  * Returns the HTML for the display of all terms with a language suffix in the troubleshooting menu.
  * @return string
 public static function display_terms_with_suffix()
     $terms_to_display = WPML_Terms_Translations::get_all_terms_with_language_suffix();
     $output = '';
     if (!empty($terms_to_display)) {
         $output = '<div class="icl_cyan_box">';
         $output .= '<table class="widefat" id="icl-updated-term-names-table">';
         $output .= '<a name="termsuffixupdate"></a>';
         $output .= '<tr><h3>' . __("Remove language suffixes from taxonomy names.", 'sitepress') . '</h3></tr>';
         $output .= '<tr id="icl-updated-term-names-headings"><th></th><th>' . __("Old Name", "sitepress") . '</th><th>' . __("Updated Name", "sitepress") . '</th><th>' . __("Affected Taxonomies", "sitepress") . '</th></tr>';
         foreach ($terms_to_display as $term_id => $term) {
             $updated_term_name = self::strip_language_suffix($term['name']);
             $output .= '<tr class="icl-term-with-suffix-row"><td>';
             $output .= '<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="' . $updated_term_name . '" value="' . $term_id . '"/>';
             $output .= '</td>';
             $output .= '<td>' . $term['name'] . '</td>';
             $output .= '<td id="term_' . $term_id . '">' . $updated_term_name . '</td>';
             $output .= '<td>' . join(', ', $term['taxonomies']) . '</td>';
             $output .= '</tr>';
         $output .= '</table>';
         $output .= '</br></br>';
         $output .= '<button id="icl-update-term-names" class="button-primary">' . __('Update term names', 'sitepress') . '</button>';
         $output .= '<button id="icl-update-term-names-done" class="button-primary" disabled="disabled" style="display:none;">' . __('All term names updated', 'sitepress') . '</button>';
         $output .= '</div>';
     return $output;
  * Uses the API provided in \WPML_Terms_Translations to create missing term translations.
  * These arise when a term, previously having been untranslated, is set to be translated
  * and assigned to posts in more than one language.
  * @param $trid        int The trid value for which term translations are missing.
  * @param $source_lang string The source language of this trid.
  * @param $langs       array The languages' codes for which term translations are missing.
 private function prepare_missing_translations($trid, $source_lang, $langs)
     $existing_translations = $this->sitepress->term_translations()->get_element_translations(false, $trid);
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         if (!isset($existing_translations[$lang])) {
             $this->term_utils->create_automatic_translation(array('lang_code' => $lang, 'source_language' => $source_lang, 'trid' => $trid, 'taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy));
  * @param object[] $terms
  * @param string $lang
  * @param string $taxonomy
  * @param bool $duplicate sets whether missing terms should be created by duplicating the original term
  * @return array
 private function get_translated_term_ids($terms, $lang, $taxonomy, $duplicate)
     /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */
     global $wpml_term_translations;
     $term_utils = new WPML_Terms_Translations();
     $translated_terms = array();
     foreach ($terms as $orig_term) {
         $translated_id = (int) $wpml_term_translations->term_id_in($orig_term->term_id, $lang);
         if (!$translated_id && $duplicate) {
             $translation = $term_utils->create_automatic_translation(array('lang_code' => $lang, 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'trid' => $wpml_term_translations->get_element_trid($orig_term->term_taxonomy_id), 'source_language' => $wpml_term_translations->get_element_lang_code($orig_term->term_taxonomy_id)));
             $translated_id = isset($translation['term_id']) ? $translation['term_id'] : false;
         if ($translated_id) {
             $translated_terms[] = $translated_id;
     return $translated_terms;
  * @param String $slug
  * @param String $taxonomy
  * Filters slug input, so to ensure uniqueness of term slugs.
  * @return String Either the original slug or a new slug that has been generated from the original one in order to
  *                ensure slug uniqueness.
 public function pre_term_slug_filter($slug, $taxonomy)
     if ((isset($_REQUEST['tag-name']) || isset($_REQUEST['name'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'add-tag')) {
         $lang = $this->lang_term_slug_save($taxonomy);
         if ($slug === '') {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['tag-name'])) {
                 $slug = sanitize_title($_REQUEST['tag-name']);
             } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
                 $slug = sanitize_title($_REQUEST['name']);
         $slug = $slug !== '' ? WPML_Terms_Translations::term_unique_slug($slug, $taxonomy, $lang) : $slug;
     return $slug;
  * Manages the creation of new taxonomy terms from metadata values
  * @since 2.20
  * @param	mixed 	string or array value returned by the rule
  * @param	string 	field name or taxonomy name
  * @param	integer post ID to be evaluated
  * @param	string 	category/scope to evaluate against: iptc_exif_standard_mapping, iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping or iptc_exif_custom_mapping
  * @param	array 	attachment_metadata, default NULL
  * @return	array	updated rule EXIF/Template value
 public static function mla_mapping_new_text($new_text, $setting_key, $post_id, $category, $attachment_metadata)
     global $sitepress;
     static $replicate = NULL, $current_language, $taxonomies, $other_languages;
     if ('iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping' !== $category) {
         return $new_text;
     if (is_null($replicate)) {
         $replicate = 'checked' == MLACore::mla_get_option('term_mapping_replication', false, false, MLA_WPML::$mla_language_option_definitions);
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $replicate = ' . var_export( $replicate, true ), 0 );
         //$term_utils = new WPML_Terms_Translations();
         $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language();
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $current_language = ' . var_export( $current_language, true ), 0 );
         $taxonomies = $sitepress->get_translatable_taxonomies(true, 'attachment');
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $taxonomies = ' . var_export( $taxonomies, true ), 0 );
         $other_languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages();
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $other_languages = ' . var_export( $other_languages, true ), 0 );
     if (!empty($new_text) && in_array($setting_key, $taxonomies)) {
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text mapping rule = ' . var_export( self::$current_mapping_rule, true ), 0 );
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $new_text = ' . var_export( $new_text, true ), 0 );
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $setting_key = ' . var_export( $setting_key, true ), 0 );
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $post_id = ' . var_export( $post_id, true ), 0 );
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $category = ' . var_export( $category, true ), 0 );
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $attachment_metadata = ' . var_export( $attachment_metadata, true ), 0 );
         $language_details = $sitepress->get_element_language_details($post_id, 'post_attachment');
         $item_language = $language_details->language_code;
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $language_details = ' . var_export( $language_details, true ), 0 );
          * Find the parent term and its translations
         if (isset(self::$current_mapping_rule['parent'])) {
             if ($parent_term = absint(self::$current_mapping_rule['parent'])) {
                 $parent_term = self::_get_relevant_term('id', $parent_term, $setting_key);
         } else {
             $parent_term = 0;
         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $parent_term = ' . var_export( $parent_term, true ), 0 );
         $new_terms = array();
         foreach ($new_text as $new_name) {
             $relevant_term = self::_get_relevant_term('name', $new_name, $setting_key);
             //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $relevant_term = ' . var_export( $relevant_term, true ), 0 );
             if ($relevant_term) {
                 if (isset($relevant_term['translations'][$item_language])) {
                     $new_terms[] = absint($relevant_term['translations'][$item_language]->term_id);
             } else {
                  * Always create the new term in the current language
                 if ($parent_term && isset($parent_term['translations'][$current_language])) {
                     $parent = $parent_term['translations'][$current_language]->term_id;
                 } else {
                     $parent = 0;
                 //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_Polylang::mla_mapping_new_text $parent = ' . var_export( $parent, true ), 0 );
                 $args = array('taxonomy' => $setting_key, 'lang_code' => $current_language, 'term' => $new_name, 'parent' => $parent);
                 $res = WPML_Terms_Translations::create_new_term($args);
                 //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $res = ' . var_export( $res, true ), 0 );
                  * Add translations in the other languages?
                 if ($replicate) {
                     $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid($res['term_taxonomy_id'], 'tax_' . $setting_key);
                     //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $trid = ' . var_export( $trid, true ), 0 );
                     $original_term = get_term($res['term_id'], $setting_key, OBJECT, 'no');
                     //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $original_term = ' . var_export( $original_term, true ), 0 );
                     $args = array('trid' => $trid, 'source_language' => $current_language, 'term' => $new_name, 'original_id' => $res['term_id'], 'original_tax_id' => $res['term_taxonomy_id'], 'taxonomy' => $setting_key, 'update_translations' => true);
                     foreach ($other_languages as $language => $language_details) {
                         if ($parent_term && isset($parent_term['translations'][$language])) {
                             $parent = $parent_term['translations'][$language]->term_id;
                         } else {
                             $parent = 0;
                         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_Polylang::mla_mapping_new_text $parent = ' . var_export( $parent, true ), 0 );
                         $translated_slug = apply_filters('icl_duplicate_generic_string', $original_term->slug, $language, array('context' => 'taxonomy_slug', 'attribute' => $setting_key, 'key' => $original_term->term_id));
                         $translated_slug = WPML_Terms_Translations::term_unique_slug($translated_slug, $setting_key, $language);
                         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_Polylang::mla_mapping_new_text $translated_slug = ' . var_export( $translated_slug, true ), 0 );
                         $args['slug'] = $translated_slug;
                         $args['parent'] = $parent;
                         $args['lang_code'] = $language;
                         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $args = ' . var_export( $args, true ), 0 );
                         $res = WPML_Terms_Translations::create_new_term($args);
                         //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $res = ' . var_export( $res, true ), 0 );
                 // replicate
                  * Reload the term with all of its new translations
                 $relevant_term = self::_get_relevant_term('name', $new_name, $setting_key, NULL, false, true);
                 //error_log( __LINE__ . ' MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text $relevant_term = ' . var_export( $relevant_term, true ), 0 );
                 if (isset($relevant_term['translations'][$item_language])) {
                     $new_terms[] = absint($relevant_term['translations'][$item_language]->term_id);
             // new term
         // foreach new_name
         MLACore::mla_debug_add(__LINE__ . " MLA_WPML::mla_mapping_new_text( {$setting_key}, {$post_id} ) \$new_terms = " . var_export($new_terms, true), MLACore::MLA_DEBUG_CATEGORY_AJAX);
         return $new_terms;
     // translated taxonomy
     return $new_text;
  * Uses the API provided in \WPML_Terms_Translations to create missing term translations.
  * These arise when a term, previously having been untranslated, is set to be translated
  * and assigned to posts in more than one language.
  * @param $trid int The trid value for which term translations are missing.
  * @param $source_lang string The source language of this trid.
  * @param $langs array The languages' codes for which term translations are missing.
 private function prepare_missing_translations($trid, $source_lang, $langs)
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         WPML_Terms_Translations::create_automatic_translation(array('lang_code' => $lang, 'source_language' => $source_lang, 'trid' => $trid, 'taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy));
 public function __construct($args)
      * Actual name of the term. Same as the name input argument to \wp_update_term or \wp_insert_term
      * @var string|bool
     $term = false;
     $slug = '';
     $taxonomy = '';
     /** @var string $lang_code */
     $lang_code = '';
     $trid = null;
     /** @var int|bool $original_tax_id */
     $original_tax_id = false;
      * Taxonomy_term_id of the parent element
      * @var int
     $parent = 0;
     $description = false;
     $term_group = false;
     $source_language = null;
     extract($args, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // We cannot create a term unless we at least know its name
     if ($term && $taxonomy) {
         $this->wp_new_term_args['name'] = $term;
         $this->taxonomy = $taxonomy;
     } else {
         $this->is_valid = false;
     if ($parent) {
         $this->wp_new_term_args['parent'] = $parent;
     if ($description) {
         $this->wp_new_term_args['description'] = $description;
     if ($term_group) {
         $this->wp_new_term_args['term_group'] = $term_group;
     $this->wp_new_term_args['term_group'] = $term_group;
     $this->is_valid = $this->set_language_information($trid, $original_tax_id, $lang_code, $source_language);
     if (!$this->is_update || $this->is_update && $slug != '' && $slug != $this->old_slug) {
         if (trim($slug) == '') {
             $slug = sanitize_title($term);
         $slug = WPML_Terms_Translations::term_unique_slug($slug, $taxonomy, $lang_code);
         $this->wp_new_term_args['slug'] = $slug;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Ajax handler for switching the language of a post.
 public static function wpml_switch_post_language()
     global $sitepress, $wpdb;
     $to = false;
     $post_id = false;
     if (isset($_POST['wpml_to'])) {
         $to = $_POST['wpml_to'];
     if (isset($_POST['wpml_post_id'])) {
         $post_id = $_POST['wpml_post_id'];
     $result = false;
     set_transient(md5($sitepress->get_current_user()->ID . 'current_user_post_edit_lang'), $to);
     if ($post_id && $to) {
         $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
         $wpml_post_type = 'post_' . $post_type;
         $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid($post_id, $wpml_post_type);
         /* Check if a translation in that language already exists with a different post id.
          * If so, then don't perform this action.
         $query_for_existing_translation = $wpdb->prepare("\tSELECT translation_id, element_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE element_type = %s\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND trid = %d\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND language_code = %s", $wpml_post_type, $trid, $to);
         $existing_translation = $wpdb->get_row($query_for_existing_translation);
         if ($existing_translation && $existing_translation->element_id != $post_id) {
             $result = false;
         } else {
             $sitepress->set_element_language_details($post_id, $wpml_post_type, $trid, $to);
             // Synchronize the posts terms languages. Do not create automatic translations though.
             require_once ICL_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/cache.php';
             icl_cache_clear($post_type . 's_per_language', true);
             $result = $to;
 function save_translation($data)
     global $wpdb, $sitepress, $sitepress_settings, $ICL_Pro_Translation;
     $new_post_id = false;
     $is_incomplete = false;
     foreach ($data['fields'] as $field) {
         $this->_save_translation_field($field['tid'], $field);
         if (!isset($field['finished']) || !$field['finished']) {
             $is_incomplete = true;
     //check if translation job still exists
     $job_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(1) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job WHERE job_id=%d", $data['job_id']));
     if ($job_count == 0) {
         wp_redirect(admin_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s', WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/translations-queue.php', 'job-cancelled')));
     if (!empty($data['complete']) && !$is_incomplete) {
         $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate_job', array('translated' => 1), array('job_id' => $data['job_id']));
         $rid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT rid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job WHERE job_id=%d", $data['job_id']));
         $translation_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT translation_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status WHERE rid=%d", $rid));
         $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status', array('status' => ICL_TM_COMPLETE, 'needs_update' => 0), array('rid' => $rid));
         list($element_id, $trid) = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT element_id, trid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE translation_id=%d", $translation_id), ARRAY_N);
         $job = $this->get_translation_job($data['job_id'], true);
         $parts = explode('_', $job->original_doc_id);
         if ($parts[0] == 'external') {
             // Translations are saved in the string table for 'external' types
             $id = array_pop($parts);
             $type = implode('_', $parts);
             $type = apply_filters('WPML_get_package_type', $type, $job->original_doc_id);
             foreach ($job->elements as $field) {
                 if ($field->field_translate) {
                     if (function_exists('icl_st_is_registered_string')) {
                         $string_id = icl_st_is_registered_string($type, $id . '_' . $field->field_type);
                         if (!$string_id) {
                             icl_register_string($type, $id . '_' . $field->field_type, self::decode_field_data($field->field_data, $field->field_format));
                             $string_id = icl_st_is_registered_string($type, $id . '_' . $field->field_type);
                         if ($string_id) {
                             icl_add_string_translation($string_id, $job->language_code, self::decode_field_data($field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format), ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_COMPLETE);
         } else {
             if (!is_null($element_id)) {
                 $postarr['ID'] = $_POST['post_ID'] = $element_id;
             foreach ($job->elements as $field) {
                 switch ($field->field_type) {
                     case 'title':
                         $postarr['post_title'] = self::decode_field_data($field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format);
                     case 'body':
                         $postarr['post_content'] = self::decode_field_data($field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format);
                     case 'excerpt':
                         $postarr['post_excerpt'] = self::decode_field_data($field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format);
                     case 'URL':
                         $postarr['post_name'] = self::decode_field_data($field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format);
             $original_post = get_post($job->original_doc_id);
             $postarr['post_author'] = $original_post->post_author;
             $postarr['post_type'] = $original_post->post_type;
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_comment_status']) {
                 $postarr['comment_status'] = $original_post->comment_status;
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_ping_status']) {
                 $postarr['ping_status'] = $original_post->ping_status;
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_page_ordering']) {
                 $postarr['menu_order'] = $original_post->menu_order;
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_private_flag'] && $original_post->post_status == 'private') {
                 $postarr['post_status'] = 'private';
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_post_date']) {
                 $postarr['post_date'] = $original_post->post_date;
             //set as draft or the same status as original post
             $postarr['post_status'] = !$sitepress_settings['translated_document_status'] ? 'draft' : $original_post->post_status;
             if ($original_post->post_parent) {
                 $post_parent_trid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT trid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE element_type='post_{$original_post->post_type}' AND element_id='{$original_post->post_parent}'");
                 if ($post_parent_trid) {
                     $parent_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT element_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE element_type='post_{$original_post->post_type}' AND trid='{$post_parent_trid}' AND language_code='{$job->language_code}'");
             if (isset($parent_id) && $sitepress_settings['sync_page_parent']) {
                 $_POST['post_parent'] = $postarr['post_parent'] = $parent_id;
                 $_POST['parent_id'] = $postarr['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
             $_POST['trid'] = $trid;
             $_POST['lang'] = $job->language_code;
             $_POST['skip_sitepress_actions'] = true;
             $postarr = apply_filters('icl_pre_save_pro_translation', $postarr);
             if (isset($element_id)) {
                 // it's an update so dont change the url
                 $postarr['post_name'] = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT post_name FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $element_id));
             if (isset($element_id)) {
                 // it's an update so dont change post date
                 $existing_post = get_post($element_id);
                 $postarr['post_date'] = $existing_post->post_date;
                 $postarr['post_date_gmt'] = $existing_post->post_date_gmt;
             $new_post_id = $this->icl_insert_post($postarr, $job->language_code);
             icl_cache_clear($postarr['post_type'] . 's_per_language');
             // clear post counter per language in cache
             do_action('icl_pro_translation_saved', $new_post_id, $data['fields']);
             // Allow identical slugs
             $post_name = sanitize_title($postarr['post_title']);
             // for Translated documents options:Page URL = Translate
             if (isset($data['fields']['URL']['data']) && $data['fields']['URL']['data']) {
                 $post_name = $data['fields']['URL']['data'];
             $post_name_rewritten = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT post_name FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $new_post_id));
             $post_name_base = $post_name;
             if ($post_name != $post_name_rewritten || $postarr['post_type'] == 'post' || $postarr['post_type'] == 'page') {
                 $incr = 1;
                 do {
                     $exists = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT p.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t ON t.element_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.ID <> %d AND t.language_code = %s AND p.post_name=%s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t", $new_post_id, $job->language_code, $post_name));
                     if ($exists) {
                     } else {
                     $post_name = $post_name_base . '-' . $incr;
                 } while ($exists);
                 $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_name' => $post_name), array('ID' => $new_post_id));
             $ICL_Pro_Translation->_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($new_post_id, $job->language_code);
             // update body translation with the links fixed
             $new_post_content = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $new_post_id));
             foreach ($job->elements as $jel) {
                 if ($jel->field_type == 'body') {
                     $fields_data_translated = $this->encode_field_data($new_post_content, $jel->field_format);
             $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate', array('field_data_translated' => $fields_data_translated), array('job_id' => $data['job_id'], 'field_type' => 'body'));
             // set stickiness
             //is the original post a sticky post?
             remove_filter('option_sticky_posts', array($sitepress, 'option_sticky_posts'));
             // remove filter used to get language relevant stickies. get them all
             $sticky_posts = get_option('sticky_posts');
             $is_original_sticky = $original_post->post_type == 'post' && in_array($original_post->ID, $sticky_posts);
             if ($is_original_sticky && $sitepress_settings['sync_sticky_flag']) {
             } else {
                 if ($original_post->post_type == 'post' && !is_null($element_id)) {
                     //just in case - if this is an update and the original post stckiness has changed since the post was sent to translation
             //sync plugins texts
             foreach ((array) $this->settings['custom_fields_translation'] as $cf => $op) {
                 if ($op == 1) {
                     update_post_meta($new_post_id, $cf, get_post_meta($original_post->ID, $cf, true));
             // set specific custom fields
             $copied_custom_fields = array('_top_nav_excluded', '_cms_nav_minihome');
             foreach ($copied_custom_fields as $ccf) {
                 $val = get_post_meta($original_post->ID, $ccf, true);
                 update_post_meta($new_post_id, $ccf, $val);
             // sync _wp_page_template
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_page_template']) {
                 $_wp_page_template = get_post_meta($original_post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true);
                 if (!empty($_wp_page_template)) {
                     update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_wp_page_template', $_wp_page_template);
             // sync post format
             if ($sitepress_settings['sync_post_format']) {
                 $_wp_post_format = get_post_format($original_post->ID);
                 set_post_format($new_post_id, $_wp_post_format);
             // set the translated custom fields if we have any.
             foreach ((array) $this->settings['custom_fields_translation'] as $field_name => $val) {
                 if ($val == 2) {
                     // should be translated
                     // find it in the translation
                     foreach ($job->elements as $name => $eldata) {
                         if ($eldata->field_data == $field_name) {
                             if (preg_match("/field-(.*?)-name/", $eldata->field_type, $match)) {
                                 $field_id = $match[1];
                                 foreach ($job->elements as $k => $v) {
                                     if ($v->field_type == 'field-' . $field_id) {
                                         $field_translation = self::decode_field_data($v->field_data_translated, $v->field_format);
                                     if ($v->field_type == 'field-' . $field_id . '-type') {
                                         $field_type = $v->field_data;
                                 if (isset($field_type) && $field_type == 'custom_field') {
                                     $field_translation = str_replace('&#0A;', "\n", $field_translation);
                                     // always decode html entities  eg decode &amp; to &
                                     $field_translation = html_entity_decode($field_translation);
                                     update_post_meta($new_post_id, $field_name, $field_translation);
             $link = get_edit_post_link($new_post_id);
             if ($link == '') {
                 // the current user can't edit so just include permalink
                 $link = get_permalink($new_post_id);
             if (is_null($element_id)) {
                 $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', array('element_id' => $new_post_id), array('translation_id' => $translation_id));
                 $user_message = __('Translation added: ', 'sitepress') . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $postarr['post_title'] . '</a>.';
             } else {
                 $user_message = __('Translation updated: ', 'sitepress') . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $postarr['post_title'] . '</a>.';
             // synchronize the page parent for translations
             if ($trid && $sitepress_settings['sync_page_parent']) {
                 $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations($trid, 'post_' . $postarr['post_type']);
                 foreach ($translations as $target_lang => $target_details) {
                     if ($target_lang != $job->language_code) {
                         if ($target_details->element_id) {
                             $sitepress->fix_translated_parent($new_post_id, $target_details->element_id, $target_lang);
         if (isset($user_message)) {
             $this->messages[] = array('type' => 'updated', 'text' => $user_message);
         if ($this->settings['notification']['completed'] != ICL_TM_NOTIFICATION_NONE) {
             require_once ICL_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/translation-management/tm-notification.class.php';
             if ($data['job_id']) {
                 $tn_notification = new TM_Notification();
                 $tn_notification->work_complete($data['job_id'], !is_null($element_id));
         // redirect to jobs list
         wp_redirect(admin_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&%s=%d', WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/translations-queue.php', is_null($element_id) ? 'added' : 'updated', is_null($element_id) ? $new_post_id : $element_id)));
     } else {
         $this->messages[] = array('type' => 'updated', 'text' => __('Translation (incomplete) saved.', 'sitepress'));
      * After all previous functionality the terms form the job are assigned to the new post just created or updated.
      * $overwrite is true by default for now.
     $overwrite = true;
     WPML_Terms_Translations::save_all_terms_from_job($data['job_id'], $new_post_id, $overwrite);
     do_action('icl_pro_translation_completed', $new_post_id);
  * Ajax wrapper for retrieving an array containing all taxonomies that are translated by WPML and a flag indicating whether they are hierarchical.
 public static function wpml_get_translated_taxonomies()
     global $sitepress;
     $post_id = false;
     $lang = false;
     if (isset($_POST['wpml_post_id'])) {
         $post_id = $_POST['wpml_post_id'];
     if (isset($_POST['wpml_to'])) {
         $lang = $_POST['wpml_to'];
     $translated_taxonomies = array();
     $taxonomy_search_args = array();
     if ($post_id) {
         $post_object = get_post($post_id);
         $taxonomy_search_args[] = array($post_object->post_type);
     $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array(), 'objects');
     foreach ($taxonomies as $key => $taxobject) {
         $tax = $taxobject->name;
         $hierarchical = false;
         if ($sitepress->is_translated_taxonomy($tax)) {
             if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($tax)) {
                 $hierarchical = true;
             $args = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'lang' => $lang);
             $terms_in_tax = WPML_Terms_Translations::get_taxonomy_terms_by($tax, $args);
             if (!$terms_in_tax) {
                 $terms_in_tax = array();
             $translated_taxonomies[] = array('label' => $taxobject->label, 'name' => $tax, 'hierarchical' => $hierarchical, 'terms' => $terms_in_tax);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param WP_Query $query
  * @return String[]
 private function get_tax_query_posttype($query)
     global $sitepress;
     $tax = $query->get('taxonomy');
     $post_type = WPML_Terms_Translations::get_taxonomy_post_types($tax);
     foreach ($post_type as $k => $v) {
         if (!$sitepress->is_translated_post_type($v)) {
     return $post_type;
 function trbl_duplicate_terms()
     $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'wcml_nonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
     if (!$nonce || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'trbl_duplicate_terms')) {
         die('Invalid nonce');
     global $sitepress;
     $attr = isset($_POST['attr']) ? $_POST['attr'] : false;
     $terms = get_terms($attr, 'hide_empty=0');
     $i = 0;
     $languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages();
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         foreach ($languages as $language) {
             $tr_id = apply_filters('translate_object_id', $term->term_id, $attr, false, $language['code']);
             if (is_null($tr_id)) {
                 $term_args = array();
                 // hierarchy - parents
                 if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($attr)) {
                     // fix hierarchy
                     if ($term->parent) {
                         $original_parent_translated = apply_filters('translate_object_id', $term->parent, $attr, false, $language['code']);
                         if ($original_parent_translated) {
                             $term_args['parent'] = $original_parent_translated;
                 if (version_compare(ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, '', '<=')) {
                     $term_name = $term->name . ' @' . $language['code'];
                 } else {
                     $term_name = $term->name;
                     $slug = $term->name . '-' . $language['code'];
                     $slug = WPML_Terms_Translations::term_unique_slug($slug, $attr, $language['code']);
                     $term_args['slug'] = $slug;
                 $new_term = wp_insert_term($term_name, $attr, $term_args);
                 if ($new_term && !is_wp_error($new_term)) {
                     $tt_id = $sitepress->get_element_trid($term->term_taxonomy_id, 'tax_' . $attr);
                     $sitepress->set_element_language_details($new_term['term_taxonomy_id'], 'tax_' . $attr, $tt_id, $language['code']);
     echo 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function save_term_translation()
     global $sitepress, $wpdb;
     $original_element = $_POST['translation_of'];
     $taxonomy = $_POST['taxonomy'];
     $language = $_POST['language'];
     $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid($original_element, 'tax_' . $taxonomy);
     $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations($trid, 'tax_' . $taxonomy);
     $_POST['icl_tax_' . $taxonomy . '_language'] = $language;
     $_POST['icl_trid'] = $trid;
     $_POST['icl_translation_of'] = $original_element;
     $errors = '';
     $term_args = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'slug' => WPML_Terms_Translations::pre_term_slug_filter($_POST['slug'], $taxonomy), 'description' => $_POST['description']);
     $original_tax_sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE taxonomy=%s AND term_taxonomy_id = %d";
     $original_tax_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($original_tax_sql, array($taxonomy, $original_element));
     $original_tax = $wpdb->get_row($original_tax_prepared);
     // hierarchy - parents
     if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy)) {
         // fix hierarchy
         if ($original_tax->parent) {
             $original_parent_translated = icl_object_id($original_tax->parent, $taxonomy, false, $_POST['language']);
             if ($original_parent_translated) {
                 $term_args['parent'] = $original_parent_translated;
     if (isset($translations[$language])) {
         $result = wp_update_term($translations[$language]->term_id, $taxonomy, $term_args);
     } else {
         $result = wp_insert_term($_POST['name'], $taxonomy, $term_args);
         $original_element_lang_details = $sitepress->get_element_language_details($original_element, 'tax_' . $taxonomy);
         if (isset($original_element_lang_details->language_code)) {
             $sitepress->set_element_language_details($result['term_taxonomy_id'], 'tax_' . $taxonomy, $trid, $language, $original_element_lang_details->language_code);
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         foreach ($result->errors as $ers) {
             $errors .= join('<br />', $ers);
         $errors .= '<br />';
     } else {
         // hierarchy - children
         if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy)) {
             // get children of original
             $children_sql = "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE taxonomy=%s AND parent=%d";
             $children_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($children_sql, array($taxonomy, $original_tax->term_id));
             $children = $wpdb->get_col($children_prepared);
             if ($children) {
                 foreach ($children as $child) {
                     $child_translated = icl_object_id($child, $taxonomy, false, $_POST['language']);
                     if ($child_translated) {
                         $wpdb->update($wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('parent' => $result['term_id']), array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'term_id' => $child_translated));
             $sitepress->update_terms_relationship_cache($children, $taxonomy);
             //delete_option($_POST['taxonomy'] . '_children');
         $term = get_term($result['term_id'], $taxonomy);
         do_action('icl_save_term_translation', $original_tax, $result);
     $html = '';
     echo json_encode(array('html' => $html, 'slug' => isset($term) ? urldecode($term->slug) : '', 'errors' => $errors));