static function purge($urlArr) { $caller = self::getPurgeCaller(); wfDebug("Purging backtrace: " . wfGetAllCallers(false) . "\n"); // Filter urls into buckets based on service backend $buckets = array_reduce($urlArr, function ($carry, $item) use($caller) { global $wgPurgeVignetteUsingSurrogateKeys; wfDebug("Purging URL {$item} from {$caller} via Celery\n"); if (isset($wgPurgeVignetteUsingSurrogateKeys) && VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($item)) { $carry['vignette'][] = $item; } elseif (strstr($item, 'MercuryApi') !== false) { $carry['mercury'][] = $item; $carry['mediawiki'][] = $item; // TODO: we can remove this when mercury is only using internal cache } else { $carry['mediawiki'][] = $item; } return $carry; }, array('mediawiki' => [], 'vignette' => [], 'mercury' => [])); if (empty(CeleryPurge::$buckets)) { CeleryPurge::$buckets = $buckets; } else { CeleryPurge::$buckets = array_merge_recursive(CeleryPurge::$buckets, $buckets); } }
/** * @param string $vignetteResult * @param string $legacyDefinition * @dataProvider legacyThumbDefinitions */ public function testApplyLegacyThumbDefinition($vignetteResult, $legacyDefinition) { $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgVignetteUrl', $this->vignetteUrl); $baseUrl = "{$this->vignetteUrl}/tests/images/a/ab/filename.jpg/revision/latest"; $generator = VignetteRequest::fromConfigMap(['relative-path' => 'a/ab/filename.jpg', 'bucket' => 'tests', 'timestamp' => '123', 'domain-shard-count' => 1]); $actual = VignetteRequest::applyLegacyThumbDefinition($generator, $legacyDefinition)->url(); $this->assertEquals("{$baseUrl}/{$vignetteResult}", $actual); }
/** * Get a URL to access the thumbnail * This is required because the model of how files work requires that * the thumbnail urls be predictable. However, in our model the URL is not based on the filename * (that's hidden in the db) * Wikia change: * Use our external thumbnailer for UploadStashFiles * We need to look into temp directory while upload stash is saving file there * * @param String $suffix string that will be added at the end of path * @return String: URL to access thumbnail, or URL with partial path */ public function getThumbUrl($suffix = false) { global $wgEnableVignette; if ($wgEnableVignette) { $generator = VignetteRequest::applyLegacyThumbDefinition($this->getUrlGenerator(), $suffix); $path = $generator->url(); } else { $path = $this->repo->getZoneUrl('thumb') . '/temp/' . $this->getUrlRel(); if ($suffix !== false) { $path .= '/' . rawurlencode($suffix); } } return $path; }
public function build() { if (!$this->parseUrl()) { $this->reportError('unable to parse url'); } $isArchive = $this->urlParts['revision'] != \Wikia\Vignette\UrlGenerator::REVISION_LATEST; if ($isArchive) { $this->timestamp = $this->urlParts['revision']; } $generator = VignetteRequest::fromConfigMap(['bucket' => $this->urlParts['bucket'], 'relative-path' => $this->urlParts['relativePath'], 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'path-prefix' => $this->pathPrefix, 'is-archive' => $isArchive]); if (!$this->asOriginal && isset($this->urlParts['thumbnailDefinition'])) { $this->addThumbDefinition($generator); } return $generator; }
/** * Adds extra variables to the page config. */ public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript(array &$vars, OutputPage $out) { global $wgMaxUploadSize, $wgEnableVisualEditorUI, $wgEnableWikiaInteractiveMaps, $wgIntMapConfig, $wgUser, $wgUploadPath, $wgReCaptchaPublicKey; $vars['wgMaxUploadSize'] = $wgMaxUploadSize; $vars['wgEnableVisualEditorUI'] = !empty($wgEnableVisualEditorUI); $vars['wgEnableWikiaInteractiveMaps'] = !empty($wgEnableWikiaInteractiveMaps); if (!empty($wgIntMapConfig)) { $vars['interactiveMapsApiURL'] = $wgIntMapConfig['protocol'] . '://' . $wgIntMapConfig['hostname'] . ':' . $wgIntMapConfig['port'] . '/api/' . $wgIntMapConfig['version']; } // Note: even if set as integer, option value is retrieved as string if ($wgUser->getGlobalPreference('showVisualEditorTransitionDialog') === '1') { $vars['showVisualEditorTransitionDialog'] = 1; } $vars['VignettePathPrefix'] = VignetteRequest::parsePathPrefix($wgUploadPath); $vars['reCaptchaPublicKey'] = $wgReCaptchaPublicKey; return true; }
public function __construct(WebRequest $request) { global $IP; parent::__construct($request); // TODO: the background image shouldn't be passed as the url - we should pass a File reference and derive ourselves if (isset($this->mParams['background-image']) && VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($this->mParams['background-image']) && isset($this->mParams['path-prefix'])) { $connector = strpos($this->mParams['background-image'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; $this->mParams['background-image'] .= "{$connector}path-prefix={$this->mParams['path-prefix']}"; } if (strpos($this->mOid, '..') !== false) { throw new Exception('File path must not contain \'..\'.'); } if (!endsWith($this->mOid, '.scss', false)) { throw new Exception('Requested file must be .scss.'); } //remove slashes at the beginning of the string, we need a pure relative path to open the file $this->mOid = preg_replace('/^[\\/]+/', '', $this->mOid); if (!file_exists("{$IP}/{$this->mOid}")) { throw new Exception("File {$this->mOid} does not exist!"); } $this->mContentType = AssetsManager::TYPE_CSS; }
/** * Get wiki background full, up-to-date URL * * This method returns URL based on "background-image" and performs URL rewrite * for migrated wikis with short Swift bucket name * * @see $wgUploadPath - "" * * @author macbre * @return string background URL or empty string if not found */ public function getBackgroundUrl() { global $wgUploadPath; $backgroundUrl = $this->getSettings()['background-image']; if (!VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($backgroundUrl)) { if (empty($backgroundUrl)) { return $backgroundUrl; } $backgroundPath = explode('/images/', $backgroundUrl)[0]; if (!empty($wordmarkPath)) { $backgroundUrl = str_replace($backgroundPath . '/images', $wgUploadPath, $backgroundUrl); } $backgroundUrl = wfReplaceImageServer($backgroundUrl, SassUtil::getCacheBuster()); } return $backgroundUrl; }
/** * make an image if it's allowed, either through the global * option, through the exception, or through the on-wiki whitelist * @private * * $param $url string * * @return string */ function maybeMakeExternalImage($url) { global $wgAllowExternalWhitelistImages; # wikia $imagesfrom = $this->mOptions->getAllowExternalImagesFrom(); $imagesexception = !empty($imagesfrom); $isValidImageUrl = VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($url) || preg_match(self::EXT_IMAGE_REGEX, $url); $text = false; # $imagesfrom could be either a single string or an array of strings, parse out the latter if ($imagesexception && is_array($imagesfrom)) { $imagematch = false; foreach ($imagesfrom as $match) { if (strpos($url, $match) === 0) { $imagematch = true; break; } } } elseif ($imagesexception) { $imagematch = strpos($url, $imagesfrom) === 0; } else { $imagematch = false; } if ($this->mOptions->getAllowExternalImages() || !empty($wgAllowExternalWhitelistImages) && wfRunHooks('outputMakeExternalImage', array(&$url)) || $imagesexception && $imagematch) { if ($isValidImageUrl) { # Image found $text = Linker::makeExternalImage($url); } } if (!$text && $this->mOptions->getEnableImageWhitelist() && $isValidImageUrl) { $whitelist = explode("\n", wfMsgForContent('external_image_whitelist')); foreach ($whitelist as $entry) { # Sanitize the regex fragment, make it case-insensitive, ignore blank entries/comments if (strpos($entry, '#') === 0 || $entry === '') { continue; } if (preg_match('/' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $entry) . '/i', $url)) { # Image matches a whitelist entry $text = Linker::makeExternalImage($url); break; } } } return $text; }
private function createVignetteThumbnail($file, $cropPosition) { return VignetteRequest::fromUrl($file->getFullUrl())->windowCrop()->width(self::WIKI_HERO_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH)->xOffset(0)->yOffset(round($file->getHeight() * $cropPosition))->windowWidth($file->getWidth())->windowHeight(round($file->getWidth() / 4))->url(); }
/** * @desc Checks if given URL is pointing to our external thumbnail service. * * @param String $url url to test * * @return boolean */ public static function IsExternalThumbnailUrl($url) { return VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($url) || strpos($url, '/images/thumb/') !== false; }
/** * @return \Wikia\Vignette\UrlGenerator object */ public function getUrlGenerator() { return VignetteRequest::fromConfigMap(['is-archive' => false, 'timestamp' => $this->getTimestamp(), 'relative-path' => $this->getUrlRel(), 'bucket' => $this->getBucket(), 'path-prefix' => $this->getPathPrefix()]); }
private static function buildVignetteUrl($width, $bucket, $relativePath, $timestamp, $avatarImageType = true) { $config = ['bucket' => $bucket, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'relative-path' => $relativePath]; $avatar = VignetteRequest::fromConfigMap($config)->scaleToWidth($width); if (intval($width) > self::PERFORMANCE_JPEG_THRESHOLD) { $avatar->jpg(); } if ($avatarImageType) { $avatar->avatar(); } return $avatar->url(); }
/** * Get the Vignette\UrlGenerator for this file. * * @return \Wikia\Vignette\UrlGenerator * */ public function getUrlGenerator() { $timestamp = $this->isOld() ? $this->getArchiveTimestamp() : $this->getTimestamp(); return VignetteRequest::fromConfigMap(['is-archive' => $this->isOld(), 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'relative-path' => $this->getHashPath() . rawurlencode($this->getName()), 'bucket' => $this->getBucket(), 'path-prefix' => $this->getPathPrefix()]); }
function getPathPrefix() { $wikiDbName = $this->repo->getDBName(); $wikiId = WikiFactory::DBtoID($wikiDbName); $wikiUploadPath = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgUploadPath', $wikiId); return VignetteRequest::parsePathPrefix($wikiUploadPath); }
/** * Returns the filename part of an url. * Used as alternative text for external images. * * @param $url string * * @return string */ private static function fnamePart($url) { if (VignetteRequest::isVignetteUrl($url)) { $basename = VignetteRequest::getImageFilename($url); if ($basename) { return $basename; } } $basename = strrchr($url, '/'); if (false === $basename) { $basename = $url; } else { $basename = substr($basename, 1); } return $basename; }