public static function scan($param) { list($data) = $param; self::_init(); global $_G; if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wsq_allow']) { return; } $authcode = C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->fetch_by_code($data['key']); if (!$authcode || $authcode['status']) { // echo WeChatServer::getXml4Txt(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_response_text_codeerror')); } else { if ($authcode['uid']) { $member = getuserbyuid($authcode['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } else { $wechatuser = C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechat')->fetch_by_openid($data['from']); if ($wechatuser) { $member = getuserbyuid($wechatuser['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } elseif ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowfastregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_mtype'] == 2) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.class.php'; require_once libfile('function/member'); $uid = WeChat::register(WeChat::getnewname($data['from']), 1); if ($uid) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $data['from'], 1); C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1)); } wsq::report('register'); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } wsq::report('scanqr'); self::_show('scan', $data['from'] . "\t" . $authcode['sid']); } }
function forumdisplay_topBar() { global $_G; $config = $_G['cache']['plugin']['aljwsq']; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; $return = array(); $url = WeChatHook::getPluginUrl('aljwsq:mes', array('mobile' => '2')); $index_url = WeChatHook::getPluginUrl('aljwsq:index', array('mobile' => '2')); $return[] = array('name' => $config['wsq_1'], 'html' => '<a href="' . $index_url . '">' . $config['wsq_2'] . '</a><br/><br/><a href="' . $url . '">' . $config['wsq_3'] . '</a>', 'more' => ''); return $return; }
updatecache('setting'); if ($_GET['setting']['wsq_allow']) { WeChatHook::updateResponse(array('receiveMsg::text' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'text'), 'receiveEvent::click' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'click'), 'receiveEvent::subscribe' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'subscribe'), 'receiveEvent::scan' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'scan'))); WeChatHook::updateRedirect(array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'redirect')); WeChatHook::updateAPIHook(array(array('wsqindex_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'forumdisplay_variables')), array('forumdisplay_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'forumdisplay_variables')), array('viewthread_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'viewthread_variables')))); WeChatHook::updateViewPluginId('wechat'); if (!in_array('mobile', $_G['setting']['plugins']['available'])) { $plugin = C::t('common_plugin')->fetch_by_identifier('mobile'); if (!$plugin) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_mobile_plugin_error'), '', 'error'); } C::t('common_plugin')->update($plugin['pluginid'], array('available' => 1)); updatecache(array('plugin', 'setting')); } } else { $wechatredirect = WeChatHook::getRedirect(); if ($wechatredirect['plugin'] == 'wechat') { $wechatredirect = array(); } WeChatHook::updateRedirect($wechatredirect); WeChatHook::updateViewPluginId(''); } if (function_exists('domain_create') && $_G['setting']['domain']['root']['forum']) { if ($_GET['setting']['wsq_domain']) { domain_create('wechat', $_GET['setting']['wsq_domain'], $_G['setting']['domain']['root']['forum']); } else { domain_delete('wechat'); } } cpmsg('setting_update_succeed', 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=wsq_setting', 'succeed'); }
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: wechat.php 34480 2014-05-07 01:18:15Z nemohou $ */ if (!defined('IN_MOBILE_API')) { exit('Access Denied'); } define('DISABLEXSSCHECK', true); require './source/class/class_core.php'; $discuz = C::app(); $cachelist = array('plugin'); $discuz->cachelist = $cachelist; $discuz->init(); $_G['siteurl'] = str_replace('api/mobile/', '', $_G['siteurl']); $_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; $svr = new WeChatServer($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_token'], WeChatHook::getResponse($_GET['id']));
* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: 34555 2014-05-28 06:59:57Z nemohou $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ') || !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $setting = C::t('common_setting')->fetch_all(array('mobilewechat')); $setting = (array) unserialize($setting['mobilewechat']); $apiurl = $_G['siteurl'] . 'api/mobile/?module=wechat'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wsq.class.php'; if (isset($_GET['viewapi'])) { $redirect = WeChatHook::getRedirect(); $response = WeChatHook::getResponse(); showtips(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechatapi_tips', array('url' => $apiurl))); showtableheader(); echo '<tr class="header"><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_hook') . '</th><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_method') . '</th></tr>'; if ($redirect) { echo '<tr><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechatapi_redirect') . '</th><th>' . formathook($redirect) . '</th></tr>'; } foreach ($response as $k => $row) { echo '<tr><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_' . $k) . '(' . $k . ')</th><th>' . formathook($row) . '</th></tr>'; } showtablefooter(); $wechatresponseExts = unserialize($_G['setting']['wechatresponseExts']); if ($wechatresponseExts) { showtableheader(); foreach ($wechatresponseExts as $k => $response) { echo '<tr class="header"><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_responseexts') . ' ' . $k . '</th><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_method') . '</th></tr>';
`uid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, `openid` char(32) NOT NULL default '', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`) ) ENGINE=MYISAM; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pre_mobile_wsq_threadlist ( `skey` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `svalue` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`skey`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; EOF; if (!defined('DISCUZ_VERSION')) { require './source/discuz_version.php'; } $settingdefault = array('wechat_mtype' => '0', 'wechat_qrtype' => '3', 'wechat_token' => random(16), 'wechat_allowregister' => '1', 'wechat_allowfastregister' => '1', 'wechat_disableregrule' => '1', 'wechat_float_qrcode' => '1', 'wechat_confirmtype' => '0', 'wechat_newusergroupid' => $_G['setting']['newusergroupid'], 'wsq_wapdefault' => DISCUZ_VERSION == 'X2.5' ? 1 : 0); runquery($sql); $setting = $_G['setting']['mobilewechat'] ? (array) unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']) : array(); foreach ($settingdefault as $_key => $_default) { if (!isset($setting[$_key])) { $setting[$_key] = $_default; } } $settings = array('mobilewechat' => serialize($setting)); C::t('common_setting')->update_batch($settings); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; if (!WeChatHook::getAPIHook('wechat')) { WeChatHook::updateAPIHook(array(array('wsqindex_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'forumdisplay_variables')), array('forumdisplay_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'forumdisplay_variables')), array('viewthread_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'viewthread_variables')))); } $finish = TRUE;
`res_finish_at` int(10), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; EOF; if (!defined('DISCUZ_VERSION')) { require './source/discuz_version.php'; } $settingdefault = array('wechat_mtype' => '0', 'wechat_qrtype' => '3', 'wechat_token' => random(16), 'wechat_allowregister' => '1', 'wechat_allowfastregister' => '1', 'wechat_disableregrule' => '1', 'wechat_float_qrcode' => '1', 'wechat_confirmtype' => '0', 'wechat_newusergroupid' => $_G['setting']['newusergroupid'], 'wsq_wapdefault' => 1, 'wsq_global_banner' => 1); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/install/update.func.php'; runquery($sql); updatetable($sql); foreach ($settingdefault as $_key => $_default) { if (!isset($setting[$_key])) { $setting[$_key] = $_default; } } $setting['RELEASE'] = PLUGIN_RELEASE; $settings = array('mobilewechat' => serialize($setting)); C::t('common_setting')->update_batch($settings); C::t('common_plugin')->delete_by_identifier('mobileoem'); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; $hook = WeChatHook::getAPIHook('wechat'); if (!$hook) { WeChatHook::updateAPIHook(array(array('forumdisplay_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'forumdisplay_variables')), array('viewthread_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'wsqapi.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQAPI', 'method' => 'viewthread_variables')))); } elseif ($hook['wsqindex']) { WeChatHook::updateAPIHook(array(array('wsqindex_variables' => array('plugin' => 'wechat')))); } DB::query("ALTER TABLE " . DB::table('forum_debatepost') . " ADD INDEX `voters` (`tid`,`voters`)", 'SILENT'); $pluginupdated = true; }
echo '<tr class="header"><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_responseexts') . ' ' . $extk . '</th><th>' . cplang('plugins_name') . '</th><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_method') . '</th></tr>'; foreach ($response as $k => $row) { if (!$plugins[$row['plugin']]) { $deleteresponseExts[$extk][$k] = array(); } echo '<tr class="hover"><td>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'api_' . $k) . '(' . $k . ')</td><td>' . $plugins[$row['plugin']]['name'] . '</td><td>' . formathook($row) . '</td></tr>'; } } showtablefooter(); } if ($deleteresponses) { WeChatHook::updateResponse($deleteresponses); } if ($deleteresponseExts) { foreach ($deleteresponseExts as $extk => $deleteresponses) { WeChatHook::updateResponse($deleteresponses, $extk); } } $wechatappInfos = unserialize($_G['setting']['wechatappInfos']); if ($wechatappInfos) { showtableheader(); echo '<tr class="header"><th width="200">' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_devids') . '</th><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_appId') . '</th><th>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_appsecret') . '</th></tr>'; foreach (unserialize($_G['setting']['wechatappInfos']) as $k => $info) { echo '<tr class="hover"><td>' . $k . '</td><td>' . $info['appId'] . '</td><td>' . $info['appSecret'] . '</td></tr>'; } showtablefooter(); } function formathook($hook) { return '<b>File:</b> ' . $hook['plugin'] . '/' . $hook['include'] . ' <b>Method:</b> ' . $hook['class'] . '->' . $hook['method']; }
<?php /* * ×÷ÕߣºÁÁ½£ * ÁªÏµQQ:578933760 * */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php')) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; } else { echo lang('plugin/aljwsq', 'a1'); } if ($_GET['formhash'] == FORMHASH) { WeChatHook::updateResponse(array('receiveMsg::text' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'), 'receiveMsg::voice' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'), 'receiveEvent::subscribe' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'), 'receiveEvent::location' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'), 'receiveEvent::click' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'), 'receiveEvent::scan' => array('plugin' => 'aljwsq', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wechatCallbackapi', 'method' => 'responsemsg'))); WeChatHook::updateRedirect(array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'redirect')); WeChatHook::updateViewPluginId('aljwsq'); cpmsg(lang('plugin/aljwsq', 'register1'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $_GET['do'] . '&identifier=aljwsq&pmod=register', 'succeed'); } else { $p = WeChatHook::getViewPluginId(); include template('aljwsq:register'); }
showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_bind_succeed', $url); } } elseif (($ac == 'register' && submitcheck('submit') || $ac == 'wxregister') && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowregister']) { if ($wechatuser) { showmessage('wechat:wechat_openid_exists'); } else { if ($ac == 'wxregister') { loaducenter(); $user = uc_get_user($_GET['username']); if (!empty($user)) { $_GET['username'] = substr($_GET['username'], 0, 9) . '_' . random(5); } } $uid = WeChat::register($_GET['username']); if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $openid, 1); wsq::report('register'); showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $selfurl . 'bind&confirm=yes'); } else { C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'openid' => $wxopenid ? $wxopenid : $_GET['wxopenid'], 'status' => 0), false, true); wsq::report('register'); $url = wsq::wxuserregisterUrl($uid); if ($ac == 'wxregister') { dheader('location: ' . $url); } else { showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $url); } } } } elseif ($ac == 'logout' && $_GET['hash'] == formhash()) { wechat_setloginstatus($_G['uid'], false);
* */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ') || !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . DB::table('aljwsq_user') . "` ADD `lasttime` int(10) NOT NULL ;"; DB::query($sql, 'SILENT'); if (file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php')) { $pluginid = 'aljwsq'; $Hooks = array('forumdisplay_topBar'); $data = array(); foreach ($Hooks as $Hook) { $data[] = array($Hook => array('plugin' => $pluginid, 'include' => 'api.class.php', 'class' => $pluginid . '_api', 'method' => $Hook)); } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; WeChatHook::updateAPIHook($data); } function is_utf8($word) { if (preg_match("/^([" . chr(228) . "-" . chr(233) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}){1}/", $word) == true || preg_match("/([" . chr(228) . "-" . chr(233) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}){1}\$/", $word) == true || preg_match("/([" . chr(228) . "-" . chr(233) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}[" . chr(128) . "-" . chr(191) . "]{1}){2,}/", $word) == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // function is_utf8 $str = file_get_contents(''); if ($_G['charset'] == 'utf-8') { if (!is_utf8($str)) { $str = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $str); }
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * */ if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $pluginid = 'lshl_tzydh'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; WeChatHook::delAPIHook($pluginid); $finish = TRUE;
elseif($model=='jieguan'){ if($_GET['formhash']==FORMHASH){ if(file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php')){ require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; $receiveMsg = array( 'receiveMsg::text' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveMsg::voice' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveMsg::image' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveEvent::subscribe' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveEvent::unsubscribe' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveEvent::location' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveEvent::click' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), 'receiveEvent::scan' => array('plugin' => 'hejin_box', 'include' => '', 'class' => 'wxboxApi', 'method' => 'respond'), ); WeChatHook::updateResponse($receiveMsg); WeChatHook::updateRedirect(array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'redirect')); // WeChatHook::updateViewPluginId('hejin_box'); cpmsg(lang('plugin/hejin_box', 'jieguanok'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $_GET['do'] . '&identifier=hejin_box&pmod=jieguan', 'succeed'); }else{ echo lang('plugin/hejin_box', 'jieguanno'); } } } ?>
$response['subscribeback'] = $response['subscribeback'] ? $response['subscribeback'] : array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'subscribe'); $updatedata = array('receiveEvent::subscribe' => $response['subscribeback']); $responsehook = WeChatHook::updateResponse($updatedata); savecache('wechat_response', $response); cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_subscribe_plugin'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting', 'succeed'); } if ($_GET['text'] == 'custom') { $response['textback'] = $responsehook['receiveMsg::text']; $updatedata = array('receiveMsg::text' => array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'text')); $responsehook = WeChatHook::updateResponse($updatedata); savecache('wechat_response', $response); cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_message_custom'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting', 'succeed'); } elseif ($_GET['text'] == 'restore') { $response['textback'] = $response['textback'] ? $response['textback'] : array('plugin' => 'wechat', 'include' => 'response.class.php', 'class' => 'WSQResponse', 'method' => 'text'); $updatedata = array('receiveMsg::text' => $response['textback']); $responsehook = WeChatHook::updateResponse($updatedata); savecache('wechat_response', $response); cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_message_plugin'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting', 'succeed'); } WeChatSetting::showResource(); showformheader('plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting'); showtableheader(); echo '<tr><th class="td25"></th><th style="width:350px"><strong>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_keyword') . '</strong></th><th><strong>' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_content') . '</strong></th></tr>'; if ($responsehook['receiveEvent::subscribe']['plugin'] == 'wechat' && $responsehook['receiveEvent::subscribe']['class'] == 'WSQResponse' && $responsehook['receiveEvent::subscribe']['method'] == 'custom') { showtablerow('class="header"', array('', 'class="td23 td28"', '', 'class="td29"'), array("", lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_subscribe'), "<p class=\"mbn\">" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_custom') . " " . ($response['subscribeback'] ? "<a class=\"normal\" href=\"" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=plugins&operation=config&do={$pluginid}&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting&subscribe=restore\">[" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_switch_plugin_mode', array('plugin' => $response['subscribeback']['plugin'])) . "]</a></p>" : ''))); showtablerow('', array('', 'class="td23 td28"', '', 'class="td29"'), array("", "<i>" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'subscribe') . "</i>", "<textarea class=\"tarea\" name=\"response[subscribe]\" id=\"res_subscribe\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\">" . dhtmlspecialchars($response['subscribe']) . "</textarea>" . "<br /><a href=\"javascript:;\" id=\"rsel\" onclick=\"showResource('res_subscribe')\">" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'resource_select') . "</a>")); } else { showtablerow('class="header"', array('', 'class="td23 td28"', '', 'class="td29"'), array("", lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_subscribe'), "<p>" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_plugin_mode', array('plugin' => $responsehook['receiveEvent::subscribe']['plugin'])) . " <a class=\"normal\" href=\"" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=plugins&operation=config&do={$pluginid}&identifier=wechat&pmod=response_setting&subscribe=custom\">[" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_switch_custom_mode') . "]</a></p>")); } showtablerow('class="header"', array('', 'class="td23 td28"', '', 'class="td29"'), array("", lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_access'), "<p class=\"mbn normal\">" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'response_access_comment'))); showtablerow('', array('', 'class="td23 td28"', '', 'class="td29"'), array("", "<i>" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'access') . "</i>", "<textarea class=\"tarea\" name=\"response[access]\" id=\"res_access\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\">" . dhtmlspecialchars($response['access']) . "</textarea>" . "<br /><a href=\"javascript:;\" id=\"rsel\" onclick=\"showResource('res_access')\">" . lang('plugin/wechat', 'resource_select') . "</a>"));
*/ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $config = $_G['cache']['plugin']['aljwsq']; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; require_once libfile('function/member'); $wechatuser = C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechat')->fetch_by_openid($postObj->FromUserName); $user = C::t('#aljwsq#aljwsq_user')->fetch($postObj->FromUserName); echo $this->responsetext(123); exit; if (empty($wechatuser) && empty($user)) { loaducenter(); $username = '******' . random(5); $return = register($username); WeChatHook::bindOpenId($return['uid'], $postObj->FromUserName, 1); require_once 'source/plugin/aljwsq/function_core.php'; $wuser = getwuserinfo($postObj, $config['appid'], $config['appsecret']); $user = C::t('#aljwsq#aljwsq_user')->fetch($postObj->FromUserName); if (!$user) { C::t('#aljwsq#aljwsq_user')->insert(array('nickname' => u2g($wuser['nickname']), 'username' => $username, 'openid' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'bindtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'sex' => $wuser['sex'], 'city' => u2g($wuser['city']), 'country' => u2g($wuser['country']), 'province' => u2g($wuser['province']), 'language' => $wuser['language'], 'headimgurl' => $wuser['headimgurl'], 'subscribe_time' => $wuser['subscribe_time'])); } else { C::t('#aljwsq#aljwsq_user')->update($postObj->FromUserName, array('nickname' => u2g($wuser['nickname']), 'username' => $username, 'bindtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'sex' => $wuser['sex'], 'city' => u2g($wuser['city']), 'country' => u2g($wuser['country']), 'province' => u2g($wuser['province']), 'language' => $wuser['language'], 'headimgurl' => $wuser['headimgurl'], 'subscribe_time' => $wuser['subscribe_time'])); } echo $this->responsetext($postObj, '您已成功注册本站帐号,用户名' . $return['username'] . ',密码' . $return['password'] . '.此帐户已与微信帐户成功绑定,并支持微信扫码登录.'); } else { if (empty($user)) { $user = getuserbyuid($wechatuser['uid']); } echo $this->responsetext($postObj, '您已成功注册过帐号,用户名' . $user['username']); }
public function __construct($appid, $appsecret = '') { if ($appsecret) { $this->_appid = $appid; $this->_appsecret = $appsecret; } else { $info = WeChatHook::getAppInfo($appid); $this->_appid = $info['appId']; $this->_appsecret = $info['appSecret']; } }
*/ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } //start to put your own code $sql = <<<EOF DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_autoreply`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_autoreply_advanced`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_advanced_column`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_advanced_columndata`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_menu`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_user`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_ggk_log`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_ggk_user`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_citylist`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_index`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_c`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_mes`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_voice`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_qrcode`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_wxqrcode`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_wxqrcode_record`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_aljwsq_keywordlog`; EOF; runquery($sql); if (file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php')) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; WeChatHook::delAPIHook('aljwsq'); } //finish to put your own code $finish = TRUE;