Ejemplo n.º 1
require_once '../vimeo.php';
if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
    throw new Exception('We could not find json_decode. json_decode is found in php 5.2 and up, but not found on many linux systems due to licensing conflicts. If you are running ubuntu try "sudo apt-get install php5-json".');
$config = json_decode(file_get_contents('./config.json'), true);
if (empty($config['access_token'])) {
    throw new Exception('You can not upload a file without an access token. You can find this token on your app page, or generate one using auth.php');
$lib = new Vimeo($config['client_id'], $config['client_secret'], $config['access_token']);
// VOD film example
// Create a new vod page
$create_vod_film = $lib->request('/me/ondemand/pages', array('name' => 'myfilm', 'type' => 'film', 'content_rating' => 'safe', 'link' => 'myfilm', 'dommain_link' => 'myfilm', 'rent' => array('active' => true, 'price' => array('USD' => 5.0), 'period' => '24 hour'), 'buy' => array('active' => true, 'price' => array('USD' => 10.0))), 'POST');
// Set a Genre
$genre = $lib->request('/ondemand/pages/myfilm/genres/art', array(), 'PUT');
// Add a video
$uri = $lib->upload('myvideo.mp4');
$video_data = $lib->request($uri);
$film_video = $lib->request('/ondemand/pages/myfilm' . $video_data['body']['uri'], array('type' => 'main'), 'PUT');
// Add a trailer
$uri = $lib->upload('mytrailer.mp4');
$video_data = $lib->request($uri);
$film_trailer = $lib->request('/ondemand/pages/myfilm' . $video_data['body']['uri'], array('type' => 'trailer'), 'PUT');
// Check to make sure the new video and trailer has been added to the vod page properly
$check_video = $lib->request('/ondemand/pages/myfilm/videos', array('filter' => 'all', 'sort' => 'default'));
// Add a poster to our vod page
$response = $lib->uploadImage('/ondemand/pages/myfilm/pictures', './test.png');
$poster = $lib->request($response, array('active' => true), 'PATCH');
// Publish our new vod page - You can only publish after you all videos for your film have finished transcoding
//$publish_video = $lib->request('/ondemand/pages/myfilm', array('publish' => array('active' => true)), 'PATCH');
Ejemplo n.º 2
if (empty($config['access_token'])) {
    throw new Exception('You can not upload a file without an access token. You can find this token on your app page, or generate one using auth.php');
$lib = new Vimeo($config['client_id'], $config['client_secret'], $config['access_token']);
//  Get the args from the command line to see what files to upload.
$files = $argv;
//   Keep track of what we have uploaded.
$uploaded = array();
//  Send the files to the upload script.
foreach ($files as $file_name) {
    //  Update progress.
    print 'Uploading ' . $file_name . "\n";
    try {
        //  Send this to the API library.
        $uri = $lib->upload($file_name);
        //  Now that we know where it is in the API, let's get the info about it so we can find the link.
        $video_data = $lib->request($uri);
        //  Pull the link out of successful data responses.
        $link = '';
        if ($video_data['status'] == 200) {
            $link = $video_data['body']['link'];
        //  Store this in our array of complete videos.
        $uploaded[] = array('file' => $file_name, 'api_video_uri' => $uri, 'link' => $link);
    } catch (VimeoUploadException $e) {
        //  We may have had an error.  We can't resolve it here necessarily, so report it to the user.
        print 'Error uploading ' . $file_name . "\n";
        print 'Server reported: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";