public static function getMatchingEdits($username, $begin, $end, $count, $api = false) { global $dbr, $phptemp; $timeconds = array('rev_user_text' => $username); if ($begin) { $timeconds[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rev_timestamp) > ' . $dbr->strencode(strtotime($begin)); } if ($end) { $timeconds[] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rev_timestamp) < ' . $dbr->strencode(strtotime($end)); } $contribs = $urls = array(); foreach (AutoEditsBase::$AEBTypes as $name => $check) { $conds = $timeconds; $conds[] = 'rev_comment ' . $check['type'] . ' \'' . $check['query'] . '\''; try { $res = $dbr->select(array('revision_userindex'), array('COUNT(*) AS count'), $conds); $contribs[$name] = $res[0]['count']; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($api) { return array('error' => 'dberror', 'info' => $e->getMessage()); } WebTool::toDieMsg('mysqlerror', $e->getMessage()); } $urls[$name] = $check['shortcut']; } $formattedpct = WebTool::number_format(($count ? array_sum($contribs) / $count : 0) * 100, 2); if ($api) { return array('counts' => $contribs, 'total' => array_sum($contribs), 'editcount' => $count, 'pct' => $formattedpct); } else { return array('counts' => $contribs, 'total' => WebTool::number_format(array_sum($contribs), 0), 'editcount' => WebTool::number_format($count, 0), 'pct' => $formattedpct, 'urls' => $urls); } }
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Counter.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('ec'); $wt->setLimits(650, 120); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $purge = $wgRequest->getBool('purge'); if ($wgRequest->getSessionData('ec_purge')) { unset($_SESSION["ec_purge"]); $purge = true; } $extended = $wgRequest->getBool('extended', false); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); $user = $ui->user; //Show form if user is not set (or empty) if (!$user || !$lang || !$wiki) { $wt->showPage(); } //Create new Counter object $ttl = 120; $hash = "xtoolsCNT" . XTOOLS_REDIS_FLUSH_TOKEN . hash('crc32', $lang . $wiki . $user . $extended); $lc = $redis->get($hash); if ($lc === false || $purge) { $dbr = $wt->loadDatabase($lang, $wiki);
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'RFAde.php'; require_once 'Graph.php'; require_once PEACHY_BASE_SYS_DIR . '/Peachy/Init.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('rfap'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); $wt->assign('optionsProject', '<option selected value ="">en.wikipedia</option><option value = "" >de.wikipedia</option>'); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $ui = $wt->getUserInfo($lang, $wiki); $user = $ui->user; //Show form if username is not set (or empty) if (!$user || !$lang || !$domain) { $wt->showPage(); } //Check if the user is an IP address if (preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $name)) { $wt->error = "User cannot be an IP."; $wt->showPage(); } $rfa['en'] = 'Requests_for_adminship'; $rfa['de'] = 'Adminkandidaturen'; $rfb['en'] = 'Requests_for_bureaucratship'; $rfb['de'] = 'Bürokratenkandidaturen';
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'RFAde.php'; require_once PEACHY_BASE_SYS_DIR . '/Peachy/Init.php'; $wt = new WebTool('rfa'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $domain = $domain ? $domain : ''; switch ($domain) { case "": $optionsProject = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<option selected value ='en.wikipedia'>en.wikipedia</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value ='de.wikipedia'>de.wikipedia</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t"; break; case "": $optionsProject = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value ='en.wikipedia'>en.wikipedia</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t<option selected value ='de.wikipedia'>de.wikipedia</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t"; break; default: $wt->toDie('nosupport', $domain); } $msgOnDeWiki = "on the German Wikipedia"; $msgOnEnWiki = "on the English Wikipedia"; if ($wt->uselang == "de") { $msgOnDeWiki = "in der deutschen Wikipedia"; $msgOnEnWiki = "in der englischen Wikipedia"; } $wt->assign('onEnWiki', $msgOnEnWiki);
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'RangeContribs.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('rangecontribs'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $wt->assign('defaultBegin', date('Y') . "-01-01"); $wt->content = str_replace('{#tosearch#}', 'CIDR /<br />List', $wt->content); //Checks for alternative requests for compatibility (ips = legacy) $list = $wgRequest->getText('ips'); $list = $wgRequest->getText('list', $list); $list = $wgRequest->getText('text', $list); $limit = $wgRequest->getVal('limit', '20'); $display = $wgRequest->getVal('display'); $begin = $wt->checkDate($wgRequest->getVal('begin')); $end = $wt->checkDate($wgRequest->getVal('end')); $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace'); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; if (!$list || !$wiki || !$lang) { $wt->showPage(); } if ($begin == 'error' || $end == 'error') { $wt->toDie('invalid_date'); } //Create exec object
<h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1> <p>This tool has moved to a new location. You will be redirected to<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?> shortly.</p> </body> </html> <?php die; } //Requires set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/data/project/xtools/public_html/articleinfo'); require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('articleinfo'); $wt->setLimits(600, 45); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $article = $wgRequest->getVal('article'); $article = $wgRequest->getVal('page', $article); $pageid = $wgRequest->getVal('pageid', null); $article = $pageid ? null : $article; $begintime = $wgRequest->getVal('begin'); $endtime = $wgRequest->getVal('end'); $nofollow = !$wgRequest->getBool('nofollowredir'); $editorlimit = $wgRequest->getVal('editorlimit', 30); $reloadpurge = $wgRequest->getVal('reloadpurge', null); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain;
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Counter.php'; require_once PEACHY_BASE_SYS_DIR . '/Peachy/Init.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('topedits'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace'); //kompatibility $page = $wgRequest->getVal('page'); $page = $wgRequest->getVal('article', $page); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $uinput = explode("|", $wgRequest->getVal('user')); foreach ($uinput as $uitem) { $tmpui = $wt->getUserInfo($lang, $wiki, $uitem); if ($tmpui->userid || $tmpui->isIP) { $users["list"][] = $tmpui; $users["names"][] = "'" . $tmpui->userDb . "'"; } } $perflog->stack[] = $users; $ui = $users["list"][0]; $user = $ui->user; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$user && (!$page || !$lang || !$wiki || strval($namespace) == "")) {
<?php require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Agent.php'; $wt = new WebTool('config'); $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action', null); $method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; if ($method == "POST") { if ($action == "clearconfig") { $redis->del('xagconfig' . session_id()); exit; } if ($action == "loadconfig") { if ($result = $redis->get('xagconfig' . session_id())) { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo $result; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not found"); } exit; } if ($action == "saveconfig") { $conf = $wgRequest->getText('config', null); if ($check = json_decode($conf)) { $redis->setex('xagconfig' . session_id(), 86400, $conf); print_r($check); } else { header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); } exit(0); }
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('autoblock'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); $wt->assign('defaultUser', '%'); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $user = $wgRequest->getVal('user'); # $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); # $user = $ui->user; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$user) { $wt->showPage(); } if (!$domain) { $wt->error = "No wiki or project specified - default project set to: en.wikipedia"; $lang = "en"; $wiki = "wikipedia"; $domain = ""; } $dbr = $wt->loadDatabase($lang, $wiki); $userdb = $dbr->strencode($user); $query = "\n \t\tSELECT ipb_id, ipb_by_text, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ipb_expiry) as ipb_expiry, ipb_user \n \t\tFROM ipblocks \n \t\tWHERE ipb_auto = 1 AND ipb_reason LIKE '%{$userdb}%'\n \t"; $result = $dbr->query($query); $list = '<tr><th>#</th><th>id</th><th>expiry</th><th>admin</th><th>action</th></tr>';
<?php try { $gtime = microtime(true); $ptime = microtime(true); # throw new Exception('db-stuff again'); //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'ArticleInfo.php'; $b1 = number_format(microtime(true) - $ptime, 3); $ptime = microtime(true); $wt = new WebTool('api'); $wt->setLimits(500, 5); $b2 = number_format(microtime(true) - $ptime, 3); $ptime = microtime(true); //get webrequest data $db = $wgRequest->getVal('db'); $pageid = (int) $wgRequest->getVal('pageid'); $pagetitle = $wgRequest->getVal('pagetitle'); $uselang = $wgRequest->getVal('uselang'); $nsid = (int) $wgRequest->getVal('nsid'); $wditemid = $wgRequest->getVal('wditemid'); $test = $wgRequest->getVal('test'); $mode = $wgRequest->getVal('mode'); //get xtools cookie val; if 3rd party cookies are deactivated in browser this will be null $reenable = $wgRequest->getVal('reenable', null); $wditemid = substr($wditemid, 0, 1) == 'Q' ? $wditemid : null; //get config data $conf = new stdClass(); $conf->status = 'enabled'; $conf->mode = 'verbose';
<select name="redirects"> <option value="none">Include redirects and non-redirects</option> <option value="onlyredirects">Only include redirects</option> <option value="noredirects">Exclude redirects</option> </select><br /> '; $content->assign('selectns', $selectns); $content->assign('selectredir', $selectredir); //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$wgRequest->getSafeVal('getBool', 'user')) { $content->assign('form', $curlang); WebTool::assignContent(); } //Get username & userid, quit if not exist $userData = PagesBase::getUserData($dbr, $wgRequest->getSafeVal('user')); if (!$userData) { WebTool::toDie("No such user"); } $result = PagesBase::getCreatedPages($dbr, $userData["user_id"], $wgRequest->getSafeVal('lang'), $wgRequest->getSafeVal('wiki'), $wgRequest->getSafeVal('namespace'), $wgRequest->getSafeVal('redirects')); $filtertextNS = $result->filterns == "all" ? " in all namespaces." : " in namespace " . $wgRequest->getSafeVal('namespace') . "."; #print_r($result->namespaces); $content->assign('showresult', true); $content->assign('graphs', true); $content->assign('totalcreated', "User " . $userData["user_name"] . " has created {$result->total} pages on " . $wgRequest->getSafeVal('lang') . "." . $wgRequest->getSafeVal('wiki') . $filtertextNS); $content->assign('filterredir', $result->filterredir); $content->assign('namespaces', $result->namespaces); $content->assign('nstotals', $result->listnum); $content->assign('nsnames', $result->listns); $content->assign('list', $result->list); WebTool::assignContent();
<?php #phpinfo(); //Requires require_once 'WebTool.php'; $wt = new WebTool('test'); $wt->loadDBCredentials(); echo "Hallo"; #print_r($wt->metap); foreach ($wt->metap as $db => $row) { $slice = $row["slice"]; if ($db == "centralauth") { continue; } # if ( in_array( $db, array("bgwiki","afwiki","abwiki","acewiki","amwiki", "angwiki") ) || $db == "commonswiki" ) { continue; } $queries[$slice][] = "\n\t\t\t(SELECT rev_timestamp, '{$db}' as wiki, page_namespace, page_title, rev_id\n\t\t\tFROM {$db}_p.revision_userindex\n\t\t\tJOIN {$db} on page_id = rev_page\n\t\t\twhere rev_user_text = 'Hedonil' AND rev_timestamp > '20140628210110'\n\t\t\tLimit 10)\n\t"; } # print_r($queries); foreach ($queries as $slice => $slarr) { $stime = microtime(true); $dbr = new Database2($slice, $dbUser, $dbPwd, ''); $dur = number_format(microtime(true) - $stime, 3); $query = implode(" UNION ", $slarr); echo $query; $res = $dbr->query($query); $anz = count($res); echo "{$slice} --- {$db} --- {$anz} --- {$dur} <br/>\n"; $dbr->close(); }
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('sc'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); $user = $ui->user; $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$user) { $wt->showPage(); } $dbr = $wt->loadDatabase($lang, $wiki); $obj = getEditCounts($dbr, $user); $wt->content = ' <br /> <table class="leantable table-condensed xt-table" > <tr><td>{#username#}: </td><td><a href="//' . $lang . '.' . $wiki . '.org/wiki/User:'******'" >' . $user . '</a></td></tr> <tr><td>{#userid#}: </td><td>' . $obj->id . '</td></tr> <tr><td>{#groups#}: </td><td>' . $obj->groups . '</td></tr> <tr><td>{#deleted_edits#}: </td><td>' . $wt->numFmt($obj->deleted) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>{#live#}: </td><td>' . $wt->numFmt($obj->live) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>{#total#}: </td><td><b>' . $wt->numFmt($obj->live + $obj->deleted) . '</b></td></tr> </table> '; $wt->showPage();
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Agent.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('echo'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->content = getPageTemplate('result'); $purge = $wgRequest->getBool('purge', false); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $list = '<p style="text-align:center"><br/> You are not logged in. <a href="https://' . XTOOLS_BASE_WEB_DIR . '/oauthredirector.php?action=login&returnto=https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" >Log in</a> with secure Wikimedia OAuth.<br/>If necessary, refresh your browser with F5 afterwards.<br /> </p>'; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if ($wt->OAuthObject->isAuthorized()) { $resArr = getCrossWikiMessage($wt, 'all', 50, $purge); $wt->statusLink['message'] = $resArr["list"]; $msgArr = $resArr["msgArr"]; uasort($msgArr, function ($al, $bl) { $a = $al["timestamp"]; $b = $bl["timestamp"]; if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return $a < $b ? 1 : -1; }); #$perflog->stack[] = $msgArr; $list = ' <tr>
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Counter.php'; require_once 'Graph.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('pages'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace'); $redirects = $wgRequest->getVal('redirects'); $limit = intval($wgRequest->getVal('limit', 100)); $movedeletes = $wgRequest->getBool('movedeletes', false); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); $user = $ui->user; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$user || !$wiki || !$lang) { $wt->showPage(); } //Get username & userid, quit if not exist $ttl = 120; $hash = "xtoolsPages" . XTOOLS_REDIS_FLUSH_TOKEN . '002' . hash('crc32', $lang . $wiki . $user); $hash2 = "xtoolsPages" . XTOOLS_REDIS_FLUSH_TOKEN . '002' . hash('crc32', $user . $domain . $namespace . $redirects . $movedeletes); $lc = $redis->get($hash); $lc2 = $redis->get($hash2); if ($lc === false || $lc2 === false) {
public static function parseHistory(&$history, $start, $end, &$site, &$pageClass, $api = false) { if (!$api) { $logsi = $site->logs(null, false, $pageClass->get_title(), strtotime($start), strtotime($end), 'older', false, array('type', 'timestamp', 'user', 'details')); $logs = array(); foreach ($logsi as $log) { if (in_array($log['type'], array('delete', 'move', 'protect')) && !in_array($log['action'], array('revision'))) { if (!isset($logs[date('nY', strtotime($log['timestamp']))][$log['action']])) { $logs[date('nY', strtotime($log['timestamp']))][$log['action']] = 0; } $logs[date('nY', strtotime($log['timestamp']))][$log['action']]++; } } unset($logsi); foreach ($logs as $date => $log) { arsort($log); $logs[$date] = actionParse($date, $log); } } //Now we can start our master array. This one will be HUGE! $data = array('first_edit' => array('timestamp' => $history[0]['rev_timestamp'], 'user' => $history[0]['rev_user_text']), 'year_count' => array(), 'count' => 0, 'editors' => array(), 'anons' => array(), 'year_count' => array(), 'minor_count' => 0, 'count_history' => array('today' => 0, 'week' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'year' => 0)); $first_edit_parse = date_parse($data['first_edit']['timestamp']); //And now comes the logic for filling said master array foreach ($history as $id => $rev) { $data['last_edit'] = $rev['rev_timestamp']; $data['count']++; //Sometimes, with old revisions (2001 era), the revisions from 2002 come before 2001 if (strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp']) < strtotime($data['first_edit']['timestamp'])) { $data['first_edit'] = array('timestamp' => $rev['rev_timestamp'], 'user' => htmlspecialchars($rev['rev_user_text'])); $first_edit_parse = date_parse($data['first_edit']['timestamp']); } $timestamp = date_parse($rev['rev_timestamp']); //Fill in the blank arrays for the year and 12 months if (!isset($data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']])) { $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']] = array('all' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'anon' => 0, 'months' => array()); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['months'][$i] = array('all' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'anon' => 0, 'size' => array()); } } //Increment counts $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['all']++; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['months'][$timestamp['month']]['all']++; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['months'][$timestamp['month']]['size'][] = number_format($rev['rev_len'] / 1024, 2); //Now to fill in various user stats $username = htmlspecialchars($rev['rev_user_text']); if (!isset($data['editors'][$username])) { $data['editors'][$username] = array('all' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'first' => date('d F Y, H:i:s', strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp'])), 'last' => null, 'atbe' => null, 'minorpct' => 0, 'size' => array(), 'urlencoded' => str_replace(array('+'), array('_'), urlencode($rev['rev_user_text']))); } //Increment these counts... $data['editors'][$username]['all']++; $data['editors'][$username]['last'] = date('d F Y, H:i:s', strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp'])); $data['editors'][$username]['size'][] = number_format($rev['rev_len'] / 1024, 2); if (!$rev['rev_user']) { //Anonymous, increase counts $data['anons'][] = $username; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['anon']++; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['months'][$timestamp['month']]['anon']++; } if ($rev['rev_minor_edit']) { //Logged in, increase counts $data['minor_count']++; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['minor']++; $data['year_count'][$timestamp['year']]['months'][$timestamp['month']]['minor']++; $data['editors'][$username]['minor']++; } //Increment "edits per <time>" counts if (strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp']) > strtotime('-1 day')) { $data['count_history']['today']++; } if (strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp']) > strtotime('-1 week')) { $data['count_history']['week']++; } if (strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp']) > strtotime('-1 month')) { $data['count_history']['month']++; } if (strtotime($rev['rev_timestamp']) > strtotime('-1 year')) { $data['count_history']['year']++; } } //Fill in years with no edits for ($year = $first_edit_parse['year']; $year <= date('Y'); $year++) { if (!isset($data['year_count'][$year])) { $data['year_count'][$year] = array('all' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'anon' => 0, 'months' => array()); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$i] = array('all' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'anon' => 0, 'size' => array()); } } } //Add more general statistics $data['totaldays'] = floor((strtotime($data['last_edit']) - strtotime($data['first_edit']['timestamp'])) / 60 / 60 / 24); $data['average_days_per_edit'] = number_format($data['totaldays'] / $data['count'], 2); $data['edits_per_month'] = $data['totaldays'] ? number_format($data['count'] / ($data['totaldays'] / (365 / 12)), 2) : 0; $data['edits_per_year'] = $data['totaldays'] ? number_format($data['count'] / ($data['totaldays'] / 365), 2) : 0; $data['edits_per_editor'] = number_format($data['count'] / count($data['editors']), 2); $data['editor_count'] = count($data['editors']); $data['anon_count'] = count($data['anons']); //Various sorts arsort($data['editors']); ksort($data['year_count']); //Fix the year counts $num = 0; $cum = 0; $scum = 0; foreach ($data['year_count'] as $year => $months) { //Unset months before the first edit and after the last edit foreach ($months['months'] as $month => $tmp) { if ($year == $first_edit_parse['year']) { if ($month < $first_edit_parse['month']) { unset($data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]); } } if ($year == date('Y')) { if ($month > date('m')) { unset($data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]); } } } //Calculate anon/minor percentages $data['year_count'][$year]['pcts']['anon'] = $data['year_count'][$year]['all'] ? number_format($data['year_count'][$year]['anon'] / $data['year_count'][$year]['all'] * 100, 2) : 0.0; $data['year_count'][$year]['pcts']['minor'] = $data['year_count'][$year]['all'] ? number_format($data['year_count'][$year]['minor'] / $data['year_count'][$year]['all'] * 100, 2) : 0.0; //Continue with more stats... foreach ($data['year_count'][$year]['months'] as $month => $tmp) { //More percentages... $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['pcts']['anon'] = $tmp['all'] ? number_format($tmp['anon'] / $tmp['all'] * 100, 2) : 0.0; $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['pcts']['minor'] = $tmp['all'] ? number_format($tmp['minor'] / $tmp['all'] * 100, 2) : 0.0; //XID and cumulative are used in the flash graph $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['xid'] = $num; $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['cumulative'] = $cum + $tmp['all']; if (count($tmp['size'])) { $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['size'] = number_format(array_sum($tmp['size']) / count($tmp['size']), 2); } else { $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['size'] = 0; } $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['sizecumulative'] = $scum + $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['size']; $num++; $cum += $tmp['all']; $scum += $data['year_count'][$year]['months'][$month]['size']; } } //Top 10% info $data['top_ten'] = array('editors' => array(), 'count' => 0); $data['top_fifty'] = array(); //Now to fix the user info... $tmp = $tmp2 = 0; foreach ($data['editors'] as $editor => $info) { //Is the user in the top 10%? if ($tmp <= (int) (count($data['editors']) * 0.1)) { $data['top_ten']['editors'][] = $editor; $data['top_ten']['count'] += $info['all']; $tmp++; } //Is the user in the 50 highest editors? if ($tmp < 50) { $data['top_fifty'][] = $editor; } $data['editors'][$editor]['minorpct'] = $info['all'] ? number_format($info['minor'] / $info['all'] * 100, 2) : 0.0; if ($info['all'] > 1) { $data['editors'][$editor]['atbe'] = WebTool::getTimeString((int) ((strtotime($info['last']) - strtotime($info['first'])) / $info['all'])); } if (count($info['size'])) { $data['editors'][$editor]['size'] = number_format(array_sum($info['size']) / count($info['size']), 2); } else { $data['editors'][$editor]['size'] = 0; } $tmp2++; } return $data; }
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once PEACHY_BASE_SYS_DIR . '/Peachy/Init.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('blame'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate('form'); //Get params from query string $article = $wgRequest->getVal('article'); $article = $wgRequest->getVal('page', $article); $nofollowredir = $wgRequest->getBool('nofollowredir'); $text = $wgRequest->getText('text'); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if ($lang == "" || $wiki == "" || $article == "" || $text == "") { $wt->showPage(); } // execute the main logic $pgVerbose = array(); $site = Peachy::newWiki(null, null, null, "http://{$wi->domain}/w/api.php"); $pageClass = $site->initPage($article, null, !$nofollowredir); $title = $pageClass->get_title(); $list = getBlameResult($pageClass, $text); $wt->content = getPageTemplate('result'); $wt->assign('list', $list); $wt->assign('domain', $domain);
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('adminstats'); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $datenow = new DateTime(); $datefromdefault = date_format($datenow->sub(new DateInterval("P100D")), "Y-m-d"); $wt->assign('defaultBegin', $datefromdefault); $datefrom = $wgRequest->getVal('begin', null); $dateto = $wt->checkDate($wgRequest->getVal('end')); $wi = $wt->getWikiInfo(); $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $perflog->add('domain', 0, $domain); $perflog->add('datefrom', 0, $datefrom); //Show form if domain parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$domain || !$datefrom) { $wt->showPage(); exit; } if ($datefrom == 'default') { $datefrom = $datefromdefault; } $datefrom = $wt->checkDate($datefrom); $datediff = '–'; if ($datefrom) { $dt = new DateTime($dateto);
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'Counter.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('Automated Edits', 'autoedits', array()); $wt->setLimits(); $wt->getPageTemplate("form"); $wi = $wt->wikiInfo; $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); $user = $ui->user; $begin = $wt->checkDate($wgRequest->getVal('begin')); $end = $wt->checkDate($wgRequest->getVal('end')); //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$lang || !$wiki || !$user) { $wt->showPage(); } $dbr = $wt->loadDatabase($lang, $wiki); $cnt = new Counter($dbr, $user, $domain, true); //Start doing the DB request $data = $cnt->calcAutoEditsDB($dbr, $begin, $end); $list = ''; foreach ($data["tools"] as $toolname => $count) { $list .= ' <tr> <td><a href="//' . Counter::$AEBTypes[$toolname]["shortcut"] . '">' . $toolname . '</a></td> <td class="tdnum" >' . $wt->numFmt($count) . '</td>
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; require_once 'base.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('Bash', 'bash', array()); $base = new BashBase(); $wt->content = getPageTemplate('form'); $search = $wgRequest->getVal('search'); $isRegex = $wgRequest->getBool('regex'); //Show form if &article parameter is not set (or empty) if (!$wgRequest->getVal('action')) { $wt->showPage(); } switch ($wgRequest->getVal('action')) { case 'random': $quote = $base->getRandomQuote(); $otherurl = "//" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pageResult = ' <h3>{#quote_number#} ' . $quote['id'] . '</h3> <pre>' . $quote['quote'] . '</pre> <a href="' . $otherurl . '"> - {#more#} - </a> '; break; case 'showall': $quotes = $base->getAllQuotes(); $pageResult = '<h3>{#quote_showall#}</h3>'; foreach ($quotes as $id => $quote) { $pageResult .= ' <h3>{#quote_number#} ' . $id . '</h3>
chmod('data/' . md5($pageClass->get_title() . '-' . $pageClass->get_id()) . '.xml', 0775); $content->assign("monthgraph", true); $content->assign("monthpixels", getMonthPixels($data['year_count'])); $content->assign("evenyears", getEvenYears(array_keys($data['year_count']))); $content->assign("sizegraph", true); $sizegraph->assign("data", $data['year_count']); $content->assign("sizegraphdata", md5($pageClass->get_title() . '-' . $pageClass->get_id() . '-line')); file_put_contents('data/' . md5($pageClass->get_title() . '-' . $pageClass->get_id() . '-line') . '.xml', $sizegraph->fetch('sizegraph.tpl')); chmod('data/' . md5($pageClass->get_title() . '-' . $pageClass->get_id() . '-line') . '.xml', 0775); $content->assign("usertable", true); $content->assign("userdata", $data['editors']); $content->assign("topteneditors", $data['top_fifty']); $content->assign("url", $url); $content->assign("lang", $lang); $content->assign("wiki", $wiki); WebTool::finishScript(); //Script finished, now we're on to the functions //Calculate how many pixels each year should get for the Edits per Year table function getYearPixels(&$data) { $month_total_edits = array(); foreach ($data as $year => $tmp) { $month_total_edits[$year] = $tmp['all']; } $max_width = max($month_total_edits); $pixels = array(); foreach ($data as $year => $tmp) { if ($tmp['all'] == 0) { $pixels[$year] = array(); } $processarray = array('all' => $tmp['all'], 'anon' => $tmp['anon'], 'minor' => $tmp['minor']);
<?php //Requires require_once '/data/project/xtools/modules/WebTool.php'; //Load WebTool class $wt = new WebTool('Edit summary', 'editsummary', array()); $wt->setLimits(); # $wt->content = getPageTemplate( 'form' ); $wt->assign("lang", "en"); $wt->assign("wiki", "wikipedia"); $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace'); $redirects = $wgRequest->getVal('redirects'); $wi = $wt->getWikiInfo(); $lang = $wi->lang; $wiki = $wi->wiki; $domain = $wi->domain; $dbr = $wt->loadDatabase($lang, $wiki); $ui = $wt->getUserInfo(); $user = $wt->user; #print_r($dbr); //Get array of namespaces function getNamespaces() { global $http, $name, $lang, $wiki; $namespaces = $http->get('http://' . $lang . '.' . $wiki . '.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=php', false); $namespaces = unserialize($namespaces); $namespaces = $namespaces['query']['namespaces']; if (!$namespaces[0]) { toDie('Not a valid wiki.'); } unset($namespaces[-2]);