function vtDisplayTaskList($adb, $requestUrl, $current_language) { global $theme, $app_strings; $image_path = "themes/{$theme}/images/"; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $module = new VTWorkflowApplication("tasklist"); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $smarty->assign("tasks", $tm->getTasks()); $smarty->assign("moduleNames", array("Contacts", "Applications")); $smarty->assign("taskTypes", array("VTEmailTask", "VTDummyTask")); $smarty->assign("returnUrl", $requestUrl); $smarty->assign("MOD", return_module_language($current_language, 'Settings')); $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("THEME", $theme); $smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $module->label); $smarty->assign("PAGE_NAME", 'Task List'); $smarty->assign("PAGE_TITLE", 'List available tasks'); $smarty->assign("moduleName", $moduleName); $smarty->display("{$module->name}/ListTasks.tpl"); }
function vtDeleteWorkflow($adb, $request) { $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $module = new VTWorkflowApplication("deltetask"); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $wm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $wm->deleteTask($request['task_id']); if (isset($request["return_url"])) { $returnUrl = vtlib_purify($request["return_url"]); } else { $returnUrl = $module->editWorkflowUrl($wf->id); } ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> window.location="<?php echo $returnUrl; ?> "; </script> <a href="<?php echo $returnUrl; ?> ">Return</a> <?php }
function vtSaveTask($adb, $request) { $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $module = new VTWorkflowApplication("savetask"); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); if (isset($request["task_id"])) { $task = $tm->retrieveTask($request["task_id"]); } else { $taskType = vtlib_purifyForSql($request["task_type"]); $workflowId = $request["workflow_id"]; $task = $tm->createTask($taskType, $workflowId); } $task->summary = $request["summary"]; if ($request["active"] == "true") { $task->active = true; } else { if ($request["active"] == "false") { $task->active = false; } } if (isset($request['check_select_date'])) { $trigger = array('days' => ($request['select_date_direction'] == 'after' ? 1 : -1) * (int) $request['select_date_days'], 'field' => $request['select_date_field']); $task->trigger = $trigger; } else { $task->trigger = null; } $fieldNames = $task->getFieldNames(); foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) { $task->{$fieldName} = $request[$fieldName]; if ($fieldName == 'calendar_repeat_limit_date') { $task->{$fieldName} = DateTimeField::convertToDBFormat($request[$fieldName]); } } $tm->saveTask($task); if (isset(vtlib_purify($request["return_url"]))) { $returnUrl = vtlib_purify($request["return_url"]); } else { $returnUrl = $module->editTaskUrl($task->id); } ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> window.location="<?php echo $returnUrl; ?> "; </script> <a href="<?php echo $returnUrl; ?> ">Return</a> <?php }
public function queueScheduledWorkflowTasks() { global $default_timezone; $adb = $this->db; $vtWorflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskQueue = new VTTaskQueue($adb); $entityCache = new VTEntityCache($this->user); // set the time zone to the admin's time zone, this is needed so that the scheduled workflow will be triggered // at admin's time zone rather than the systems time zone. This is specially needed for Hourly and Daily scheduled workflows $admin = Users::getActiveAdminUser(); $adminTimeZone = $admin->time_zone; @date_default_timezone_set($adminTimeZone); $currentTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); @date_default_timezone_set($default_timezone); $scheduledWorkflows = $vtWorflowManager->getScheduledWorkflows($currentTimestamp); $noOfScheduledWorkflows = count($scheduledWorkflows); foreach ($scheduledWorkflows as $workflow) { $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $tasks = $tm->getTasksForWorkflow($workflow->id); if ($tasks) { $records = $this->getEligibleWorkflowRecords($workflow); $noOfRecords = count($records); for ($j = 0; $j < $noOfRecords; ++$j) { $recordId = $records[$j]; // We need to pass proper module name to get the webservice if ($workflow->moduleName == 'Calendar') { $moduleName = vtws_getCalendarEntityType($recordId); } else { $moduleName = $workflow->moduleName; } $wsEntityId = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId($moduleName, $recordId); $entityData = $entityCache->forId($wsEntityId); $data = $entityData->getData(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($task->active) { $trigger = $task->trigger; if ($trigger != null) { $delay = strtotime($data[$trigger['field']]) + $trigger['days'] * 86400; } else { $delay = 0; } if ($task->executeImmediately == true) { if (empty($task->test) or $task->evaluate($entityCache, $entityData->getId())) { $task->doTask($entityData); } } else { $taskQueue->queueTask($task->id, $entityData->getId(), $delay); } } } } } $vtWorflowManager->updateNexTriggerTime($workflow); } $scheduledWorkflows = null; }
function applyChange() { global $adb; if ($this->hasError()) { $this->sendError(); } if ($this->isApplied()) { $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!'); } else { global $adb; $chktbl = $adb->query('select 1 from com_vtiger_workflow_tasktypes limit 1'); if ($chktbl) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Potentials'); $block = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION', $moduleInstance); $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('forecast_amount', $moduleInstance); if ($field) { $this->ExecuteQuery('update vtiger_field set presence=2 where fieldid=' . $field->id); } else { $forecast_field = new Vtiger_Field(); $forecast_field->name = 'forecast_amount'; $forecast_field->label = 'Forecast Amount'; $forecast_field->table = 'vtiger_potential'; $forecast_field->column = 'forecast_amount'; $forecast_field->columntype = 'decimal(25,4)'; $forecast_field->typeofdata = 'N~O'; $forecast_field->uitype = '71'; $forecast_field->masseditable = '0'; $block->addField($forecast_field); } $wfrs = $adb->query("SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE summary='Calculate or Update forecast amount'"); if ($wfrs and $adb->num_rows($wfrs) == 1) { $this->sendMsg('Workfolw already exists!'); } else { $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $potentailsWorkFlow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("Potentials"); $potentailsWorkFlow->test = ''; $potentailsWorkFlow->description = "Calculate or Update forecast amount"; $potentailsWorkFlow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $potentailsWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($potentailsWorkFlow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTUpdateFieldsTask', $potentailsWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'update forecast amount'; $task->field_value_mapping = '[{"fieldname":"forecast_amount","valuetype":"expression","value":"amount * probability / 100"}]'; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied!'); $this->markApplied(); } else { $this->sendMsgError('This changeset could not be applied because it depends on create_workflow_tasktype which probably has not been applied yet. Apply that changeset and try this one again.'); } } $this->finishExecution(); }
function vtWorkflowEdit($adb, $request, $requestUrl, $current_language, $app_strings) { global $theme; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $image_path = "themes/{$theme}/images/"; $module = new VTWorkflowApplication("editworkflow"); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); if ($request['source'] == 'from_template') { $tm = new VTWorkflowTemplateManager($adb); $template = $tm->retrieveTemplate($request['template_id']); $workflow = $tm->createWorkflow($template); } else { $wfs = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); if (isset($request["workflow_id"])) { $workflow = $wfs->retrieve($request["workflow_id"]); } else { $moduleName = $request["module_name"]; $workflow = $wfs->newWorkflow($moduleName); } } if ($workflow == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); return; } $workflow->test = addslashes($workflow->test); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $tasks = $tm->getTasksForWorkflow($workflow->id); $smarty->assign("tasks", $tasks); $taskTypes = $tm->getTaskTypes($workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("taskTypes", $taskTypes); $smarty->assign("newTaskReturnUrl", vtlib_purify($requestUrl)); $smarty->assign("returnUrl", vtlib_purify($request["return_url"])); $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("MOD", array_merge(return_module_language($current_language, 'Settings'), return_module_language($current_language, $module->name))); $smarty->assign("THEME", $theme); $smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $module->label); $smarty->assign("PAGE_NAME", $mod['LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOW']); $smarty->assign("PAGE_TITLE", $mod['LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOW_TITLE']); $smarty->assign("workflow", $workflow); $smarty->assign("saveType", isset($workflow->id) ? "edit" : "new"); $smarty->assign("module", $module); $smarty->assign("WORKFLOW_TRIGGER_TYPES_HELP_LINK", WORKFLOW_TRIGGER_TYPES); $smarty->display("{$module->name}/EditWorkflow.tpl"); }
function vtRunTaskJob($adb) { $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $adminUser = $util->adminUser(); $tq = new VTTaskQueue($adb); $readyTasks = $tq->getReadyTasks(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); foreach ($readyTasks as $pair) { list($taskId, $entityId) = $pair; $task = $tm->retrieveTask($taskId); $entity = new VTWorkflowEntity($adminUser, $entityId); $task->doTask($entity); } }
public function queueScheduledWorkflowTasks() { global $default_timezone; $adb = $this->db; $vtWorflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $entityCache = new VTEntityCache($this->user); // set the time zone to the admin's time zone, this is needed so that the scheduled workflow will be triggered // at admin's time zone rather than the systems time zone. This is specially needed for Hourly and Daily scheduled workflows $admin = Users::getActiveAdminUser(); $adminTimeZone = $admin->time_zone; @date_default_timezone_set($adminTimeZone); $currentTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); @date_default_timezone_set($default_timezone); $scheduledWorkflows = $vtWorflowManager->getScheduledWorkflows($currentTimestamp); $noOfScheduledWorkflows = count($scheduledWorkflows); for ($i = 0; $i < $noOfScheduledWorkflows; ++$i) { $workflow = $scheduledWorkflows[$i]; if ($workflow->active != 1) { continue; } $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $tasks = $tm->getTasksForWorkflow($workflow->id); if ($tasks) { $records = $this->getEligibleWorkflowRecords($workflow); $noOfRecords = count($records); for ($j = 0; $j < $noOfRecords; ++$j) { $recordId = $records[$j]; // We need to pass proper module name to get the webservice if ($workflow->moduleName == 'Calendar') { $moduleName = vtws_getCalendarEntityType($recordId); } else { $moduleName = $workflow->moduleName; } $wsEntityId = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId($moduleName, $recordId); $entityData = $entityCache->forId($wsEntityId); $tm->performTasks($entityData, false); } } $vtWorflowManager->updateNexTriggerTime($workflow); } $scheduledWorkflows = null; }
function applyChange() { if ($this->hasError()) { $this->sendError(); } if ($this->isApplied()) { $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!'); } else { global $adb; $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($adb); // Adding EntityMethod for Updating Products data after updating PurchaseOrder $emm->addEntityMethod("PurchaseOrder", "UpdateInventory", "include/InventoryHandler.php", "handleInventoryProductRel"); // Creating Workflow for Updating Inventory Stock on PO $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("PurchaseOrder"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"subject","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $invWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $task->summary = "Update product stock"; $tm->saveTask($task); // add Cancel status to Invoice and SO for stock control $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice'); $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('invoicestatus', $moduleInstance); if ($field) { $field->setPicklistValues(array('Cancel')); } $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied! Add Workflow Custom Function complete!'); $this->markApplied(); } $this->finishExecution(); }
function populateDefaultWorkflows($adb) { require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; // Creating Workflow for Updating Inventory Stock for Invoice $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Invoice"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"subject","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $tm->saveTask($task); }
} foreach ($dateTimeFieldsList as $moduleName => $fieldNamesList) { foreach ($fieldNamesList as $fieldName) { $propertyValue = str_replace("({$moduleName}) {$fieldName}) {$timeZone}", "({$moduleName}) {$fieldName})", $propertyValue); } } $emailTask->{$propertyName} = $propertyValue; } $tm->saveTask($emailTask); } $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT task_id FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks WHERE workflow_id IN (SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE module_name IN (?, ?)) AND task LIKE ?', array('Calendar', 'Events', '%VTSendNotificationTask%')); $numOfRowas = $adb->num_rows($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfRows; $i++) { $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->retrieveTask($adb->query_result($result, $i, 'task_id')); $emailTask = new VTEmailTask(); $properties = get_object_vars($task); foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) { $propertyValue = str_replace('$date_start $time_start ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) ) ', '$date_start', $propertyValue); $propertyValue = str_replace('$due_date $time_end ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) )', '$due_date', $propertyValue); $propertyValue = str_replace('$due_date ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) )', '$due_date', $propertyValue); $propertyValue = str_replace('$(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname)', '$contact_id', $propertyValue); $emailTask->{$propertyName} = $propertyValue; } $tm->saveTask($emailTask); } // $maxActionIdResult = $adb->pquery('SELECT MAX(actionid) AS maxid FROM vtiger_actionmapping', array()); // $maxActionId = $adb->query_result($maxActionIdResult, 0, 'maxid'); // Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('INSERT INTO vtiger_actionmapping(actionid, actionname, securitycheck) VALUES(?,?,?)', array($maxActionId+1 ,'Print', '0'));
/** * Function to get the count of active workflows * @return <Integer> count of acive workflows */ public static function getActiveCount() { $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); vimport('~~/modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($db); $taskList = $taskManager->getTasks(); $examinedIdList = array(); foreach ($taskList as $taskDetails) { $workFlowId = $taskDetails->workflowId; if (in_array($workFlowId, $examinedIdList)) { continue; } if ($taskDetails->active) { array_push($examinedIdList, $workFlowId); } } return count($examinedIdList); }
function vtWorkflowEdit($adb, $request, $requestUrl, $current_language, $app_strings) { global $theme, $current_user; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $image_path = "themes/{$theme}/images/"; $module = new VTWorkflowApplication("editworkflow"); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); if ($request['source'] == 'from_template') { $tm = new VTWorkflowTemplateManager($adb); $template = $tm->retrieveTemplate($request['template_id']); $workflow = $tm->createWorkflow($template); } else { $wfs = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); if (isset($request["workflow_id"])) { $workflow = $wfs->retrieve($request["workflow_id"]); } else { $moduleName = $request["module_name"]; $workflow = $wfs->newWorkflow($moduleName); } $smarty->assign('ScheduledWorkflowsCount', $wfs->getScheduledWorkflowsCount()); $smarty->assign('MaxAllowedScheduledWorkflows', $wfs->getMaxAllowedScheduledWorkflows()); $smarty->assign('schdtime_12h', date('h:ia', strtotime(substr($workflow->schtime, 0, strrpos($workflow->schtime, ':'))))); $schannualdates = json_decode($workflow->schannualdates); if (count($schannualdates) > 0) { $schannualdates = DateTimeField::convertToUserFormat($schannualdates[0]); } else { $schannualdates = ''; } $smarty->assign('schdate', $schannualdates); $smarty->assign('selected_days1_31', json_decode($workflow->schdayofmonth)); $smarty->assign('dayOfWeek', json_decode($workflow->schdayofweek)); } if ($workflow == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); return; } $workflow->test = addslashes($workflow->test); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $tasks = $tm->getTasksForWorkflow($workflow->id); $smarty->assign("tasks", $tasks); $taskTypes = $tm->getTaskTypes($workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("taskTypes", $taskTypes); $smarty->assign("newTaskReturnUrl", vtlib_purify($requestUrl)); $dayrange = array(); for ($d = 1; $d <= 31; $d++) { $dayrange[$d] = $d; } $smarty->assign('days1_31', $dayrange); $smarty->assign('wfnexttrigger_time', DateTimeField::convertToUserFormat($workflow->nexttrigger_time)); $smarty->assign("dateFormat", parse_calendardate($current_user->date_format)); $smarty->assign("returnUrl", vtlib_purify($request["return_url"])); $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("MOD", array_merge(return_module_language($current_language, 'Settings'), return_module_language($current_language, $module->name))); $smarty->assign("THEME", $theme); $smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $module->label); $smarty->assign("PAGE_NAME", $mod['LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOW']); $smarty->assign("PAGE_TITLE", $mod['LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOW_TITLE']); $smarty->assign("workflow", $workflow); $smarty->assign("saveType", isset($workflow->id) ? "edit" : "new"); $smarty->assign("module", $module); $smarty->assign("WORKFLOW_TRIGGER_TYPES_HELP_LINK", WORKFLOW_TRIGGER_TYPES); $smarty->display("{$module->name}/EditWorkflow.tpl"); }
function vtTaskEdit($adb, $request, $current_language, $app_strings) { global $theme; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $request = vtlib_purify($request); // this cleans all values of the array $image_path = "themes/{$theme}/images/"; $module = new VTWorkflowApplication('edittask'); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $smarty->assign('edit', isset($request["task_id"])); if (isset($request["task_id"])) { $task = $tm->retrieveTask($request["task_id"]); $taskClass = get_class($task); $workflowId = $task->workflowId; } else { $workflowId = $request["workflow_id"]; $taskClass = vtlib_purifyForSql($request["task_type"]); $task = $tm->createTask($taskClass, $workflowId); } if ($task == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_TASK']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_TASK']); return; } $wm = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $workflow = $wm->retrieve($workflowId); if ($workflow == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); return; } $smarty->assign("workflow", $workflow); $smarty->assign("returnUrl", $request["return_url"]); $smarty->assign("task", $task); $smarty->assign("taskType", $taskClass); $smarty->assign("saveType", $request['save_type']); $taskTypeInstance = VTTaskType::getInstanceFromTaskType($taskClass); $taskTemplateClass = $tm->retrieveTemplatePath($module->name, $taskTypeInstance); $smarty->assign("taskTemplate", $taskTemplateClass); $et = VTWSEntityType::usingGlobalCurrentUser($workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("entityType", $et); $smarty->assign('entityName', $workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("fieldNames", $et->getFieldNames()); $repeat_date = $task->calendar_repeat_limit_date; if (!empty($repeat_date)) { $repeat_date = DateTimeField::convertToUserFormat($repeat_date); } $smarty->assign('REPEAT_DATE', $repeat_date); $dateFields = array(); $fieldTypes = $et->getFieldTypes(); $fieldLabels = $et->getFieldLabels(); foreach ($fieldTypes as $name => $type) { if ($type->type == 'Date' || $type->type == 'DateTime') { $dateFields[$name] = $fieldLabels[$name]; } } $smarty->assign('dateFields', $dateFields); if ($task->trigger != null) { $trigger = $task->trigger; $days = $trigger['days']; if ($days < 0) { $days *= -1; $direction = 'before'; } else { $direction = 'after'; } $smarty->assign('trigger', array('days' => $days, 'direction' => $direction, 'field' => $trigger['field'])); } $metaVariables = $task->getMetaVariables(); $date = new DateTimeField(null); $time = substr($date->getDisplayTime(), 0, 5); $smarty->assign("META_VARIABLES", $metaVariables); $smarty->assign("SYSTEM_TIMEZONE", $db_timezone); $smarty->assign("USER_TIME", $task->formatTimeForTimePicker($time)); $smarty->assign("USER_DATE", $date->getDisplayDate()); $smarty->assign("MOD", array_merge(return_module_language($current_language, 'Settings'), return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar'), return_module_language($current_language, $module->name))); $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("dateFormat", parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT'])); $smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $smarty->assign("THEME", $theme); $smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $module->label); $smarty->assign("PAGE_NAME", $mod['LBL_EDIT_TASK']); $smarty->assign("PAGE_TITLE", $mod['LBL_EDIT_TASK_TITLE']); $users = $group = array(); $users['user'] = get_user_array(); $users['group'] = get_group_array(); $smarty->assign('ASSIGNED_TO', $users); $smarty->assign("module", $module); $smarty->display("{$module->name}/EditTask.tpl"); }
} $dateTimeFields = array(); foreach ($dateTimeFieldsList as $moduleName => $fieldNamesList) { $dateTimeFields = array_merge($dateTimeFields, $fieldNamesList); } $taskIdsList = array(); $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT task_id, module_name FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks INNER JOIN com_vtiger_workflows ON com_vtiger_workflows.workflow_id = com_vtiger_workflowtasks.workflow_id WHERE task LIKE ?', array('%VTEmailTask%')); while ($rowData = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $taskIdsList[$rowData['task_id']] = $rowData['module_name']; } $dateFormat = '($_DATE_FORMAT_)'; $timeZone = '($(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone))'; foreach ($taskIdsList as $taskId => $taskModuleName) { $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->retrieveTask($taskId); $emailTask = new VTEmailTask(); $properties = get_object_vars($task); foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) { $propertyValue = str_replace('$(general : (__VtigerMeta__) date)', "(general : (__VtigerMeta__) date) {$dateFormat}", $propertyValue); foreach ($dateFields as $fieldName) { if ($taskModuleName === 'Events' && $fieldName === 'due_date') { continue; } $propertyValue = str_replace("\${$fieldName}", "\${$fieldName} {$dateFormat}", $propertyValue); } foreach ($dateTimeFields as $fieldName) { if ($taskModuleName === 'Calendar' && $fieldName === 'due_date') { continue; }
require_once 'include/Webservices/WebserviceEntityOperation.php'; require_once "include/language/{$default_language}.lang.php"; require_once 'include/Webservices/Retrieve.php'; require_once 'modules/Emails/mail.php'; require_once 'modules/Users/Users.php'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/VTWorkflowUtils.php'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'; global $current_user, $adb; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $adminUser = $util->adminUser(); $current_user = $adminUser; $tq = new VTTaskQueue($adb); $readyTasks = $tq->getReadyTasks(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $taskId = 41; $entityId = '12x136'; $task = $tm->retrieveTask($taskId); if (!empty($task)) { list($moduleId, $crmId) = explode('x', $entityId); $query = "select deleted from vtiger_crmentity where crmid={$crmId}"; $res = $adb->query($query); if ($adb->num_rows($res) == 0 || $adb->query_result($res, 0, 0)) { echo "Deleted Record\n"; } else { //error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors','on'); $entity = new VTWorkflowEntity($adminUser, $entityId); $task->doTask($entity); } } else {
ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_inventoryproductrel ADD COLUMN incrementondel int(11) not null default '0'"); $invoiceids = $adb->pquery("SELECT invoiceid from vtiger_invoice", array()); $noOfRows = $adb->num_rows($invoiceids); for ($i = 0; $i < $noOfRows; $i++) { $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_inventoryproductrel SET incrementondel = 1 WHERE id=?", array($adb->query_result($invoiceids, $i, "invoiceid"))); } $emm->addEntityMethod("SalesOrder", "UpdateInventory", "include/InventoryHandler.php", "handleInventoryProductRel"); //Adding EntityMethod for Updating Products data after creating SalesOrder $emm->addEntityMethod("Invoice", "UpdateInventory", "include/InventoryHandler.php", "handleInventoryProductRel"); //Adding EntityMethod for Updating Products data after creating Invoice $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Invoice"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"subject","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $tm->saveTask($task); /* Support to track if a module is of CrmEntity type or not */ ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_tab ADD COLUMN isentitytype INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_tab SET isentitytype=0 WHERE name IN ('Home','Dashboard','Rss','Reports','Portal','Users','Recyclebin')"); /* Support for different languages to be stored in database instead of config file - Vtlib */ ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vtiger_language(id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50), " . "prefix VARCHAR(10), label VARCHAR(30), lastupdated DATETIME, sequence INT, isdefault INT(1), active INT(1)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); /* Register default language English. This will automatically register all the other langauges from config file */ require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Language.php'; $vtlanguage = new Vtiger_Language(); $vtlanguage->register('en_us', 'US English', 'English', true, true, true); /* To store relationship between the modules in a common table */ ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vtiger_crmentityrel (crmid int(11) NOT NULL, module varchar(100) NOT NULL, relcrmid int(11) NOT NULL, relmodule varchar(100) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
public function databaseData() { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering YetiForceUpdate::databaseData() method ..."); $this->addFields(); $adb->query("UPDATE vtiger_eventhandlers_seq SET `id` = (SELECT MAX(eventhandler_id) FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers`);"); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE event_name = ? AND handler_class = ?;", array('', 'HelpDeskHandler')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $addHandler = array(); $addHandler[] = array('', 'modules/HelpDesk/handlers/HelpDeskHandler.php', 'HelpDeskHandler', '', '1', '[]'); $em = new VTEventsManager($adb); foreach ($addHandler as $handler) { $em->registerHandler($handler[0], $handler[1], $handler[2], $handler[3], $handler[5]); } } $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Customer Portal Login Details', 'Contacts', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Send invitations', 'Events', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Send Notification Email to Record Owner', 'Calendar', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Activity Reminder Notification', 'Calendar', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Activity Reminder Notification', 'Events', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Test mail about the mail server configuration.', 'Users', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('ForgotPassword', 'Users', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Customer Portal - ForgotPassword', 'Contacts', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('New comment added to ticket from portal', 'ModComments', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('New comment added to ticket', 'ModComments', 'PLL_RECORD'); $template[] = array('Security risk has been detected - Brute Force', 'Contacts', 'PLL_MODULE'); $template[] = array('Backup has been made', 'Contacts', 'PLL_MODULE'); $result = $adb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vtiger_ossmailtemplates` LIKE 'ossmailtemplates_type';"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { foreach ($template as $temp) { $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_ossmailtemplates` set ossmailtemplates_type = ? WHERE `name` = ? AND oss_module_list = ? ", array($temp[2], $temp[0], $temp[1])); } } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('OSSMailTemplates'), getTabid('Documents'), 'get_attachments', 'Documents')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Documents'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('OSSMailTemplates'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Documents', array('add,select'), 'get_attachments'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('HelpDesk'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_field` set displaytype = ? WHERE `columnname` = ?;", array(2, 'was_read')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_field` set uitype = ? WHERE `columnname` = ? AND tablename = ?;", array(15, 'industry', 'vtiger_leaddetails')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes` set active = ? ;", array(1)); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `type` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ? ;", array('[]', 'Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Send Customer Login Details', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id'); $workflowTaskAdd = array(128, 53, 'Mark portal users password as sent.', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"53";s:7:"summary";s:35:"Mark portal users password as sent.";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:16:"MarkPasswordSent";s:2:"id";i:128;}'); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id)); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]); $task->id = ''; $task->workflowId = $workflow_id; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } } $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET defaultworkflow = "0" WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $recordId = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'workflow_id'); $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks WHERE workflow_id IN\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE workflow_id=? AND (defaultworkflow IS NULL OR defaultworkflow != 1))", array($recordId)); $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE workflow_id=? AND (defaultworkflow IS NULL OR defaultworkflow != 1)", array($recordId)); } $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks WHERE `summary` IN (?,?);', array('Notify Contact On Ticket Closed', 'Notify Contact On Ticket Change')); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $recordId = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'task_id'); $adb->pquery("delete from com_vtiger_workflowtasks where task_id=?", array($recordId)); } $task_entity_method[] = array('HelpDesk', 'HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts', 'modules/HelpDesk/workflows/HelpDeskWorkflow.php', 'HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts'); $task_entity_method[] = array('HelpDesk', 'HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts', 'modules/HelpDesk/workflows/HelpDeskWorkflow.php', 'HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts'); $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($adb); foreach ($task_entity_method as $method) { $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks_entitymethod` WHERE method_name = ? ", array($method[1])); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $emm->addEntityMethod($method[0], $method[1], $method[2], $method[3]); } } $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET test = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET test = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is not","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket change: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Ticket change: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id'); $workflowTaskAdd = array(133, 26, 'Notify Contact On Ticket Change', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"26";s:7:"summary";s:31:"Notify Contact On Ticket Change";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:28:"HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts";s:2:"id";i:133;}'); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id)); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]); $task->id = ''; $task->workflowId = $workflow_id; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id'); $workflowTaskAdd = array(134, 29, 'Notify contacts about closing of ticket.', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"29";s:7:"summary";s:40:"Notify contacts about closing of ticket.";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:28:"HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts";s:2:"id";i:134;}'); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id)); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]); $task->id = ''; $task->workflowId = $workflow_id; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } } $this->settingsReplace(); $this->picklists(); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showMailAccounts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showMailAccounts','false');"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showNumberUnreadEmails')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showNumberUnreadEmails','false');"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showMailIcon')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showMailIcon','true');"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('timeCheckingMail')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_ossmailscanner_config` WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'time_checking_mail')); $value = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'value'); if (!$value) { $value = 30; } $adb->pquery("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','timeCheckingMail',?);", array($value)); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('autologinActive')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_ossmailscanner_config` WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'autologon')); $value = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'value'); if (!$value) { $value = 'false'; } $adb->pquery("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('autologin','autologinActive',?);", array('false')); } $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE type = ? AND name = ?;', array('signature', 'signature')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('signature','signature','');"); } $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE type = ? AND name = ?;', array('signature', 'addSignature')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('signature','addSignature','false');"); } $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_ossmailscanner_config WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'autologon')); $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_ossmailscanner_config WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'time_checking_mail')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `test` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? ;", array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is not","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"(assigned_user_id : (Users) emailoptout)","operation":"is","value":"1","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket change: Send Email to Record Owner')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `test` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? ;", array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"(assigned_user_id : (Users) emailoptout)","operation":"is","value":"1","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Owner')); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? ", array('Update Closed Time')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $task_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'task_id'); $taskRecordModel = Settings_Workflows_TaskRecord_Model::getInstance($task_id); $taskObject = $taskRecordModel->getTaskObject(); $taskObject->active = false; $taskRecordModel->save(); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET uitype = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', array(19, getTabid('Emails'), 'description')); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [3, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [10, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [11, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'firstname']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'parentid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'email']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'smownerid']); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_support_processes`;"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `vtiger_support_processes`(`id`,`ticket_status_indicate_closing`) values (1,'');"); } $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT quickcreatesequence FROM `vtiger_field` WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', array('vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid', getTabid('Calendar'))); $result2 = $adb->pquery('SELECT quickcreatesequence FROM `vtiger_field` WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', array('vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid', getTabid('Events'))); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $quickcreatesequence = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'quickcreatesequence'); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', ['process', 'vtiger_activity', 'process', 'Process', '1', 'vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=?, uitype=?, quickcreatesequence=?, summaryfield=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['link', 'vtiger_activity', 'link', 'Relation', '2', '67', $quickcreatesequence, '1', 'vtiger_cntactivityrel', 'contactid', getTabid('Calendar')]); $quickcreatesequence = $adb->query_result($result2, 0, 'quickcreatesequence'); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=?, uitype=?, quickcreatesequence=?, summaryfield=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['link', 'vtiger_activity', 'link', 'Relation', '2', '67', $quickcreatesequence, '1', 'vtiger_cntactivityrel', 'contactid', getTabid('Events')]); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_realization_process`;"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_realization_process(module_id, status_indicate_closing) VALUES(?,?)", array(getTabid('Project'), '')); } $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name = ?;", array('LBL_CONVERSION_TO_ACCOUNT')); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` SET `name` = ?, `description` = ?, `linkto` = ? WHERE `name` = ? AND `description` = ? ;', ['LBL_MENU_BUILDER', 'LBL_MENU_BUILDER_DESCRIPTION', 'index.php?module=Menu&view=Index&parent=Settings', 'Menu Manager', 'LBL_MENU_DESC']); $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_auth`;"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','active','false');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','server','testlab.local');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','port','389');"); $adb->pquery("insert into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values (?,?,?);", ['ldap', 'users', NULL]); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_auth` WHERE `param` = ?;", ['domain']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->pquery("insert into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values (?,?,?);", ['ldap', 'domain', NULL]); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_menu`;"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $menu[] = array(44, 0, 0, 2, 1, NULL, 'MEN_VIRTUAL_DESK', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(45, 0, 44, 0, 0, getTabid('Home'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(46, 0, 44, 0, 1, getTabid('Calendar'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(47, 0, 0, 2, 2, NULL, 'MEN_LEADS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(48, 0, 47, 0, 0, getTabid('Leads'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(49, 0, 47, 0, 1, getTabid('Contacts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(50, 0, 47, 0, 2, getTabid('Vendors'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(51, 0, 47, 0, 3, getTabid('Accounts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(52, 0, 0, 2, 3, NULL, 'MEN_SALES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(54, 0, 52, 0, 0, getTabid('Campaigns'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(55, 0, 52, 0, 1, getTabid('Potentials'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(56, 0, 52, 0, 2, getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(57, 0, 52, 0, 3, getTabid('RequirementCards'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(58, 0, 52, 0, 4, getTabid('Calculations'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(59, 0, 52, 0, 5, getTabid('Quotes'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(60, 0, 52, 0, 6, getTabid('SalesOrder'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(61, 0, 52, 0, 7, getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(62, 0, 52, 0, 8, getTabid('PriceBooks'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(63, 0, 0, 2, 5, NULL, 'MEN_SUPPORT', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(64, 0, 63, 0, 0, getTabid('HelpDesk'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(65, 0, 63, 0, 1, getTabid('ServiceContracts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(66, 0, 63, 0, 2, getTabid('Faq'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(67, 0, 0, 2, 4, NULL, 'MEN_PROJECTS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(68, 0, 67, 0, 0, getTabid('Project'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(69, 0, 67, 0, 1, getTabid('ProjectMilestone'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(70, 0, 67, 0, 2, getTabid('ProjectTask'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(71, 0, 0, 2, 6, NULL, 'MEN_BOOKKEEPING', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(72, 0, 71, 0, 3, getTabid('PaymentsIn'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(73, 0, 71, 0, 2, getTabid('PaymentsOut'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(74, 0, 71, 0, 1, getTabid('Invoice'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(75, 0, 71, 0, 0, getTabid('OSSCosts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(76, 0, 0, 2, 7, NULL, 'MEN_HUMAN_RESOURCES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(77, 0, 76, 0, 0, getTabid('OSSEmployees'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(78, 0, 76, 0, 1, getTabid('OSSTimeControl'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(79, 0, 76, 0, 2, getTabid('HolidaysEntitlement'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(80, 0, 0, 2, 8, NULL, 'MEN_SECRETARY', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(81, 0, 80, 0, 0, getTabid('LettersIn'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(82, 0, 80, 0, 1, getTabid('LettersOut'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(83, 0, 80, 0, 2, getTabid('Reservations'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(84, 0, 0, 2, 9, NULL, 'MEN_DATABESES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(85, 0, 84, 2, 0, NULL, 'MEN_PRODUCTBASE', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(86, 0, 84, 0, 1, getTabid('Products'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(87, 0, 84, 0, 2, getTabid('OutsourcedProducts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(88, 0, 84, 0, 3, getTabid('Assets'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(89, 0, 84, 3, 4, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(90, 0, 84, 2, 5, NULL, 'MEN_SERVICESBASE', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(91, 0, 84, 0, 6, getTabid('Services'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(92, 0, 84, 0, 7, getTabid('OSSOutsourcedServices'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(93, 0, 84, 0, 8, getTabid('OSSSoldServices'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(94, 0, 84, 3, 9, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(95, 0, 84, 2, 10, NULL, 'MEN_LISTS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(96, 0, 84, 0, 11, getTabid('OSSMailView'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(97, 0, 84, 0, 12, getTabid('SMSNotifier'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(98, 0, 84, 0, 13, getTabid('PBXManager'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(99, 0, 84, 0, 14, getTabid('OSSMailTemplates'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(100, 0, 84, 0, 15, getTabid('Documents'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(102, 0, 84, 0, 16, getTabid('OSSPdf'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(106, 0, 84, 0, 18, getTabid('CallHistory'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(107, 0, 84, 3, 19, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(108, 0, 84, 0, 21, getTabid('NewOrders'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(109, 0, 84, 0, 17, getTabid('OSSPasswords'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(110, 0, 0, 2, 10, NULL, 'MEN_TEAMWORK', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(111, 0, 110, 0, 0, getTabid('Ideas'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(112, 0, 0, 6, 0, getTabid('Home'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(113, 0, 44, 0, 2, getTabid('OSSMail'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); $menu[] = array(114, 0, 84, 0, 20, getTabid('Reports'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ""); foreach ($menu as $m) { $adb->pquery("insert into `yetiforce_menu`(`id`,`role`,`parentid`,`type`,`sequence`,`module`,`label`,`newwindow`,`dataurl`,`showicon`,`icon`,`sizeicon`,`hotkey`) values (" . generateQuestionMarks($m) . ");", array($m)); } } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calendar', getTabid('Home')]); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home'); $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calendar', 'index.php?module=Home&view=ShowWidget&name=Calendar'); } $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_converttoaccount_settings;'); $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_marketing_processes;'); $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_proc_marketing;'); $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_salesprocesses_settings;'); $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name = ?;', array('LBL_MDULES_COLOR_EDITOR')); $adb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `yetiforce_proc_marketing` (\n `type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n `param` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n `value` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,\n KEY `type` (`type`,`param`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $adb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `yetiforce_proc_sales` (\n `type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n `param` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n `value` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,\n KEY `type` (`type`,`param`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_marketing` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['conversion', 'change_owner']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('conversion','change_owner','false');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','groups','');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','status','');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','currentuser_status','false');"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_sales` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['popup', 'limit_product_service']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('popup','limit_product_service','false');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('popup','update_shared_permissions','false');"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_sales` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['calculation', 'calculationsstatus']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('calculation','calculationsstatus','');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('potential','salesstage','');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('asset','assetstatus','');"); $adb->query("insert into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('potential','add_potential','false');"); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` SET linkto = ? WHERE name = ?;', ['index.php?module=SalesProcesses&view=Index&parent=Settings', 'LBL_SALES_PROCESSES']); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE event_name = ? AND handler_class = ?;", ['', 'Vtiger_SharingPrivileges_Handler']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $em = new VTEventsManager($adb); $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/Vtiger/handlers/SharingPrivileges.php', 'Vtiger_SharingPrivileges_Handler'); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'startdate']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, getTabid('ProjectTask'), 'smownerid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projecttaskstatus']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectmilestoneid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'targetenddate']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'subject']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'requirementcards_status']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'potentialid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('RequirementCards'), 'smownerid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'quotesenquiresid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_leadaddress', 'phone']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'lastname']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'company']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'email']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leadstatus']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('Leads'), 'smownerid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'vat_id']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leads_relation']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'legal_form']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_reservations', 'reservations_status']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, getTabid('Reservations'), 'smownerid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_reservations', 'date_start']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_reservations', 'time_start']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_reservations', 'time_end']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_reservations', 'due_date']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_reservations', 'type']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, getTabid('Reservations'), 'description']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'title']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('OSSPdf'), 'smownerid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [10, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_pdf_format']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [11, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_pdf_orientation']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_enable_footer']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_enable_header']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'height_header']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'height_footer']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'selected']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_view']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'moduleid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, getTabid('Contacts'), 'smownerid']); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE handler_class = ?;", array('ProjectTaskHandler')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $em = new VTEventsManager($adb); $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler'); $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.afterdelete', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler'); $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.afterrestore', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler'); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_relatedlists SET label = ? WHERE label = ?;', ['Activities', 'Upcoming Activities']); $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_relatedlists WHERE `tabid` IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND `label` = ?;', [getTabid('Accounts'), getTabid('Leads'), getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Potentials'), getTabid('HelpDesk'), getTabid('Campaigns'), getTabid('ServiceContracts'), getTabid('Project'), 'Activity History']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_potential', 'related_to']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_potential', 'closingdate']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_potential', 'sales_stage']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', 2]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'ssservicesstatus']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [9, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'pscategory']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'datesold']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSSoldServices')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'invoiceid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'parent_id']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'serviceid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsname']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('PaymentsIn')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsin_status']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'relatedid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'salesid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsvalue']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentstitle']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'bank_account']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_lettersin', 'title']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('LettersIn')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_lettersout', 'title']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('LettersOut')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'subject']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'potentialid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('QuotesEnquires')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'quotesenquires_stage']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_account', 'phone']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_account', 'website']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Accounts')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_vendor', 'phone']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_vendor', 'email']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Vendors')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'osstimecontrol_status']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'date_start']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'time_start']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'time_end']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'due_date']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'timecontrol_type']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_phone']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_mail']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'description', getTabid('OSSTimeControl')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'holidaysentitlement_year']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ?, masseditable = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 2, 2, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'days']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'ossemployeesid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('HolidaysEntitlement')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_account', 'legal_form']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'industry']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'subindustry']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'was_read', getTabid('Leads')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [10, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leads_relation']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 2, 'vtiger_activity', 'process', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'link', getTabid('Calendar')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_activity', 'subject', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 2, 'vtiger_activity', 'process', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'eventstatus', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_activity', 'activitytype', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_activity', 'link', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_activity', 'allday', getTabid('Events')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_homestuff SET `visible` = ? WHERE `stufftype` = ? ;', [1, 'Tag Cloud']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET typeofdata = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['D~M', 'vtiger_projectmilestone', 'projectmilestonedate']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_notes', 'filename', getTabid('Documents')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Documents')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_notes', 'filelocationtype', getTabid('Documents')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_notes', 'folderid', getTabid('Documents')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_modcomments', 'commentcontent', getTabid('ModComments')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('ModComments')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_modcomments', 'related_to', getTabid('ModComments')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectid', getTabid('ProjectTask')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('ProjectTask')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'startdate', getTabid('ProjectTask')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projecttaskstatus', getTabid('ProjectTask')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'passwordname', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'username', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'password', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'link_adres', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'employee_status', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'last_name', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [17, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'pesel', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [18, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'id_card', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'employee_education', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'birth_date', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [19, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_phone', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [16, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_phone', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [21, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_mail', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [20, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_mail', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [22, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'street', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [13, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'code', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'city', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'state', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [10, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'country', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [11, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_street', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [15, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_code', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [12, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_city', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [14, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_state', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_country', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET defaultvalue = ?, summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['PLL_WAITING_FOR_VERIFICATION', 1, 'vtiger_calculations', 'calculationsstatus']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'name']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'relatedid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'potentialid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'requirementcardsid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ?, displaytype = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 1, 'vtiger_calculations', 'quotesenquiresid']); $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'estimated_work_time']); $widgets[] = array(53, 'Calculations', 'Summary', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, '[]'); $widgets[] = array(54, 'Calculations', 'RelatedModule', '', 2, 1, NULL, '{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"8","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-"}'); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if (self::checkModuleExists($widget[1])) { $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM vtiger_widgets WHERE tabid = ? AND `type` = ?', array(getTabid($widget[1]), $widget[2])); if (!$adb->num_rows($result)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO vtiger_widgets (tabid, type, label, wcol, sequence, nomargin, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; $adb->pquery($sql, array(getTabid($widget[1]), $widget[2], $widget[3], $widget[4], $widget[5], $widget[6], $widget[7])); } } } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calculations', getTabid('Home')]); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home'); $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calculations', 'index.php?module=Calculations&view=ShowWidget&name=Calculations'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'PotentialsList', getTabid('Home')]); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home'); $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'PotentialsList', 'index.php?module=Potentials&view=ShowWidget&name=PotentialsList'); } // copy values from_portal in HelpDesk $result = $adb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vtiger_troubletickets` LIKE 'from_portal';"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("ALTER TABLE `vtiger_troubletickets` ADD COLUMN `from_portal` varchar(3) NULL after `ordertime` ;"); $adb->query('UPDATE vtiger_troubletickets LEFT JOIN vtiger_ticketcf ON vtiger_troubletickets.ticketid = vtiger_ticketcf.ticketid SET vtiger_troubletickets.from_portal=vtiger_ticketcf.from_portal;'); $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET tablename=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['vtiger_troubletickets', 'vtiger_ticketcf', 'from_portal', getTabid('HelpDesk')]); $adb->pquery('alter table vtiger_ticketcf drop column from_portal'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_calendar_config` WHERE `type` = ? AND `name` = ? ;", ['info', 'notworkingdays']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `vtiger_calendar_config`(`type`,`name`,`label`,`value`) values ('info','notworkingdays ','LBL_NOTWORKING_DAYS',NULL);"); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linklabel = ? AND linkicon = ? ; ", array('LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY', 'icon-align-justify')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { //$mods = Vtiger_Module::getInstance( "Accounts" ); // $mods->deleteLink('DETAILVIEWBASIC', 'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY', 'index.php?module=Accounts&action=AccountHierarchy&accountid=$RECORD$'); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = ? WHERE `linklabel`= ? ;", array('icon-align-justify', 'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = ? WHERE `linklabel`= ? ;", array('icon-file', 'LBL_ADD_NOTE')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-file' WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('Add Note')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-tasks' WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('Add Project Task')); $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-user' WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('LBL_SHOW_EMPLOYEES_HIERARCHY')); } $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_backup_settings`;"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->query("insert into `vtiger_backup_settings`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('folder','storage_folder','false');"); $adb->query("insert into `vtiger_backup_settings`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('folder','storage_folder','false');"); } // change related list $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Accounts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_accounts_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Contacts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_contacts_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Leads'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_leads_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Potentials'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_potentials_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('HelpDesk'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_helpdesk_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Project'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_project_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('ServiceContracts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_servicecontracts_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Campaigns'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_campaigns_mail')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Contacts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Leads'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Accounts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Vendors'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('ServiceContracts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => '')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('HelpDesk'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => '')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Potentials'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => '')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Campaigns'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => '')); $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Project'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => '')); foreach ($update as $presents) { $sql1 = 'UPDATE `vtiger_relatedlists` SET '; foreach ($presents['change'] as $column => $value) { $sql = $sql1 . $column . ' = ? '; $sql .= 'WHERE `tabid` = ? AND `related_tabid` = ? ;'; $adb->pquery($sql, array($value, $presents['tabid'], $presents['related_tabid']), true); } } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('OSSMailView'), getTabid('Vendors'), 'get_vendor_mail', 'Vendors')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Vendors'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('OSSMailView'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Vendors', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_vendor_mail'); } //mailview relation $module = 'OSSMailView'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE module = ? OR relmodule = ?'; $result1 = $adb->pquery($sql, [$module, $module]); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result1); $i++) { $row = $adb->raw_query_result_rowdata($result1, $i); $id = $row['module'] == $module ? $row['relcrmid'] : $row['crmid']; $mailID = $row['module'] != $module ? $row['relcrmid'] : $row['crmid']; $sql = 'SELECT createdtime FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid = ?'; $result2 = $adb->pquery($sql, [$mailID]); if ($adb->num_rows($result2) > 0) { $createdtime = $adb->query_result($result2, 0, 'createdtime'); $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_ossmailview_relation VALUES(?,?,?,?)', [$mailID, $id, $createdtime, 0]); $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE crmid = ? AND relcrmid = ?; ', [$row['crmid'], $row['relcrmid']]); } } $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_ossmailview` LEFT JOIN `vtiger_crmentity` ON `vtiger_ossmailview`.`ossmailviewid` = `vtiger_crmentity`.`crmid` SET `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` = vtiger_crmentity.`modifiedtime` WHERE `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` IS NULL OR `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` = ?', ['0000-00-00 00:00:00']); $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `roundcube_system` WHERE name = ?;', array('roundcube-version')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) { $adb->pquery('UPDATE `roundcube_system` SET `value` = ? WHERE `name` = ?;', ['2015030800', 'roundcube-version']); } else { $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO `roundcube_system`(`name`,`value`) values (?,?);', ['2015030800', 'roundcube-version']); } // $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Project'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Project'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Project'), 'get_related_list', 'Project')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Project'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Project', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Quotes'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Quotes'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Quotes'), 'get_related_list', 'Quotes')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Quotes'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Quotes', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Calculations'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calculations'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Calculations'), 'get_related_list', 'Calculations')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calculations'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Calculations', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('QuotesEnquires'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), 'get_related_list', 'QuotesEnquires')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('QuotesEnquires'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'QuotesEnquires', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('SalesOrder'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('SalesOrder'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('SalesOrder'), 'get_related_list', 'SalesOrder')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('SalesOrder'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'SalesOrder', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), 'get_related_list', 'PurchaseOrder')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'PurchaseOrder', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Invoice'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Invoice'), 'get_related_list', 'Invoice')); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice'); $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Invoice', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list'); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET typeofdata = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['D~M', 'vtiger_calculations', 'date']); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_dataaccess` WHERE module_name = ? AND `summary` = ?;", ['Events', 'Adding time period to status change']); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $adb->pquery('insert into `vtiger_dataaccess`(`module_name`,`summary`,`data`) values (?,?,?)', ['Events', 'Adding time period to status change', 'a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:2:"an";s:25:"Vtiger!!show_quick_create";s:7:"modules";s:14:"OSSTimeControl";s:2:"cf";b:1;}}']); $recordId = $adb->getLastInsertID(); $adb->pquery('insert into `vtiger_dataaccess_cnd`(`dataaccessid`,`fieldname`,`comparator`,`val`,`required`,`field_type`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?);', [$recordId, 'eventstatus', 'has changed', 'Held', 1, 'picklist']); } $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_links SET linkurl = ? WHERE linklabel = ?;', ['index.php?module=OSSTimeControl&view=ShowWidget&name=TimeControl', 'Employees Time Control']); $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM `vtiger_ws_entity` WHERE `name` = ? LIMIT 1;', ['OSSDocumentControl']); $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET data = ? WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND label = 'ProjectTask';", ['{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"' . getTabid('ProjectTask') . '","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-","checkbox_selected":"","checkbox":"-"}']); $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET data = ? WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND label = 'ProjectMilestone';", ['{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"' . getTabid('ProjectMilestone') . '","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-","checkbox_selected":"","checkbox":"-"}']); $adb->query("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET label = 'Documents' WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND tabid = '" . getTabid('Calculations') . "';"); $log->debug("Exiting YetiForceUpdate::databaseData() method ..."); }
private function addWorkflow($moduleName) { vimport('~~modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'); vimport('~~modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/'); vimport('~~modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'); $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $functionName = 'UpdateBalance'; $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($db); $emm->addEntityMethod($moduleName, $functionName, "modules/PaymentsIn/workflow/UpdateBalance.php", $functionName); $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($db); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($db); $newWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow($moduleName); $newWorkflow->test = '[]'; $newWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 0; $newWorkflow->description = "{$moduleName} - UpdateBalance"; $newWorkflow->executionCondition = 3; $workflowManager->save($newWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $newWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'UpdateBalance'; $task->methodName = $functionName; $taskManager->saveTask($task); }
} $workflows = $wfs->getWorkflowsForResult($result); $workflow = $workflows[$workflowid_to_evaluate]; $entityData = $entityCache->forId($crm_record_to_evaluate); if ($workflows[$workflowid_to_evaluate]->executionCondition == VTWorkflowManager::$ON_SCHEDULE) { echo "<h2>Scheduled: SQL for affected records:</h2>"; $workflowScheduler = new WorkFlowScheduler($adb); $query = $workflowScheduler->getWorkflowQuery($workflow); echo "<span style='font-size: large;'>{$query}</span>"; } else { echo "<h2>Launch Conditions:</h2>"; $eval = $workflow->evaluate($entityCache, $crm_record_to_evaluate); echo "<span style='font-size: large;'>"; var_dump($eval); echo '</span>'; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $taskQueue = new VTTaskQueue($adb); $tasks = $tm->getTasksForWorkflow($workflow->id); foreach ($tasks as $task) { if (is_object($task) and $task->active and get_class($task) == 'VTEmailTask') { $email = evalwfEmailTask($crm_record_to_evaluate, $task); foreach ($email as $key => $value) { echo "<h2>{$key}</h2>{$value} <br><hr>"; } } } } ?> </table> </body> </html>
ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=ConfigEditor&action=index', description='Update configuration file of the application' where name = 'Configuration Editor' or name = 'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=ModTracker&action=BasicSettings&parenttab=Settings&formodule=ModTracker' where name = 'ModTracker'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=CustomerPortal&action=index&parenttab=Settings' where name = 'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=Webforms&action=index&parenttab=Settings', description='Allows you to manage Webforms' where name = 'Webforms'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=CronTasks&action=ListCronJobs&parenttab=Settings', description='Allows you to Configure Cron Task' where name = 'Scheduler'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` set `linkto` = 'index.php?module=Tooltip&action=QuickView&parenttab=Settings' where name = 'LBL_TOOLTIP_MANAGEMENT'"); //Delete new Blocks in Calendar ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_blocks SET blocklabel = '' WHERE blocklabel = 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION' AND tabid = '9'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_blocks SET blocklabel = '' WHERE blocklabel = 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION' AND tabid = '16'"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_blocks SET blocklabel = '' WHERE blocklabel = 'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION' AND tabid = 16"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET block = '41' WHERE tabid = '16' and fieldname NOT IN('reminder_time','contact_id')"); ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET block = '19' WHERE tabid = '16' and fieldname = 'contact_id'"); // Change HelpDesk Workflows global $adb; $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $wfrs = $adb->query("SELECT workflow_id,summary FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE module_name='HelpDesk'"); while ($wfid = $adb->fetch_array($wfrs)) { deleteWorkflow($wfid['workflow_id']); putMsg('Workflow "' . $wfid['summary'] . '" deleted!'); } // Trouble Tickets workflow on creation from Customer Portal $helpDeskWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("HelpDesk"); $helpDeskWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"from_portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $helpDeskWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Ticket Created from Portal"; $helpDeskWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_FIRST_SAVE; $helpDeskWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($helpDeskWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $helpDeskWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Notify Record Owner and the Related Contact when Ticket is created from Portal';
$defaultModules = array('include' => array(), 'exclude' => array()); $createToDoModules = array('include' => array("Leads", "Accounts", "Potentials", "Contacts", "HelpDesk", "Campaigns", "Quotes", "PurchaseOrder", "SalesOrder", "Invoice"), 'exclude' => array("Calendar", "FAQ", "Events")); $createEventModules = array('include' => array("Leads", "Accounts", "Potentials", "Contacts", "HelpDesk", "Campaigns"), 'exclude' => array("Calendar", "FAQ", "Events")); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTEmailTask", "label" => "Send Mail", "classname" => "VTEmailTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTEmailTask.tpl", "modules" => $defaultModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTEntityMethodTask", "label" => "Invoke Custom Function", "classname" => "VTEntityMethodTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTEntityMethodTask.tpl", "modules" => $defaultModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTCreateTodoTask", "label" => "Create Todo", "classname" => "VTCreateTodoTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTCreateTodoTask.tpl", "modules" => $createToDoModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTCreateEventTask", "label" => "Create Event", "classname" => "VTCreateEventTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTCreateEventTask.tpl", "modules" => $createEventModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTUpdateFieldsTask", "label" => "Update Fields", "classname" => "VTUpdateFieldsTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTUpdateFieldsTask.tpl", "modules" => $defaultModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTCreateEntityTask", "label" => "Create Entity", "classname" => "VTCreateEntityTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTCreateEntityTask.tpl", "modules" => $defaultModules, "sourcemodule" => ''); $taskTypes[] = array("name" => "VTSMSTask", "label" => "SMS Task", "classname" => "VTSMSTask", "classpath" => "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/", "templatepath" => "com_vtiger_workflow/taskforms/VTSMSTask.tpl", "modules" => $defaultModules, "sourcemodule" => 'SMSNotifier'); foreach ($taskTypes as $taskType) { VTTaskType::registerTaskType($taskType); } // Creating Default workflows $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); // Contact workflow on creation/modification $contactWorkFlow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $contactWorkFlow->test = ''; $contactWorkFlow->description = "Workflow for Contact Creation or Modification"; $contactWorkFlow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $contactWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($contactWorkFlow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $contactWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Email Customer Portal Login Details'; $task->methodName = "SendPortalLoginDetails"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Trouble Tickets workflow on creation from Customer Portal $helpDeskWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("HelpDesk"); $helpDeskWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"from_portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]';
public function addWorkflow() { global $log, $adb; $workflow = array(); $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = 'Update Closed Time';"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $workflow[] = array(54, 'HelpDesk', 'Update Closed Time', '[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Rejected","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"or","groupjoin":null,"groupid":"1"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":null,"groupid":"1"}]', 2, NULL, 'basic', 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = 'Generate mail address book';"); if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) { $workflow[] = array(55, 'Contacts', 'Generate mail address book', '[]', 3, NULL, 'basic', 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } $workflowTask = array(); $workflowTask[] = array(121, 54, 'Update Closed Time', 'O:18:"VTUpdateClosedTime":6:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"54";s:7:"summary";s:18:"Update Closed Time";s:6:"active";b:1;s:7:"trigger";N;s:2:"id";i:121;}'); $workflowTask[] = array(123, 55, 'Generate mail address book', 'O:17:"VTAddressBookTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:0;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"55";s:7:"summary";s:26:"Generate mail address book";s:6:"active";b:1;s:7:"trigger";N;s:4:"test";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:123;}'); require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/'; require_once 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/'; $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); foreach ($workflow as $record) { $newWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow($record[1]); $newWorkflow->description = $record[2]; $newWorkflow->test = $record[3]; $newWorkflow->executionCondition = $record[4]; $newWorkflow->defaultworkflow = $record[5]; $newWorkflow->type = $record[6]; $newWorkflow->filtersavedinnew = $record[7]; $workflowManager->save($newWorkflow); foreach ($workflowTask as $indexTask) { if ($indexTask[1] == $record[0]) { $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($indexTask[3]); $task->id = ''; $task->workflowId = $newWorkflow->id; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } } } }
function populateDefaultWorkflows($adb) { require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; // Creating Workflow for Updating Inventory Stock for Invoice $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Invoice"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"subject","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $invWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $tm->saveTask($task); // Creating Workflow for Accounts when Notifyowner is true $vtaWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $accWorkFlow = $vtaWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Accounts"); $accWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"notify_owner","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $accWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Notifyowner is True"; $accWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $accWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtaWorkFlow->save($accWorkFlow); $id1 = $accWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $accWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Account Creation"; $task->content = "An Account has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of account are :<br><br>" . "AccountId:" . '<b>$account_no</b><br>' . "AccountName:" . '<b>$accountname</b><br>' . "Rating:" . '<b>$rating</b><br>' . "Industry:" . '<b>$industry</b><br>' . "AccountType:" . '<b>$accounttype</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An account has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Contacts when Notifyowner is true $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $conWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $conWorkFlow->summary = "A contact has been created "; $conWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $conWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"notify_owner","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $conWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Notifyowner is True"; $conWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtcWorkFlow->save($conWorkFlow); $id1 = $conWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $conWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Contact Creation"; $task->content = "An Contact has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Contact are :<br><br>" . "Contact Id:" . '<b>$contact_no</b><br>' . "LastName:" . '<b>$lastname</b><br>' . "FirstName:" . '<b>$firstname</b><br>' . "Lead Source:" . '<b>$leadsource</b><br>' . "Department:" . '<b>$department</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An contact has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Contacts when PortalUser is true $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $conpuWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $conpuWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $conpuWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Portal User is True"; $conpuWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $conpuWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtcWorkFlow->save($conpuWorkFlow); $id1 = $conpuWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $conpuWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Contact Assignment"; $task->content = "An Contact has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Contact are :<br><br>" . "Contact Id:" . '<b>$contact_no</b><br>' . "LastName:" . '<b>$lastname</b><br>' . "FirstName:" . '<b>$firstname</b><br>' . "Lead Source:" . '<b>$leadsource</b><br>' . "Department:" . '<b>$department</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "And <b>CustomerPortal Login Details</b> is sent to the " . "EmailID :-" . '$email<br>' . "<br>Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An contact has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Potentials $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $potentialWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Potentials"); $potentialWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to users on Potential creation"; $potentialWorkFlow->executionCondition = 1; $potentialWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtcWorkFlow->save($potentialWorkFlow); $id1 = $potentialWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $potentialWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Potential Assignment"; $task->content = "An Potential has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Potential are :<br><br>" . "Potential No:" . '<b>$potential_no</b><br>' . "Potential Name:" . '<b>$potentialname</b><br>' . "Amount:" . '<b>$amount</b><br>' . "Expected Close Date:" . '<b>$closingdate</b><br>' . "Type:" . '<b>$opportunity_type</b><br><br><br>' . "Description :" . '$description<br>' . "<br>Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An Potential has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); // Contact workflow on creation/modification $contactWorkFlow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $contactWorkFlow->test = ''; $contactWorkFlow->description = "Workflow for Contact Creation or Modification"; $contactWorkFlow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $contactWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($contactWorkFlow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $contactWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Email Customer Portal Login Details'; $task->methodName = "SendPortalLoginDetails"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Trouble Tickets workflow on creation from Customer Portal $helpDeskWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("HelpDesk"); $helpDeskWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"from_portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $helpDeskWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Ticket Created from Portal"; $helpDeskWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_FIRST_SAVE; $helpDeskWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($helpDeskWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $helpDeskWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Notify Record Owner and the Related Contact when Ticket is created from Portal'; $task->methodName = "NotifyOnPortalTicketCreation"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Trouble Tickets workflow on ticket update from Customer Portal $helpDeskWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("HelpDesk"); $helpDeskWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"from_portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $helpDeskWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Ticket Updated from Portal"; $helpDeskWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_MODIFY; $helpDeskWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($helpDeskWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $helpDeskWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Notify Record Owner when Comment is added to a Ticket from Customer Portal'; $task->methodName = "NotifyOnPortalTicketComment"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Trouble Tickets workflow on ticket change, which is not from Customer Portal - Both Record Owner and Related Customer $helpDeskWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("HelpDesk"); $helpDeskWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"from_portal","operation":"is","value":"false:boolean"}]'; $helpDeskWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Ticket Change, not from the Portal"; $helpDeskWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $helpDeskWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($helpDeskWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $helpDeskWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Notify Record Owner on Ticket Change, which is not done from Portal'; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwnerOnTicketChange"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $helpDeskWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Notify Related Customer on Ticket Change, which is not done from Portal'; $task->methodName = "NotifyParentOnTicketChange"; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Events workflow when Send Notification is checked $eventsWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("Events"); $eventsWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"sendnotification","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $eventsWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Events when Send Notification is True"; $eventsWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $eventsWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($eventsWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEmailTask', $eventsWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Send Notification Email to Record Owner'; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Event : \$subject"; $task->content = '$(assigned_user_id : (Users) first_name) $(assigned_user_id : (Users) last_name) ,<br/>' . '<b>Activity Notification Details:</b><br/>' . 'Subject : $subject<br/>' . 'Start date and time : $date_start $time_start ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'End date and time : $due_date $time_end ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'Status : $eventstatus <br/>' . 'Priority : $taskpriority <br/>' . 'Related To : $(parent_id : (Leads) lastname) $(parent_id : (Leads) firstname) $(parent_id : (Accounts) accountname) ' . '$(parent_id : (Potentials) potentialname) $(parent_id : (HelpDesk) ticket_title) <br/>' . 'Contacts List : $(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname) <br/>' . 'Location : $location <br/>' . 'Description : $description'; $taskManager->saveTask($task); // Calendar workflow when Send Notification is checked $calendarWorkflow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("Calendar"); $calendarWorkflow->test = '[{"fieldname":"sendnotification","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $calendarWorkflow->description = "Workflow for Calendar Todos when Send Notification is True"; $calendarWorkflow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $calendarWorkflow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($calendarWorkflow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTEmailTask', $calendarWorkflow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Send Notification Email to Record Owner'; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Task : \$subject"; $task->content = '$(assigned_user_id : (Users) first_name) $(assigned_user_id : (Users) last_name) ,<br/>' . '<b>Task Notification Details:</b><br/>' . 'Subject : $subject<br/>' . 'Start date and time : $date_start $time_start ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'End date and time : $due_date ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'Status : $taskstatus <br/>' . 'Priority : $taskpriority <br/>' . 'Related To : $(parent_id : (Leads) lastname) $(parent_id : (Leads) firstname) $(parent_id : (Accounts) accountname) ' . '$(parent_id : (Potentials) potentialname) $(parent_id : (HelpDesk) ticket_title) <br/>' . 'Contacts List : $(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname) <br/>' . 'Location : $location <br/>' . 'Description : $description'; $taskManager->saveTask($task); }
function vtTaskEdit($adb, $request, $current_language, $app_strings) { global $theme; $util = new VTWorkflowUtils(); $image_path = "themes/{$theme}/images/"; $module = new VTWorkflowApplication('edittask'); $mod = return_module_language($current_language, $module->name); if (!$util->checkAdminAccess()) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN']); return; } $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $smarty->assign('edit', isset($request["task_id"])); if (isset($request["task_id"])) { $task = $tm->retrieveTask($request["task_id"]); $workflowId = $task->workflowId; } else { $workflowId = $request["workflow_id"]; $taskClass = $request["task_type"]; $task = $tm->createTask($taskClass, $workflowId); } if ($task == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_TASK']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_TASK']); return; } $wm = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $workflow = $wm->retrieve($workflowId); if ($workflow == null) { $errorUrl = $module->errorPageUrl($mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); $util->redirectTo($errorUrl, $mod['LBL_ERROR_NO_WORKFLOW']); return; } $smarty->assign("workflow", $workflow); $smarty->assign("returnUrl", $request["return_url"]); $smarty->assign("task", $task); $smarty->assign("taskType", $taskClass); $smarty->assign("saveType", $request['save_type']); $taskClass = get_class($task); $smarty->assign("taskTemplate", "{$module->name}/taskforms/{$taskClass}.tpl"); $et = VTWSEntityType::usingGlobalCurrentUser($workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("entityType", $et); $smarty->assign('entityName', $workflow->moduleName); $smarty->assign("fieldNames", $et->getFieldNames()); $dateFields = array(); $fieldTypes = $et->getFieldTypes(); $fieldLabels = $et->getFieldLabels(); foreach ($fieldTypes as $name => $type) { if ($type->type == 'Date' || $type->type == 'DateTime') { $dateFields[$name] = $fieldLabels[$name]; } } $smarty->assign('dateFields', $dateFields); if ($task->trigger != null) { $trigger = $task->trigger; $days = $trigger['days']; if ($days < 0) { $days *= -1; $direction = 'before'; } else { $direction = 'after'; } $smarty->assign('trigger', array('days' => $days, 'direction' => $direction, 'field' => $trigger['field'])); } $curr_date = "(general : (__VtigerMeta__) date)"; $curr_time = '(general : (__VtigerMeta__) time)'; $smarty->assign("DATE", $curr_date); $smarty->assign("TIME", $curr_time); $smarty->assign("MOD", array_merge(return_module_language($current_language, 'Settings'), return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar'), return_module_language($current_language, $module->name))); $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("dateFormat", parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT'])); $smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $smarty->assign("THEME", $theme); $smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $module->label); $smarty->assign("PAGE_NAME", $mod['LBL_EDIT_TASK']); $smarty->assign("PAGE_TITLE", $mod['LBL_EDIT_TASK_TITLE']); $smarty->assign("module", $module); $smarty->display("{$module->name}/EditTask.tpl"); }
function applyChange() { global $adb; if ($this->hasError()) { $this->sendError(); } if ($this->isApplied()) { $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!'); } else { global $adb; $modname = 'CobroPago'; $module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($modname); $block = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_COBROPAGO_INFORMATION', $module); $fld_ref = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('reference', $module); $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET typeofdata='V~O' WHERE fieldid={$fld_ref->id}"); $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence=sequence+1 WHERE block={$block->id} AND sequence>1"); $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('cyp_no', $module); if (!$field) { $field1 = new Vtiger_Field(); $field1->name = 'cyp_no'; $field1->label = 'CyP No'; $field1->column = 'cyp_no'; $field1->columntype = 'VARCHAR(50)'; $field1->sequence = 2; $field1->uitype = 4; $field1->typeofdata = 'V~M'; $field1->displaytype = 1; $field1->presence = 0; $block->addField($field1); } $fld_due = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('duedate', $module); $qry = "SELECT sequence FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldid={$fld_due->id}"; $res = $adb->query($qry); $seq = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'sequence'); $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence=sequence+1 WHERE block={$block->id} AND sequence>{$seq}"); $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('paymentdate', $module); if (!$field) { $field1 = new Vtiger_Field(); $field1->name = 'paymentdate'; $field1->label = 'PaymentDate'; $field1->column = 'paymentdate'; $field1->columntype = 'DATE'; $field1->sequence = $seq + 1; $field1->uitype = 5; $field1->typeofdata = 'D~O'; $field1->displaytype = 1; $field1->presence = 0; $block->addField($field1); } $res_ui4 = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? AND uitype=? AND fieldname<>?", array($module->id, '4', 'cyp_no')); if ($adb->num_rows($res_ui4) != 0) { $fld_ui4_id = $adb->query_result($res_ui4, 0, 'fieldid'); $fld_ui4_name = $adb->query_result($res_ui4, 0, 'fieldname'); $fld_ui4_colname = $adb->query_result($res_ui4, 0, 'columnname'); $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET uitype=? WHERE fieldid=?", array('1', $fld_ui4_id)); } $res = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM vtiger_modentity_num WHERE semodule='CobroPago'"); if ($adb->num_rows($res) == 0) { $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($modname); $focus->setModuleSeqNumber('configure', $modname, 'PAY-', '0000001'); $focus->updateMissingSeqNumber($modname); } elseif (!is_null($fld_ui4_colname)) { $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_cobropago SET cyp_no={$fld_ui4_colname}"); //Workflow, copy CyP No to Reference $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow('CobroPago'); $invWorkFlow->description = "Number to Reference"; $invWorkFlow->executionCondition = 3; $invWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTUpdateFieldsTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = "Number to Reference"; $task->field_value_mapping = '[{"fieldname":"' . $fld_ui4_name . '","valuetype":"fieldname","value":"cyp_no "}]'; $tm->saveTask($task); } $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_entityname SET fieldname=CONCAT(fieldname,',cyp_no') WHERE tabid={$module->id}"); $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_cobropago SET paymentdate=duedate"); $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied!'); $this->markApplied(); } $this->finishExecution(); }
/** * Invoked when special actions are performed on the module. * @param String Module name * @param String Event Type (module.postinstall, module.disabled, module.enabled, module.preuninstall) */ function vtlib_handler($modulename, $event_type) { global $adb; require_once 'include/events/'; include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php'; if ($event_type == 'module.postinstall') { // TODO Handle post installation actions $modAccounts = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts'); $modContacts = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $modInvD = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('InventoryDetails'); $modIss = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Issuecards'); if ($modAccounts) { $modAccounts->setRelatedList($modIss, 'Issuecards', array('ADD'), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modContacts) { $modContacts->setRelatedList($modIss, 'Issuecards', array('ADD'), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modInvD) { $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('related_to', $modInvD); $field->setRelatedModules(array('Issuecards')); $modIss->setRelatedList($modInvD, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } //Add Gendoc to Issuecards if (vtlib_isModuleActive("evvtgendoc")) { $modIss->addLink('LISTVIEWBASIC', 'Generate Document', "javascript:showgendoctemplates('\$MODULE\$');"); $modIss->addLink('DETAILVIEWWIDGET', 'Generate Document', "module=evvtgendoc&action=evvtgendocAjax&file=DetailViewWidget&formodule=\$MODULE\$&forrecord=\$RECORD\$", 'modules/evvtgendoc/evvtgendoc.gif'); } $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($adb); // Adding EntityMethod for Updating Products data after updating PurchaseOrder $emm->addEntityMethod("Issuecards", "UpdateInventory", "include/InventoryHandler.php", "handleInventoryProductRel"); // Creating Workflow for Updating Inventory Stock on Issuecards $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Issuecards"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"pslip_no","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $invWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $task->summary = "Update product stock"; $tm->saveTask($task); $this->setModuleSeqNumber('configure', $modulename, 'pslip-', '0000001'); } else { if ($event_type == 'module.disabled') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is disabled. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.enabled') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is enabled. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.preuninstall') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.preupdate') { // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.postupdate') { // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated. $modInvD = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('InventoryDetails'); $modIss = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Issuecards'); //Add subject field to can import and export $block = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_ISSUECARDS_INFO', $modIss); $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('subject', $modIss); if (!$field) { $field1 = new Vtiger_Field(); $field1->name = 'subject'; $field1->label = 'subject'; $field1->table = 'vtiger_issuecards'; $field1->column = 'subject'; $field1->columntype = 'VARCHAR(100)'; $field1->sequence = 3; $field1->uitype = 1; $field1->typeofdata = 'V~O'; $field1->displaytype = 1; $field1->presence = 0; $block->addField($field1); } if ($modInvD) { $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('related_to', $modInvD); $field->setRelatedModules(array('Issuecards')); $modIss->setRelatedList($modInvD, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } //Add Gendoc to Issuecards if (vtlib_isModuleActive("evvtgendoc")) { $modIss->addLink('LISTVIEWBASIC', 'Generate Document', "javascript:showgendoctemplates('\$MODULE\$');"); $modIss->addLink('DETAILVIEWWIDGET', 'Generate Document', "module=evvtgendoc&action=evvtgendocAjax&file=DetailViewWidget&formodule=\$MODULE\$&forrecord=\$RECORD\$", 'modules/evvtgendoc/evvtgendoc.gif'); } $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($adb); // Adding EntityMethod for Updating Products data after updating Issuecards $emm->addEntityMethod("Issuecards", "UpdateInventory", "include/InventoryHandler.php", "handleInventoryProductRel"); // Creating Workflow for Updating Inventory Stock on Issuecards $vtWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $invWorkFlow = $vtWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Issuecards"); $invWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"pslip_no","operation":"does not contain","value":"`!`"}]'; $invWorkFlow->description = "UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save"; $invWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $vtWorkFlow->save($invWorkFlow); $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEntityMethodTask', $invWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "UpdateInventory"; $task->summary = "Update product stock"; $tm->saveTask($task); } } } } } } }
function populateDefaultWorkflows($adb) { require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; //added column defaultworkflow //For default workflows it sets column defaultworkflow=true $column_name = "defaultworkflow"; $adb->pquery("alter table com_vtiger_workflows add column {$column_name} int(1)", array()); // Creating Workflow for Accounts when Notifyowner is true $vtaWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $accWorkFlow = $vtaWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Accounts"); $accWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"notify_owner","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $accWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Notifyowner is True"; $accWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $vtaWorkFlow->save($accWorkFlow); $id1 = $accWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $accWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Account Creation"; $task->content = "An Account has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of account are :<br><br>" . "AccountId:" . '<b>$account_no</b><br>' . "AccountName:" . '<b>$accountname</b><br>' . "Rating:" . '<b>$rating</b><br>' . "Industry:" . '<b>$industry</b><br>' . "AccountType:" . '<b>$accounttype</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An account has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Contacts when Notifyowner is true $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $conWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $conWorkFlow->summary = "Test accounut"; $conWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $conWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"notify_owner","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $conWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Notifyowner is True"; $vtcWorkFlow->save($conWorkFlow); $id1 = $conWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $conWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Contact Creation"; $task->content = "An Contact has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Contact are :<br><br>" . "Contact Id:" . '<b>$contact_no</b><br>' . "LastName:" . '<b>$lastname</b><br>' . "FirstName:" . '<b>$firstname</b><br>' . "Lead Source:" . '<b>$leadsource</b><br>' . "Department:" . '<b>$department</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An contact has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Contacts when PortalUser is true $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $conpuWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Contacts"); $conpuWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"portal","operation":"is","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $conpuWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user when Portal User is True"; $conpuWorkFlow->executionCondition = 2; $vtcWorkFlow->save($conpuWorkFlow); $id1 = $conpuWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $conpuWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->methodName = "NotifyOwner"; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Contact Assignment"; $task->content = "An Contact has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Contact are :<br><br>" . "Contact Id:" . '<b>$contact_no</b><br>' . "LastName:" . '<b>$lastname</b><br>' . "FirstName:" . '<b>$firstname</b><br>' . "Lead Source:" . '<b>$leadsource</b><br>' . "Department:" . '<b>$department</b><br>' . "Description:" . '<b>$description</b><br><br><br>' . "And <b>CustomerPortal Login Details</b> is sent to the " . "EmailID :-" . '$email<br>' . "<br>Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An contact has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); // Creating Workflow for Potentials $vtcWorkFlow = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $potentialWorkFlow = $vtcWorkFlow->newWorkFlow("Potentials"); $potentialWorkFlow->description = "Send Email to user on Potential creation"; $potentialWorkFlow->executionCondition = 1; $vtcWorkFlow->save($potentialWorkFlow); $id1 = $potentialWorkFlow->id; $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb); $task = $tm->createTask('VTEmailTask', $potentialWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)"; $task->subject = "Regarding Potential Assignment"; $task->content = "An Potential has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Potential are :<br><br>" . "Potential No:" . '<b>$potential_no</b><br>' . "Potential Name:" . '<b>$potentialname</b><br>' . "Amount:" . '<b>$amount</b><br>' . "Expected Close Date:" . '<b>$closingdate</b><br>' . "Type:" . '<b>$opportunity_type</b><br><br><br>' . "Description :" . '$description<br>' . "<br>Thank You<br>Admin"; $task->summary = "An Potential has been created "; $tm->saveTask($task); $adb->pquery("update com_vtiger_workflows set defaultworkflow=? where workflow_id=?", array(1, $id1)); }
/** * Invoked when special actions are performed on the module. * @param String Module name * @param String Event Type (module.postinstall, module.disabled, module.enabled, module.preuninstall) */ function vtlib_handler($modulename, $event_type) { if ($event_type == 'module.postinstall') { //Handle post installation actions require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/tasks/"; require_once "modules/com_vtiger_workflow/"; global $adb; $mod = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('InventoryDetails'); $this->setModuleSeqNumber('configure', $modulename, '', '000000001'); $modAccounts = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts'); $modContacts = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'); $modVnd = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Vendors'); $modInvoice = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice'); $modSO = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('SalesOrder'); $modPO = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder'); $modQt = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Quotes'); $modPrd = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Products'); $modSrv = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Services'); if ($modAccounts) { $modAccounts->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modContacts) { $modContacts->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modVnd) { $modVnd->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modInvoice) { $modInvoice->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modSO) { $modSO->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modPO) { $modPO->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modQt) { $modQt->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modPrd) { $modPrd->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } if ($modSrv) { $modSrv->setRelatedList($mod, 'InventoryDetails', array(''), 'get_dependents_list'); } $wfrs = $adb->query("SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE summary='Line Completed'"); if ($wfrs and $adb->num_rows($wfrs) == 1) { echo 'Workfolw already exists!'; } else { $workflowManager = new VTWorkflowManager($adb); $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb); $InvDtWorkFlow = $workflowManager->newWorkFlow("InventoryDetails"); $InvDtWorkFlow->test = '[{"fieldname":"units_delivered_received","operation":"equal to","value":"quantity","valuetype":"fieldname","joincondition":"and","groupid":"0"}]'; $InvDtWorkFlow->description = "Line Completed"; $InvDtWorkFlow->executionCondition = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_EVERY_SAVE; $InvDtWorkFlow->defaultworkflow = 1; $workflowManager->save($InvDtWorkFlow); $task = $taskManager->createTask('VTUpdateFieldsTask', $InvDtWorkFlow->id); $task->active = true; $task->summary = 'Mark as Line Completed'; $task->field_value_mapping = '[{"fieldname":"line_completed","valuetype":"rawtext","value":"true:boolean"}]'; $taskManager->saveTask($task); } } else { if ($event_type == 'module.disabled') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is disabled. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.enabled') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is enabled. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.preuninstall') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.preupdate') { // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated. } else { if ($event_type == 'module.postupdate') { // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated. } } } } } } }
public static function getCleanInstance($workflowModel, $taskName) { $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $tm = new VTTaskManager($db); $task = $tm->createTask($taskName, $workflowModel->getId()); return self::getInstanceFromTaskObject($task, $workflowModel, $tm); }