/** * delete Vlan */ public function deleteVlans() { //init Vlan class $vlan = new Vlan(); //provide id $vlan->id = $this->_params['id']; //fetch results $res = $vlan->deleteVlan(); //return Vlan(s) in array format return $res; }
protected function renderVlan(Vlan $vlan, Port $port) { $display = ''; if ('' != $vlan->getName()) { $display = $vlan->getName() . ' (' . $vlan->getId() . ')'; } ?> <td rowspan="<?php echo $port->nbVlanDistant[$vlan->getId()]; ?> "><?php echo $display; ?> </td> <?php }
/** * Logs in the user using the given username and password in the model. * @return boolean whether login is successful */ public function searchResult() { $result = array(); $hosts = Host::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('id' => $this->hosts)); switch ($this->type) { case "camtable_mac": $search_table = 'camtable'; $search_field = 'mac'; break; case "camtable_vlan": $search_table = 'camtable'; $search_field = 'vlan_tag'; break; } if (count($hosts) && $search_table == 'camtable') { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $host->loadCamTable(); foreach ($host->cam_table as $row) { if ($this->exact_match) { $found = $row[$search_field] == $this->query; } else { $found = strpos($row[$search_field], $this->query) !== FALSE; } if ($found) { $hostDst = $host->getHostOnPort($row['port']); if ($this->exclude_link_ports && !empty($hostDst)) { continue; } $row['host'] = $host; $row['hostDst'] = $hostDst; $row['vlan'] = Vlan::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag' => $row['vlan_tag'])); $result[] = $row; } } } } return $result; }
/** * @see CommonDBTM::showSpecificMassiveActionsParameters() **/ function showSpecificMassiveActionsParameters($input = array()) { switch ($input['action']) { case "assign_vlan": Vlan::dropdown(); echo " " . __('Tagged') . " <input type='checkbox' name='tagged' value='1'>"; echo " <input type='submit' name='assign_vlan' class='submit' value='" . __s('Associate') . "'>"; return true; case "unassign_vlan": Vlan::dropdown(); echo " <input type='submit' name='unassign_vlan' class='submit' value='" . __s('Dissociate') . "'>"; return true; case "move_port": Dropdown::show('NetworkEquipment', array('name' => 'items_id')); echo " <input type='submit' name='move' class='submit' value=\"" . __s('Move') . "\">"; return true; default: return parent::showSpecificMassiveActionsParameters($input); } return false; }
function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if (!$withtemplate) { $nb = 0; switch ($item->getType()) { case 'NetworkPort': if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) { $nb = countElementsInTable($this->getTable(), "networkports_id = '" . $item->getID() . "'"); } return self::createTabEntry(Vlan::getTypeName(), $nb); } } return ''; }
/** Generate bigdump : generate global dropdowns **/ function generateGlobalDropdowns() { global $MAX, $DB; $items = array("CD", "CD-RW", "DVD-R", "DVD+R", "DVD-RW", "DVD+RW", "ramette papier", "disk'ette", "ZIP"); $dp = new ConsumableItemType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['consumable_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d' consommable $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("phone d'power"); $dp = new PhonePowerSupply(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['phone_power'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "power ' $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Grand", "Moyen", "Mic'ro", "1U", "5U"); $dp = new DeviceCaseType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['case_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "power ' $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Laser", "Jet d'Encre", "Encre Solide"); $dp = new CartridgeItemType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['cartridge_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d' cartouche $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Technicien", "Commercial", "Technico-Commercial", "President", "Secretaire", "Directeur d'agence"); $dp = new ContactType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contact_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d' contact $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Maintenance", "Support", "Location", "Adhesion"); $dp = new ContractType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['contract_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d' crontact $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Fournisseur", "Transporteur", "SSII", "Revendeur d'", "Assembleur", "SSLL", "Financeur", "Assureur"); $dp = new SupplierType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['enttype'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d'entreprise $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("H.07.02", "I.07.56", "P51", "P52", "1.60", "4.06", "43-4071299", "1.0.14", "3.0.1", "rev 1.0", "rev 1.1", "rev 1.2", "rev 1.2.1", "rev 2.0", "rev 3.0"); $dp = new NetworkEquipmentFirmware(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['firmware'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "firmware $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Fire'wire"); $dp = new InterfaceType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['interface'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d' disque dur $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("100 Base TX", "100 Base T4", "10 base T", "1000 Base SX", "1000 Base LX", "1000 Base T", "ATM", "802.3 10 Base 2", "IEEE 803.3 10 Base 5"); $dp = new NetworkInterface(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['iface'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type carte reseau $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Non", "Oui - generique", "Oui - specifique d'entite"); $dp = new AutoUpdateSystem(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['auto_update'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type de mise a jour '$i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Assemble", "Latitude C600", "Latitude C700", "VAIO FX601", "VAIO FX905P", "VAIO TR5MP", "L5000C", "A600K", "PowerBook G4"); $dp = new ComputerModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "Modele $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment' $val"))); } $items = array("4200 DTN", "4200 DN", "4200 N", "8400 ADP", "7300 ADP", "5550 DN", "PIXMA iP8500", "Stylus Color 3000", "DeskJet 5950"); $dp = new PrinterModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model_printers'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "modele imprimante $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("LS902UTG", "MA203DT", "P97F+SB", "G220F", "10-30-75", "PLE438S-B0S", "PLE481S-W", "L1740BQ", "L1920P", "SDM-X73H"); $dp = new MonitorModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model_monitors'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "modele moniteur $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("HP 4108GL", "HP 2524", "HP 5308", "7600", "Catalyst 4500", "Catalyst 2950", "Catalyst 3750", "Catalyst 6500"); $dp = new NetworkEquipmentModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model_networking'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "modele materiel reseau $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("DCS-2100+", "DCS-2100G", "KD-P35B", "Optical 5000", "Cordless", "ASR 600", "ASR 375", "CS21", "MX5020", "VS4121", "T3030", "T6060"); $dp = new PeripheralModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model_peripherals'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "modele peripherique $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Alcatel Temporis 22", "Aastra 5370ip", "Alcatel-Lucent 400 DECT Handset", "BlackBerry Curve 9300"); $dp = new PhoneModel(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['model_phones'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "modele phone $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment' $val"))); } $items = array("SIC", "LMS", "LMP", "LEA", "SP2MI", "STIC", "MATH", "ENS-MECA", "POUBELLE", "WIFI"); $dp = new Network(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['network'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "reseau $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Windows XP Pro SP2", "Linux (Debian)", "Mac OS X", "Linux (Mandriva 2006)", "Linux (Redhat)", "Windows 98", "Windows 2000", "Windows XP Pro SP1", "LINUX (Suse)", "Linux (Mandriva 10.2)"); $dp = new OperatingSystem(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['os'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "os $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("XP Pro", "XP Home", "10.0", "10.1", "10.2", "2006", "Sarge"); $dp = new operatingSystemVersion(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['os_version'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "osversion $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Service Pack 1", "Service Pack 2", "Service Pack 3", "Service Pack 4"); $dp = new OperatingSystemServicePack(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['os_sp'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "ossp $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("DDR2"); $dp = new DeviceMemoryType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['ram_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type de ram $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment' $val"))); } $items = array('Bureautique', 'Calcul', "logiciel d'antivirus", 'Multimédia'); $dp = new SoftwareCategory(); for ($i=0 ; $i<max(1,pow($MAX['softwarecategory'],1/2)) ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "category $i"; } $newID = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['softwarecategory'],1/2)) ; $j++) { $newID2 = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => "s-category '$j", 'comment' => "comment d' $val s-category $j", 'softwarecategories_id' => $newID))); } } $MAX['rubdocs'] = getMaxItem('glpi_softwarecategories'); $dp = new SoftwareLicenseType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['licensetype'] ; $i++) { $val = "type ' $i"; $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("SIC", "LMS", "LMP", "LEA", "SP2MI", "STIC", "MATH", "ENS-MECA", "POUBELLE", "WIFI"); $dp = new Vlan(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['vlan'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "VLAN $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'tag' => $i))); } $items = array("Portable", "Desktop", "Tour"); $dp = new ComputerType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_computers'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type ordinateur $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Laser A4", "Jet d'Encre", "Laser A3", "Encre Solide A4", "Encre Solide A3"); $dp = new PrinterType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_printers'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type d'imprimante $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("TFT 17", "TFT 19", "TFT 21", "CRT 17", "CRT 19", "CRT 21", "CRT 15"); $dp = new MonitorType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_monitors'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type ecran $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Switch", "Routeur", "Hub", "Borne Wifi", "borne d'accueil"); $dp = new NetworkEquipmentType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_networking'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type de materiel reseau '$i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Clavier", "Souris", "Webcam", "Enceintes", "Scanner", "Clef USB", "d'autres"); $dp = new PeripheralType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_peripherals'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type de peripheriques '$i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Analogique", "IP", ); $dp = new PhoneType(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['type_phones'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "type de phone $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("DELL", "HP", "IIYAMA", "CANON", "EPSON", "LEXMARK", "ASUS", "MSI"); $dp = new Manufacturer(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['manufacturer'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "manufacturer $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment '$val"))); } $items = array("Ingénieur", "Stagiaire", "Secrétaire", "ouvrier d'atelier"); $dp = new UserCategory(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['user_type'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "user type d'$i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Président", "Agent Comptable", "Directeur d'agence"); $dp = new UserTitle(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['user_title'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "user type '$i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); } $items = array("Documentation", "Facture", "Bon Livraison", "Bon commande", "Capture d'Ecran", "Dossier Technique"); $dp = new DocumentCategory(); for ($i=0 ; $i<max(1,pow($MAX['rubdocs'],1/2)) ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "category $i"; } $newID = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep(array('name' => $val, 'comment' => "comment $val"))); for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['rubdocs'],1/2)) ; $j++) { $newID2 = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('name' => "s-category '$j", 'comment' => "comment d' $val s-category $j", 'documentcategories_id' => $newID))); } } $MAX['rubdocs'] = getMaxItem('glpi_documentcategories'); $dp = new ItilCategory(); // GLobal ticket categories : also specific ones by entity for ($i=0 ; $i<max(1,pow($MAX['tracking_category'],1/3)) ; $i++) { $newID = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('name' => "category '$i", 'comment' => "comment ' category $i", 'is_recursive' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_incident' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_demand' => 1))); for ($j=0 ; $j<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['tracking_category'],1/2)) ; $j++) { $newID2 = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('name' => "s-category '$j", 'comment' => "comment 'category $i s-category $j", 'is_recursive' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_incident' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_demand' => 1, 'itilcategories_id' => $newID))); for ($k=0 ; $k<mt_rand(0,pow($MAX['tracking_category'],1/2)) ; $k++) { $newID3 = $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('name' => "ss-category' $k", 'comment' => "comment ' category $i s-category $j ss-category $k", 'is_recursive' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_incident' => 1, 'tickettemplates_id_demand' => 1, 'itilcategories_id' => $newID2))); } } } $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `glpi_itilcategories`"; $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query); regenerateTreeCompleteName("glpi_itilcategories"); $MAX['tracking_category'] = getMaxItem('glpi_itilcategories'); // DEVICE $items = array("Textorm 6A19", "ARIA", "SLK3000B-EU", "Sonata II", "TA-212", "TA-551", "TA-581", "TAC-T01", "CS-512", "Li PC-60891", "STT-TJ02S"); $dp = new DeviceCase(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "case $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'devicecasetypes_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX["case_type"]), 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer'])))); } $items = array("Escalade 8006-2LP", "Escalade 8506-4LP", "2810SA", "1210SA", "DuoConnect", "DU-420", "DUB-A2", "FastTrak SX4100B", "DC-395U", "TFU-H33PI"); $dp = new DeviceControl(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "control $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment ' $val", 'interfacetypes_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX["interface"]), 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer'])))); } $items = array("DUW1616", "DRW-1608P", "DW1625", "GSA-4160B", "GSA-4165B", "GSA-4167RBB", "SHW-16H5S", "SOHW-1673SX", "DVR-110D", "PX-716AL", "PX-755A"); $dp = new DeviceDrive(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "drive $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'is_writer' => mt_rand(0,1), 'speed' => mt_rand(0,60), 'interfacetypes_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX["interface"]), 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer'])))); } $items = array("A9250/TD", "AX550/TD", "Extreme N5900", "V9520-X/TD", "All-In-Wonder X800 GT", "GV-NX66256D", "GV-RX80256DE", "Excalibur 9600XT", "X1300 IceQ", "WinFast PX6200 TD", "Millenium 750","NX6600GT"); $dp = new DeviceGraphicCard(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "gfxcard $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment ' $val", 'interfacetypes_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX["interface"]), 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'memory_default' => 256*mt_rand(0,8)))); } $items = array("Deskstar 7K500", "Deskstar T7K250", "Atlas 15K II", "DiamondMax Plus", "SpinPoint P - SP2514N", "Barracuda 7200.9", "WD2500JS", "WD1600JB", "WD1200JD"); $dp = new DeviceHardDrive(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "hdd $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment' $val", 'interfacetypes_id' => mt_rand(0,$MAX["interface"]), 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'capacity_default' => mt_rand(0,300), 'rpm' => mt_rand(0,15000), 'cache' => 51200*mt_rand(0,10)))); } $items = array("DFE-530TX", "DFE-538TX", "PWLA8492MF", "PWLA8492MT", "USBVPN1", "GA311", "FA511", "TEG-PCBUSR", "3C996-SX", "3C996B-T", "3C905C-TX-M"); $dp = new DeviceNetworkCard(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "iface $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment' $val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'bandwidth' => mt_rand(0,1000)))); } $items = array("AW8-MAX", "NV8", "AK86-L", "P4V88", "A8N-SLI", "A8N-VM", "K8V-MX", "K8N4-E", "P5LD2", "GA-K8NE", "GA-8I945P Pro", "D945PBLL", "SE7525GP2", "865PE Neo3-F", "K8N Neo4-F", "Thunder i7520 (S5360G2NR)", "Thunder K8SR - S2881UG2NR", "Tiger K8QS Pro - S4882UG2NR", "Tomcat i875PF (S5105G2NR)"); $dp = new DeviceMotherBoard(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "moboard $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment' $val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'chipset' => 'chipset '.mt_rand(0,1000)))); } $items = array("Instant TV Cardbus", "WinTV Express", "WinTV-NOVA-S-Plus", "WinTV-NOVA-T", "WinTV-PVR-150"); $dp = new DevicePci(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "pci $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer'])))); } $items = array("DB-Killer PW335", "DB-Killer PW385", "NeoHE 380", "NeoHE 450", "Phantom 500-PEC", "TruePower 2.0 550", "Master RS-380", "EG375AX-VE-G-SFMA", "EG495AX"); $dp = new DevicePowerSupply(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "power $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'power' => mt_rand(0,500).'W', 'is_atx' => mt_rand(0,1)))); } $items = array("Athlon 64 FX-57", "Athlon 64 FX-55", "Sempron 2400+", "Sempron 2600+", "Celeron D 325", "Celeron D 330J", "Pentium 4 530J", "Pentium 4 631", "Pentium D 830", "Pentium D 920"); $dp = new DeviceProcessor(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "processor $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment' $val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'frequence' => mt_rand(1000,3000), 'frequency_default' => 1000+200*mt_rand(0,10), 'nbcores_default' => mt_rand(1,8), 'nbthreads_default' => mt_rand(1,4), ))); } $items = array("CM2X256A-5400C4", "CMX1024-3200C2", "CMXP512-3200XL", "TWIN2X1024-4300C3PRO", "KTD-DM8400/1G", "KTH8348/1G", "KTD4400/256", "D6464D30A", "KTA-G5400/512", "KVR667D2N5/1G", "KVR133X64C3/256"); $dp = new DeviceMemory(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "ram $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment' $val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'frequence' => 100*mt_rand(0,10), 'size_default' => 1024*mt_rand(0,6), 'devicememorytypes_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['ram_type'])))); } $items = array("DDTS-100", "Audigy 2 ZS Platinum", "Audigy SE", "DJ Console Mk2", "Gamesurround Muse Pocket USB", "Phase 22", "X-Fi Platinum", "Live! 24-bit", "X-Fi Elite Pro"); $dp = new DeviceSoundCard(); for ($i=0 ; $i<$MAX['device'] ; $i++) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $val = $items[$i]; } else { $val = "sndcard $i"; } $dp->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('designation' => $val, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'comment' => "comment '$val", 'manufacturers_id' => mt_rand(1,$MAX['manufacturer']), 'type' => 'type '.mt_rand(0,100)))); } } // Fin generation global dropdowns
/** * Get netwok ports for an object * for an authenticated user * * @param $protocol the commonication protocol used * @param $item_type : type of the item * @param $item_id : ID of the item * @param $id2name : translate id of dropdown to name * **/ static function getItemNetworkports($protocol, $item_type, $item_id, $id2name = false) { global $DB; $item = new $item_type(); $resp = array(); if ($item->getFromDB($item_id) && $item->canView()) { //Get all ports for the object $ports = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_networkports', "`itemtype`='{$item_type}' AND `items_id`='{$item_id}'"); foreach ($ports as $port) { if ($id2name) { if ($port['networkinterfaces_id'] > 0) { $port['networkinterfaces_name'] = Html::clean(Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_networkinterfaces', $port['networkinterfaces_id'])); } } if ($port['netpoints_id'] > 0) { //Get netpoint informations $netpoint = new Netpoint(); $netpoint->getFromDB($port['netpoints_id']); if ($id2name) { $netpoint->fields['location_name'] = Html::clean(Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_locations', $netpoint->fields['locations_id'])); } $port['netpoints'][$netpoint->fields['id']] = $netpoint->fields; } //Get VLANS $vlan = new NetworkPort_Vlan(); $tmp = new Vlan(); foreach ($vlan->getVlansForNetworkPort($port['id']) as $vlans_id) { $tmp->getFromDB($vlans_id); $port['vlans'][$tmp->fields['id']] = $tmp->fields; } $resp[$port['id']] = $port; } } return $resp; }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $tag the Tag of the VLAN to be loaded * @return Vlan the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModelByTag($tag) { $model = Vlan::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag' => $tag)); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/** * Displays connections of Host. */ public function actionCamTable() { try { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $model = $this->loadModel((int) $_GET['id']); } else { if (isset($_GET['name'])) { $model = $this->loadModelByName((string) $_GET['name']); } } $model->loadCamTable(); // TODO: associar roteadores aos switches para pegar a // tabela ARP dos gateways da rede // $gateway = Host::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->params['hostGatewayId']); $cam_table = array(); foreach ($model->cam_table as $ctItem) { $mac = $ctItem['mac']; $ctItem['host'] = $ctItem['mac'] ? Host::model()->findByAttributes(array('mac' => $mac)) : null; if (!$ctItem['host'] instanceof Host) { $ip = $gateway instanceof Host ? $gateway->getIpInArpTable($mac) : null; if ($ip) { $ctItem['host'] = new Host(); $ctItem['host']->mac = $mac; $ctItem['host']->ip = $ip; $ctItem['host']->name = $ip ? $ip : $mac; } } $ctItem['host_dst'] = $ctItem['host'] instanceof Host ? $model->getHostOnPort($ctItem['port']) : null; $ctItem['vlan'] = Vlan::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag' => $ctItem['vlan_tag'])); if (!$ctItem['vlan'] instanceof Vlan) { $ctItem['vlan'] = new Vlan(); $ctItem['vlan']->tag = $ctItem['vlan_tag']; } $cam_table[] = $ctItem; } $this->render('camTable', array('model' => $model, 'cam_table' => $cam_table)); } catch (CHttpException $e) { if (isset($_GET['name'])) { $name = (string) trim($_GET['name']); $this->render('addHostNotFound', array('name' => $name)); } else { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } } }
public function actionListHosts() { $this->layout = '//layouts/json'; try { if (isset($_GET['hostId'])) { $hostId = (int) $_GET['hostId']; // get root host // $rootHost = $hosts[] = Host::model()->findbyPk($hostId); // get connections $hostConnections = $rootHost->getConnections(); // get host from connections foreach ($hostConnections as $hosts_conn) { array_push($hosts, $hosts_conn->hostDst); } // in switches, get hosts by CAM table if ($rootHost->type == Host::TYPE_SWITCH) { $rootHost->loadCamTable(); // TODO: associar roteadores aos switches para pegar a // tabela ARP dos gateways da rede // $gateway = Host::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->params['hostGatewayId']); // $arpTable = array(); foreach ($rootHost->cam_table as $k => $camHost) { // se existir conexao cadastrada para a porta, ignore o host // TODO: usar tipo do link==backbone $hostOnPort = $rootHost->getHostOnPort($camHost['port']); if ($hostOnPort instanceof Host && $hostOnPort->type != Host::TYPE_UNKNOWN) { continue; } // havendo 2 ou + hosts numa porta sem conexao cadastrada, criar 'hub virtual' $port = $camHost['port']; $portLabelPrefix = 'port_'; if ($port == $rootHost->cam_table[$k + 1]['port'] || $sourcePort == $portLabelPrefix . $port) { $sourcePort = $portLabelPrefix . $port; if (!isset($virtualHost[$sourcePort])) { $virtualHost[$sourcePort] = new Host(); $virtualHost[$sourcePort]->name = $sourcePort; $virtualHost[$sourcePort]->type = Host::TYPE_SUPPOSED_HUB; array_push($hosts, $virtualHost[$sourcePort]); $virtualConn[$sourcePort] = new Connection(); $virtualConn[$sourcePort]->hostSrc = $rootHost; $virtualConn[$sourcePort]->hostDst = $virtualHost[$sourcePort]; $virtualConn[$sourcePort]->host_src_port = $camHost['port']; $virtualConn[$sourcePort]->type = Connection::TYPE_SUPPOSED_LINK; // TODO: especificar tipo do link array_push($hostConnections, $virtualConn[$sourcePort]); } } else { unset($sourcePort); } // host $host = Host::model()->findByAttributes(array('mac' => $camHost['mac'])); if ($host instanceof Host) { $h = $host; } else { $h = new Host(); $h->mac = $camHost['mac']; $h->ip = $gateway instanceof Host ? $gateway->getIpInArpTable($camHost['mac']) : null; $h->name = $h->ip ? $h->ip : $h->mac; $h->setTypeByMAC(); } array_push($hosts, $h); // connection $c = new Connection(); $c->hostSrc = $virtualHost[$sourcePort] ? $virtualHost[$sourcePort] : $rootHost; $c->hostDst = $h; $c->host_src_port = $camHost['port']; $c->type = Connection::TYPE_UNKNOWN; // vlan $c->vlan = Vlan::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag' => $camHost['vlan_tag'])); if (!$c->vlan instanceof Vlan) { $c->vlan = new Vlan(); $c->vlan->tag = $camHost['vlan_tag']; } array_push($hostConnections, $c); } } } else { $hosts = Host::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id')); $hostConnections = Connection::model()->findAll(); } $this->render('listHosts', array('hosts' => $hosts, 'hostConnections' => $hostConnections)); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->render('error', array('error' => "listHosts error:" . $exc->getMessage())); } }
function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if (!$withtemplate) { switch ($item->getType()) { case 'IPNetwork': if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) { return self::createTabEntry(Vlan::getTypeName(), countElementsInTable($this->getTable(), "ipnetworks_id\n = '" . $item->getID() . "'")); } return Vlan::getTypeName(); } } return ''; }
/** * Display detail networkport based on glpi core networkport and fusioninventory * networkport * * @param array $data with id ant fusionid * @param boolean $monitoring true if monitoring installed && actived * @param boolean $aggrega true if this port is aggregate port * * @return nothing */ function showNetworkPortDetail($data, $monitoring, $aggrega = 0) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $nw = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $pfNetworkPort = new PluginFusioninventoryNetworkPort(); $iPAddress = new IPAddress(); $networkPort->getFromDB($data['id']); $pfNetworkPort->getFromDB($data['fusionid']); $background_img = ""; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["trunk"] == "1" && (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "up") || $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"] == 1)) { $background_img = " style='background-image: url(\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/port_trunk.png\"); '"; } else { if (PluginFusioninventoryNetworkPort::isPortHasMultipleMac($data['id']) && (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "up") || $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"] == 1)) { $background_img = " style='background-image: url(\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/multiple_mac_addresses.png\"); '"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "up") || $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"] == 1) { $background_img = " style='background-image: url(\"" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/connected_trunk.png\"); '"; } } } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 center' height='40'" . $background_img . ">"; if ($aggrega) { echo "<td style='background-color: #f2f2f2;'></td><td>"; } if (!$aggrega) { if ($networkPort->fields['instantiation_type'] == 'NetworkPortAggregate') { echo "<td>"; } else { echo "<td colspan='2'>"; } } echo "<a href='networkport.form.php?id=" . $networkPort->fields["id"] . "'>" . $networkPort->fields["name"] . "</a>"; Html::showToolTip($pfNetworkPort->fields['ifdescr']); if (!$aggrega) { if ($networkPort->fields['instantiation_type'] == 'NetworkPortAggregate') { echo "<td><i><font style='color: grey'>" . __('Aggregation port') . "</font></i></td>"; } } if ($monitoring == '1') { echo "<td>"; $state = PluginMonitoringNetworkport::isMonitoredNetworkport($data['id']); if (Session::haveRight("plugin_monitoring_componentscatalog", UPDATE)) { $checked = ''; if ($state) { $checked = 'checked'; } echo "<input type='checkbox' name='networkports_id[]' value='" . $data['id'] . "' " . $checked . "/>"; } else { if (Session::haveRight("plugin_monitoring_componentscatalog", READ)) { echo Dropdown::getYesNo($state); } } echo "</td>"; } $a_pref = DisplayPreference::getForTypeUser('PluginFusioninventoryNetworkport', Session::getLoginUserID()); foreach ($a_pref as $data_array) { switch ($data_array) { case 3: echo "<td>" . $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifmtu"] . "</td>"; break; case 5: echo "<td>" . $this->byteSize($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifspeed"], 1000) . "bps</td>"; break; case 6: echo "<td>"; if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "up") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinternalstatus"], "1")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/pics/greenbutton.png'/>"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "down") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinternalstatus"], "2")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/pics/redbutton.png'/>"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "testing") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinternalstatus"], "3")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/yellowbutton.png'/>"; } } } echo "</td>"; break; case 7: echo "<td>" . $pfNetworkPort->fields["iflastchange"] . "</td>"; break; case 8: echo "<td>"; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinoctets"] == "0") { echo "-"; } else { echo $this->byteSize($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinoctets"], 1000) . "o"; } echo " / "; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinoctets"] == "0") { echo "-"; } else { echo $this->byteSize($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifoutoctets"], 1000) . "o"; } echo "</td>"; break; case 9: $color = ''; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinerrors"] != "0" || $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifouterrors"] != "0") { $color = "background='#cf9b9b' class='tab_bg_1_2'"; } if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinerrors"] == "0") { echo "<td " . $color . ">-"; } else { echo "<td " . $color . ">"; echo $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifinerrors"]; } echo " / "; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifouterrors"] == "0") { echo "-"; } else { echo $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifouterrors"]; } echo "</td>"; break; case 10: if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["portduplex"] == 2) { echo "<td background='#cf9b9b' class='tab_bg_1_2'>"; echo __('Half', 'fusioninventory'); echo '</td>'; } else { if ($pfNetworkPort->fields["portduplex"] == 3) { echo '<td>'; echo __('Full', 'fusioninventory'); echo '</td>'; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } } break; case 11: // ** internal mac echo "<td>" . $networkPort->fields["mac"] . "</td>"; break; case 13: // ** Mac address and link to device which are connected to this port $opposite_port = $nw->getOppositeContact($data["id"]); if ($opposite_port != "" && $opposite_port != 0) { $networkPortOpposite = new NetworkPort(); if ($networkPortOpposite->getFromDB($opposite_port)) { $data_device = $networkPortOpposite->fields; $item = new $data_device["itemtype"](); $item->getFromDB($data_device["items_id"]); $link1 = $item->getLink(1); $link = str_replace($item->getName(0), $data_device["mac"], $item->getLink()); // * GetIP $a_networknames = current($networkName->find("`itemtype`='NetworkPort'\n AND `items_id`='" . $item->getID() . "'", "", 1)); $a_ipaddresses = current($iPAddress->find("`itemtype`='NetworkName'\n AND `items_id`='" . $a_networknames['id'] . "'", "", 1)); $link2 = str_replace($item->getName(0), $a_ipaddresses['name'], $item->getLink()); if ($data_device["itemtype"] == 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged') { $icon = $this->getItemtypeIcon($item->fields["item_type"]); if ($item->getField("accepted") == "1") { echo "<td style='background:#bfec75'\n class='tab_bg_1_2'>" . $icon . $link1; } else { echo "<td background='#cf9b9b'\n class='tab_bg_1_2'>" . $icon . $link1; } if (!empty($link)) { echo "<br/>" . $link; } if (!empty($link2)) { echo "<br/>" . $link2; } if ($item->getField("hub") == "1") { $this->displayHubConnections($data_device["items_id"], $background_img); } echo "</td>"; } else { $icon = $this->getItemtypeIcon($data_device["itemtype"]); echo "<td>" . $icon . $link1; if (!empty($link)) { echo "<br/>" . $link; } if (!empty($link2)) { echo "<br/>" . $link2; } if ($data_device["itemtype"] == 'Phone') { $query_devicephone = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `itemtype`='Phone'\n AND `items_id`='" . $data_device["items_id"] . "'\n AND `id`!='" . $data_device["id"] . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $result_devicephone = $DB->query($query_devicephone); if ($DB->numrows($result_devicephone) > 0) { $data_devicephone = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_devicephone); $computer_ports_id = $nw->getOppositeContact($data_devicephone["id"]); if ($computer_ports_id) { $networkport = new NetworkPort(); $networkport->getFromDB($computer_ports_id); if ($networkport->fields['itemtype'] == 'Computer') { echo "<hr/>"; echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/computer_icon.png' " . "style='float:left'/> "; $computer = new Computer(); $computer->getFromDB($networkport->fields["items_id"]); $link1 = $computer->getLink(1); $link = str_replace($computer->getName(0), $networkport->fields["mac"], $computer->getLink()); $link2 = str_replace($computer->getName(0), $networkport->fields["ip"], $computer->getLink()); echo $icon . $link1; if (!empty($link)) { echo "<br/>" . $link; } if (!empty($link2)) { echo "<br/>" . $link2; } } } } } echo "</td>"; } } else { echo "<td></td>"; } } else { echo "<td></td>"; } break; case 14: // ** Connection status echo "<td>"; if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "up") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "1")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/wired_on.png'/>"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "down") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "2")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/wired_off.png'/>"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "testing") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "3")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/yellowbutton.png'/>"; } else { if (strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "dormant") || strstr($pfNetworkPort->fields["ifstatus"], "5")) { echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/orangebutton.png'/>"; } } } } echo "</td>"; break; case 12: echo "<td>"; $canedit = Session::haveRight('networking', UPDATE); $used = array(); $query_vlan = "SELECT * FROM glpi_networkports_vlans\n WHERE networkports_id='" . $data["id"] . "'"; $result_vlan = $DB->query($query_vlan); if ($DB->numrows($result_vlan) > 0) { echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; while ($line = $DB->fetch_array($result_vlan)) { $used[] = $line["vlans_id"]; $vlan = new Vlan(); $vlan->getFromDB($line["vlans_id"]); if ($line['tagged'] == '1') { $state = 'T'; } else { $state = 'U'; } echo "<tr><td>" . $vlan->fields['name'] . " [" . $vlan->fields['tag'] . "] " . $state; echo "</td><td>"; if ($canedit) { echo "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/networkport.form.php?unassign_vlan=unassigned&id=" . $line["id"] . "'>"; echo "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/delete.png\" alt='" . __('Delete', 'fusioninventory') . "' title='" . __('Delete', 'fusioninventory') . "'></a>"; } else { echo " "; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } else { echo " "; } echo "</td>"; break; case 15: echo "<td align='center'>"; if ($pfNetworkPort->fields['ifstatus'] == 1) { echo __('Connected'); } else { if ($pfNetworkPort->fields['lastup'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { echo '-'; } else { $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($pfNetworkPort->fields['lastup']); echo Html::timestampToString($time, FALSE); } } echo "</td>"; break; case 16: echo "<td>" . $pfNetworkPort->fields["ifalias"] . "</td>"; break; } } echo "</tr>"; }
function showForm($ID, $options = array()) { $this->initForm($ID, $options); $this->showTabs($options); $this->showFormHeader($options); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . __('Name') . "</td>"; echo "<td>"; Html::autocompletionTextField($this, "name"); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . __('State') . "</td><td>"; State::dropdown(array('name' => "states_id", 'value' => $this->fields["states_id"])); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . __('Location') . "</td><td>"; $this->dropdownLocation($this, $ID); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . __('Group') . "</td><td>"; Group::dropdown(array('name' => "groups_id", 'value' => $this->fields["groups_id"], 'entity' => $this->fields["entities_id"])); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . __('Childs', 'archires') . "</td>"; echo "<td>"; Dropdown::showYesNo("child", $this->fields["child"]); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . __('VLAN') . "</td><td>"; Vlan::dropdown(array('name' => "vlans_id", 'value' => $this->fields["vlans_id"])); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . __('Network') . "</td><td>"; Network::dropdown(array('name' => "networks_id", 'value' => $this->fields["networks_id"])); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . PluginArchiresView::getTypeName(1) . "</td><td>"; //View Dropdown::show('PluginArchiresView', array('name' => "plugin_archires_views_id", 'value' => $this->fields["plugin_archires_views_id"])); echo "</td></tr>"; $this->showFormButtons($options); $this->addDivForTabs(); return true; }
function addVlan($a_vlan, $networkports_id) { $networkPort_Vlan = new NetworkPort_Vlan(); $vlan = new Vlan(); $db_vlans = $vlan->find("`tag`='" . $a_vlan['tag'] . "' AND `name`='" . $a_vlan['name'] . "'", "", 1); $vlans_id = 0; if (count($db_vlans) > 0) { $db_vlan = current($db_vlans); $vlans_id = $db_vlan['id']; } else { $input = array(); $input['tag'] = $a_vlan['tag']; $input['name'] = $a_vlan['name']; $vlans_id = $vlan->add($input); } $input = array(); $input['networkports_id'] = $networkports_id; $input['vlans_id'] = $vlans_id; $networkPort_Vlan->add($input); }