Ejemplo n.º 1
                 $sIPAdd = new IP(0);
                 $sIPAdd->uIPAddress = $sIP["ipaddress"];
                 $sIPAdd->uVPSId = $sVPS->sId;
                 $sIPAdd->uBlockId = $sBlock->sId;
             } else {
                 echo "Using existing IP.\n";
                 $sIPAdd = new IP($sIPExists->data[0]["id"]);
                 $sIPAdd->uVPSId = $sVPS->sId;
     $sVPS->uPrimaryIP = $sValue["mainipaddress"];
     echo "Moving VPS configs to new ID...\n";
     $sCommandList = "vzctl chkpnt {$sValue["ctid"]} --dumpfile /tmp/Dump.{$sValue["ctid"]};";
     $sCommandList .= "mv /etc/vz/conf/{$sValue["ctid"]}.conf /etc/vz/conf/{$sVPS->sContainerId}.conf;";
     $sCommandList .= "mv /vz/private/{$sValue["ctid"]} /vz/private/{$sVPS->sContainerId};";
     $sCommandList .= "mv /vz/root/{$sValue["ctid"]} /vz/root/{$sVPS->sContainerId};";
     $sCommandList .= "vzctl restore {$sVPS->sContainerId} --dumpfile /tmp/Dump.{$sValue["ctid"]};";
     $sServerConnect = $sServer->server_connect($sServer);
     $sUpdate = $sServerConnect->exec($sCommandList);
     $sStatus = $sServerConnect->exec("vzctl status {$sVPS->sContainerId};");
     if (strpos($sStatus, 'running') !== false) {
         echo "VPS Old: {$sValue["vserverid"]} now Feathurized: {$sVPS->sId}\n";
     } else {
         echo "Something borked with the conversion of {$sValue["vserverid"]} ({$sValue["hostname"]} / {$sValue["mainipaddress"]}), skipping...\n";
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function database_kvm_create($sUser, $sRequested, $sAPI = 0)
     $sUserPermissions = $sUser->sPermissions;
     if ($sUserPermissions == 7) {
         global $database;
         global $sRequested;
         $uServer = $sRequested["POST"]["server"];
         $uUser = $sRequested["POST"]["user"];
         $uTemplate = $sRequested["POST"]["template"];
         $uRAM = $sRequested["POST"]["ram"];
         $uDisk = $sRequested["POST"]["disk"];
         $uIPAddresses = $sRequested["POST"]["ipaddresses"];
         $uHostname = $sRequested["POST"]["hostname"];
         $uNameserver = $sRequested["POST"]["nameserver"];
         $uCPULimit = $sRequested["POST"]["cpulimit"];
         $uBandwidthLimit = $sRequested["POST"]["bandwidthlimit"];
         if (!empty($uServer) && is_numeric($uServer)) {
             if (!empty($uUser) && is_numeric($uUser)) {
                 if (!empty($uRAM) && is_numeric($uRAM)) {
                     if (!empty($uDisk) && is_numeric($uDisk)) {
                         if (!empty($uCPULimit) && is_numeric($uCPULimit)) {
                             if (!empty($uBandwidthLimit) && is_numeric($uBandwidthLimit)) {
                                 $sServer = new Server($uServer);
                                 $sOwner = new User($uUser);
                                 if (!empty($uTemplate)) {
                                     $sTemplate = new Template($uTemplate);
                                 if (empty($sAPI)) {
                                     $sIPCheck = VPS::check_ipspace($sServer->sId, $uIPAddresses);
                                     if (is_array($sIPCheck)) {
                                         return $sIPCheck;
                                 if (empty($uHostname)) {
                                     $uHostname = "vps.example.com";
                                 if (empty($uNameserver)) {
                                     $uNameserver = "";
                                 while ($sTotalMacs < $uIPAddresses) {
                                     if (empty($sTotalMacs)) {
                                         $sMac = generate_mac();
                                     } else {
                                         $sMac .= "," . generate_mac();
                                 // VPS Database setup
                                 $sVPSId = Core::GetSetting('container_id');
                                 $sUpdate = Core::UpdateSetting('container_id', $sVPSId->sValue + 1);
                                 $sVPS = new VPS(0);
                                 $sVPS->uType = $sServer->sType;
                                 $sVPS->uHostname = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-.]/', '', $uHostname);
                                 $sVPS->uNameserver = $uNameserver;
                                 $sVPS->uUserId = $sOwner->sId;
                                 $sVPS->uServerId = $sServer->sId;
                                 $sVPS->uContainerId = $sVPSId->sValue;
                                 $sVPS->uRAM = $uRAM;
                                 $sVPS->uDisk = $uDisk;
                                 $sVPS->uMac = $sMac;
                                 $sVPS->uCPULimit = $uCPULimit;
                                 if (!empty($uTemplate)) {
                                     $sVPS->uTemplateId = $sTemplate->sId;
                                 $sVPS->uBandwidthLimit = $uBandwidthLimit;
                                 $sVPS->uVNCPort = $sVPSId->sValue + 5900;
                                 $sVPS->uBootOrder = "hd";
                                 if ($sBlocks = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM server_blocks WHERE `server_id` = :ServerId AND `ipv6` = 0", array('ServerId' => $sServer->sId))) {
                                     foreach ($sBlocks->data as $key => $value) {
                                         if ($sIPs = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM ipaddresses WHERE `block_id` = :BlockId AND `vps_id` = 0", array('BlockId' => $value["block_id"]))) {
                                             foreach ($sIPs->data as $subvalue) {
                                                 if ($sCurrentIPs < $uIPAddresses) {
                                                     $sIPList[] = array("id" => $subvalue["id"], "ip_address" => $subvalue["ip_address"], "block" => $subvalue["block_id"]);
                                                     $sUpdate = $database->CachedQuery("UPDATE ipaddresses SET `vps_id` = :VPSId WHERE `id` = :Id", array('VPSId' => $sVPS->sId, 'Id' => $subvalue["id"]));
                                                     if (empty($sFirst)) {
                                                         $sVPS->uPrimaryIP = $subvalue["ip_address"];
                                                         $sFirst = 1;
                                 $sRequested["POST"]["VPS"] = $sVPS->sId;
                                 $sRequested["POST"]["IPList"] = $sIPList;
                                 if (!empty($sAPI)) {
                                     return $sVPS->sId;
                                 return true;
                             } else {
                                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the bandwidth limit!");
                         } else {
                             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the CPU limit!");
                     } else {
                         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the disk limit!");
                 } else {
                     return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the available RAM!");
             } else {
                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the owner of this VPS!");
         } else {
             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the server!");
     } else {
         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "error", "result" => "Permissions invalid for selected action.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 $sRequested["POST"]["cpulimit"] = "100";
 $sRequested["POST"]["bandwidthlimit"] = "512";
 $sDatabase = $sStart->database_openvz_create($sUser, $sRequested);
 $sCreateVPS = $sStart->openvz_create($sUser, $sRequested);
 if (is_numeric($sCreateVPS["vps"])) {
     $sNewVPS = new VPS($sCreateVPS["vps"]);
     $sIPs = substr($sVPS["coma_vmipaddress_a"], 1);
     $sIPs = explode(",", $sIPs);
     if (empty($sAssignNewIP)) {
         $sAction = "assignip";
         $sDBAction = "database_{$sNewVPS->sType}_{$sAction}";
         $sServerAction = "{$sNewVPS->sType}_{$sAction}";
         foreach ($sIPs as $sIP) {
             if (empty($sFirst)) {
                 $sNewVPS->uPrimaryIP = $sIP;
                 $sFirst = 1;
             if (!empty($sIP)) {
                 $sRequested["GET"]["ip"] = $sIP;
                 $sDBResult = $sStart->{$sDBAction}($sUser, $sNewVPS, $sRequested);
                 $sServerResult = $sStart->{$sServerAction}($sUser, $sNewVPS, $sRequested);
     } else {
         $sTotalIPs = count($sIPs);
         $sAction = "addip";
         $sDBAction = "database_{$sNewVPS->sType}_{$sAction}";
         $sServerAction = "{$sNewVPS->sType}_{$sAction}";
         $sRequested["GET"]["ip"] = $sTotalIPs;
         $sDBResult = $sStart->{$sDBAction}($sUser, $sNewVPS, $sRequested);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function pull_status($sServer)
     echo "Setting up prerequisites...\n";
     $sTimestamp = time();
     global $database;
     // Insert History
     $sHistory = new History(0);
     $sHistory->uServerId = $sServer;
     $sHistory->uTimestamp = $sTimestamp;
     $sHistory->uStatus = false;
     // Insert Statistics
     $sStatistics = new Statistics(0);
     $sStatistics->uServerId = $sServer;
     $sStatistics->uStatus = false;
     $sStatistics->uTimestamp = $sTimestamp;
     // Connect to Server
     $sServer = new Server($sServer);
     $sSSH = Server::server_connect($sServer, "1");
     if (is_array($sSSH)) {
     // Setup and start anti-abuse script on node.
     if ($sServer->sType == 'openvz') {
         $sAbuse = escapeshellarg(file_get_contents('/var/feathur/Scripts/abuse.sh'));
         $sDumpCode = $sSSH->exec("mkdir -p /var/feathur/data;cd /var/feathur/data/;echo {$sAbuse} > abuse.sh;screen -dmS abuse bash -c \"cd /var/feathur/data/;bash abuse.sh;\";");
         // Pull list of suspended users:
         $sSuspended = explode("\n", $sSSH->exec("cat /var/feathur/data/suspended.txt"));
         foreach ($sSuspended as $sValue) {
             $sValue = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sValue);
             if (!empty($sValue) && $sValue >> 10) {
                 try {
                     $sVPS = new VPS($sValue);
                     $sVPS->uSuspended = 2;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo "Odd data in suspend tracker. Skipping";
         $sClean = $sSSH->exec("rm -rf /var/feathur/data/suspended.txt");
     // Pull system stats.
     echo "Connected to server...\n";
     $sUptime = explode(' ', $sSSH->exec("cat /proc/uptime"));
     $sCPU = explode(' ', $sSSH->exec("cat /proc/loadavg"));
     $sUsedRAM = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sSSH->exec("free | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print \$3}'"));
     $sTotalRAM = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sSSH->exec("free | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print \$2}'"));
     $sDisk = $sSSH->exec("df");
     $sDisk = explode("\n", trim($sDisk));
     foreach ($sDisk as $sValue) {
         $sValue = explode(" ", preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $sValue));
         if (is_numeric($sValue[2])) {
             $sDiskUsed = $sDiskUsed + $sValue[2];
             $sDiskTotal = $sDiskTotal + $sValue[1];
     $sDiskUsed = $sDiskUsed / 1048576;
     $sDiskTotal = $sDiskTotal / 1048576;
     $sPullBandwidth = explode("\n", $sSSH->exec("ifconfig {$interface} | grep 'RX bytes' | awk -F: '{print \$2,\$3}' | awk '{print \$1,\$6}'"));
     foreach ($sPullBandwidth as $sData) {
         if (empty($sNewBandwidth)) {
             $sData = explode(" ", $sData);
             $sData[0] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sData[0]);
             $sData[1] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sData[1]);
             $sNewBandwidth = round($sData[0] / 131072 + $sData[1] / 131072, 2);
     // Update server row.
     // Check to make sure that the current bandwidth is higher than last bandwidth.
     // If higher, update statuses, otherwise replace both values with current value.
     // This prevents bandwidth accounting from becoming negative.
     $sBandwidthNegative = $sServer->sBandwidth;
     if ($sNewBandwidth > $sBandwidthNegative) {
         $sServer->uPreviousCheck = $sServer->sLastCheck;
         $sServer->uLastCheck = $sTimestamp;
         $sServer->uLastBandwidth = $sServer->sBandwidth;
         $sServer->uBandwidth = $sNewBandwidth;
     } else {
         $sServer->uPreviousCheck = $sTimestamp;
         $sServer->uLastCheck = $sTimestamp;
         $sServer->uLastBandwidth = $sNewBandwidth;
         $sServer->uBandwidth = $sNewBandwidth;
     $sServer->uLoadAverage = $sCPU[0];
     $sServer->uHardDiskTotal = $sDiskTotal;
     $sServer->uHardDiskFree = $sDiskTotal - $sDiskUsed;
     $sServer->uTotalMemory = $sTotalRAM;
     $sServer->uFreeMemory = $sTotalRAM - $sUsedRAM;
     $sServer->uStatus = true;
     $sServer->uStatusWarning = false;
     $sServer->uHardwareUptime = $sUptime[0];
     // Update history
     $sHistory->uStatus = true;
     // Update statistics
     $sStatistics->uStatus = true;
     $sStatistics->uHardwareUptime = $sUptime[0];
     $sStatistics->uTotalMemory = $sTotalRAM;
     $sStatistics->uFreeMemory = $sTotalRAM - $sUsedRAM;
     $sStatistics->uLoadAverage = $sCPU[0];
     $sStatistics->uHardDiskTotal = $sDiskTotal;
     $sStatistics->uHardDiskFree = $sDiskTotal - $sDiskUsed;
     $sStatistics->uBandwidth = $sNewBandwidth;
     // Cleanup
     echo "Server polling completed...\n";
     // Bandwidth polling for each VPS on this server.
     $sBandwidthAccounting = Core::GetSetting('bandwidth_accounting');
     echo "Beginning bandwidth accounting\n";
     if ($sListVPS = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM `vps` WHERE `server_id` = :ServerId", array("ServerId" => $sServer->sId))) {
         foreach ($sListVPS->data as $sVPS) {
             $sVPS = new VPS($sVPS["id"]);
             if ($sServer->sType == 'openvz') {
                 $sPullBandwidth = explode("\n", $sSSH->exec("vzctl exec {$sVPS->sContainerId} ifconfig {$interface} | grep 'RX bytes' | awk -F: '{print \$2,\$3}' | awk '{print \$1,\$6}';"));
             if ($sServer->sType == 'kvm') {
                 $sPullBandwidth = explode("\n", $sSSH->exec('for i in $(ip link show | grep kvm' . $sVPS->sContainerId . ' | awk \'{print $2}\' | awk -F: \'{print $1}\' | sort -u); do ifconfig $i | grep \'RX bytes\' | awk -F: \'{print $2,$3}\' | awk \'{print $1,$6}\'; done'));
             foreach ($sPullBandwidth as $sData) {
                 $sData = explode(" ", $sData);
                 $sData[0] = round(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sData[0]) / 1024 / 1024, 2);
                 $sData[1] = round(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sData[1]) / 1024 / 1024, 2);
                 if ($sBandwidthAccounting->sValue == 'upload') {
                     $sTotal = $sTotal + $sData[1];
                 if ($sBandwidthAccounting->sValue == 'download') {
                     $sTotal = $sTotal + $sData[2];
                 if ($sBandwidthAccounting->sValue == 'both') {
                     $sTotal = $sTotal + $sData[0] + $sData[1];
             $sLastBandwidth = $sVPS->sLastBandwidth;
             if ($sLastBandwidth < $sTotal) {
                 $sChange = round($sTotal - $sVPS->sLastBandwidth, 2);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($sVPS->sBandwidthUsage)) {
                     $sChange = round($sTotal, 2);
             echo "Bandwidth for: {$sVPS->sId} - Total: {$sTotal} - Change: +{$sChange}\n";
             $sVPS->uBandwidthUsage = $sVPS->sBandwidthUsage + $sChange;
             $sVPS->uLastBandwidth = $sTotal;
     echo "Completed.\n";
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function database_openvz_create($sUser, $sRequested, $sAPI = 0)
     $sUserPermissions = $sUser->sPermissions;
     if ($sUserPermissions == 7) {
         global $database;
         global $sRequested;
         $uServer = $sRequested["POST"]["server"];
         $uUser = $sRequested["POST"]["user"];
         $uTemplate = $sRequested["POST"]["template"];
         $uRAM = $sRequested["POST"]["ram"];
         $uSWAP = $sRequested["POST"]["swap"];
         $uDisk = $sRequested["POST"]["disk"];
         $uInodes = $sRequested["POST"]["inodes"];
         $uNumProc = $sRequested["POST"]["numproc"];
         $uNumIPTent = $sRequested["POST"]["numiptent"];
         $uIPAddresses = $sRequested["POST"]["ipaddresses"];
         $uHostname = $sRequested["POST"]["hostname"];
         $uNameserver = $sRequested["POST"]["nameserver"];
         $uPassword = $sRequested["POST"]["password"];
         $uCPUUnits = $sRequested["POST"]["cpuunits"];
         $uCPULimit = $sRequested["POST"]["cpulimit"];
         $uBandwidthLimit = $sRequested["POST"]["bandwidthlimit"];
         if (!empty($uServer) && is_numeric($uServer)) {
             if (!empty($uUser) && is_numeric($uUser)) {
                 if (!empty($uTemplate) && is_numeric($uTemplate)) {
                     if (!empty($uRAM) && is_numeric($uRAM)) {
                         if (!empty($uSWAP) && is_numeric($uSWAP)) {
                             if (!empty($uDisk) && is_numeric($uDisk)) {
                                 if (!empty($uInodes) && is_numeric($uInodes)) {
                                     if (!empty($uNumProc) && is_numeric($uNumProc)) {
                                         if (!empty($uNumIPTent) && is_numeric($uNumIPTent)) {
                                             if (!empty($uInodes) && is_numeric($uInodes)) {
                                                 if (!empty($uCPUUnits) && is_numeric($uCPUUnits)) {
                                                     if (!empty($uCPULimit) && is_numeric($uCPULimit)) {
                                                         if (!empty($uBandwidthLimit) && is_numeric($uBandwidthLimit)) {
                                                             $sServer = new Server($uServer);
                                                             $sOwner = new User($uUser);
                                                             $sTemplate = new Template($uTemplate);
                                                             if ($uIPAddressess > 0) {
                                                                 $sIPCheck = VPS::check_ipspace($sServer->sId, $uIPAddresses);
                                                                 if (is_array($sIPCheck)) {
                                                                     return $sIPCheck;
                                                             if (!is_array($sSSH)) {
                                                                 if (empty($uHostname)) {
                                                                     $uHostname = "vps.example.com";
                                                                 if (empty($uNameserver)) {
                                                                     $uNameserver = "";
                                                                 // VPS Database setup
                                                                 $sVPSId = Core::GetSetting('container_id');
                                                                 $sUpdate = Core::UpdateSetting('container_id', $sVPSId->sValue + 1);
                                                                 $sVPS = new VPS(0);
                                                                 $sVPS->uType = $sServer->sType;
                                                                 $sVPS->uHostname = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-.]/', '', $uHostname);
                                                                 $sVPS->uNameserver = $uNameserver;
                                                                 $sVPS->uUserId = $sOwner->sId;
                                                                 $sVPS->uServerId = $sServer->sId;
                                                                 $sVPS->uContainerId = $sVPSId->sValue;
                                                                 $sVPS->uNumIPTent = $uNumIPTent;
                                                                 $sVPS->uNumProc = $uNumProc;
                                                                 $sVPS->uInodes = $uInodes;
                                                                 $sVPS->uRAM = $uRAM;
                                                                 $sVPS->uSWAP = $uSWAP;
                                                                 $sVPS->uDisk = $uDisk;
                                                                 $sVPS->uCPUUnits = $uCPUUnits;
                                                                 $sVPS->uCPULimit = $uCPULimit;
                                                                 $sVPS->uTemplateId = $sTemplate->sId;
                                                                 $sVPS->uBandwidthLimit = $uBandwidthLimit;
                                                                 if ($uIPAddresses > 0) {
                                                                     if ($sBlocks = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM server_blocks WHERE `server_id` = :ServerId AND `ipv6` = 0", array('ServerId' => $sServer->sId))) {
                                                                         foreach ($sBlocks->data as $key => $value) {
                                                                             if ($sIPs = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM ipaddresses WHERE `block_id` = :BlockId AND `vps_id` = 0", array('BlockId' => $value["block_id"]))) {
                                                                                 foreach ($sIPs->data as $subvalue) {
                                                                                     if ($sCurrentIPs < $uIPAddresses) {
                                                                                         $sIPList[] = array("id" => $subvalue["id"], "ip_address" => $subvalue["ip_address"]);
                                                                                         $sUpdate = $database->CachedQuery("UPDATE ipaddresses SET `vps_id` = :VPSId WHERE `id` = :Id", array('VPSId' => $sVPS->sId, 'Id' => $subvalue["id"]));
                                                                                         if (empty($sFirst)) {
                                                                                             $sVPS->uPrimaryIP = $subvalue["ip_address"];
                                                                                             $sFirst = 1;
                                                                     $sRequested["POST"]["IPList"] = $sIPList;
                                                                 $sRequested["POST"]["VPS"] = $sVPS->sId;
                                                                 $sRequested["POST"]["IPList"] = $sIPList;
                                                                 if (!empty($sAPI)) {
                                                                     return $sVPS->sId;
                                                                 return true;
                                                             } else {
                                                                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "error", "result" => "Unable to connect to the node selected!");
                                                         } else {
                                                             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input a bandwidth limit!");
                                                     } else {
                                                         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the CPU limit!");
                                                 } else {
                                                     return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the number of CPU units!");
                                             } else {
                                                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the number of inodes");
                                         } else {
                                             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum number of connections to create a VPS!");
                                     } else {
                                         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum number of processes to create a VPS!");
                                 } else {
                                     return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum inodes to create a VPS!");
                             } else {
                                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum disk to create a VPS!");
                         } else {
                             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum SWAP to create a VPS!");
                     } else {
                         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must input the maximum RAM to create a VPS!");
                 } else {
                     return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must select a template to create a VPS!");
             } else {
                 return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must specify a user to create a VPS!");
         } else {
             return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "caution", "result" => "You must specify a server to create a VPS!");
     } else {
         return $sArray = array("json" => 1, "type" => "error", "result" => "Permissions invalid for selected action.");