
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create and edit Pages as pagewriter user');
$I->see('New Page');
$I->click('New Page');
$I->see('Actions for this Page');
$I->fillField('title', 'A page I made');
$I->fillField('teaser', 'Woop woop woop! Crazy nice stuff inside!');
$I->fillField('body', 'Take it, take it! I have three more of these!');
$I->click('Save Page');
$I->see('A page I made');
$I->see('Woop woop woop');

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('log into the backend as Admin');
Ejemplo n.º 3

$foobar = array('username' => 'foobar', 'password' => 'foobar123');
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Create a user');
$I->click('New user');
$I->see("Create a new user");
$I->fillField('form[username]', $foobar['username']);
$I->fillField('form[password]', $foobar['password']);
$I->fillField('form[password_confirmation]', $foobar['password']);
$I->fillField('form[email]', '*****@*****.**');
$I->fillField('form[displayname]', 'Foo Bar');
$I->see("has been saved");