Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Attributes', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_attr', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'] . '_Attr', 'sub_items' => array(WR_Pricing_Table::get_option('max_domains'), WR_Pricing_Table::get_option('storage'), WR_Pricing_Table::get_option('ssl_support')), 'overwrite_shortcode_data' => false), array('name' => __('Options', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_items', 'type' => 'group', 'no_title' => __('(Untitled)', WR_PBL), 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => '', 'prtbl_item_title' => 'Free', 'prtbl_item_desc' => 'Free', 'prtbl_item_currency' => '$', 'prtbl_item_price' => '0', 'prtbl_item_time' => ' / month'), array('std' => '', 'prtbl_item_title' => 'Standard', 'prtbl_item_desc' => 'Standard', 'prtbl_item_currency' => '$', 'prtbl_item_price' => '69', 'prtbl_item_feature' => 'yes', 'prtbl_item_time' => ' / month'), array('std' => '', 'prtbl_item_title' => 'Premium', 'prtbl_item_desc' => 'Premium', 'prtbl_item_currency' => '$', 'prtbl_item_price' => '99', 'prtbl_item_time' => ' / month')), 'overwrite_shortcode_data' => false)), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'std' => 'title__#__button__#__attributes', 'options' => array('title' => __('Title', WR_PBL), 'description' => __('Description', WR_PBL), 'image' => __('Image', WR_PBL), 'attributes' => __('Attributes', WR_PBL), 'price' => __('Price', WR_PBL), 'button' => __('Button', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Elements to display on pricing table', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('action' => array(array('id' => 'btn_convert', 'type' => 'button_group', 'bound' => 0, 'actions' => array(array('std' => __('Accordion', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'tab_to_accordion'), array('std' => __('Carousel', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'tab_to_carousel'), array('std' => __('List', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'tab_to_list')))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'tab_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Open First', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'initial_open', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'validate' => 'number', 'tooltip' => __('Tab to be opened at first load', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Fade Effect', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'fade_effect', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Tab Position', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tab_position', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'top', 'options' => array('top' => '<i class="wr-icon-tab-top" title="' . __('Top', WR_PBL) . '"></i>', 'bottom' => '<i class="wr-icon-tab-bottom" title="' . __('Bottom', WR_PBL) . '"></i>', 'left' => '<i class="wr-icon-tab-left" title="' . __('Left', WR_PBL) . '"></i>', 'right' => '<i class="wr-icon-tab-right" title="' . __('Right', WR_PBL) . '"></i>')), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * element items
  * @see    WR_Element::element_items()
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function element_items()
     //$random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string( 8, true );
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_id', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => 'attr_' . WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(), 'input-type' => 'hidden', 'container_class' => 'hidden'), array('name' => __('Title', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Title', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Description', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_desc', 'type' => 'text_area', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'std' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Description', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Type', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => '', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_sub_item_pricing_type(), 'tooltip' => __('Type', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('action' => array(array('id' => 'btn_convert', 'type' => 'button_group', 'bound' => 0, 'actions' => array(array('std' => __('Tab', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_tab'), array('std' => __('Accordion', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_accordion'), array('std' => __('Carousel', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_carousel')))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'list_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Show Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'show_icon', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Layout', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'icon_position', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_icon_position()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_icon_position(), 'dependency' => array('show_icon', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Icon Background', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'icon_size_value', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-mini input-sm', 'std' => '32', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_icon_sizes(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append select-append input-group input-select-append', 'append_text' => 'px'), array('id' => 'icon_background_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'circle', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_icon_background(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'icon_background_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#0088CC', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('show_icon', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Icon Color', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'icon_c_value', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => '#FFFFFF', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'icon_c_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#ffffff', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('show_icon', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Show Heading', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'show_heading', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Heading Font', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'font', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'inherit', 'options' => array('inherit' => __('Inherit', WR_PBL), 'custom' => __('Custom', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1', 'class' => 'input-medium', 'dependency' => array('show_heading', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Font Face', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'font-family', 'type' => array(array('id' => 'font_face_type', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_type', 'class' => 'input-medium input-sm', 'std' => 'standard fonts', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_fonts(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'font_face_value', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_value', 'class' => 'input-medium input-sm', 'std' => 'Verdana', 'options' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('font', '=', 'custom'), 'tooltip' => __('Select Font Face', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Font Attributes', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'font_size_value', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini input-sm', 'std' => '', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'font_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-medium wr-mini-input input-sm', 'std' => 'bold', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_font_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#000000', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('font', '=', 'custom'), 'tooltip' => __('Set size and text style for your heading', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('generalaction' => array('settings' => array('id' => 'general_action', 'class' => 'general-action no-label pull-left'), array('id' => 'video_sources', 'type' => 'select', 'has_depend' => '1', 'std' => 'local', 'options' => array('local' => __('Local file', WR_PBL), 'youtube' => __('Youtube', WR_PBL), 'vimeo' => __('Vimeo', WR_PBL)), 'exclude_class' => array('form-control'))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'video_source_local', 'name' => __('Video File', WR_PBL), 'type' => 'select_media', 'filter_type' => 'video', 'media_type' => 'video', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'local')), array('id' => 'video_source_link_youtube', 'name' => __('Video Link', WR_PBL), 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'text', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'class' => 'span6 input-sm', 'specific_class' => 'input-group col-xs-12'), array('id' => 'video_source_link_vimeo', 'name' => __('Video Link', WR_PBL), 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'text', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'vimeo'), 'class' => 'span6 input-sm', 'specific_class' => 'input-group col-xs-12')), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'local'), 'id' => 'video_local_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('video_local_dimension_width', 'video_local_dimension_height'), 'video_local_dimension_width' => array('std' => '500'), 'video_local_dimension_height' => array('std' => '270'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_local_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'local'), 'std' => 'play_button__#__overlay_play_button__#__current_time__#__time_rail__#__track_duration__#__volume_button__#__volume_slider__#__fullscreen_button', 'options' => array('play_button' => __('Play/Pause Button', WR_PBL), 'overlay_play_button' => __('Overlay Play Button', WR_PBL), 'current_time' => __('Current Time', WR_PBL), 'time_rail' => __('Time Rail', WR_PBL), 'track_duration' => __('Track Duration', WR_PBL), 'volume_button' => __('Volume Button', WR_PBL), 'volume_slider' => __('Volume Slider', WR_PBL), 'fullscreen_button' => __('Fullscreen Button', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Elements to display on video player', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Start volume', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_local_start_volume', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'jsn-input-number input-mini', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', 'std' => '80', 'append' => '%', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'local'), 'validate' => 'number'), array('name' => __('Loop', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_local_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'local'), 'options' => array('true' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'false' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Whether to repeat playing or not', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'id' => 'video_youtube_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('video_youtube_dimension_width', 'video_youtube_dimension_height'), 'video_youtube_dimension_width' => array('std' => '500'), 'video_youtube_dimension_height' => array('std' => '270'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show List', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_show_list', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Auto Play', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_autoplay', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Loop', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Whether to repeat playing or not', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show YouTube Logo', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_modestbranding', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('0' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '1' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Display YouTube logo on action bar that redirects users to original YouTube video', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show Related Video', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_rel', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Display related video  at the end of YouTube video', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show Information', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_showinfo', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Display video title & brief info on top bar of video player', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Auto Hide', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_autohide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '2', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('2' => __('Auto minimize Progress Bar', WR_PBL), '1' => __('Both after playing a couple seconds', WR_PBL), '0' => __('Never Hide', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Show Caption (CC)', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_youtube_cc', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'youtube'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Never', WR_PBL), '0' => __('Yes', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'vimeo'), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('video_vimeo_dimension_width', 'video_vimeo_dimension_height'), 'video_vimeo_dimension_width' => array('std' => '500'), 'video_vimeo_dimension_height' => array('std' => '270'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Auto Play', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_autoplay', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'vimeo'), 'options' => array('true' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'false' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Auto play the video', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Loop', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'vimeo'), 'options' => array('true' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'false' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Whether to repeat playing or not', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Controls Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#54BBFC', 'dependency' => array('video_sources', '=', 'vimeo'), 'hide_value' => true, 'tooltip' => __('Set color of controls', WR_PBL)), array('type' => 'hr'), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_alignment', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'center', 'options' => array('0' => __('No Alignment', WR_PBL), 'left' => __('Left', WR_PBL), 'right' => __('Right', WR_PBL), 'center' => __('Center', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'video_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('video_margin_top', 'video_margin_right', 'video_margin_bottom', 'video_margin_left'), 'video_margin_top' => array('std' => '10'), 'video_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '10'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Table Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'table_', 'type' => 'table', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => "[wr_item_table tagname='tr_start' ][/wr_item_table]"), array('std' => ''), array('std' => ''), array('std' => "[wr_item_table tagname='tr_end' ][/wr_item_table]"), array('std' => "[wr_item_table tagname='tr_start' ][/wr_item_table]"), array('std' => ''), array('std' => ''), array('std' => "[wr_item_table tagname='tr_end' ][/wr_item_table]")))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Style', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tb_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'options' => array('table-default' => __('Default', WR_PBL), 'table-striped' => __('Striped', WR_PBL), 'table-bordered' => __('Bordered', WR_PBL), 'table-hover' => __('Hover', WR_PBL)), 'std' => 'default'), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * contain setting items of this element ( use for modal box )
 function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Width', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'width', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'boxed', 'options' => array('boxed' => __('Boxed', WR_PBL), 'full' => __('Full', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Background', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'background', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'none', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'options' => array('none' => __('None', WR_PBL), 'solid' => __('Solid Color', WR_PBL), 'gradient' => __('Gradient Color', WR_PBL), 'pattern' => __('Pattern', WR_PBL), 'image' => __('Image', WR_PBL), 'video' => __('Video', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Solid Color', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'solid_color_value', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-small', 'std' => '#FFFFFF', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'solid_color_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#ffffff', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'solid')), array('name' => __('Gradient Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'gradient_color', 'type' => 'gradient_picker', 'std' => '0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'gradient')), array('id' => 'gradient_color_css', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => '', 'type_input' => 'hidden', 'container_class' => 'hidden', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'gradient')), array('name' => __('Gradient Direction', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'gradient_direction', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'vertical', 'options' => array('vertical' => __('Vertical', WR_PBL), 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'gradient')), array('name' => __('Pattern', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'pattern', 'type' => 'select_media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'pattern')), array('name' => __('Repeat', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'repeat', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'std' => 'full', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full', WR_PBL), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', WR_PBL), 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'pattern')), array('name' => __('Image', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'image', 'type' => 'select_media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'image')), array('name' => __('Repeat', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'img_repeat', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'std' => 'full', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full', WR_PBL), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', WR_PBL), 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'image')), array('name' => __('Video url', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'video_url', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => '', 'placeholder' => 'Youtube video url', 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'video')), array('name' => __('Autoplay', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'autoplay', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'video')), array('name' => __('Position', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'position', 'type' => 'radio', 'label_type' => 'image', 'dimension' => array(23, 23), 'std' => 'center center', 'options' => array('left top' => array('left top'), 'center top' => array('center top'), 'right top' => array('right top', 'linebreak' => true), 'left center' => array('left center'), 'center center' => array('center center'), 'right center' => array('right center', 'linebreak' => true), 'left bottom' => array('left bottom'), 'center bottom' => array('center bottom'), 'right bottom' => array('right bottom')), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'image')), array('name' => __('Enable Paralax', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'paralax', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('background', '=', 'pattern__#__image')), array('name' => __('Border', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'border_width_value_', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '0', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'input-group-inline'), array('id' => 'border_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm wr-border-style', 'std' => 'solid', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_border_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'border_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#000', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Padding', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'div_padding', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('div_padding_top', 'div_padding_bottom', 'div_padding_right', 'div_padding_left'), 'div_padding_top' => array('std' => '10'), 'div_padding_bottom' => array('std' => '10'), 'div_padding_right' => array('std' => '10'), 'div_padding_left' => array('std' => '10')), array('name' => __('Custom CSS', WR_PBL), 'id' => '', 'type' => 'fieldset'), array('name' => __('Class', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'css_suffix', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Custom CSS Class for the wrapper div of this element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('ID', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'id_wrapper', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Custom CSS ID for the wrapper div of this element', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Data', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'qr_content', 'type' => 'text_area', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'http://www.woorockets.com', 'tooltip' => __('Here you can input names, urls, phone numbers, email addresses or plain text', WR_PBL), 'exclude_quote' => '1'), array('name' => __('Image ALT Text', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'qr_alt', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => __('Wordpress themes from www.woorockets.com', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Text tooltip appears when QR box is hovered through', WR_PBL))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Container Style', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'qr_container_style', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_qr_container_style()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_qr_container_style()), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'qr_alignment', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), array('name' => __('QR Code Size', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'qrcode_sizes', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-mini-m input-sm wr-select2-editor', 'std' => '150', 'options' => array('150' => __('150', WR_PBL), '200' => __('200', WR_PBL), '250' => __('250', WR_PBL), '300' => __('300', WR_PBL), '350' => __('350', WR_PBL)), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append select-append input-group input-select-append wr-input-append', 'append_text' => 'px', 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'disable_select2' => true), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Generate HTML code from shortcode content.
  * @param   array   $atts     Shortcode attributes.
  * @param   string  $content  Current content.
  * @return  string
 public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null)
     $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts);
     $button_text = !$button_text ? '' : $button_text;
     $button_size = !$button_size || strtolower($button_size) == 'default' ? '' : $button_size;
     $button_color = !$button_color || strtolower($button_color) == 'default' ? '' : $button_color;
     $button_icon = !$icon ? '' : "<i class='{$icon}'></i>";
     $tag = 'a';
     $href = '';
     $single_item = explode('__#__', $single_item);
     $single_item = $single_item[0];
     if (!empty($link_type)) {
         $taxonomies = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_public_taxonomies();
         $post_types = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_post_types();
         // single post
         if (array_key_exists($link_type, $post_types)) {
             $permalink = home_url() . "/?p={$single_item}";
             $href = !$single_item ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$permalink}'";
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($link_type, $taxonomies)) {
                 $permalink = get_term_link(intval($single_item), $link_type);
                 if (!is_wp_error($permalink)) {
                     $href = !$single_item ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$permalink}'";
             } else {
                 switch ($link_type) {
                     case 'no_link':
                         $tag = 'button';
                     case 'url':
                         $href = !$button_type_url ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$button_type_url}'";
     $target = '';
     if ($open_in) {
         switch ($open_in) {
             case 'current_browser':
                 $target = '';
             case 'new_browser':
                 $target = ' target="_blank"';
             case 'new_window':
                 $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-button-new-window';
                 $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::new_window(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
             case 'lightbox':
                 $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-button-fancy';
                 $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::fancybox(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('type' => 'iframe', 'width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
     $button_type = $tag == 'button' ? " type='button'" : '';
     $cls_button_fancy = !isset($cls_button_fancy) ? '' : $cls_button_fancy;
     $script = !isset($script) ? '' : $script;
     $cls_alignment = $custom_style = '';
     if (strtolower($arr_params['button_alignment']) != 'inherit') {
         if (strtolower($arr_params['button_alignment']) == 'left') {
             $cls_alignment = 'pull-left';
         if (strtolower($arr_params['button_alignment']) == 'right') {
             $cls_alignment = 'pull-right';
         if (strtolower($arr_params['button_alignment']) == 'center') {
             $custom_style = ';text-align:center;';
     if (isset($arr_params['button_margin_top'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_top'] = $arr_params['button_margin_top'];
     if (isset($arr_params['button_margin_left'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_left'] = $arr_params['button_margin_left'];
     if (isset($arr_params['button_margin_right'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_right'] = $arr_params['button_margin_right'];
     if (isset($arr_params['button_margin_bottom'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_bottom'] = $arr_params['button_margin_bottom'];
     $html_element = $script . "<{$tag} class='btn {$cls_alignment} {$button_size} {$button_color} {$cls_button_fancy}'{$href}{$target}{$button_type}>{$button_icon}{$button_text}</{$tag}>";
     return $this->element_wrapper($html_element, $arr_params, null, $custom_style);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('action' => array(array('id' => 'btn_convert', 'type' => 'button_group', 'bound' => 0, 'actions' => array(array('std' => __('Tab', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'accordion_to_tab'), array('std' => __('Carousel', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'accordion_to_carousel'), array('std' => __('List', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'accordion_to_list')))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'accordion_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Initial Open', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'initial_open', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'validate' => 'number', 'tooltip' => __('Set which item will be opened first', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Allow Multiple Opening', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'multi_open', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Keep previous item opened when clicking on another one', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Enable Filter', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'filter', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Filter based on items\' tags name. Please set tag for item first.', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('id' => 'buttonbar_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'buttonbar_alignment', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'buttonbar_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('buttonbar_margin_top', 'buttonbar_margin_right', 'buttonbar_margin_bottom', 'buttonbar_margin_left'), 'buttonbar_margin_top' => array('std' => '0'), 'buttonbar_margin_right' => array('std' => '0'), 'buttonbar_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '0'), 'buttonbar_margin_left' => array('std' => '0'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Distance between items', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'distance_between', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '0', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number'))), array('name' => __('', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'group-checkbox', 'id' => 'buttonbar_show_title', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Show Title', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'group-checkbox', 'id' => 'buttonbar_show_icon', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Show Icon', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'group-checkbox', 'id' => 'buttonbar_group', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Show Group Buttons', WR_PBL))), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Parent Element Text', WR_PBL), 'desc' => __('Enter some content for this textblock', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'text', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'role' => 'content', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text(), 'rows' => 15)), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'text_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('text_margin_top', 'text_margin_right', 'text_margin_bottom', 'text_margin_left'), 'text_margin_top' => array('std' => '0'), 'text_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '0'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Enable Dropcap', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'enable_dropcap', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('The first letter of paragraph that is enlarged', WR_PBL), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Font Face', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'dropcap_font_family', 'type' => array(array('id' => 'dropcap_font_face_type', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_type', 'class' => 'input-medium input-sm', 'std' => 'standard fonts', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_fonts(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'dropcap_font_face_value', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_value', 'class' => 'input-medium input-sm', 'std' => 'Verdana', 'options' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('enable_dropcap', '=', 'yes'), 'tooltip' => __('Set Font Face', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Font Attributes', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'dropcap_font_size', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '64', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-mini-inline'), array('id' => 'dropcap_font_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-medium wr-mini-input input-sm', 'std' => 'bold', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_font_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'dropcap_font_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#000000', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('enable_dropcap', '=', 'yes'), 'tooltip' => __('Set Font Attribute', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Generate HTML code from shortcode content.
  * @param   array   $atts     Shortcode attributes.
  * @param   string  $content  Current content.
  * @return  string
 public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null)
     $html_element = '';
     $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts);
     $styles = array();
     if ($pb_bg_color) {
         $styles[] = 'background-color:' . $pb_bg_color;
     if (intval($pb_border_top) > 0) {
         $styles[] = 'border-top-width:' . (int) $pb_border_top . 'px';
         $styles[] = 'border-top-style: solid';
     if (intval($pb_border_left) > 0) {
         $styles[] = 'border-left-width:' . (int) $pb_border_left . 'px';
         $styles[] = 'border-left-style: solid';
     if (intval($pb_border_bottom) > 0) {
         $styles[] = 'border-bottom-width:' . (int) $pb_border_bottom . 'px';
         $styles[] = 'border-bottom-style: solid';
     if (intval($pb_border_right) > 0) {
         $styles[] = 'border-right-width:' . (int) $pb_border_right . 'px';
         $styles[] = 'border-right-style: solid';
     if ($pb_border_color) {
         $styles[] = 'border-color:' . $pb_border_color;
     $elements = explode('__#__', $elements);
     $class = '';
     if ($pb_show_drop == 'yes') {
         $class .= 'promo-box-shadow';
     $single_item = explode('__#__', $single_item);
     $single_item = $single_item[0];
     $script = $cls_button_fancy = $target = $button = '';
     if (in_array('button', $elements)) {
         $taxonomies = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_public_taxonomies();
         $post_types = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_post_types();
         // single post
         if (array_key_exists($link_type, $post_types)) {
             $permalink = home_url() . "/?p={$single_item}";
             $button_href = "href='{$permalink}'";
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($link_type, $taxonomies)) {
                 $permalink = get_term_link(intval($single_item), $link_type);
                 if (!is_wp_error($permalink)) {
                     $button_href = "href='{$permalink}'";
             } else {
                 switch ($link_type) {
                     case 'no_link':
                         $button_href = '';
                     case 'url':
                         $button_href = "href='{$pb_button_url}'";
         if ($pb_button_open_in and $link_type != 'no_link') {
             switch ($pb_button_open_in) {
                 case 'current_browser':
                     $target = '';
                 case 'new_browser':
                     $target = ' target="_blank"';
                 case 'new_window':
                     $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-button-new-window';
                     $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::new_window(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
                 case 'lightbox':
                     $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-pb-button-fancy';
                     $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::fancybox(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('type' => 'iframe', 'width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
         $pb_button_size = isset($pb_button_size) && $pb_button_size != 'default' ? $pb_button_size : '';
         $pb_button_color = isset($pb_button_color) && $pb_button_color != 'default' ? $pb_button_color : '';
         $button = "<a class='pull-right btn {$pb_button_size} {$pb_button_color} {$cls_button_fancy}' {$target} {$button_href}>{$pb_button_title}</a>";
     $styles = implode(';', $styles);
     $styles = $styles ? "style='{$styles}'" : '';
     $html_element .= "<div class='wr-promobox'>";
     $html_element .= "<section class='{$class}' {$styles}>";
     $html_element .= $button;
     if (in_array('title', $elements)) {
         $style_title = array();
         if ($title_font == 'custom') {
             if ($title_font_face_type == 'google fonts') {
                 $script .= WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::add_google_font_link_tag($title_font_face_value);
                 $style_title[] = 'font-family:' . $title_font_face_value;
             } elseif ($title_font_face_value) {
                 $style_title[] = 'font-family:' . $title_font_face_value;
             if (intval($title_font_size) > 0) {
                 $style_title[] = 'font-size:' . intval($title_font_size) . 'px';
             switch ($title_font_style) {
                 case 'bold':
                     $style_title[] = 'font-weight:700';
                 case 'italic':
                     $style_title[] = 'font-style:italic';
                 case 'normal':
                     $style_title[] = 'font-weight:normal';
             if (strpos($title_font_color, '#') !== false) {
                 $style_title[] = 'color:' . $title_font_color;
         if ($title_padding_bottom) {
             $style_title[] = 'padding-bottom:' . $title_padding_bottom . 'px';
         if ($title_margin_bottom) {
             $style_title[] = 'margin-bottom:' . $title_margin_bottom . 'px';
         if (count($style_title)) {
             $style_title = 'style="' . implode(';', $style_title) . '"';
         } else {
             $style_title = '';
         $html_element .= "<h2 {$style_title}>{$pb_title}</h2>";
     $content = !$content ? '' : $content;
     if (in_array('content', $elements)) {
         $html_element .= "<p>{$content}</p>";
     $html_element .= '</section>';
     $html_element .= '</div>';
     return $this->element_wrapper($html_element . $script, $arr_params);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * DEFINE setting options of shortcode
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Heading', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'heading', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => __(WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::add_placeholder('Accordion Item %s', 'index'), WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Body', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'body', 'role' => 'content', 'type' => 'text_area', 'container_class' => 'wr_tinymce_replace', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text()), array('name' => __('Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'icons', 'std' => '', 'role' => 'title_prepend', 'title_prepend_type' => 'icon'), array('name' => __('Tag Name', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tag', 'type' => 'tag', 'std' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Used for items filtering', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * DEFINE setting options of shortcode
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Title', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'elm_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => __(WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::add_placeholder('Testimonial Item %s', 'index'), WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Client\'s Name', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'name', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => '', 'placeholder' => 'John Doe', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'name_height', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '12', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'name_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'tooltip' => __('Client\'s Name Description', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Client\'s Position', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'job_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Client\'s Position Description', WR_PBL), 'placeholder' => 'CEO'), array('name' => __('Feedback Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'body', 'role' => 'content', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text()), array('name' => __('Country', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'country', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Country Description', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Company', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'company', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Company Description', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Website URL', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'web_url', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('http://', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Website URL Description', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Avatar', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'image_file', 'type' => 'select_media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'tooltip' => __('Image File for User', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Parent Element Text', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'text', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => __('Your text', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Tooltip Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tooltip_content', 'role' => 'content', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'std' => __('Your tooltip content', WR_PBL))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Tooltip Position', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'position', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_full_positions()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_full_positions()), array('name' => __('Make Parent Element a Button', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tooltips_button', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1', 'tooltip' => __('Create button from text', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Button Color', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'button_color', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_button_color()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_button_color())), 'dependency' => array('tooltips_button', '=', 'yes'), 'container_class' => 'color_select2'), array('name' => __('Delay', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'type' => array(array('id' => 'show', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '500', 'append_before' => 'Show', 'append' => 'ms', 'parent_class' => 'input-group-inline', 'validate' => 'number'), array('id' => 'hide', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '100', 'append_before' => 'Hide', 'append' => 'ms', 'parent_class' => 'input-group-inline', 'validate' => 'number')), 'tooltip' => __('Set time (ms) to show/ hide tooltip when hover/ leave', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * DEFINE setting options of shortcode
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Heading', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'heading', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => __(WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::add_placeholder('List Item %s', 'index'), WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Body', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'body', 'role' => 'content', 'type' => 'text_area', 'container_class' => 'wr_tinymce_replace', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text()), array('name' => __('Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'icons', 'std' => '', 'role' => 'title_prepend', 'title_prepend_type' => 'icon')));
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Border', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'div_border_width', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '2', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'div_border_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm wr-border-type', 'std' => 'solid', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_border_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'div_border_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#E0DEDE', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Divider Width', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'divider_width', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-mini-m input-sm wr-select2-editor', 'std' => '100', 'options' => array('100' => __('100', WR_PBL), '80' => __('80', WR_PBL), '70' => __('70', WR_PBL), '60' => __('60', WR_PBL), '50' => __('50', WR_PBL)), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append select-append input-group input-select-append wr-input-append', 'append_text' => '%', 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'disable_select2' => true)));
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('id' => 'progress_bar_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => __('', WR_PBL)), array('std' => __('', WR_PBL)), array('std' => __('', WR_PBL))))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Presentation', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'progress_bar_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_progress_bar_style()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_progress_bar_style()), array('name' => __('Show Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'progress_bar_show_icon', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Show Title', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'progress_bar_show_title', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Show Percentage', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'progress_bar_show_percent', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'group-checkbox', 'id' => 'progress_bar_stack_active', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Animated Progress Bar', WR_PBL)))));
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('action' => array(array('id' => 'btn_convert', 'type' => 'button_group', 'bound' => 0, 'actions' => array(array('std' => __('Tab', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'carousel_to_tab'), array('std' => __('Accordion', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'carousel_to_accordion'), array('std' => __('List', WR_PBL), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'carousel_to_list')))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'carousel_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'align', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'center', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group dimension-inline', 'id' => 'dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('dimension_width', 'dimension_height', 'dimension_width_unit'), 'dimension_width' => array('std' => ''), 'dimension_height' => array('std' => ''), 'dimension_width_unit' => array('options' => array('px' => 'px', '%' => '%'), 'std' => 'px'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show Indicator', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'show_indicator', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Round Pagination buttons', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Show Arrows', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'show_arrows', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Previous & Next buttons', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Automatic Cycling', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'automatic_cycling', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1', 'tooltip' => __('Automatically run carousel', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Cycling Interval', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'cycling_interval', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '5', 'append' => 'second(s)', 'validate' => 'number')), 'dependency' => array('automatic_cycling', '=', 'yes'), 'tooltip' => __('Set interval for each cycling', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Pause on mouse over', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'pause_mouseover', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'dependency' => array('automatic_cycling', '=', 'yes'), 'tooltip' => __('Pause cycling on mouse over', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * DEFINE setting options of shortcode
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Width', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'width_value', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item merge-data'), array('id' => 'width_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'options' => array('percentage' => '%', 'px' => 'px'), 'std' => 'percentage', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item merge-data')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Tag Name', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tagname', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => 'td', 'type_input' => 'hidden', 'container_class' => 'hidden', 'tooltip' => __('', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Row Span', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'rowspan', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'input-mini positive-val', 'validate' => 'number', 'role' => 'extract', 'tooltip' => __('Enable extending over multiple rows', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Column Span', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'colspan', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'input-mini positive-val', 'validate' => 'number', 'role' => 'extract', 'tooltip' => __('Enable extending over multiple columns', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Row Style', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'rowstyle', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_table_row_color()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_table_row_color()), array('name' => __('Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'cell_content', 'role' => 'content', 'role_2' => 'title', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'std' => __('', WR_PBL), 'tooltip' => __('Table content', WR_PBL))));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null)
     $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts);
     $href = '';
     if (!empty($link_type)) {
         $taxonomies = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_public_taxonomies();
         $post_types = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_post_types();
         // single post
         if (array_key_exists($link_type, $post_types)) {
             $permalink = home_url() . "/?p={$single_item}";
             $href = !$single_item ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$permalink}'";
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($link_type, $taxonomies)) {
                 $permalink = get_term_link(intval($single_item), $link_type);
                 if (!is_wp_error($permalink)) {
                     $href = !$single_item ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$permalink}'";
             } else {
                 switch ($link_type) {
                     case 'url':
                         $href = !$button_type_url ? ' href="#"' : " href='{$button_type_url}'";
     $target = $script = '';
     if ($open_in) {
         switch ($open_in) {
             case 'current_browser':
                 $target = '';
             case 'new_browser':
                 $target = ' target="_blank"';
             case 'new_window':
                 $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-button-new-window';
                 $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::new_window(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
             case 'lightbox':
                 $cls_button_fancy = ' wr-prtbl-button-fancy';
     $button_type = " type='button'";
     $cls_button_fancy = !isset($cls_button_fancy) ? '' : $cls_button_fancy;
     $script = !isset($script) ? '' : $script;
     // Process col title
     $attr_title .= '<div class="wr-prtbl-title">';
     // Process for image
     $attr_title .= '[prtbl_item_image]<div class="wr-prtbl-image">';
     if ($prtbl_item_image) {
         $attr_title .= '<img src="' . $prtbl_item_image . '" />';
     $attr_title .= '</div>[/prtbl_item_image]';
     // Process for title
     $attr_title .= '[prtbl_item_title]<h3>' . $prtbl_item_title . '</h3>[/prtbl_item_title]';
     $attr_title .= '</div>';
     $attr_title .= '[prtbl_item_meta]<div class="wr-prtbl-meta">';
     $attr_title .= '[prtbl_item_price]<div class="wr-prtbl-price">';
     if ($prtbl_item_currency) {
         $attr_title .= '<sup class="wr-prtbl-currency">' . $prtbl_item_currency . '</sup>';
     $attr_title .= $prtbl_item_price;
     if ($prtbl_item_time) {
         $attr_title .= '<sub class="wr-prtbl-time">' . $prtbl_item_time . '</sub>';
     $attr_title .= '</div>[/prtbl_item_price]';
     // Process for description
     $attr_title .= '[prtbl_item_desc]<p class="wr-prtbl-desc">' . $prtbl_item_desc . '</p>[/prtbl_item_desc]';
     $attr_title .= '</div>[/prtbl_item_meta]';
     $featured = $prtbl_item_feature == 'yes' ? ' wr-prtbl-cols-featured' : '';
     $pr_tbl_col_html = "<div class='wr-prtbl-cols{$featured}'>";
     $pr_tbl_col_html .= '<div class="wr-prtbl-header">' . $attr_title . '</div>';
     if (!empty($content)) {
         $pr_tbl_col_html .= '<ul class="wr-prtbl-features">';
         $pr_tbl_col_html .= do_shortcode($content);
         $pr_tbl_col_html .= '</ul>';
     $pr_tbl_col_html .= "<div class='wr-prtbl-footer'>[prtbl_item_button]<a class='btn btn-default {$cls_button_fancy}'{$href}{$target}{$button_type}>{$prtbl_item_button_text}</a>[/prtbl_item_button]</div>";
     $pr_tbl_col_html .= '</div>';
     return $disabled_el == 'no' ? $pr_tbl_col_html . $script : '';
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Alert Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'alert_content', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'role' => 'content', 'rows' => '12', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text(12))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Type', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'alert_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_alert_type()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_alert_type()), array('name' => __('Show Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'show_icon', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => 1), array('name' => __('Icon Size', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'icon_size', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '16', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number')), 'dependency' => array('show_icon', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Allow to close', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'alert_close', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Whether the customers can close the alert or not', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Generate HTML code from shortcode content.
  * @param   array   $atts     Shortcode attributes.
  * @param   string  $content  Current content.
  * @return  string
 public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null)
     $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts);
     $html_elemments = $script = '';
     $alt_text = $image_alt ? " alt='{$image_alt}'" : '';
     if (isset($arr_params['image_margin_top'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_top'] = $arr_params['image_margin_top'];
     if (isset($arr_params['image_margin_bottom'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_bottom'] = $arr_params['image_margin_bottom'];
     if (isset($arr_params['image_margin_right'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_right'] = $arr_params['image_margin_right'];
     if (isset($arr_params['image_margin_left'])) {
         $arr_params['div_margin_left'] = $arr_params['image_margin_left'];
     $class_img = $image_container_style != 'no-styling' ? $image_container_style : '';
     $class_img = $image_effect == 'yes' ? $class_img . ' image-scroll-fade' : $class_img;
     $class_img = !empty($class_img) ? ' class="' . $class_img . '"' : '';
     if ($image_file) {
         $image_id = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::get_image_id($image_file);
         $attachment = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($image_id);
         $image_file = !empty($attachment['sizes'][$image_size]['url']) ? $attachment['sizes'][$image_size]['url'] : $image_file;
         $width = $attachment['sizes'][$image_size]['width'];
         $height = $attachment['sizes'][$image_size]['height'];
         $html_elemments .= "<img width='{$width}' height='{$height}' src='{$image_file}'{$alt_text}{$class_img} />";
         $script = '';
         $target = '';
         if ($image_effect == 'yes' and !isset($_POST['action'])) {
             $html_elemments = "<img src='" . WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::path('assets/3rd-party') . '/jquery-lazyload/grey.gif' . "' data-original='{$image_file}' width='{$width}' height='{$height}' {$alt_text} {$class_img}/>";
         if ($open_in) {
             switch ($open_in) {
                 case 'current_browser':
                     $target = '';
                 case 'new_browser':
                     $target = ' target="_blank"';
                 case 'new_window':
                     $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-button-new-window';
                     $script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::new_window(".{$cls_button_fancy}", array('width' => '75%', 'height' => '75%'));
                 case 'lightbox':
                     $cls_button_fancy = 'wr-image-fancy';
         $class = isset($cls_button_fancy) && !empty($cls_button_fancy) ? " class='{$cls_button_fancy}'" : '';
         // get Single Item and check type to get right link
         $single_item = explode('__#__', $single_item);
         $single_item = $single_item[0];
         $taxonomies = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_public_taxonomies();
         $post_types = WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_post_types();
         // single post
         if (array_key_exists($link_type, $post_types)) {
             $permalink = home_url() . "/?p={$single_item}";
             $html_elemments = "<a href='{$permalink}'{$target}{$class}>" . $html_elemments . '</a>';
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($link_type, $taxonomies)) {
                 $permalink = get_term_link(intval($single_item), $link_type);
                 if (!is_wp_error($permalink)) {
                     $html_elemments = "<a href='{$permalink}'{$target}{$class}>" . $html_elemments . '</a>';
             } else {
                 switch ($link_type) {
                     case 'url':
                         $html_elemments = "<a href='{$image_type_url}'{$target}{$class}>" . $html_elemments . '</a>';
                     case 'large_image':
                         $image_id = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::get_image_id($image_file);
                         $attachment = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($image_id);
                         $image_url = !empty($attachment['sizes'][$image_image_size]['url']) ? $attachment['sizes'][$image_image_size]['url'] : $image_file;
                         $html_elemments = "<a href='{$image_url}'{$target}{$class}>" . $html_elemments . '</a>';
         if (strtolower($image_alignment) != 'inherit') {
             if (strtolower($image_alignment) == 'left') {
                 $cls_alignment = 'pull-left';
             if (strtolower($image_alignment) == 'right') {
                 $cls_alignment = 'pull-right';
             if (strtolower($image_alignment) == 'center') {
                 $cls_alignment = 'text-center';
             $html_elemments = "<div class='{$cls_alignment}'>" . $html_elemments . '</div>';
     return $this->element_wrapper($html_elemments . $script, $arr_params);
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Text', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'text', 'type' => 'text_field', 'role' => 'content', 'std' => __('Circle', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Description', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'description', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => __('The circle information', WR_PBL))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Percentage', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'percent', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '15', 'append' => '%', 'validate' => 'number'), array('name' => __('Foreground Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'fg_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => ' 	#556b2f'), array('name' => __('Background Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'bg_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => ' 	#eeeeee'), array('name' => __('Use Fill Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'use_fill', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'has_depend' => '1', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Fill Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'fill_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#ffffff', 'dependency' => array('use_fill', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Circle Thickness', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'width', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '15', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number'), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'dimension', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '200', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'tooltip' => __('Size of process circle, caculated by its diameter', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Font Size', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'font_size', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '15', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number'), array('name' => __('Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'icons', 'std' => '', 'title_prepend_type' => 'icon'), array('name' => __('Show half', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'is_half', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'no', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'circle_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('circle_margin_top', 'circle_margin_bottom', 'circle_margin_left', 'circle_margin_right'), 'circle_margin_top' => array('std' => '10'), 'circle_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '10'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * DEFINE setting options of shortcode
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('name' => __('Image File', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'image_file', 'type' => 'select_media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid'), array('name' => __('Heading', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'heading', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => __(WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::add_placeholder('Carousel Item %s', 'index'), WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Alt Description', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'alt', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => __(WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::add_placeholder('Item description  %s', 'index'), WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Body', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'body', 'role' => 'content', 'type' => 'text_area', 'container_class' => 'wr_tinymce_replace', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text(12) . '<a href="#"> link</a>'), array('name' => __('Icon', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'icons', 'std' => '', 'role' => 'title_prepend', 'title_prepend_type' => 'icon')));
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Share Content', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'share_content', 'type' => 'tiny_mce', 'role' => 'content', 'rows' => '12', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::lorem_text(12))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Align', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'share_align', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_share_type()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_share_type()), array('name' => __('Text Align', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'share_text_align', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_share_type()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_share_type()), array('name' => __('Height', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'share_height', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '300', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number'), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('generalaction' => array('settings' => array('id' => 'general_action', 'class' => 'general-action no-label pull-left'), array('id' => 'audio_sources', 'type' => 'select', 'has_depend' => '1', 'std' => 'local', 'options' => array('local' => __('Local file', WR_PBL), 'soundcloud' => __('SoundCloud', WR_PBL)), 'exclude_class' => array('form-control'))), 'content' => array(array('id' => 'audio_source_link', 'name' => __('Audio link', WR_PBL), 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'text', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'class' => 'span6 input-sm', 'tooltip' => __('Insert your audio link from SoundCloud or local file', WR_PBL), 'specific_class' => 'input-group col-xs-12'), array('id' => 'audio_source_local', 'name' => __('File URL', WR_PBL), 'type' => 'select_media', 'filter_type' => 'audio', 'media_type' => 'video', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'local'))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'type' => 'dimension', 'id' => 'audio_dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('audio_dimension_width', 'audio_dimension_height'), 'audio_dimension_width' => array('std' => '500'), 'audio_dimension_height' => array('std' => '80'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Color', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#FF6600', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'hide_value' => true, 'tooltip' => __('Select color for Play Button', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item  checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'std' => 'artwork__#__download_button__#__share_button__#__bpm__#__play_count__#__comments', 'options' => array('artwork' => __('Artwork', WR_PBL), 'download_button' => __('Download Button', WR_PBL), 'share_button' => __('Share Button', WR_PBL), 'bpm' => __('BPM', WR_PBL), 'play_count' => __('Play Count', WR_PBL), 'comments' => __('Comments', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Elements to display on audio player', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Auto Play', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_auto_play', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), '0' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Auto play the audio', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Start Track', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_start_track', 'type' => 'text_number', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'soundcloud'), 'class' => 'input-mini', 'tooltip' => __('Choosing track to start playing', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Dimension', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'local'), 'id' => 'audio_local_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array('audio_local_dimension_width', 'audio_local_dimension_height'), 'audio_local_dimension_width' => array('std' => '500'), 'audio_local_dimension_height' => array('std' => '30'), 'tooltip' => __('Set width and height of element', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_local_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'local'), 'std' => 'play_button__#__current_time__#__time_rail__#__track_duration__#__volume_button__#__volume_slider', 'options' => array('play_button' => __('Play/Pause Button', WR_PBL), 'current_time' => __('Current Time', WR_PBL), 'time_rail' => __('Time Rail', WR_PBL), 'track_duration' => __('Track Duration', WR_PBL), 'volume_button' => __('Volume Button', WR_PBL), 'volume_slider' => __('Volume Slider', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Elements to display on audio player', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Start volume', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_local_start_volume', 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'wr-slider', 'std_max' => '100', 'std' => '80', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'local')), array('name' => __('Loop', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_local_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array('audio_sources', '=', 'local'), 'options' => array('true' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'false' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'tooltip' => __('Whether to repeat playing or not', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'audio_alignment', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'center', 'options' => array('0' => __('No Alignment', WR_PBL), 'left' => __('Left', WR_PBL), 'right' => __('Right', WR_PBL), 'center' => __('Center', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'audio_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('audio_margin_top', 'audio_margin_right', 'audio_margin_bottom', 'audio_margin_left'), 'audio_margin_top' => array('std' => '10'), 'audio_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '10'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('id' => 'testimonial_items', 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => ucfirst(__CLASS__), 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array(array('std' => ''), array('std' => ''), array('std' => '')))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Items per Slide', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'items_per_slide', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '2', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'validate' => 'number'), array('name' => __('Slider Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'slider_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'std' => 'arrows__#__indicator', 'options' => array('arrows' => __('Arrows', WR_PBL), 'indicator' => __('Indicator', WR_PBL))), array('name' => __('Content Elements', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'content_elements', 'type' => 'items_list', 'std' => 'content__#__image__#__name__#__job_title__#__country__#__company', 'options' => array('content' => __('Feedback Content', WR_PBL), 'image' => __('Avatar', WR_PBL), 'name' => __('Client\'s Name', WR_PBL), 'job_title' => __('Client\'s Position', WR_PBL), 'country' => __('Country', WR_PBL), 'company' => __('Company', WR_PBL)), 'options_type' => 'checkbox', 'popover_items' => array('image', 'content'), 'style' => array('height' => '200px'), 'container_class' => 'unsortable content-elements'), array('name' => __('Container Style', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'author_image_style', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_container_style()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_container_style(), 'container_class' => 'hidden', 'data_wrap_related' => 'image'), array('name' => __('Length Limitation', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'content_length', 'type' => array(array('id' => 'content_count', 'type' => 'text_number', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_fonts(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'content_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-medium', 'std' => 'words', 'options' => array('words' => __('Words', WR_PBL), 'characters' => __('Characters', WR_PBL)), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group hidden', 'data_wrap_related' => 'content'), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Define shortcode settings.
  * @return  void
 public function element_items()
     $this->items = array('content' => array(array('name' => __('Tag', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'tag', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm wr-heading-type', 'std' => 'h1', 'options' => array('h1' => 'H1', 'h2' => 'H2', 'h3' => 'H3', 'h4' => 'H4', 'h5' => 'H5', 'h6' => 'H6'), 'tooltip' => __('Support tags: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Text', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'text', 'type' => 'text_field', 'role' => 'content', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => __('Your heading text', WR_PBL))), 'styling' => array(array('type' => 'preview'), array('name' => __('Alignment', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'text_align', 'type' => 'radio_button_group', 'std' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_first_option(WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align()), 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_text_align(), 'class' => 'input-sm'), array('name' => __('Margin', WR_PBL), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'heading_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array('heading_margin_top', 'heading_margin_right', 'heading_margin_bottom', 'heading_margin_left'), 'heading_margin_top' => array('std' => '5'), 'heading_margin_bottom' => array('std' => '25'), 'tooltip' => __('External spacing with other elements', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Font', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'font', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'inherit', 'options' => array('inherit' => __('Inherit', WR_PBL), 'custom' => __('Custom', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Font Face', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'font_family', 'type' => array(array('id' => 'font_face_type', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_type', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'standard fonts', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_fonts(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'font_face_value', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_value', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => 'Verdana', 'options' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('font', '=', 'custom'), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Font Attributes', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'font_size_value_', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '18', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'font_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm wr-mini-input', 'std' => 'bold', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_font_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#000000', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'dependency' => array('font', '=', 'custom'), 'container_class' => 'combo-group'), array('name' => __('Enable Underline', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'enable_underline', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', WR_PBL), 'no' => __('No', WR_PBL)), 'has_depend' => '1'), array('name' => __('Underline Style', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'border_bottom_width_value_', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append-inline'), array('id' => 'border_bottom_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm wr-border-type', 'std' => 'solid', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_border_styles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item'), array('id' => 'border_bottom_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item')), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array('enable_underline', '=', 'yes')), array('name' => __('Underline Padding', WR_PBL), 'type' => array(array('id' => 'padding_bottom_value_', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number')), 'dependency' => array('enable_underline', '=', 'yes')), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_apprearing_animations(), WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_animation_speeds()));