function wc_autoship_fees_example_add_fees($fees, $schedule_id)
     // Get the autoship schedule
     $schedule = new WC_Autoship_Schedule($schedule_id);
     // Add a fee for each autoship schedule item
     $items = $schedule->get_items();
     foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
         // Get the WooCommerce product
         $product = $item->get_product();
         if (!empty($product)) {
             // Create a fee for the product
             $fee = new stdClass();
             $fee->id = "wc_autoship_example_fee_{$i}";
             $fee->name = $product->get_title() . ' Fee';
             $fee->amount = 5.99;
             $fee->tax_class = '';
             $fee->taxable = false;
             $fee->tax = 0;
             $fee->tax_data = array();
             // Append the fee
             $fees[] = $fee;
     // Return fees
     return $fees;
 function wc_autoship_taxnow_add_tax_rates($tax_rates, $schedule_id)
     include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/taxnow_woo/taxnow-woo.class.php';
     include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/woocommerce-autoship/classes/wc-autoship-schedule.php';
     if (class_exists('class_taxNOW_woo') && class_exists('WC_Autoship_Schedule')) {
         // Create TaxNOW instance
         $taxnow_woo = new class_taxNOW_woo();
         // Get autoship schedule
         $schedule = new WC_Autoship_Schedule($schedule_id);
         // Get autoship customer
         $customer = $schedule->get_customer();
         // Create service
         $service = $taxnow_woo->create_service('TaxServiceSoap', false);
         $request = new GetTaxRequest();
         $request->setDocDate(date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp')));
         // Origin address
         $origin = new Address();
         // Destination address
         $destination = new Address();
         // Lines items
         $items = $schedule->get_items();
         $lines = array();
         $global_tax_code = get_option('tnwoo_default_tax_code');
         foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
             // Get WooCommerce product ID
             $product_id = $item->get_product_id();
             // Create line item
             $line = new Line();
             $tax_code = get_post_meta($product_id, '_taxnow_taxcode', true);
             $line->setTaxCode(!empty($tax_code) ? $tax_code : $global_tax_code);
             $line->setQty((int) $item->get_quantity());
             $line->setAmount((double) $item->get_autoship_price());
             $line->setNo($i + 1);
             $lines[] = $line;
         // Pretax discount
         $discount_pretax = 0.0;
         // Send request
         $taxnow_woo->log_add_entry('calculate_tax', 'request', $request);
         try {
             $response = $service->getTax($request);
             $taxnow_woo->log_add_entry('calculate_tax', 'response', $response);
             if ($response->getResultCode() == SeverityLevel::$Success) {
                 foreach ($response->GetTaxLines() as $l => $TaxLine) {
                     foreach ($TaxLine->getTaxDetails() as $d => $TaxDetail) {
                         // Create WooCommerce tax rate
                         $tax_rate = array('rate' => 100.0 * $TaxDetail->getRate(), 'label' => $TaxDetail->getTaxName(), 'shipping' => 'no', 'compound' => 'no');
                         $tax_rates["wc_autoship_taxnow_{$l}_{$d}"] = $tax_rate;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $taxnow_woo->log_add_entry('calculate_tax', 'exception', $e->getMessage());
     // Return tax rates
     return $tax_rates;