function update(Volunteer $obj) { $dir = realpath(root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "assets" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "images" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "volunteers"); $file = new File($dir); $columns = array('name', 'fb', 'tw', 'gp', 'email', 'about'); $data = array($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['fb'], $_REQUEST['tw'], $_REQUEST['gp'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['about']); if (isset($_FILES['image']['name']) && !empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) { $unique_name = uniqid() . "." . pathinfo(basename($_FILES['image']['name']), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $images = $unique_name; $file->uploadFile($unique_name, $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); $columns[] = 'image'; $data[] = $unique_name; } return $obj->updateVolunteerInfo($_REQUEST['id'], $columns, $data); }
public function showHome() { $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $this->setGroup(); $user = Volunteer::find($user_id); return View::make('home')->with('user', $user); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Eloquent::unguard(); DB::table('propel_fellow_wingman')->delete(); DB::table('propel_student_wingman')->delete(); Subject::truncate(); DB::table('propel_city_subject')->delete(); CalendarEvent::truncate(); CancelledCalendarEvent::truncate(); WingmanModule::truncate(); WingmanTime::truncate(); VolunteerTime::truncate(); WingmanJournal::truncate(); $fellow = Fellow::find(1); $wingman1 = Wingman::find(2); $wingman2 = Wingman::find(3); $fellow->wingman()->attach($wingman1); $fellow->wingman()->attach($wingman2); $student1 = Student::find(3); $student2 = Student::find(4); $wingman1->student()->attach($student1); $wingman1->student()->attach($student2); $cEvent1 = new CalendarEvent(); $cEvent1->type = 'volunteer_time'; $cEvent1->student()->associate($student1); $cEvent1->status = 'created'; $cEvent1->save(); $vTime1 = new VolunteerTime(); $vTime1->calendarEvent()->associate($cEvent1); $volunteer1 = Volunteer::find(4); $vTime1->volunteer()->associate($volunteer1); $subject1 = new Subject(); $subject1->name = "English"; $subject1->save(); $vTime1->subject()->associate($subject1); $vTime1->save(); $cEvent2 = new CalendarEvent(); $cEvent2->type = 'wingman_time'; $cEvent2->student()->associate($student1); $cEvent2->status = 'created'; $cEvent2->save(); $wTime1 = new WingmanTime(); $wTime1->calendarEvent()->associate($cEvent2); $wTime1->wingman()->associate($wingman1); $wModule1 = new WingmanModule(); $wModule1->name = "Programming"; $wModule1->save(); $wTime1->wingmanModule()->associate($wModule1); $wTime1->save(); $city1 = City::find(1); $subject1->city()->attach($city1); $wJournal1 = new WingmanJournal(); $wJournal1->type = 'formal'; $wJournal1->title = "Day at Navy Camp"; $wJournal1->mom = "It was awesome"; $wJournal1->student()->associate($student1); $wJournal1->wingman()->associate($wingman1); $wJournal1->save(); }
public function selectStudents($wingman_id) { $user_id = $wingman_id; $city_id = Volunteer::find($user_id)->city_id; $wingman = Wingman::where('id', '=', $user_id)->first(); $selected_student = DB::table('propel_student_wingman as A')->join('Student as B', '', '=', 'A.student_id')->join('Center as C', '', '=', 'B.center_id')->select('A.student_id as id', ' as student_name', ' as center_name')->where('A.wingman_id', '=', $user_id)->get(); $student_list = DB::table('Student as A')->join('Center as D', '', '=', 'A.center_id')->join('City as E', '', '=', 'D.city_id')->select(' as id', ' as name', ' as center_name', 'A.description as grade')->distinct()->where('', $city_id)->where('D.status', '=', '1')->orderBy('', 'ASC')->get(); foreach ($student_list as $student) { foreach ($selected_student as $selected) { if ($student->id == $selected->id) { $student->grade = "checked"; } } } return View::make('settings/select-students')->with('selected_student', $selected_student)->with('wingman', $wingman)->with('student_list', $student_list); }
public function showList($user_id) { $entries = WingmanJournal::where('wingman_id', '=', $user_id)->get(); $session_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $user = Volunteer::find($session_id); $groups = $user->group()->get(); foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group->name == 'Propel Multiplier' || $group->name == 'Propel Fellow') { $user_group = 'Propel Fellow'; } elseif ($group->name == 'Propel Wingman') { $user_group = 'Propel Wingman'; } elseif ($group->name == 'Propel Strat') { $user_group = 'Propel Strat'; } elseif ($group->name == 'Aftercare Wingman') { $user_group = 'Aftercare Wingman'; } elseif ($group->name == 'Program Director, Propel') { $user_group = 'Program Director, Propel'; } } return View::make('wingman-journal', ['entries' => $entries, 'user_group' => $user_group]); }
$listing = Listing::getListingByListingId($pdo, $id); if ($listing === null) { throw new RuntimeException("Listing does not exist", 404); } $listing = Listing::getListingByListingId($pdo, $id); $listing->setListingClaimedBy($requestObject->listingClaimedBy); $listing->setListingClosed($requestObject->listingClosed); $listing->setListingCost($requestObject->listingCost); $listing->setListingMemo($requestObject->listingMemo); $listing->setListingParentId($requestObject->listingParentId); $listing->setListingPostTime($requestObject->listingPostTime); $listing->setListingTypeId($requestObject->listingTypeId); $listing->update($pdo); $pusher->trigger("listing", "update", $listing); //if this isn't supposed to be an admin, take away the temporary admin access $security = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolId($pdo, $_SESSION["volunteer"]->getVolId()); if ($security->getVolIsAdmin() === false) { $_SESSION["volunteer"]->setVolIsAdmin(false); } $reply->message = "Listing updated OK"; } elseif ($method === "POST") { //create new listing $listing = new Listing(null, $_SESSION["volunteer"]->getOrgId(), $requestObject->listingClaimedBy, $requestObject->listingClosed, $requestObject->listingCost, $requestObject->listingMemo, $requestObject->listingParentId, $requestObject->listingPostTime, $requestObject->listingTypeId); $listing->insert($pdo); $pusher->trigger("listing", "new", $listing); $reply->message = "Listing created OK"; } } elseif ($method === "DELETE") { $listing = Listing::getListingByListingId($pdo, $id); if ($listing === null) { throw new RuntimeException("Listing does not exist", 404);
/** * The function that decides what to do and which page to view. * * @param $getvars an associative array, representing the GET variables * from the URL * @return void */ function controlHandler($getvars) { global $dao; //first authorize the user $ac = new AccessController($getvars); if (!$ac->isAuthorized()) { return; } //if authorized, move on to displaying the correct page switch ($getvars['vm_action']) { case 'process_add': global $dao; /* * First set up a Volunteer object to store all of the * POST data */ if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] && !$dao->isVolunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $v = new Volunteer(); $v->info['ids'] = array(); $v->p_uuid = $_SESSION['user_id']; $shn_user = true; } else { if (isset($getvars['p_uuid'])) { $v = new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid']); $shn_user = false; } else { $v = new Volunteer(); $v->info['ids'] = array(); $shn_user = false; } } $v->info['full_name'] = $getvars['full_name']; $v->info['ids'][$getvars['id_type']] = trim($getvars['serial']); $v->info['gender'] = $getvars['gender']; $v->info['dob'] = $getvars['dob']; $v->info['date_start'] = $getvars['start_date']; $v->info['date_end'] = $getvars['end_date']; $v->info['hour_start'] = $getvars['hrs_avail_start']; $v->info['hour_end'] = $getvars['hrs_avail_end']; $v->info['occupation'] = $getvars['occupation']; $v->info['affiliation'] = $getvars['affiliation']; $v->info['special_needs'] = $getvars['special_needs']; $v->info['locations'] = array(); shn_get_parents(shn_location_get_form_submit_loc(), $v->info['locations']); $v->info['contact'] = array(); // put every input that begins with 'contact_' into the contact array foreach ($getvars as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, strlen('contact_')) == 'contact_') { $v->info['contact'][substr($key, strlen('contact_'))] = $value; } } $v->info['contact_prefer'] = $getvars['prefered_confirm_medium']; //add skills information $v_skills = array(); $skill_ids = $dao->getSkillIDs(); foreach ($skill_ids as $skill) { if ($getvars["SKILL_{$skill}"] == 'on') { $v_skills[] = $skill; } } $v->info['skills'] = $v_skills; //add Sahana account information if necessary if ($getvars['reg_account'] == 'true') { $v->info['account_info'] = array('account_name' => $getvars['full_name'], 'user_name' => $getvars['user_name'], 'pass' => $getvars['pass1']); $v->p_uuid = $getvars['existing_puuid']; } View::View($v); /* * Check to see if the POST data is valid and act accordingly */ if ($this->validateAddForm($getvars = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_FILES))) { $v->save($shn_user); // picture $p = $_FILES['picture']; if (!empty($p['tmp_name'])) { $pic = new VMPicture(); $pic->original = file_get_contents($p['tmp_name']); $pic->name = $p['name']; $pic->type = $p['type']; $pic->size = $p['size']; $pic->p_uuid = $v->p_uuid; if ($pic->resize()) { $pic->save(); } else { add_error(_("The image file is invalid, or is not of a supported type.")); } } add_confirmation(_('Changes saved.')); //if we just created a Sahana account, direct the user to log in if (!$_SESSION['logged_in']) { $this->displayPleaseLogin(); } else { $this->displayVolunteer($v->p_uuid); } } else { if (!empty($getvars['p_uuid'])) { $this->addVolunteer(new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid'])); } else { $this->addVolunteer(); } } break; case 'display_add': View::View(); if ($dao->isVolunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])) { //if this user is a volunteer already, display the edit form $this->addVolunteer(new Volunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])); } else { //otherwise display the add form $this->addVolunteer(); } break; case 'display_edit': View::View(); $this->addVolunteer(new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid'])); break; case 'display_confirm_delete': View::View(); $this->confirmDelete($getvars['p_uuid']); break; case 'display_change_pass': View::View(); $this->changePass($_SESSION['user_id']); break; case 'process_change_pass': global $global; require_once $global['approot'] . 'inc/lib_security/'; if ($this->validateChangePassForm($getvars = $_REQUEST)) { if (shn_change_password($getvars['p_uuid'], $getvars['cur_pass'], $getvars['pass1']) === true) { add_error(SHN_ERR_VM_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH); $this->changePass($getvars['p_uuid']); } else { add_confirmation(_("Your Password has been updated")); } } else { $this->changePass($getvars['p_uuid']); } break; case 'process_delete': $v = new Volunteer(); $v->delete($getvars['p_uuid']); View::View(); $this->displayConfirmation('The requested user was deleted.'); $extra_opts = array('showPictures' => true, 'showAvailability' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showStatus' => true, 'showAffiliation' => true); $this->listVolunteers($dao->getVolunteers(), $extra_opts); break; case 'display_list_all': View::View(); $extra_opts = array('showPictures' => true, 'showAvailability' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showStatus' => true, 'showAffiliation' => true); $this->listVolunteers($dao->getVolunteers(), $extra_opts); $this->showPagingNavigation("index.php?mod=vm&act=volunteer&vm_action=display_list_all"); break; case 'display_list_assigned': View::View(); $extra_opts = array('showPictures' => true, 'showAvailability' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showStatus' => true, 'showAffiliation' => true); $this->listVolunteers($dao->getVolunteers(null, VM_SHOW_ALL_VOLUNTEERS_ASSIGNED), $extra_opts); $this->showPagingNavigation("index.php?mod=vm&act=volunteer&vm_action=display_list_assigned"); break; case 'display_mailbox': View::View(new Volunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])); $this->displayMailbox($getvars['box']); break; case 'display_message': /* * Since we are passing $_SESSION['user_id'] as the p_uuid of the user here, * we can only view the message (i.e., the query will only succeed) if it belongs * to the current logged in user. Therefore, there is no need for extra access * control checks on displaying a message here. */ View::View(); $this->displayMessage($_SESSION['user_id'], $getvars['msg_id'], $getvars['box']); break; case 'process_delete_message': global $dao; $dao->deleteMessage($_SESSION['user_id'], $getvars['msg_id'], $getvars['box'] != 'outbox'); //add_confirmation('_(Message has been deleted')); View::View(new Volunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])); $this->displayMailbox($getvars['box']); break; case 'display_send_message': $this->displaySendMessageForm(); break; case 'process_send_message': global $dao; if ($this->validateSendMessageForm($getvars = $_REQUEST)) { $message = stripslashes($getvars['message']); $message = strtr($message, array("'" => "\\'")); //have to escape any single quotes otherwise querying won't work $dao->sendMessage($_SESSION['user_id'], $getvars['to'], $message); add_confirmation(_("Message Sent")); } else { $to_list = array(); $to = $getvars['to']; if (isset($to)) { foreach ($to as $person) { $to_list[$person] = $dao->getPersonName($person); } } $this->displaySendMessageForm($to_list); } break; case 'display_search': $advanced = $getvars['advanced'] == 'true'; $this->openSearchForm(); $this->displaySearchForm($advanced); break; case 'process_search': global $dao, $global; include_once $global['approot'] . 'mod/vm/lib/'; View::View(); //print_r($getvars); $vol_name = $getvars['vol_name']; //name to search by $vol_id = $getvars['vol_iden']; //Identification number to search by $loose = false; $soundslike = false; $start_date = $getvars['start_date']; //availability start $end_date = $getvars['end_date']; //availability end $skills_matching = $getvars['skills_matching'] == 'and_skills' ? VM_SKILLS_ALL : VM_SKILLS_ANY; //search for all or any of the skills present $unassigned = $getvars['unassigned'] == 'true'; //true to search for only unassigned volunteers $assigning = $getvars['assigning']; //true if we are using the search to assign volunteers $advanced = $getvars['advanced'] == 'true'; //true if we are using an advanced search $just_assigned_vol = $getvars['p_uuid'] != '' && $assigning; //true if we just assigned a volunteer to a project (nice to know if no results are found to not display an error) $date_constraint = $getvars['date_constraint'] == 'full_date'; //true if we must check for availability for the entire date range specified, false to check for any portion of the data range $positions = $getvars['positions']; if ($assigning) { $assigning_proj = $getvars['proj_id']; } else { $assigning_proj = null; } $location = ''; if (shn_vm_location_selected()) { $location = shn_location_get_form_submit_loc(); } $skills = array(); $skill_ids = $dao->getSkillIDs(); foreach ($skill_ids as $sk) { if ($getvars["SKILL_{$sk}"] == 'on') { $skills[] = $sk; } } //if we're not using the search results to do assigning, open the form here so that all of our paging navigation //will also be part of the form if (!$assigning) { $this->openSearchForm(); } //Validate the fields if ($this->validateSearchForm($getvars)) { //get the search results and display them $results = $dao->getVolSearchResults($vol_id, $vol_name, $skills, $skills_matching, $start_date, $end_date, $location, $date_constraint, $unassigned, $loose, $soundslike, $assigning_proj); $this->displaySearchResults($results, $assigning, $assigning_proj, $advanced, $just_assigned_vol, $positions); } if (!$assigning) { $this->displaySearchForm($advanced, false); } else { $this->displaySearchForm(true, true); } break; case 'display_single': $v = new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid']); View::View($v); $this->displayVolunteer($getvars['p_uuid']); break; case 'process_remove_picture': $dao->deletePicture($dao->getPictureID($_GET['id'])); View::View(); if (empty($getvars['p_uuid'])) { $this->addVolunteer(); } else { $this->addVolunteer(new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid'])); } break; case 'display_portal': View::View(new Volunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])); $this->displayPortal(); break; case 'display_report_all': View::View(); $this->displayVolunteerReport($dao->getVolunteersForReport()); break; case 'display_custom_report_select_for_mgrs': $this->displayCustomReportFilterForMgrs($dao->listProjects($_SESSION['user_id'], true, true)); break; case 'display_custom_report_select': View::View(); $projects = array('ALL_PROJECTS' => '(all)') + $dao->listProjects(null, false, true); $orgs = array('ALL_ORGS' => '(all)') + $dao->getOrganizations(true); $this->displayCustomReportFilter($projects, $orgs, $dao->getVolunteerNames(true)); break; case 'display_custom_report': View::View(); $extra_opts = array(); $proj_id = null; $org_id = null; $vols = array(); if (isset($getvars['proj_id']) && $getvars['proj_id'] != 'ALL_PROJECTS') { $proj_id = $getvars['proj_id']; $extra_opts['reportProjName'] = $dao->getProjectName($proj_id); } if (isset($getvars['org_id']) && $getvars['org_id'] != 'ALL_ORGS') { $org_id = $getvars['org_id']; $temp = $dao->getOrganizationInfo($org_id); $extra_opts['reportOrgName'] = $temp['name']; } if (!empty($getvars['vols']) && is_array($getvars['vols'])) { $extra_opts['reportingSpecificVolunteers'] = true; $vols = $getvars['vols']; } $this->displayVolunteerReport($dao->getVolunteersForReport($proj_id, $org_id, $vols), $extra_opts); break; case 'display_modify_skills': $this->displayModifySkills(); break; case 'process_add_skill': global $global; require_once $global['approot'] . 'mod/vm/lib/'; if (empty($getvars['skill_desc']) || empty($getvars['skill_code'])) { add_error(_('Please specify both a skill description and skill code')); } else { //validate skill code length if (strlen(trim($getvars['skill_code'])) < 4 || strlen(trim($getvars['skill_code'])) > 5) { add_error(_('Skill code should be 4 - 5 letters')); } else { $find = array("/ *" . VM_SKILLS_DELIMETER . " */", "/^ +/", "/ +\$/"); $replace = array("-", '', ''); $description = preg_replace($find, $replace, $getvars['skill_desc']); if (!$dao->addSkill($getvars['skill_code'], $description)) { add_error(_('The specified skill code already exists. Please choose another')); } else { add_confirmation("Skill '{$description}' added"); unset($_POST); } } } $this->displayModifySkills(); break; case 'process_remove_skill': if (!empty($_REQUEST['skills'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['skills'] as $code) { $dao->removeSkill($code); add_confirmation("Deleted {$code}"); } } $this->displayModifySkills(); break; case 'display_approval_management': //currently only site manager approval is allowed, later credential approval will be added $this->displayApprovalForm($dao->getVolunteerNames(), $dao->getVolunteersByAbility('MGR')); break; case 'process_approval_modifications': //currently only site manager approval is allowed, later credential approval will be added $dao->updateAbilityStatus($getvars['vol_id'], 'MGR', isset($getvars['approve'])); add_confirmation(_('Approval information has been updated')); $this->displayApprovalForm($dao->getVolunteerNames(), $dao->getVolunteersByAbility('MGR')); break; case 'process_approval_upgrades': //currently only site manager approval is allowed, later credential approval will be added $dao->updateAbilityStatus($getvars['vol_id'], 'MGR', true); add_confirmation(_('Approval information has been updated')); $this->displayApprovalForm($dao->getVolunteerNames(), $dao->getVolunteersByAbility('MGR')); break; case 'process_log_time': $start = strtotime($getvars['startDate'] . ' ' . $getvars['startTime']); if (empty($getvars['numHours'])) { $end = strtotime($getvars['endDate'] . ' ' . $getvars['endTime']); } else { $end = $start + $getvars['numHours'] * 60 * 60; } if (($e = validateShiftTimes($start, $end)) === VM_OK) { if ($dao->logShift($getvars['p_uuid'], $getvars['pos_id'], $start, $end)) { $this->displayConfirmation('Your time was logged successfully.'); $v = new Volunteer($getvars['p_uuid']); View::View($v); $this->displayVolunteer($getvars['p_uuid']); } else { add_error(_("There was a problem logging your time. Please go back and try again.")); } } else { add_error(_("Error logging time:") . $e); $this->showLogTime($getvars['p_uuid'], $getvars['pos_id']); } break; case 'review_hours': if (empty($getvars['proj_id'])) { $this->displaySelectReviewHours(); } else { $this->displayReviewHours($getvars['proj_id']); } break; case 'process_review_hours': $this->dao->reviewShift($getvars['shift_id'], $getvars['status']); $this->displayReviewHours($getvars['p_uuid'], $getvars['pos_id']); break; default: if ($_SESSION['logged_in']) { View::View(new Volunteer($_SESSION['user_id'])); $this->displayPortal(); } } }
<?php $config = new Config(); $volunteer = new Volunteer(); $client = new Clients(); $Volunteers = $volunteer->getVolunteers(); $clients = $client->getClinets(); $pm = new PageManager(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="WomenLine" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <base href="<?php echo $config->site_address; ?> "> <script src="<?php echo assets; ?> pace/pace.min.js"></script> <link href="<?php echo assets; ?> pace/pace.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="description" content="WomenLine" /> <meta name="keywords" content="building,business,construction,cleaning,transport,workshop" /> <meta name="author" content="WomenLine" /> <title>Loading...</title>
/** * retrieves all volunteers * * @param PDO $pdo pdo connection object * @return SplFixedArray all organizations * @throws PDOException if mySQL errors occur */ public static function getAllVolunteers(PDO $pdo) { //create query template $query = "SELECT volId, orgId, volEmail, volEmailActivation, volFirstName, volHash, volIsAdmin, volLastName, volPhone, volSalt FROM volunteer"; $statement = $pdo->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); ///call the function to build an array of the retrieved results try { $retrievedVol = Volunteer::storeSQLResultsInArray($statement); } catch (Exception $exception) { //rethrow the exception if retrieval failed throw new PDOException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } return $retrievedVol; }
public function find($id) { $event = Volunteer::find($id); return $event; }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Volunteer the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Volunteer::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Asus * Date: 5/30/2015 * Time: 1:28 PM */ require_once "../../includes/loader.php"; $volunteers = new Volunteer(); header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); echo json_encode($volunteers->getVolunteers());
<?php $config = new Config(); $url = new URL(); $obj = new Volunteer(); $item_list = $obj->getVolunteers(); $id = $url->getRequestedItem(); echo Comman::loadView('admin-header'); if ($url->getRequestedFunction() != 'edit') { ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-heading"> <div class="panel-title">Add Volunteer</div> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <form action="<?php echo Comman::getController('volunteer'); ?> ?action=create" method="post"> <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" required name="name" id="name" placeholder="Name" class="form-control"> <input type="hidden" name="return_path" value="<?php echo $url->getRequestedUri(); ?> /edit/"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-top: 10px;">Add</button> </form> </div>
public function testValidPut() { //create a new volunteer, and insert into the database $volunteer = new Volunteer(null, $this->valid_org_id, $this->VALID_EMAIL, $this->VALID_EMAIL_ACTIVATION, $this->VALID_FIRST_NAME, $this->VALID_HASH, $this->VALID_ADMIN, $this->VALID_LAST_NAME, $this->VALID_PHONE, $this->VALID_SALT); $volunteer->insert($this->getPDO()); //update the volunteer $volunteer->setVolPhone($this->VALID_ALT_PHONE); //$volunteer->setVolEmail($this->VALID_ALT_EMAIL); // var_dump($volunteer->getVolId()); //send the info to update the API $response = $this->guzzle->put('' . $volunteer->getVolId(), ['allow-redirects' => ['strict' => true], 'json' => $volunteer, 'headers' => ['X-XSRF-TOKEN' => $this->token]]); // var_dump($response); $newVolunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolId($this->getPDO(), $volunteer->getVolId()); var_dump($newVolunteer); //ensure the response was sent, and the api returned a positive status $this->assertSame($response->getStatusCode(), 200); $body = $response->getBody(); var_dump((string) $response->getBody()); $retrievedVol = json_decode($body); // var_dump($retrievedVol); $this->assertSame(200, $retrievedVol->status); //pull the value from the DB, and make sure it was properly updated $newvol = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolId($this->getPDO(), $volunteer->getVolId()); $this->assertSame($newvol->getVolPhone(), $this->VALID_ALT_PHONE); }
function form_insert() { $MyVolunteer = new Volunteer(); $MyVolunteer->UserId = $_POST['user_id']; $MyVolunteer->FirstName = $_POST['first_name']; $MyVolunteer->MiddleName = $_POST['middle_name']; $MyVolunteer->LastName = $_POST['last_name']; $MyVolunteer->DOBMonth = $_POST['dob_month']; $MyVolunteer->DOBDay = $_POST['dob_day']; $MyVolunteer->DOBYear = $_POST['dob_year']; $MyVolunteer->Gender = $_POST['gender']; $MyVolunteer->HomeAddress = $_POST['home_address1']; $MyVolunteer->HomeAddress2 = $_POST['home_address2']; $MyVolunteer->HomeCity = $_POST['home_city']; $MyVolunteer->HomeState = $_POST['home_state']; $MyVolunteer->HomeZip = $_POST['home_zip']; $MyVolunteer->HomeCountry = $_POST['home_country']; $MyVolunteer->Phone1 = $_POST['phone1']; $MyVolunteer->Phone2 = $_POST['phone2']; $MyVolunteer->Email1 = $_POST['email1']; $MyVolunteer->Email2 = $_POST['email2']; $MyVolunteer->Branch = $_POST['branch']; $MyVolunteer->ValueCenter = $_POST['value_center']; $MyVolunteer->WorkAddress = $_POST['work_address1']; $MyVolunteer->WorkAddress2 = $_POST['work_address2']; $MyVolunteer->WorkCity = $_POST['work_city']; $MyVolunteer->WorkState = $_POST['work_state']; $MyVolunteer->WorkZip = $_POST['work_zip']; $MyVolunteer->WorkCountry = $_POST['work_country']; $MyVolunteer->AmbassadorChampion = $_POST['ambassador_champion']; $MyVolunteer->KnowAmbassadorChampion = $_POST['know_ambassador_champion']; $MyVolunteer->AmbassadorChampionNames = $_POST['ambassador_champion_names']; $MyVolunteer->Participated = $_POST['participated']; $MyVolunteer->Which = $_POST['which']; $MyVolunteer->Hear = $_POST['hear']; $MyVolunteer->PrimaryLanguage = $_POST['primary_language']; $MyVolunteer->PrimaryLanguageProficiency = $_POST['primary_language_proficiency']; $MyVolunteer->SecondaryLanguage = $_POST['secondary_language']; $MyVolunteer->SecondaryLanguageProficiency = $_POST['secondary_language_proficiency']; $MyVolunteer->OtherLanguages = $_POST['other_languages']; $MyVolunteer->AdvancedDegree = $_POST['advanced_degree']; $MyVolunteer->AdvancedDegreeYN = $_POST['advanced_degree_yn']; $MyVolunteer->AdvancedDegree_list = $_POST['advanced_degree_list']; $MyVolunteer->Certification = $_POST['certification']; $MyVolunteer->Experience = implode(', ', $_POST['experience']); $MyVolunteer->OtherList = $_POST['other_list']; $MyVolunteer->CarryLoads = $_POST['carry_loads']; $MyVolunteer->Feet = $_POST['feet']; $MyVolunteer->SmartPhone = $_POST['smart_phone']; $MyVolunteer->Travel = $_POST['travel']; $MyVolunteer->SolveWater = $_POST['solve_water']; $MyVolunteer->WhyTrip = $_POST['why_trip']; $MyVolunteer->Learn = $_POST['learn']; $MyVolunteer->Liability = $_POST['liability']; $MyVolunteer->Responsibilities = $_POST['responsibilities']; $MyVolunteer->Policies = $_POST['policies']; $MyVolunteer->BlogPermission = $_POST['blog_permission']; $MyVolunteer->PersonalInfo = $_POST['personal_info']; $MyVolunteer->Save(); }
**/ if ($numSent !== count($recipients)) { // the $failedRecipients parameter passed in the send() method now contains contains an array of the Emails that failed throw new RuntimeException("unable to send email", 404); } } } elseif ($method === "DELETE") { //verifyXsrf(); //if they shouldn't have admin access to this method, kill the temp access and boot them //check by retrieving their original volunteer from the DB and checking $security = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolId($pdo, $_SESSION["volunteer"]->getVolId()); if ($security->getVolIsAdmin() === false) { $_SESSION["volunteer"]->setVolIsAdmin(false); throw new RunTimeException("Access Denied", 403); } $volunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolId($pdo, $id); if ($volunteer === null) { throw new RangeException("Volunteer does not exist", 404); } $volunteer->delete($pdo); $deletedObject = new stdClass(); $deletedObject->volunteerId = $id; $reply->message = "Volunteer deleted OK"; } } else { //if not an admin, and attempting a method other than get, throw an exception if (empty($method) === false && $method !== "GET") { throw new RuntimeException("Only administrators are allowed to modify entries", 401); } } //send exception back to the caller
public static function setGroup() { $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $user = Volunteer::find($user_id); $groups = $user->group()->get(); $fellow = false; $wingman = false; foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group->name == 'Propel Multiplier') { $fellow = true; } elseif ($group->name == 'Propel Wingman') { $wingman = true; } } if ($fellow == true) { View::share('user_group', 'Propel Multiplier'); } elseif ($wingman == true) { View::share('user_group', 'Propel Wingman'); } }
require_once "/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/encrypted-config.php"; //composer for Swiftmailer require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)))) . "/vendor/autoload.php"; //verify the xsrf challenge if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start(); } // prepare default error message $reply = new stdClass(); $reply->status = 200; $reply->data = null; try { //grab the mySQL connection $pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/breadbasket.ini"); $volEmailActivation = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "emailActivation", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $volunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolEmailActivation($pdo, $volEmailActivation); if (empty($volunteer) === true) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Activation code has been activated or does not exist", 404); } else { $volunteer->setVolEmailActivation(null); $volunteer->update($pdo); } $reply->data = "Congratulations, your account has been activated!"; //redirect them somewhere // building the activation link that can travel to another server and still work. This is the link that will be clicked to confirm the account. $basePath = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; //iterate to get to the right path (gotta be a cleaner way to do this...) for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $lastSlash = strrpos($basePath, "/"); $basePath = substr($basePath, 0, $lastSlash); }
/** * test grabbing a volunteer by Email Activation */ public function testGetVolunteerByVolEmailActivation() { // count the number of rows and save it for later $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("volunteer"); // create a new Volunteer and insert to into mySQL $volunteer = new Volunteer(null, $this->organization->getOrgId(), $this->VALID_EMAIL, $this->VALID_EMAIL_ACTIVATION, $this->VALID_FIRST_NAME, $this->VALID_HASH, $this->VALID_VOL_IS_ADMIN, $this->VALID_LAST_NAME, $this->VALID_PHONE, $this->VALID_SALT); $volunteer->insert($this->getPDO()); // grab the data from mySQL and enforce the fields match our expectations $pdoVolunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolEmailActivation($this->getPDO(), $volunteer->getVolEmailActivation()); $this->assertSame($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("volunteer")); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getOrgId(), $this->organization->getOrgId()); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolEmail(), $this->VALID_EMAIL); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolEmailActivation(), $this->VALID_EMAIL_ACTIVATION); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolFirstName(), $this->VALID_FIRST_NAME); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolHash(), $this->VALID_HASH); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolIsAdmin(), $this->VALID_VOL_IS_ADMIN); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolLastName(), $this->VALID_LAST_NAME); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolPhone(), $this->VALID_PHONE); $this->assertSame($pdoVolunteer->getVolSalt(), $this->VALID_SALT); }
$volEmail = filter_var($requestObject->volEmail, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $volunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolEmail($pdo, $volEmail); if ($volunteer !== null) { throw new RuntimeException("This email already has an account", 422); } // create a new salt and email activation $volSalt = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); $volEmailActivation = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8)); // create the hash $volHash = hash_pbkdf2("sha512", $requestObject->password, $volSalt, 262144, 128); //create a new organization and insert into mySQL $organization = new Organization(null, $requestObject->orgAddress1, $requestObject->orgAddress2, $requestObject->orgCity, $requestObject->orgDescription, $requestObject->orgHours, $requestObject->orgName, $requestObject->orgPhone, $requestObject->orgState, $requestObject->orgType, $requestObject->orgZip); $organization->insert($pdo); $reply->message = "New organization has been created"; //create a new Volunteer and insert into mySQL $volunteer = new Volunteer(null, $organization->getOrgId(), $requestObject->volEmail, $volEmailActivation, $requestObject->volFirstName, $volHash, true, $requestObject->volLastName, $requestObject->volPhone, $volSalt); $volunteer->insert($pdo); $reply->message = "A new administrator has been created"; if ($volunteer->getVolIsAdmin() === true) { $_SESSION["volunteer"] = $volunteer; $reply->status = 200; $reply->message = "Logged in as administrator"; } // create Swift message $swiftMessage = Swift_Message::newInstance(); // attach the sender to the message // this takes the form of an associative array where the Email is the key for the real name $swiftMessage->setFrom(["*****@*****.**" => "Bread Basket"]); /** * attach the recipients to the message * notice this an array that can include or omit the the recipient's real name
$reply->status = 200; $reply->message = null; try { //start the session and create a XSRF token if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start(); } //verifyXsrf(); // grab the my SQL connection $pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/breadbasket.ini"); // convert POSTed JSON to an object $requestContent = file_get_contents("php://input"); $requestObject = json_decode($requestContent); // sanitize the email & search by volEmail $email = filter_var($requestObject->email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $volunteer = Volunteer::getVolunteerByVolEmail($pdo, $email); if ($volunteer !== null) { $volHash = hash_pbkdf2("sha512", $requestObject->password, $volunteer->getVolSalt(), 262144, 128); if ($volHash === $volunteer->getVolHash()) { $_SESSION["volunteer"] = $volunteer; $reply->status = 200; $reply->message = "Successfully logged in"; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("email or password is invalid", 401); } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("email or password is invalid", 401); } // create an exception to pass back to the RESTfull caller } catch (Exception $exception) { $reply->status = $exception->getCode();