Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param String $password
  * @param Member $member
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function validate($password, $member)
     $valid = new ValidationResult();
     if ($this->minLength) {
         if (strlen($password) < $this->minLength) {
             $valid->error(sprintf("Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long.", $this->minLength), "TOO_SHORT");
     if ($this->minScore) {
         $score = 0;
         $missedTests = array();
         foreach ($this->testNames as $name) {
             if (preg_match(self::$character_strength_tests[$name], $password)) {
             } else {
                 $missedTests[] = $name;
         if ($score < $this->minScore) {
             $valid->error("You need to increase the strength of your passwords by adding some of the following characters: " . implode(", ", $missedTests), "LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH");
     if ($this->historicalPasswordCount) {
         $previousPasswords = DataObject::get("MemberPassword", "\"MemberID\" = {$member->ID}", "\"Created\" DESC, \"ID\" Desc", "", $this->historicalPasswordCount);
         if ($previousPasswords) {
             foreach ($previousPasswords as $previousPasswords) {
                 if ($previousPasswords->checkPassword($password)) {
                     $valid->error("You've already used that password in the past, please choose a new password", "PREVIOUS_PASSWORD");
     return $valid;
  * Create member account from data array.
  * Data must contain unique identifier.
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @param $data - map of member data
  * @return Member|boolean - new member (not saved to db), or false if there is an error.
 public function create($data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (!Checkout::member_creation_enabled()) {
         $result->error(_t("Checkout.MEMBERSHIPSNOTALLOWED", "Creating new memberships is not allowed"));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     $idfield = Config::inst()->get('Member', 'unique_identifier_field');
     if (!isset($data[$idfield]) || empty($data[$idfield])) {
         $result->error(sprintf(_t("Checkout.IDFIELDNOTFOUND", "Required field not found: %s"), $idfield));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     if (!isset($data['Password']) || empty($data['Password'])) {
         $result->error(_t("Checkout.PASSWORDREQUIRED", "A password is required"));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     $idval = $data[$idfield];
     if (ShopMember::get_by_identifier($idval)) {
         $result->error(sprintf(_t("Checkout.MEMBEREXISTS", "A member already exists with the %s %s"), _t("Member." . $idfield, $idfield), $idval));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     $member = new Member(Convert::raw2sql($data));
     $validation = $member->validate();
     if (!$validation->valid()) {
         //TODO need to handle i18n here?
     if (!$result->valid()) {
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     return $member;
  * @param String $password
  * @param Member $member
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function validate($password, $member)
     $valid = new ValidationResult();
     if ($this->minLength) {
         if (strlen($password) < $this->minLength) {
             $valid->error(sprintf(_t('PasswordValidator.TOOSHORT', 'Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long'), $this->minLength), 'TOO_SHORT');
     if ($this->minScore) {
         $score = 0;
         $missedTests = array();
         foreach ($this->testNames as $name) {
             if (preg_match(self::config()->character_strength_tests[$name], $password)) {
             } else {
                 $missedTests[] = _t('PasswordValidator.STRENGTHTEST' . strtoupper($name), $name, 'The user needs to add this to their password for more complexity');
         if ($score < $this->minScore) {
             $valid->error(sprintf(_t('PasswordValidator.LOWCHARSTRENGTH', 'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: %s'), implode(', ', $missedTests)), 'LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH');
     if ($this->historicalPasswordCount) {
         $previousPasswords = DataObject::get("MemberPassword", "\"MemberID\" = {$member->ID}", "\"Created\" DESC, \"ID\" DESC", "", $this->historicalPasswordCount);
         if ($previousPasswords) {
             foreach ($previousPasswords as $previousPasswords) {
                 if ($previousPasswords->checkPassword($password)) {
                     $valid->error(_t('PasswordValidator.PREVPASSWORD', 'You\'ve already used that password in the past, please choose a new password'), 'PREVIOUS_PASSWORD');
     return $valid;
 public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
     $mailblockRecipients = $this->owner->getField('MailblockRecipients');
     if (!$this->validateEmailAddresses($mailblockRecipients)) {
         $validationResult->error(_t('Mailblock.RecipientError', 'There are invalid email addresses in the Recipient(s) field.'));
     $whitelist = $this->owner->getField('MailblockWhitelist');
     if (!$this->validateEmailAddresses($whitelist)) {
         $validationResult->error(_t('Mailblock.WhitelistError', 'There are invalid email addresses in the Whitelist field.'));
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (!isset($data['ShippingMethodID'])) {
         $result->error(_t('ShippingCheckoutComponent.ShippingMethodNotProvidedMessage', "Shipping method not provided"), _t('ShippingCheckoutComponent.ShippingMethodErrorCode', "ShippingMethod"));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     if (!ShippingMethod::get()->byID($data['ShippingMethodID'])) {
         $result->error(_t('ShippingCheckoutComponent.ShippingMethodDoesNotExistMessage', "Shipping Method does not exist"), _t('ShippingCheckoutComponent.ShippingMethodErrorCode', "ShippingMethod"));
         throw new ValidationException($result);
  * Check if the user has verified their email address.
  * @param  ValidationResult $result
  * @return ValidationResult
 function canLogIn(&$result)
     if (!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
         if (!$this->owner->Verified) {
             $result->error(_t('EmailVerifiedMember.ERRORNOTEMAILVERIFIED', 'Please verify your email address before login.'));
         if (!$this->owner->Moderated && $this->owner->requiresModeration()) {
             $result->error(_t('EmailVerifiedMember.ERRORNOTMODERATED', 'A moderator needs to approve your account before you can log in.'));
     return $result;
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (!isset($data['PaymentMethod'])) {
         $result->error("Payment method not provided", "PaymentMethod");
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     $methods = GatewayInfo::get_supported_gateways();
     if (!isset($methods[$data['PaymentMethod']])) {
         $result->error("Gateway not supported", "PaymentMethod");
         throw new ValidationException($result);
 public function validate(ValidationResult $valid)
     if (!$valid->valid()) {
         return $valid;
     if (empty($this->owner->Title)) {
         return $valid->error('Title is empty!');
     if (intval($this->owner->ReleaseID) === 0) {
         return $valid->error('You must select a release');
     if (intval($this->owner->CuratorID) === 0) {
         return $valid->error('You must select a Curator');
     return $valid;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops.
 function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
     if (!$this->owner->ID) {
     // The object is new, won't be looping.
     if (!$this->owner->ParentID) {
     // The object has no parent, won't be looping.
     if (!$this->owner->isChanged('ParentID')) {
     // The parent has not changed, skip the check for performance reasons.
     // Walk the hierarchy upwards until we reach the top, or until we reach the originating node again.
     $node = $this->owner;
     while ($node) {
         if ($node->ParentID == $this->owner->ID) {
             // Hierarchy is looping.
             $validationResult->error(_t('Hierarchy.InfiniteLoopNotAllowed', 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this', 'First argument is the class that makes up the hierarchy.', array('type' => $this->owner->class)), 'INFINITE_LOOP');
         $node = $node->ParentID ? $node->Parent() : null;
     // At this point the $validationResult contains the response.
 public function validate()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (!$this->Title || !$this->Currency || !$this->Rate) {
         $result->error('Please fill in all fields', 'ExchangeRateInvalidError');
     return $result;
 public function validate()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (!$this->Title || !$this->Currency || !$this->Rate) {
         $result->error('Rate is missing a required field', 'ExchangeRateInvalidError');
     return $result;
 public function validate(\ValidationResult $validationResult)
     $constraints = $this->getConstraints();
     foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
         if (!$constraint->holds()) {
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     //TODO: validate credit card data
     if (!Helper::validateLuhn($data['number'])) {
         $result->error('Credit card is invalid');
         throw new ValidationException($result);
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     $code = $data['Code'];
     if ($this->validwhenblank && !$code) {
         return $result;
     //check the coupon exists, and can be used
     if ($coupon = OrderCoupon::get_by_code($code)) {
         if (!$coupon->validateOrder($order, array("CouponCode" => $code))) {
             $result->error($coupon->getMessage(), "Code");
             throw new ValidationException($result);
     } else {
         $result->error(_t("OrderCouponModifier.NOTFOUND", "Coupon could not be found"), "Code");
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     return $result;
  * Check if the user has verified their email address.
  * @param ValidationResult $result
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function canLogIn(&$result)
     if (!$this->owner->Verified) {
         // Don't require administrators to be verified
         if (Permission::checkMember($this->owner, 'ADMIN')) {
             return $result;
         $result->error(_t('MemberEmailVerification.ERROREMAILNOTVERIFIED', 'Sorry, you need to verify your email address before you can log in.'));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  *	Confirm that the tag has been given a title and doesn't already exist.
 public function validate(ValidationResult $result)
     // Determine the field to use, based on the configuration defined tag types.
     $validate = 'Title';
     $class = $this->owner->ClassName;
     foreach (Config::inst()->get('FusionService', 'custom_tag_types') as $type => $field) {
         if ($type === $class) {
             $validate = $field;
     // Confirm that the tag has been given a title and doesn't already exist.
     if ($result->valid() && !$this->owner->{$validate}) {
         $result->error("\"{$validate}\" required!");
     } else {
         if ($result->valid() && $class::get_one($class, array('ID != ?' => $this->owner->ID, "LOWER({$validate}) = ?" => strtolower($this->owner->{$validate})))) {
             $result->error('Tag already exists!');
     // Allow extension.
     $this->owner->extend('validateFusionExtension', $result);
     return $result;
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     if (Member::currentUserID()) {
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if (Checkout::membership_required() || !empty($data['Password'])) {
         $member = new Member($data);
         $idfield = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
         $idval = $data[$idfield];
         if (ShopMember::get_by_identifier($idval)) {
             $result->error(sprintf(_t("Checkout.MEMBEREXISTS", "A member already exists with the %s %s"), $idfield, $idval), $idval);
         $passwordresult = $this->passwordvalidator->validate($data['Password'], $member);
         if (!$passwordresult->valid()) {
             $result->error($passwordresult->message(), "Password");
     if (!$result->valid()) {
         throw new ValidationException($result);
  * @param Order $order
  * @param array $data
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function validateData(Order $order, array $data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     $existingID = !empty($data[$this->addresstype . "AddressID"]) ? (int) $data[$this->addresstype . "AddressID"] : 0;
     if ($existingID) {
         // If existing address selected, check that it exists in $member->AddressBook
         if (!Member::currentUserID() || !Member::currentUser()->AddressBook()->byID($existingID)) {
             $result->error("Invalid address supplied", $this->addresstype . "AddressID");
             throw new ValidationException($result);
     } else {
         // Otherwise, require the normal address fields
         $required = parent::getRequiredFields($order);
         foreach ($required as $fieldName) {
             if (empty($data[$fieldName])) {
                 $errorMessage = _t('Form.FIELDISREQUIRED', '{name} is required', array('name' => $fieldName));
                 $result->error($errorMessage, $fieldName);
                 throw new ValidationException($result);
  * Test combining validation results together
 public function testCombineResults()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     $anotherresult = new ValidationResult();
     $yetanotherresult = new ValidationResult();
     $anotherresult->error("Eat with your mouth closed", "EATING101");
     $yetanotherresult->error("You didn't wash your hands", "BECLEAN");
     $this->assertEquals(array("EATING101" => "Eat with your mouth closed", "BECLEAN" => "You didn't wash your hands"), $result->messageList());
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Validate credit card number using Luhn algorithm
  * @see CreditCard::validationResult
 public function validateCardNumber()
     if (strlen($this->number) < 12) {
         $this->validationResult->error('Card number length is invalid');
     // Luhn algorithm to check the validity of the card number
     $map = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9);
     $sum = 0;
     $last = strlen($this->number) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $last; $i++) {
         $sum += $map[$this->number[$last - $i] + ($i & 1) * 10];
     if (!($sum % 10 == 0)) {
         $this->validationResult->error('Card number is invalid');
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid
  * one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.
  * You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension.
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function canLogIn()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if ($this->isLockedOut()) {
         $result->error(_t('Member.ERRORLOCKEDOUT', 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' . 'logging in. Please try again in 20 minutes.'));
     $this->extend('canLogIn', $result);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Hook to validate this record against a validation result
  * @param ValidationResult $result
  * @param string $filename Optional filename to validate. If omitted, the current value is validated.
  * @return bool Valid flag
 public function validate(ValidationResult $result, $filename = null)
     if (empty($filename)) {
         $filename = $this->getFilename();
     if (empty($filename) || $this->isValidFilename($filename)) {
         return true;
     // Check allowed extensions
     $extensions = $this->getAllowedExtensions();
     if (empty($extensions)) {
         $extensions = File::config()->allowed_extensions;
     $message = _t('File.INVALIDEXTENSION', 'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})', 'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions', array('extensions' => wordwrap(implode(', ', $extensions))));
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid
  * one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.
  * You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension.
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function canLogIn()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     if ($this->isLockedOut()) {
         $result->error(_t('Member.ERRORLOCKEDOUT2', 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' . 'logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.', null, array('count' => $this->config()->lock_out_delay_mins)));
     $this->extend('canLogIn', $result);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Validate that product exists and is published, variation exists for product if necessary
  * and quantity is greater than 0
  * TODO remove the check for $firstWrite when transactions are implemented
  * @see DataObject::validate()
  * @return ValidationResult
 function validate()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     $firstWrite = !$this->ID;
     $product = $this->Object();
     $variation = $this->Variation();
     $quantity = $this->Quantity;
     //Check that product is published and exists
     if (!$product || !$product->exists() || !$product->isPublished()) {
         $result->error('Sorry this product is no longer available', 'ProductExistsError');
     //TODO need to change checks for variation so that variation is checked properly when transactions are implemented
     //Check that variation exists if required, not on first write when ItemOption hasn't had a chance to be written
     if ($product && $product->requiresVariation() && (!$variation || !$variation->validateForCart()->valid()) && !$firstWrite) {
         $result->error('Sorry, these product options are no longer available', 'VariationExistsError');
     } else {
         if ($variation && !$variation->validateForCart()->valid()) {
             $result->error('Sorry, these product options are no longer available', 'VariationIncorrectError');
     //Check that quantity is correct
     if (!$quantity || !is_numeric($quantity) || $quantity <= 0) {
         $result->error('Quantity for this product needs to be greater than 0', 'QuantityError');
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Validate that an sspak contains the correct content.
  * For example, if the user uploaded an sspak containing just the db, but declared in the form
  * that it contained db+assets, then the archive is not valid.
  * @param string|null $mode "db", "assets", or "all". This is the content we're checking for. Default to the archive setting
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function validateArchiveContents($mode = null)
     $mode = $mode ?: $this->Mode;
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     $file = $this->ArchiveFile()->FullPath;
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         $result->error(sprintf('SSPak file "%s" cannot be read.', $file));
         return $result;
     $process = new Process(sprintf('tar -tf %s', escapeshellarg($file)));
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not list files in archive: %s', $process->getErrorOutput()));
     $output = explode(PHP_EOL, $process->getOutput());
     $files = array_filter($output);
     if (in_array($mode, array('all', 'db')) && !in_array('database.sql.gz', $files)) {
         $result->error('The snapshot is missing the database.');
         return $result;
     if (in_array($mode, array('all', 'assets')) && !in_array('assets.tar.gz', $files)) {
         $result->error('The snapshot is missing assets.');
         return $result;
     return $result;
  * Validate writing of the Twitter Account
  * @param $validation ValidationResult
 public function validate(ValidationResult $validation)
     if ($this->owner->TwitterUserID && $this->owner->TwitterScreenName && $this->owner->TwitterAccessToken && $this->owner->TwitterAccessSecret) {
         // Check to see if the user is already connected to an account & whether it matters.
         if ($this->getOverwriteExistingTwitterAccount() == false) {
             $changed = $this->owner->getChangedFields();
             if ($this->owner->isChanged("TwitterUserID") && trim($changed['TwitterUserID']['before']) != "") {
                 $validation->error("You already have a Twitter account connected.");
         // Check to see if there are other types of this DataObject also connected to this Twitter account (if it matters)
         if ($this->getAllowDuplicateTwitterAccounts() == false) {
             $duplicate = DataList::create($this->owner->ClassName)->filter("TwitterUserID", $this->owner->TwitterUserID);
             // Exclude the current user from the search.
             if ($this->owner->ID) {
                 $duplicate = $duplicate->exclude("ID", $this->owner->ID);
             if ($duplicate->first()) {
                 $validation->error("Your Twitter account is already connected to another " . $this->owner->singular_name() . ".");
 public function validate(ValidationResult $result)
     $names = array();
     if ($result->valid()) {
         foreach ($this->owner->FlexiFormFields() as $field) {
             if (empty($field->Name)) {
                 $result->error("Field names cannot be blank. Encountered a blank {$field->Label()} field.");
             if (in_array($field->Name, $names)) {
                 $result->error("Field Names must be unique per form. {$field->Name} was encountered more than once.");
             } else {
                 $names[] = $field->Name;
             $default_value = $field->DefaultValue;
             if (!empty($default_value) && $field->Options()->exists() && !in_array($default_value, $field->Options()->column('Value'))) {
                 $result->error("The default value of {$field->getName()} must exist as an option value");
         if ($this->FlexiFormID() && ($flexi = FlexiFormUtil::GetFlexiByIdentifier($this->FlexiFormID()))) {
             if ($flexi->ID != $this->owner->ID) {
                 $result->error('Form Identifier in use by another form.');
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function validate(ValidationResult $result)
     if ($this->owner->ExpirationDate && $this->owner->PublicationDate && $this->owner->ExpirationDate <= $this->owner->PublicationDate) {
         $result->error('Expiration date needs to be greater than the Publication date.');
  * Validate the Product before it is saved in {@link ShopAdmin}.
  * @see DataObject::validate()
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function validate()
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     //If this is being published, check that enabled variations exist if they are required
     $request = Controller::curr()->getRequest();
     $publishing = $request && $request->getVar('action_publish') ? true : false;
     if ($publishing && $this->requiresVariation()) {
         $variations = $this->Variations();
         if (!in_array('Enabled', $variations->map('ID', 'Status'))) {
             $result->error('Cannot publish product when no variations are enabled. Please enable some product variations and try again.', 'VariationsDisabledError');
     return $result;
  * Validate every component against given data.
  * @param  array $data data to validate
  * @return boolean validation result
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function validateData($data)
     $result = new ValidationResult();
     foreach ($this->getComponents() as $component) {
         try {
             $component->validateData($this->order, $this->dependantData($component, $data));
         } catch (ValidationException $e) {
             //transfer messages into a single result
             foreach ($e->getResult()->messageList() as $code => $message) {
                 if (is_numeric($code)) {
                     $code = null;
                 if ($this->namespaced) {
                     $code = $component->namespaceFieldName($code);
                 $result->error($message, $code);
     $this->order->extend('onValidateDataOnCheckout', $result);
     if (!$result->valid()) {
         throw new ValidationException($result);
     return true;