Ejemplo n.º 1
 $dDB["_shared"]->put("SS_AttackedHost" . $runorder, $list);
 $font_size = getFontSizeSIEM($list);
 foreach ($list as $l) {
     $ip = $l[0];
     $occurrences = number_format($l[1], 0, ",", ".");
     $host_id = $l[2];
     $ctx = $l[3] != '' ? $l[3] : Session::get_default_ctx();
     $host_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($security_report->ossim_conn, $geoloc, $ip, $ctx, $host_id);
     $os_pixmap = $host_id != "" ? Asset_host_properties::get_os_by_host($security_report->ossim_conn, $host_id) : "";
     $hostname = $host_id != "" ? $host_output['name'] : $ip;
     $icon = $host_output['html_icon'];
     $link = "{$acid_link}/" . $acid_prefix . "_stat_alerts.php?&" . "num_result_rows=-1&" . "submit=Query+DB&" . "current_view=-1&" . "ip_addr[0][1]={$target}&" . "ip_addr[0][2]==&" . "ip_addr[0][3]={$ip}&" . "ip_addr_cnt=1&" . "sort_order=time_d";
     $bc = $c++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                             <tr ' . $bc . '>
                                 <td style="width:55mm;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . $icon . ' ' . Util::wordwrap($hostname, 21, " ", true) . ' ' . $os_pixmap . '</td>
                                 <td style="width:22mm;text-align:center;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . $occurrences . '</td>
         <td valign="top" style="padding-top:15px; width:98mm;">');
 if ($report_graph_type == "applets") {
     jgraph_attack_graph($target, $num_hosts);
 } else {
     $htmlPdfReport->set('<img src="' . $htmlPdfReport->newImage('/report/graphs/attack_graph.php?shared=' . urlencode($shared_file) . '&target=' . $target . '&hosts=' . $num_hosts . '&type=' . $report_type . '&date_from=' . urlencode($date_from) . '&date_to=' . urlencode($date_to) . '&runorder=' . $runorder, 'png') . '" />');
Ejemplo n.º 2
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                if (preg_match('/base64/', $rs->fields['cell_data'])) {
                    $flags = explode("####", $rs->fields['cell_data'], 2);
                } else {
                    $flags = array($rs->fields['cell_data'], $rs->fields['dataV4']);
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:40mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 21, "<br/>", true);
                if (preg_match('/base64/', $flags[0])) {
                    $html_fields .= preg_replace("/img src/", "img style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src", $flags[0]);
                } elseif ($flags[0] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<img border='0' style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $flags[0] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:40mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV3'], 21, "<br/>", true);
                if (preg_match('/base64/', $flags[1])) {
                    $html_fields .= preg_replace("/img src/", "img style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src", $flags[1]);
                } elseif ($flags[1] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<img border='0' style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $flags[1] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:18mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV5'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI1'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI2'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI3'] . "</td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 3
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 27mm;" class="noborder"><strong>' . gettext("Destination ips") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 26mm;" class="noborder">' . str_replace(",", "<br/>", $value['DestinationIps']) . '</td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 20mm;" class="noborder"><strong>' . gettext("Priority") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 20mm;" class="noborder">' . $value['Priority'] . '</td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 27mm;" class="noborder"><strong>' . gettext("Source ports") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' width: 66mm;" class="noborder">' . $value['SourcePorts'] . '</td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 27mm;"><strong>' . gettext("Destination ports") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' width: 66mm;" class="noborder">' . $value['DestinationPorts'] . '</td>
                     <td style="' . $td_style . ' width: 27mm;"><strong>' . gettext("In charge") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' width: 66mm;" class="noborder">' . Util::wordwrap($value['InCharge'], 35, "<br/>", true) . '</td> 
     if ($c % 2 != 0) {
 if ($c % 2 != 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
    if (count($list) == 0) {
        <table class="w100" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td class="w100" align="center" valign="top">' . _("No data available") . '</td>
        <table class="w100" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td style="padding:15px 0px 0px 0px;width:100%" valign="top">
                    <table class="w100">
    $htmlPdfReport->set('<th>' . _("Event") . '</th>');
    $htmlPdfReport->set('<th class="center">' . gettext("Risk") . '</th></tr>');
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($list as $l) {
        $event = $l[0];
        $risk = $l[1];
        $bc = $c++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
        $htmlPdfReport->set('<tr ' . $bc . '>
                                    <td style="text-align:left;width:68%">' . Util::wordwrap(Util::htmlentities(Util::signaturefilter($event)), 70, " ", true) . '</td>
                                    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="left" style="width:32%">' . echo_risk($risk, 1) . '</td></tr>');
Ejemplo n.º 5
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
    if (!$rs) {
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table class='w100' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n                                <tr><td class='w100' align='center' valign='top'>" . _("No data available") . "</td></tr>\n                             </table>\n");
    } else {
        // Plugins
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n                                <tr><th style='width: 193mm;' align='center'>" . _("SIEM Unique Plugins") . "</th></tr>\n                              </table><br/>\n");
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm; margin:auto;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>");
        $th_style = 'font-size: 10px;';
        $html_headers = "<th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:55mm;'>" . _("Data Source") . "</th>\n\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:25mm;'>" . _("Events") . " #</th>\n\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:50mm;'>" . _($var_field) . "</th>\n\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:50mm;'>" . _("Product Type") . " #</th>\n";
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n" . $html_headers . "</tr>\n");
        if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n                                    <td colspan='4' style='text-align:center; padding: 15px 0px;' class='w100' valign='middle'>" . _("No plugins found for this search criteria") . "</td>\n                                </tr>\n");
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:55mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 48, "<br/>", true) . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI1'] . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:50mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV11'] . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:50mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV2'] . "</td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 	$cell_data['CONTEXT'] = $context;
 	$cell_align['CONTEXT'] = "center";
     $cell_more['CONTEXT'] = "nowrap";*/
 // 11- Protocol
 //qroPrintEntry('<FONT>' . IPProto2str($current_proto) . '</FONT>');
 $cell_data['IP_PROTO'] = IPProto2str($current_proto);
 $cell_align['IP_PROTO'] = "center";
 // X- ExtraData
 $cell_data['USERNAME'] = Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($myrow['username'], 25, " ", true));
 $cell_data['PASSWORD'] = Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($myrow['password'], 25, " ", true));
 $cell_data['FILENAME'] = Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($myrow['filename'], 25, " ", true));
 $cell_data['PAYLOAD'] = Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($myrow['data_payload'], 25, " ", true));
 for ($u = 1; $u < 10; $u++) {
     $cell_data['USERDATA' . $u] = $i < 9 ? Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($myrow['userdata' . $u], 25, " ", true)) : Util::htmlentities($myrow['userdata' . $u]);
 // IDM-Reputation Data
 $cell_data['SRC_USERDOMAIN'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_userdomain']);
 $cell_align['SRC_USERDOMAIN'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_USERDOMAIN'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_userdomain']);
 $cell_align['DST_USERDOMAIN'] = "center";
 $cell_data['SRC_HOSTNAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_hostname']);
 $cell_align['SRC_HOSTNAME'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_HOSTNAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_hostname']);
 $cell_align['DST_HOSTNAME'] = "center";
 $cell_data['SRC_MAC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_mac']);
 $cell_align['SRC_MAC'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_MAC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_mac']);
 $cell_align['DST_MAC'] = "center";
 $cell_data['REP_PRIO_SRC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['REP_PRIO_SRC']);
    $htmlPdfReport->set($htmlPdfReport->newTitle($title, $date_from, $date_to, null));
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute($query, $params))) {
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table class='w100' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\r\n                                <tr><td class='w100' align='center' valign='top'>" . _("No data available") . "</td></tr>\r\n                             </table>\n");
    } else {
        // Unique Events
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\r\n                                <tr><th style='width: 193mm;' align='center'>" . _("SIEM Unique Events") . "</th></tr>\r\n                              </table><br/>\n");
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm; margin:auto;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>");
        $th_style = 'font-size: 10px;';
        $html_headers = "<th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:90mm;'>" . _("Signature") . "</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:40mm;'>" . _("Total") . " #</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:25mm;'>" . _("Unique Src") . " #</th>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:25mm;'>" . _("Unique Dst") . " #</th>\n";
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n" . $html_headers . "</tr>\n");
        if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan='5' style='text-align:center; padding: 15px 0px;' class='w100' valign='middle'>" . _("No unique events found for this search criteria") . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n");
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:90mm; text-align:,left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 55, "<br/>", true) . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:40mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV2'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI2'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:25mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI3'] . "</td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 8
                         <th>' . _("Service") . '</th>
                         <th class="center">' . _("Occurrences") . '</th>
 $c = 0;
 $shared_file = $dDB["_shared"]->dbfile();
 $dDB["_shared"]->put("SS_UsedPorts" . $runorder, $list);
 $font_size = getFontSizeSIEM($list);
 foreach ($list as $l) {
     $port = $l[0];
     $service = $l[1];
     $occurrences = number_format($l[2], 0, ",", ".");
     $bc = $c++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                             <tr ' . $bc . '>
                                 <td style="width:12mm;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . $port . '</td>
                                 <td style="width:38mm;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . Util::wordwrap($service, 21, " ", true) . '</td>
                                 <td style="width:22mm;text-align:center;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . $occurrences . '</td>
             <td valign="top" style="padding-top:15px; width:98mm;">');
 if ($report_graph_type == "applets") {
 } else {
     $htmlPdfReport->set('<img src="' . $htmlPdfReport->newImage('/report/graphs/ports_graph.php?shared=' . urlencode($shared_file) . '&ports=' . $NUM_HOSTS . '&type=' . $report_type . '&date_from=' . urlencode($date_from) . '&date_to=' . urlencode($date_to) . '&runorder=' . $runorder, 'png') . '" />');
    } else {
        // Unique Addresses
        $r_title = $type == 1 ? _("Source Addresses Report") : _("Destination Addresses Report");
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\r\n                                <tr><th style='width: 193mm;' align='center'>" . $r_title . "</th></tr>\r\n                              </table><br/>\n");
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm; margin:auto;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>");
        $th_style = 'font-size: 10px;';
        $html_headers = "<th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:58mm;'>" . ($type == 1 ? _("Src IP address") : _("Dst IP address")) . "</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:50mm;'>" . _($var_field) . "</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:15mm;'>" . _("Total") . " #</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:22mm;'>" . _("Unique Events") . " #</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:32mm;'>" . ($type == 1 ? _("Unique Src. Contacted") : _("Unique Dst. Contacted")) . " #</th>\n";
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n" . $html_headers . "</tr>\n");
        if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan='5' style='text-align:center; padding: 15px 0px;' class='w100' valign='middle'>" . _("No addresses found for this search criteria") . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n");
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:58mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 40, "<br/>", true);
                if (preg_match('/base64/', $rs->fields['cell_data'])) {
                    $html_fields .= preg_replace("/img src/", "img style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src", $rs->fields['cell_data']);
                } elseif ($rs->fields['cell_data'] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<img border='0' style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $rs->fields['cell_data'] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:50mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV11'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:15mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI3'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:22mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV3'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:32mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV4'] . "</td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 10
            $shared_file = $dDB["_shared"]->dbfile();
            $dDB["_shared"]->put("data", $data_plot);
            //Events Trends
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<table class='w100' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n                                    <tr><th class='w100' align='center'>" . _("Events Trend") . "</th></tr>\n                                    <tr><td class='w100'>");
            $htmlPdfReport->set('<img src="' . $htmlPdfReport->newImage('report/os_reports/Forensics/graph_lines.php?shared=' . urlencode($shared_file), 'png') . '" />');
            $htmlPdfReport->set("   </td></tr>\n                                </table><br/><br/>\n");
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n                                    <tr><th style='width: 193mm;' align='center'>" . _("SIEM Events") . "</th></tr>\n                                  </table><br/>\n");
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm; margin:auto;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>");
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n" . $html_headers . "</tr>\n");
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:42mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 20, "<br/>", true) . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:14mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV2'] . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:35mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV11'] . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:10mm;'>" . ($rs->fields['dataI1'] > 0 ? _("Yes") : _("N/A")) . "</td>\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:30mm;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV3'], 21, "<br/>", true);
                if ($rs->fields['dataV4'] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<br/><img border='0' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $rs->fields['dataV4'] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\n                                 <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:30mm;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV5'], 21, "<br/>", true);
                if ($rs->fields['dataV6'] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<br/><img border='0' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $rs->fields['dataV6'] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\n\n                                <td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:12mm;'>\n                                    <img border='0' style='width:12mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $rs->fields['dataV10'] . "'/>\n                                </td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 $htmlPdfReport->set('<table class="w100">');
 foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
     if ($c % 2 == 0) {
     $imgStatus = $value['Status'] == 'Closed' ? '<img src="Tickets/closed.png" width="16" height="16" align="top"/>' : '<img src="Tickets/open.png" width="16" height="16" align="top" />';
     $padding = $c % 2 != 0 ? 'padding-left:3px' : "";
         <td style="width:94mm;" valign="top">
             <table style="' . $padding . '">
                     <th colspan="4" style="width:90mm;text-align:center">' . Util::wordwrap($value['Title'], 80, "<br/>", true) . '</th>
                     <td style="text-align:left" class="noborder"><strong>' . _("In charge") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td colspan="3" style="text-align:left" class="noborder">' . Util::wordwrap($value['InCharge'], 35, "<br/>", true) . '</td>
                     <td style="text-align:left" class="noborder"><strong>' . _("Status") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td style="text-align:left" class="noborder">' . $imgStatus . ' ' . $value['Status'] . '</td>
                     <td style="text-align:left" class="noborder"><strong>' . _("Priority") . ':</strong></td>
                     <td style="text-align:left" class="noborder">' . $value['Priority'] . '</td>
     if ($c % 2 != 0) {
 if ($c % 2 != 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
 $src_img = preg_replace("/scriptinfo/", '', $src_output['html_icon']);
 // Clean icon hover tiptip
 // Dst icon and bold
 $dst_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($conn, $geoloc, $dst_ip, $ctx_dst, $event_info["dst_host"], $event_info["dst_net"]);
 $homelan_dst = $dst_output['is_internal'];
 $dst_img = preg_replace("/scriptinfo/", '', $dst_output['html_icon']);
 // Clean icon hover tiptip
 //host report menu:
 $src_hrm = "{$src_ip};{$src_name};" . $event_info['src_host'];
 $dst_hrm = "{$dst_ip};{$dst_name};" . $event_info['dst_host'];
 //Port Check
 $src_name .= $src_port ? ':' . $src_port : '';
 $dst_name .= $dst_port ? ':' . $dst_port : '';
 //Wrapping Text
 $src_name = Util::wordwrap($src_name, 30, '<br/>');
 $dst_name = Util::wordwrap($dst_name, 30, '<br/>');
 //Homeland Check
 $src_name = $homelan_src ? " <strong>{$src_name}</strong>" : " {$src_name}";
 $dst_name = $homelan_dst ? " <strong>{$dst_name}</strong>" : " {$dst_name}";
 $alarm_otx = $alarm->get_otx_icon();
 $_res = array();
 $_res['DT_RowId'] = $alarm->get_backlog_id();
 $_res[] = $alarm->get_timestamp();
 $_res[] = $alarm->get_status();
 $_res[] = $alarm_ik;
 $_res[] = $alarm_sc;
 $_res[] = $alarm->get_risk();
 $_res[] = $alarm_otx;
 $_res[] = "<div class='HostReportMenu' id='{$src_hrm}'>" . $src_img . $src_name . "</div>";
 $_res[] = "<div class='HostReportMenu' id='{$dst_hrm}'>" . $dst_img . $dst_name . "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 13
    if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute($query, $params))) {
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table class='w100' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\r\n                                <tr><td class='w100' align='center' valign='top'>" . _("No data available") . "</td></tr>\r\n                             </table>\n");
    } else {
        // Sensors
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\r\n                                <tr><th style='width: 193mm;' align='center'>" . _("SIEM Unique Events") . "</th></tr>\r\n                              </table><br/>\n");
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<table style='width: 193mm; margin:auto;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>");
        $th_style = 'font-size: 10px;';
        $html_headers = "<th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:30mm;'>" . _("Sensor") . "</th>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:63mm;'>" . _("Name") . "</th>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:20mm;'>" . _("Total events") . " #</th>\n\r\n                         <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:24mm;'>" . _("Unique events") . " #</th>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:18mm;'>" . _("Unique Src") . " #</th>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <th align='center' valign='middle' style='" . $th_style . " width:18mm;'>" . _("Unique Dst") . " #</th>\n";
        $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\n" . $html_headers . "</tr>\n");
        if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
            $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan='6' style='text-align:center; padding: 15px 0px;' class='w100' valign='middle'>" . _("No sensors found for this search criteria") . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n");
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $td_style = 'font-size: 10px; text-align:center;';
                $html_fields = "<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:30mm; text-align: left;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV7'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:63mm; text-align: left;'>" . Util::wordwrap($rs->fields['dataV1'], 50, "<br/>", true);
                if ($rs->fields['dataV2'] != '') {
                    $html_fields .= "<br/><img border='0' style='margin-left: 2mm;' align='absmiddle' align='center' src='" . $rs->fields['dataV2'] . "'/>";
                $html_fields .= "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:20mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI2'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:24mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataI3'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:18mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV3'] . "</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign='middle' style='" . $td_style . " width:18mm;'>" . $rs->fields['dataV4'] . "</td>\n";
                $bc = $i++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : "";
                $htmlPdfReport->set("<tr style='width: 193mm;' {$bc}>\n" . $html_fields . "</tr>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 14
//Distinct Host IDs with software
$assets_with_software = array();
// Software data
$data = array();
foreach ($sw_list as $cpe => $sw_data) {
    foreach ($sw_data as $_asset_id => $sw_values) {
        if (array_key_exists($_asset_id, $assets_with_software)) {
            $ips_to_show = $assets_with_software[$_asset_id];
        } else {
            $_host = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $_asset_id);
            $ips_to_show = $_host->get_name() . ' (' . $_host->get_ips()->get_ips('string') . ')';
            $assets_with_software[$_asset_id] = $ips_to_show;
        $r_key = strtolower($_asset_id . '_' . md5($cpe));
        $sw_name = $sw_values['banner'];
        $dt_sw_name = $sw_name;
        if (empty($sw_name)) {
            $sw_name = Util::wordwrap($sw_values['cpe'], 80, '<br/>');
        $_sw_data = array("DT_RowId" => $r_key, "DT_RowData" => array('p_id' => 60, 'sw_cpe' => $sw_values['cpe'], 'sw_name' => $dt_sw_name, 'source_id' => $sw_values['source']['id']), "", $ips_to_show, $sw_name, $sw_values['date'], $sw_values['source']['name'], "");
        $data[] = $_sw_data;
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $sw_total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $sw_total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file dt_software.php */
/* Location: /av_asset/common/providers/dt_software.php */
Ejemplo n.º 15
     $font_size = 12;
 } else {
     if (count($list) <= 30) {
         $font_size = 10;
     } else {
         $font_size = 8;
 foreach ($list as $l) {
     $event = $l[0];
     $occurrences = number_format($l[1], 0, ',', '.');
     $link = "{$ossim_link}/alarm/alarm_console.php";
     $bc = $c++ % 2 != 0 ? "class='par'" : '';
                                 <tr ' . $bc . '>
                                     <td style="text-align:left;width:60mm;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . Util::wordwrap(Util::htmlentities(Util::signaturefilter($event)), 30, ' ', TRUE) . '</td>
                                     <td style="text-align:center;width:22mm;font-size:' . $font_size . 'px">' . $occurrences . '</td>
             <td valign="top" style="text-align:center;padding-top:15px;">');
 if ($report_graph_type == 'applets') {
 } else {
     $htmlPdfReport->set('<img src="' . $htmlPdfReport->newImage('/report/graphs/events_received_graph.php?shared=' . urlencode($shared_file) . '&hosts=' . $num_hosts . '&type=' . $report_type . '&date_from=' . urlencode($date_from) . '&date_to=' . urlencode($date_to) . '&runorder=' . $runorder, 'png') . '" />');
Ejemplo n.º 16
                         <th>' . _("Last value") . '</th>
                         <th>' . _("New value") . '</th>
                        <TD>' . Util::htmlentities($userdata1) . '</TD>
                        <TD>' . Util::htmlentities($userdata2) . '</TD>
 } else {
     echo '<br/><TABLE class="table_list"><TR>';
     foreach ($extradata1 as $k => $v) {
         echo '<th>' . _($k) . '</th>';
     echo '</TR><TR>';
     foreach ($extradata1 as $k => $v) {
         echo '<TD>' . Util::htmlentities(Util::wordwrap($v, 30, ' ', TRUE)) . '</TD>';
     echo '</TR>';
     if (!empty($extradata2)) {
         echo '<TR>';
         foreach ($extradata2 as $k => $v) {
             echo '<th>' . _($k) . '</th>';
         echo '</TR><TR>';
         foreach ($extradata2 as $k => $v) {
             echo '<TD>' . Util::htmlentities($v) . '</TD>';
         echo '</TR>';
     echo '</TABLE>';
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $order = 'banner';
// Property filter
$filters = array('where' => "`cpe` LIKE 'cpe:/a%'", 'limit' => "{$from}, {$maxrows}", 'order_by' => "{$order} {$torder}");
if ($search_str != '') {
    $search_str = escape_sql($search_str, $conn);
    $filters['where'] .= ' AND (banner LIKE "%' . $search_str . '%" OR cpe LIKE "%' . $search_str . '%")';
// Software data
$data = array();
$sw_list = array();
$sw_total = 0;
list($sw_list, $sw_total) = Asset_host_software::bulk_get_list($conn, $filters);
foreach ($sw_list as $sw_cpe => $sw_values) {
    $r_key = strtolower(md5($sw_cpe));
    $sw_name = $sw_values['banner'];
    $dt_sw_name = $sw_name;
    if (empty($sw_name)) {
        $sw_name = Util::wordwrap($sw_cpe, 80, '<br/>');
    $_sw_data = array("DT_RowId" => $r_key, "DT_RowData" => array('p_id' => 60, 'sw_cpe' => $sw_cpe, 'sw_name' => $dt_sw_name, 'source_id' => $sw_values['source']['id']), "", $sw_name, $sw_values['source']['name'], "");
    $data[] = $_sw_data;
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $sw_total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $sw_total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file bk_dt_software.php */
/* Location: /av_asset/common/providers/bk_dt_software.php */
Ejemplo n.º 18
 // 11- Protocol
 $cell_data['IP_PROTO'] = $current_p_name;
 $cell_align['IP_PROTO'] = "center";
 // X- ExtraData
 // Payload and userdataX with ellipsis truncate.
 // Username, password and filename are always short. Use the same code if it becomes necesary someday...
 $cell_data['USERNAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['username']);
 $cell_data['PASSWORD'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['password']);
 $cell_data['FILENAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['filename']);
 $cell_data['PAYLOAD'] = $myrow['data_payload'] != '' ? '<div class="siem_ellipsis">' . Util::htmlentities($myrow['data_payload']) . '</div' : '';
 $cell_pdfdata['PAYLOAD'] = $myrow['data_payload'] != '' ? Util::htmlentities($myrow['data_payload']) : 'Empty';
 $cell_tooltip['PAYLOAD'] = Util::wordwrap($myrow['data_payload'], 30, "<br/>", TRUE);
 for ($u = 1; $u < 10; $u++) {
     $cell_data['USERDATA' . $u] = $myrow['userdata' . $u] != '' ? '<div class="siem_ellipsis">' . Util::htmlentities($myrow['userdata' . $u]) . '</div>' : '';
     $cell_pdfdata['USERDATA' . $u] = $myrow['userdata' . $u] != '' ? Util::htmlentities($myrow['userdata' . $u]) : 'Empty';
     $cell_tooltip['USERDATA' . $u] = Util::wordwrap($myrow['userdata' . $u], 30, "<br/>", TRUE);
 // IDM-Reputation Data
 $cell_data['SRC_USERDOMAIN'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_userdomain']);
 $cell_align['SRC_USERDOMAIN'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_USERDOMAIN'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_userdomain']);
 $cell_align['DST_USERDOMAIN'] = "center";
 $cell_data['SRC_HOSTNAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_hostname']);
 $cell_align['SRC_HOSTNAME'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_HOSTNAME'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_hostname']);
 $cell_align['DST_HOSTNAME'] = "center";
 $cell_data['SRC_MAC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['src_mac']);
 $cell_align['SRC_MAC'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DST_MAC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['dst_mac']);
 $cell_align['DST_MAC'] = "center";
 $cell_data['REP_PRIO_SRC'] = Util::htmlentities($myrow['REP_PRIO_SRC']);