function __construct($template_path, $cache_dir = '') { if (!$cache_dir && defined('LIMB_VAR_DIR')) { $cache_dir = LIMB_VAR_DIR . '/compiled/'; } $config = new lmbWactTemplateConfig($cache_dir); $locator = lmbToolkit::instance()->getWactLocator(); parent::__construct($template_path, $config, $locator); }
function __construct($raw_path_or_class_name, $include_path = '') { $raw_path_or_class_name = $this->_parseConstants($raw_path_or_class_name); if ($include_path) { $this->include_path = $include_path; } elseif (WactTemplate::isFileReadable($raw_path_or_class_name . '.class.php')) { $this->include_path = $raw_path_or_class_name . '.class.php'; } $this->class_name = end(explode('/', $raw_path_or_class_name)); }
function rewind() { $ns = $this->number_source->current(); $Number = WactTemplate::getValue($ns, 'BaseNumber'); if (!empty($Number)) { $this->iterator = new WactArrayIterator(array(array('Num' => $Number), array('Num' => $Number * $Number), array('Num' => $Number * $Number * $Number))); } else { $this->iterator = new WactArrayIterator(array()); } $this->iterator->rewind(); }
function process($template) { $command = $this->_createCommand($template); if (!is_a($command, 'WactTemplateCommand')) { throw new WactException($this->command . '" must inherite from WactTemplateCommand class'); } $method = WactTemplate::toStudlyCaps('do_' . $this->method_name, false); if (!method_exists($command, $method)) { throw new WactException('Template command "' . $this->command . '" does not support method: ' . $method); } return call_user_func_array(array($command, $method), $this->params); }
protected function _createFetcher() { $class_path = new WactClassPath($this->fetcher_name, $this->include_path); $fetcher = $class_path->createObject(); foreach ($this->params as $param => $value) { $method = WactTemplate::toStudlyCaps('set_' . $param, false); if (in_array($param, $this->reserved_params)) { $this->{$method}($value); } elseif (method_exists($fetcher, $method)) { $fetcher->{$method}($value); } else { throw new WactException('Fetcher "' . $this->fetcher_name . '" does not support method: ' . $method); } } return $fetcher; }
/** * Set a named property in the form DataSource */ function setValue($name, $value) { WactTemplate::setValue($this->datasource, $name, $value); }
protected function _addParamsToDataset($dataset, $params) { foreach ($params as $param => $value) { $method = WactTemplate::toStudlyCaps('set_' . $param); $dataset->{$method}($value); } }
function testEscapeAlreadyTranslatedEntityWithNonNumericIndex() { $this->assertEqual(WactTemplate::escape('ሴ'), 'ሴ'); }
public function readTemplateFile($file_name) { if (WactTemplate::isFileReadable($file_name)) { return file_get_contents($file_name, 1); } }
function registerDataset($dataset) { $this->dataset = WactTemplate::castToIterator($dataset); $this->cached_count = null; }
function registerDataset($dataset) { $this->dataset = WactTemplate::castToIterator($dataset); }
require_once 'limb/wact/src/WactDefaultTemplateConfig.class.php'; for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $j = $i; } $name = 'Bob'; $tpl = new lmbMacroTemplate('macro.phtml', array('cache_dir' => '/tmp/macro', 'forcecompile' => false, 'forcescan' => false, 'tpl_scan_dirs' => array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tpl'))); $tpl->set('name', $name); $mark = microtime(true); $tpl->render(); echo "MACRO 1xrender: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $tpl->render(); } echo "MACRO 1000xrender: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $tpl = new WactTemplate('wact.html', new WactDefaultTemplateConfig(dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings/wact.ini')); $tpl->set('name', $name); $mark = microtime(true); $tpl->capture(); echo "WACT 1xrender: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $tpl->capture(); } echo "WACT 1000xrender: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); ob_start(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/tpl/native.phtml'; ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo "PHP 1xrender: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n";
<?php if (!isset($argv[1])) { die("\nTemplate argument is required\n"); } $file = $argv[1]; set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../'); define('WACT_CACHE_DIR', '/tmp/wact'); define('WACT_TPLS', dirname(__FILE__)); require_once 'limb/wact/'; require_once 'limb/wact/src/WactTemplate.class.php'; require_once 'limb/wact/src/WactDefaultTemplateConfig.class.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $tpl = new WactTemplate($file, new WactDefaultTemplateConfig(dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings/wact.ini')); for ($i = 2; $i < $argc; $i++) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $argv[$i]); $tpl->set($key, $value); } profile_start(); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $tpl->capture(); } profile_end("running {$i} iterations of capture");
function get($field) { return WactTemplate::getValue($this->datasource, $field); }