$msg = WEB::_imageUpload($_FILES['image']); if (!array_key_exists('error', $msg)) { // $performer_name, $performer_date_of_birth, $performer_bio, $performer_cover $performer_name = WEB::_post('performer_name'); $performer_date_of_birth = WEB::_post('performer_date_of_birth'); $performer_bio = WEB::_post('performer_bio'); $performer_cover = $msg['file_path']; // Passed as: array($performer_name, performer_date_of_birth, performer_bio, performer_cover) $form_error = $p->validateParams(array($performer_name, $performer_date_of_birth, $performer_bio, $performer_cover)); if (is_null($form_error) && !is_null($performer_name) && !is_null($performer_date_of_birth) && $p->createPerformer($performer_name, $performer_date_of_birth, $performer_bio, $performer_cover)) { $status_message = WEB::_success('Performer Successfully Created!'); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were creating the Performer. Please review the form below!', $form_error); } // Handle adding multiple Bands if ($b->updateBandsWithPerformerId($p->getPerformerId(), WEB::_select('band_ids'))) { $bandmateList = $b->getBandmateAsSelectWithPerformerId($p->getPerformerId()); $status_message = WEB::_success('Bands Updated Successfully!'); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were updating the Bands.', null); } } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('Unable to upload Performer Cover. ' . $msg['error'], null); } } ?> <?php include __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/template/header.php"; ?>
if (!array_key_exists('error', $msg)) { $band_name = WEB::_post('band_name'); $band_formed_date = WEB::_post('band_formed_date'); $band_break_up_date = WEB::_post('band_break_up_date'); $band_cover = $msg['file_path']; $band_bio = WEB::_post('band_bio'); $label_id = WEB::_post('label_id'); // array($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio) $form_error = $bd->validateParams(array($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio, $label_id)); if (is_null($form_error) && !is_null($band_name) && !is_null($band_formed_date) && $bd->createBand($band_name, $band_formed_date, $band_break_up_date, $band_cover, $band_bio, $label_id)) { $status_message = WEB::_success('Band Successfully Created!'); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were creating the Band. Please review the form below!', $form_error); } // Handle adding multiple performers if ($b->updatePerformersWithBandId($bd->getBandId(), WEB::_select('performer_ids'))) { $bandmateList = $b->getBandmateAsSelectWithBandId($bd->getBandId()); $status_message = WEB::_success('Band Successfully Created!'); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were updating the Performers.', null); } } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('Unable to upload Band Cover. ' . $msg['error'], null); } } ?> <?php include __DIR__ . "/../bourbon/template/header.php"; ?>