]);
             // the QUERYSTRING version
             parse_str($qstring, $q_array);
             // parses the querystring into an associative array
             if (isset($q_array['link'])) {
                 $params['link'] = wf_linkfix($q_array['link']);
                 // NB this over-rides any "link" parameter that's set for leftpost, rightpost etc.
             if (isset($q_array['when'])) {
                 $when_html = "<p class = 'details'>" . $q_array['when'] . "</p>\n";
                 // NB this over-rides any value set in customfield "when".
         $html .= $when_html;
         if ($params['show_title']) {
             $title = remove_square_brackets($rankedpost->post_title);
             $html .= "<div class='hwrap'><h2>" . $title . "</h2></div>\n";
             // <div class='hwrap'> added for carplus v3.15
         $img_html = '';
         if ($params['pic_size']) {
             if (has_post_thumbnail($rankedpost->ID) && $params['pic_size'] != '0') {
                 // v3.38
                 $feature_pic_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($rankedpost->ID);
                 $img_html = wp_get_attachment_image($feature_pic_id, $params['pic_size']);
                 //$img_html = change_width_and_height($img_html,$img_size,$img_size); // v3.49  Was 100,100
                 $img_html .= wf_get_caption($rankedpost, $params['caption']);
                 // 3.26
                 $img_html .= wf_get_credits($feature_pic_id);
                 // returns empty if no 'credit=' in description, otherwise a suitable <div> (or <a> if it's a link)
                 $img_html = "<div class='picwrap'>" . $img_html . "</div>\n";
                 // v3.65
         if (isset($params['format']) && strpos($params['format'], 'l') !== false) {
             $list = true;
         } else {
             $list = false;
         //d('$list',$list); // (F3) calls Wf_Debug
         $html .= "<div class='postwrap'>" . $img_html . Wf_Widget::get_excerpt_or_full($rankedpost, $params['type'], $list) . "</div>\n";
         //v5.12 $list
     } else {
         // assume it must be 'attachment'
         $html .= "\n<div class='" . $params['style'] . " attachment'>\n";
         // v4.2
         $html .= Wf_Widget::wf_editlink($rankedpost->ID);
         // v5.9
         $html .= extra_markup($params);
         // v4.2
         $html .= "\n<div class='credit_wrap'>\n";
         // v6.46
         $html .= wp_get_attachment_image($rankedpost->ID, $size = $params['pic_size'], $icon = false, $attr = array('title' => ''));
         $html .= wf_get_credits($rankedpost->ID);
         // returns empty if no 'credits=' in description, otherwise a suitable <div> (or <a> if it's a link)
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         // .credit_wrap // v6.46
         $html .= wf_get_caption($rankedpost, $params['caption']);
         // 3.26
     if ($params['link']) {
         if (!isset($q_array['linktext'])) {
             $linktext = "&nbsp;";
         } else {
             $linktext = $q_array['linktext'];
         $html .= "\n<a class='endlink coverlink' href='" . $params['link'] . "'>" . $linktext . "</a>\n";
         //v3.40  //v3.41
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $post = $post_store;
     return $html;