Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function run()
     $cfg = new Config();
     $pNum = (int) $cfg->get('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM');
     $pNum = $pNum < 0 ? 1 : $pNum + 1;
     $pl = new PageList();
     /* probably want to keep a record of pages that have been gone through 
      * so you don't start from the beginning each time..
     $pages = $pl->getPage($pNum);
     if (!count($pages)) {
         $cfg->save('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM', 0);
         return t("All pages have been processed, starting from beginning on next run.");
     $versionCount = 0;
     $pagesAffected = array();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         if ($page instanceof Page) {
             $pvl = new VersionList($page);
             $pagesAffected[] = $page->getCollectionID();
             foreach (array_slice(array_reverse($pvl->getVersionListArray()), 10) as $v) {
                 if ($v instanceof CollectionVersion && !$v->isApproved() && !$v->isMostRecent()) {
     $pageCount = count($pagesAffected);
     $cfg->save('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM', $pNum);
     //i18n: %1$d is the number of versions deleted, %2$d is the number of affected pages, %3$d is the number of times that the Remove Old Page Versions job has been executed.
     return t2('%1$d versions deleted from %2$d page (%3$d)', '%1$d versions deleted from %2$d pages (%3$s)', $pageCount, $versionCount, $pageCount, implode(',', $pagesAffected));
 public function run()
     //$u = new User();
     //if(!$u->isSuperUser()) { die(t("Access Denied."));} // cheap security check...
     $cfg = new Config();
     $pl = new PageList();
     $pNum = $cfg->get('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM');
     if ($pNum <= 0) {
         $cfg->save('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM', 0);
     /* probably want to keep a record of pages that have been gone through 
      * so you don't start from the beginning each time..
     $pNum = $pNum + 1;
     $pages = $pl->getPage($pNum);
     $cfg->save('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM', $pNum);
     $pageCount = 0;
     $versionCount = 0;
     if (count($pages) == 0) {
         $cfg->save('OLD_VERSION_JOB_PAGE_NUM', 0);
         return t("All pages have been processes, starting from beginning on next run.");
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         if ($page instanceof Page) {
             $pvl = new VersionList($page);
             $versions = $pvl->getVersionListArray();
             $versions = array_reverse($versions);
             $vCount = count($versions);
             if ($vCount <= 10) {
             $stopAt = $vCount - 10;
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($versions as $v) {
                 if ($v instanceof CollectionVersion) {
                     if ($v->isApproved() || $v->isMostRecent()) {
                         // may want to add a date check here too
                     } else {
                 if ($i >= $stopAt) {
     $pages = $pageCount == 1 ? t("Page") : t("Pages");
     return $versionCount . " " . t("versions deleted from") . " " . $pageCount . " " . $pages . " (" . $pNum . ")";
                    } else {
                        // we only get this response if we have skipped workflows and jumped straight in to an approve() step.
                        header("Location: " . REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED . "/versions.php?forcereload=1&cID=" . $cID . "&cvID=" . $_GET['cvID']);
    if (!$page) {
        $page = 1;
    $vl = new VersionList($c, 20, $page);
    $total = $vl->getVersionListCount();
    $vArray = $vl->getVersionListArray();
    $ph = Loader::helper('pagination');
    $ph->init($page, $total, '', 20, 'ccm_goToVersionPage');
if (!$_GET['versions_reloaded']) {
	<div id="ccm-versions-container">
    if ($_REQUEST['deferred']) {
		<div class="alert alert-info">
        echo t('<strong>Request Saved.</strong> You must complete the workflow before this change is active.');
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public function delete() {
			if ($this->cID > 0) {
				$db = Loader::db();
				// First we delete all versions
				$vl = new VersionList($this);
				$vlArray = $vl->getVersionListArray();
				foreach($vlArray as $v) {
				$cID = $this->getCollectionID();
				$q = "delete from CollectionAttributeValues where cID = {$cID}";

				$q = "delete from Collections where cID = '{$cID}'";
				$r = $db->query($q);