Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function venues($atts = null, $content = null, $code = "")
     global $wpdb, $_wt_options;
     require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'admin/template.php';
     require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'admin/handlers.php';
     require_once WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'dwoo/dwooAutoload.php';
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $attr = shortcode_atts(self::$venue_default, $atts);
     $theme_file_name = empty($attr["theme_file_name"]) ? 0 : $attr["theme_file_name"];
     $venues_to_show = empty($attr["venue"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["venue"]);
     $venues_to_hide = empty($attr["exclude"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["exclude"]);
     $genre_to_show = empty($attr["genre"]) ? 0 : explode(",", $attr["genre"]);
     $order = strtolower($attr["order_by"]) == "name" ? "venue_name" : "venue_order";
     $direction = strtoupper($attr["direction"]) == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC";
     $start_with = $attr["start_with"];
     $venue_genre = !empty($attr["genre"]) ? $attr["genre"] : 0;
     $limit = $attr["limit"] && is_numeric($attr["limit"]) ? " LIMIT {$attr['limit']} " : "";
     $country = !empty($attr["country"]) ? $attr["country"] : 0;
     $venues = 0;
     $conds = array();
     $conds_str = "";
     if (!empty($start_with)) {
         $conds[] = "UPPER(venue.venue_name) LIKE UPPER('{$start_with}%')";
     if ($venues_to_show) {
         $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("venue.venue_id", $venues_to_show);
     if ($venues_to_hide) {
         $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("venue.venue_id", $venues_to_hide, null, "!=");
     if ($country) {
         $conds[] = "UPPER(venue.venue_country) = '" . strtoupper($country) . "'";
     if ($venue_genre) {
         $conds_str .= " JOIN wp_wtr_attachment AS att ON venue.venue_id = att.attachment_target_id";
         $conds[] = "att.attachment_target='venue'";
         $conds[] = "att.attachment_type='genre'";
         $conds[] = $this->columns_sql("att.attachment_info", $genre_to_show);
     if (count($conds) > 0) {
         $conds_str .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conds);
     $venues = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . WORDTOUR_VENUES . " as venue {$conds_str} GROUP BY venue.venue_id ORDER BY {$order} {$direction} {$limit}", "ARRAY_A");
     $tpl = array();
     if ($venues) {
         foreach ($venues as $venue) {
             $v = new WT_Venue($venue["venue_id"]);
             $tpl["data"][] = $v->template($venue);
     } else {
         $tpl["data"] = array();
     include WT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'theme/layout.renderer.php';
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function template($data = null, $show_poster = 0, $show_artist_poster = 0)
     global $_wt_options;
     if (!$data) {
         $data = $this->data;
     $db = $this->dbprepere;
     // get artist info
     $artist = new WT_Artist($data["event_artist_id"]);
     $artist_data = $artist->template($data);
     // get venue info
     $venue = new WT_Venue($data["event_venue_id"]);
     $venue_data = $venue->template($data);
     // get tour info
     if ($data["event_tour_id"] > 0) {
         $tour = new WT_Tour($data["event_tour_id"]);
         $tour_data = $tour->template($data);
     $event_poster_id = $data["event_thumbnail"] ? $data["event_thumbnail"]["id"] : $this->get_thumbnail("event");
     $event_poster = $db->media_out($event_poster_id);
     if ($data["event_on_sale"] == "0000-00-00") {
         $onsale = "";
     } else {
         $onsale_date = strtotime($data["event_on_sale"]);
         if ($onsale_date < time()) {
             $onsale = "";
         } else {
             $onsale = $data["event_on_sale"];
     $opening = array();
     $opening_array = array();
     if (is_array($data["event_more_artists"])) {
         foreach ($data["event_more_artists"] as $a) {
             $opening[] = ucwords($a["name"]);
             $a["url"] = $db->link_out(wt_get_permalink("artist", $a["id"], array("%name%" => $a["name"])));
             $opening_array[] = $a;
         $opening = implode(", ", $opening);
     $genre = $this->get_genre_tpl("event");
     $google_map_str = wt_get_map_str($data);
     $tpl = array("show_comments" => $db->int_out($data["comment_status"]), "show_rsvp" => $db->int_out($data["rsvp_status"]), "show_gallery" => $db->int_out($data["gallery_status"]), "show_flickr" => $db->int_out($data["flickr_status"]), "date" => $db->date_display($data["event_start_date"]), "date_raw" => $data["event_start_date"], "genre" => implode(", ", $genre), "genre_array" => $genre, "artists" => $db->str_out($opening, 1), "artists_array" => $opening_array, "opening" => $db->str_out($data["event_opening_act"], 1), "onsale" => $onsale, "time" => $db->time_out($data["event_start_time"]), "end_date_raw" => $data["event_end_date"], "end_date" => $db->date_display($data["event_end_date"]), "end_time" => $db->time_out($data["event_end_time"]), "status" => $data["event_status"], "description" => $db->html_out($data["event_notes"]), "short_description" => $db->html_teaser_out($data["event_notes"]), "title" => $db->str_out($data["event_title"], 1), "type" => !empty($data["event_type"]) ? $db->str_out(ucwords($data["event_type"]), 1) : "", "artist" => $artist_data, "tour" => $tour_data, "venue" => $venue_data, "poster" => $event_poster, "tickets" => $db->link_out($data["tkts_url"]), "phone" => $db->str_out($data["tkts_phone"]), "admission" => $db->str_out($data["tkts_price"]), "comments" => $db->int_out($data["comment_count"]), "rsvp" => $db->int_out($data["rsvp_count"]), "url" => $db->link_out(wt_get_permalink("event", $data["event_id"], array("%date%" => $data["event_start_date"], "%name%" => $data["venue_name"]))), "machinetag" => $machinetag);
     return $tpl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function render_edit_rows_page(&$event_id, &$page)
    global $wpdb, $wt_msg;
    $dbQuery = array("all" => "SELECT count(*) FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e", "published" => "SELECT count(*) FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e  WHERE e.event_published = 1", "upcoming" => "SELECT count(*) FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e WHERE e.event_published = 1 AND e.event_start_date >= CURDATE()", "archive" => "SELECT count(*) FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e WHERE e.event_published = 1 AND e.event_start_date < CURDATE()", "unpublished" => "SELECT count(*) FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e WHERE e.event_published = 0", "artists" => WT_Artist::all(), "tour" => WT_Tour::all(), "status" => get_all_status(), "venues" => WT_Venue::all(), "date" => $wpdb->get_results("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  DISTINCT YEAR(event_start_date) AS year,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  MONTH(event_start_date) AS month, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  MONTHNAME(event_start_date) AS month_name \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " WHERE event_published = 1 ORDER BY event_start_date DESC", "ARRAY_A"));
    $list = new WT_List();
    $list->set_columns('events', array('event_check' => '', 'event_id' => 'ID', 'event_date' => 'Date', 'event_location' => 'Location', 'event_status' => 'Status', 'artist' => 'Artist', 'artists' => 'Additional Artists', 'tour' => 'Tour', 'extra_info' => '&nbsp;'));
    $list->get_results("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * \n\t\tFROM " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS . " AS e LEFT JOIN " . WORDTOUR_VENUES . " AS v \n\t\tON e.event_venue_id = v.venue_id \n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . WORDTOUR_EVENTS_META . " AS m \n\t\tON e.event_meta_id = m.meta_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . WORDTOUR_ARTISTS . " AS a\n\t\tON e.event_artist_id = a.artist_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . WORDTOUR_TOUR . " AS t\n\t\tON e.event_tour_id = t.tour_id    \n\t\t " . get_query_mode_sql() . "     \n\t\tORDER BY e.event_start_date DESC,e.id,e.event_is_headline", $_GET['paged']);
    global $_wt_options;

<div class="wrap">

<ul class="subsubsub" style='float:none;'>
    link_query_html("all", "All", admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}"), "event_date", $dbQuery["all"], 0);
    link_query_html("published", "Published", admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}"), "event_date", $dbQuery["published"], 1);
    link_query_html("upcoming", "Upcoming", admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}"), "event_date", $dbQuery["upcoming"], 0);
    link_query_html("archive", "Archive", admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}"), "event_date", $dbQuery["archive"], 0);
    link_query_html("unpublished", "Unpublished", admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}"), "event_date", $dbQuery["unpublished"], 0, 0);

<form method="get" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page={$page}");
	<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
    echo $page;
	<input type="hidden" name="event_date" value="<?php 
    echo $_GET["event_date"];
	<select name="date">
		<option value="">Show All Dates</option>
    foreach ($dbQuery["date"] as $date) {
        echo "<option " . ($date["year"] . $date["month"] == $_GET["date"] ? "selected" : "") . " value=\"" . $date["year"] . $date["month"] . "\">" . $date["month_name"] . " " . $date["year"] . "</option>";
    echo generate_select_html('', 'venue', array_associate_val_to_key($dbQuery["venues"], "venue_id", "venue_name"), $_GET["venue"], array("value" => "", "text" => "Show All Venues"));
    echo generate_select_html('', 'status', $dbQuery["status"], $_GET["status"], array("value" => "", "text" => "Show All Status"));
    echo generate_select_html('', 'artist', array_associate_val_to_key($dbQuery["artists"], "artist_id", "artist_name"), $_GET["artist"], array("value" => "", "text" => "Show All Artists"));
    echo generate_select_html('', 'tour', array_associate_val_to_key($dbQuery["tour"], "tour_id", "tour_name"), $_GET["tour"], array("value" => "", "text" => "Show All Tour"));
	<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" value="Filter"/>

<div style="margin-right:15px;margin-bottom:15px;margin-top:15px;">
	<div class="wordtour-alert wordtour-alert-error" style="margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;"></div>
	<div class="wordtour-toolbar ui-corner-all" style="margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;overflow:hidden;">
		<div class="ui-helper-clearfix">
			<div title="Add New Event" id="wordtour-button-add"></div>
			<div title="Delete Event" id="wordtour-button-delete"></div>
			<div class="navigation tablenav">
    if ($list->is_paging()) {
					<div class="tablenav-pages">
    $list->render("events-list", "event_rows");
Ejemplo n.º 4
function venue_rows($rows)
    global $wpdb;
    if (!$rows) {
		<tr class="empty">
			<td colspan="5"><p>No Venues Found</p></td>
    } else {
        $venue = new WT_Venue();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            echo get_venue_row_html($venue->db_out($row));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    $states = get_states();
	<div class="wordtour-selectable">
    foreach ($states as $code => $name) {
        echo "<a class='ui-selectee' href='{$name}'><strong>{$name}</strong></a>";
if ($_GET["page"] == "all_venues") {
    $venues = WT_Venue::all();
    $venueObj = new WT_Venue();
	<div class="wordtour-selectable">
    foreach ($venues as $value) {
        $venue = $venueObj->db_out($value);
        $address = array();
        if (!empty($venue["venue_city"])) {
            $address[] = $venue["venue_city"];
        if (!empty($venue["venue_state"])) {
            $address[] = $venue["venue_state"];
        if (!empty($venue["venue_country"])) {
            $address[] = $venue["venue_country"];
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function import($artist_id = 0)
     $results = array();
     if (!$artist_id || empty($artist_id)) {
         $this->is_valid_response('{"error": {"error_type": "Artist Missing", "error_message": "Can\\"t import events without an artist"}}');
     } else {
         // get list of all venues
         $venues = wt_file_get_contents("http://www.eventbrite.com/json/user_list_venues?app_key={$this->app_key}&user_key={$this->user_key}");
         $venues_parents = array();
         if ($this->is_valid_response($venues)) {
             $social = new WT_Social();
             try {
                 if (!$this->response["venues"]) {
                     throw new Exception("Connection Error");
                 foreach ($this->response["venues"] as $v) {
                     $venue_id = 0;
                     $social_regist = $social->get_by_ref_id($v["venue"]["id"], "venue", "ebvenue");
                     if (!$social_regist) {
                         $venue_params = array("_nonce" => wp_create_nonce(WT_Venue::NONCE_INSERT), "venue_name" => $v["venue"]["name"], "venue_city" => $v["venue"]["city"], "venue_country" => get_country_by_code($v["venue"]["country_code"]), "venue_state" => get_state_by_code($v["venue"]["region"]), "venue_zip" => $v["venue"]["postal_code"], "venue_address" => $v["venue"]["address"], "venue_tour_status" => 1, "venue_gallery_status" => 1, "venue_video_status" => 1, "venue_flickr_status" => 1, "venue_post_status" => 1);
                         $venue = new WT_Venue();
                         $venue->insert($venue_params, 0);
                         if ($venue->data) {
                             $venue_id = $venue->data["venue_id"];
                             $social->insert(wp_create_nonce(WT_SOCIAL::NONCE_INSERT), "ebvenue", $venue->data["venue_id"], $v["venue"]["id"], "venue");
                         } else {
                             $results["venues"][] = array("venue" => $v["venue"], "msg" => $venue->db_response());
                     } else {
                         $venue_id = $social_regist["social_parent_id"];
                     if ($venue_id) {
                         $venues_parents[$v["venue"]["id"]] = $venue_id;
                 $events = wt_file_get_contents("http://www.eventbrite.com/json/user_list_events?app_key={$this->app_key}&user_key={$this->user_key}");
                 if ($this->is_valid_response($events)) {
                     if (!$this->response["events"]) {
                         throw new Exception("Connection Error");
                     foreach ($this->response["events"] as $e) {
                         if ($e["event"]["status"] != "Canceled") {
                             $social_regist = $social->get_by_ref_id($e["event"]["id"], "event", "ebevent");
                             if (!$social_regist) {
                                 $event_params = array("_nonce" => wp_create_nonce(WT_Event::NONCE_INSERT), "event_title" => $e["event"]["title"], "event_notes" => $e["event"]["description"], "event_start_date" => mysql2date("Y-m-d", $e["event"]["start_date"]), "event_start_time" => mysql2date("H:i:s", $e["event"]["start_date"]), "event_end_date" => mysql2date("Y-m-d", $e["event"]["end_date"]), "event_end_time" => mysql2date("H:i:s", $e["event"]["end_date"]), "event_venue_id" => $venues_parents[$e["event"]["venue"]["id"]], "event_artist_id" => $artist_id, "event_published" => 1, 'event_status' => $e["event"]["status"] == "Canceled" ? "cancelled" : "active", "tkts_url" => $e["event"]["url"], "tkts_price" => $e["ticket"]["price"] . $e["ticket"]["currency"], 'comment_status' => 1, 'rsvp_status' => 1, 'gallery_status' => 1, 'flickr_status' => 1, 'post_status' => 1, 'video_status' => 1);
                                 $event = new WT_Event();
                                 $event->insert($event_params, 0);
                                 if ($event->data) {
                                     $event_id = $event->data["event_id"];
                                     $social->insert(wp_create_nonce(WT_SOCIAL::NONCE_INSERT), "ebevent", $event->data["event_id"], $e["event"]["id"], "event");
                                 } else {
                                     $results["events"][] = array("event" => $e["event"], "msg" => $event->db_response());
                     $this->response = array("type" => "success", "log" => $results);
                     return 1;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->response = array("type" => "error", "log" => $this->response);
Ejemplo n.º 7
         $venue->delete_all(json_decode(stripslashes($_POST["id"])), $_POST["_nonce"]);
 case "default_venue":
     $id = $_POST["venue_id"];
     if ($id) {
         $venue = new WT_Venue($id);
 case "remove_default_venue":
     $id = $_POST["venue_id"];
     if ($id) {
         $venue = new WT_Venue($id);
     // ALBUM
 case "get_album":
     $album = new WT_Album($_POST["album_id"]);
     if (!empty($_POST["album_id"])) {
     } else {
     echo json_encode($album->db_out(null, 0));