function makeModule($params) { $this->params = $params; $log_in = $this->getParams($params->params); switch ($log_in['log_in']) { case 1: if (UthandoUser::authorize()) { $return_mod = true; } break; case 0: $return_mod = true; break; } $this->module = null; if ($return_mod) { $this->getModuleHeader(); $this->getModuleTitle($this->params->module); if ($this->params->show_title == 1) { $this->module_wrap->appendChild($this->title); } $this->module = $this->getModule($params->module_name, $this->getParams($params->params)); //$this->appendChild($this->module_wrap); //return $this->toHTML(); return $this->module_wrap; } }
private function getAuthorize() { if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['user_group']) && UthandoUser::checkUser()) { // Query the database. $row = $this->getResult('user_id, username, user_group', $this->registry->user . 'users', $this->registry->user . 'user_groups', array('where' => 'user_id=' . $_SESSION['user_id'], 'and' => "user_group != 'registered'"), false); if ($row) { if ($row->username == $_SESSION['username'] && $row->user_id == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $row->user_group == $_SESSION['user_group']) { $this->upid = $this->setUserPermissions($_SESSION['user_group']); if ($this->upid > 0 && $this->upid < 4) { $this->authorized = true; } } } } }
private function checkUserCountry() { global $uthando, $registry; if (UthandoUser::authorize()) { $row = $uthando->getResult('country_id', $registry->user . $uthando->ushop->prefix . 'user_info', null, array('WHERE' => 'user_id=' . $_SESSION['user_id']), false); if ($row) { if ($row->country_id > 0) { $_SESSION['CountryCode'] = $row->country_id; } else { unset($_SESSION['CountryCode']); } } else { unset($_SESSION['CountryCode']); } } }
/*{END_PHP_INI_PATH}*/ // Set include paths. $ini_path = ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . '/PEAR' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . '/Uthando' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . '/Uthando/Admin' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . '/Uthando/Admin/FileManager' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __PHP_PATH . '/Uthando/functions' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __SITE_PATH . '/modules' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __SITE_PATH . '/components'; set_include_path($ini_path); // Include functions. require_once 'functions.php'; $registry = new Admin_Registry(true); $registry->setSite(realpath(__SITE_PATH . '/../../uthando/ini/uthandoSites.ini.php')); $registry->loadIniFiles(array('admin_config' => 'uthandoAdmin', 'config' => 'uthando')); $registry->setDefaults(); if (isset($_POST['session'])) { $pwd = $_POST['session'][0]; $iv = $_POST['session'][1]; } $registry->sessionId = Utility::decodeString($pwd, $iv); $uthando = new UthandoAdmin($registry); try { $registry->db = new DB_Admin($registry); $registry->session = new Session($registry); UthandoUser::setUserInfo(); if ($uthando->authorize()) { $ushop = new UShop_Manager($registry); $ushop->fireEvent(!empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : null); } } catch (PDOException $e) { $registry->Error($e->getMessage()); print_rr($e->getMessage()); } $registry->db = null; unset($uthando, $registry); ob_end_flush();
$registry->config = new Config($registry, array('path' => $registry->ini_dir . '/uthando.ini.php')); $registry->db_default = $registry->config->get('core', 'DATABASE') . '.'; $registry->core = $registry->config->get('core', 'DATABASE') . '.'; $registry->user = $registry->config->get('user', 'DATABASE') . '.'; $registry->sessions = $registry->config->get('session', 'DATABASE') . '.'; $registry->dbug = $registry->config->get('dbug', 'SERVER'); $registry->compress_files = $registry->config->get('compress_files', 'SERVER'); $uthando = new AjaxContent($registry); $uthando->timer = new Benchmark_Timer(); $uthando->timer->start(); $registry->template = $registry->config->get('site_template', 'SERVER'); $uthando->setTemplate(__SITE_PATH . '/templates/' . $registry->template . '/ajax_content.php'); $uthando->AddParameter('MERCHANT_NAME', $registry->config->get('site_name', 'SERVER')); $registry->session = new Session($registry); UthandoUser::setUserInfo(); if (UthandoUser::authorize()) { $registry->loggedInUser = true; $uthando->AddParameter('LOGIN_STATUS', "<p>You are logged in as: " . $_SESSION['name'] . "</p>"); } else { $registry->loggedInUser = false; } try { $registry->db = new UthandoDB($registry); // Load component. $uthando->loadComponent(); // Get Modules and add them. $uthando->addModules(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $registry->Error($e->getMessage(), $e); } if ($registry->component_css) {
// Apply form element filters. $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'escape_data'); $email = $form->exportValue('email'); $rand_chars = $_SESSION['rand_chars']; unset($_SESSION['rand_chars']); foreach ($rand_chars as $key => $value) { $password[$value] = $form->exportValue('pwd' . $key); } // If user exists then login user else display form. $sql = $this->registry->db->query("\n\t\tSELECT user_id, CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS name, user_group, password, iv\n\t\tFROM " . $this->registry->user . "users\n\t\tNATURAL JOIN " . $this->registry->user . "user_groups\n\t\tWHERE email = :email\n\t\tAND user_group='registered'\n\t", array(':email' => $email)); $num_rows = count($sql); if ($num_rows == 1) { // login user. $row = $sql[0]; // decrypt password. $decrypted = UthandoUser::decodePassword($row->password, $user_config->get('key', 'cipher'), $row->iv); // split the password for checking. $decrypted = str_split($decrypted); // check password against the characters submitted foreach ($password as $key => $value) { $pwd_validate[$key] = $value == $decrypted[$key - 1] ? true : false; } // did it pass? $validated = true; foreach ($pwd_validate as $value) { if (!$value) { $validated = false; } } if ($validated) { session_regenerate_id();
<? // no direct access defined( 'PARENT_FILE' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); if (!UthandoUser::authorize()): $form = new HTML_QuickForm('login', 'post', '/user/register'); $user_config = new Config($this->registry, array('path' => $this->registry->ini_dir.'/user/user.ini.php')); // Remove name attribute for xhtml strict compliance. $form->removeAttribute('name'); // Add form elements. // Grouped elements $name['first'] = &HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'first', null, array('size' => 20, 'class' => 'inputbox')); $name['last'] = &HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'last', null, array('size' => 30, 'class' => 'inputbox')); $form->addGroup($name, 'name', 'Name (first, last):', ' '); $form->addElement('text', 'email1', 'Enter your email address:', array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => 100, 'class' => 'inputbox')); $form->addElement('text', 'email2', 'Comfirm your email address:', array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => 100, 'class' => 'inputbox')); $form->addElement('password', 'password1', 'Set your password:'******'size' => 15, 'maxlength' => 12, 'class' => 'inputbox')); $form->addElement('password', 'password2', 'Comfirm your password:'******'size' => 15, 'maxlength' => 12, 'class' => 'inputbox')); // set up rules. // name rules // Define the rules for each element in the group $first_name_rule_1 = array('First Name is required','required');
public function retrieveCart() { if (UthandoUser::authorize()) { if (isset($_SESSION['cart'])) { if (!$this->getCart()) { $this->insertCart($_SESSION['cart']); } } $cart = $this->getCart(); return new UShop_ShoppingCart($this->registry, $cart); } else { $cart = isset($_SESSION['cart']) ? $_SESSION['cart'] : null; return new UShop_ShoppingCart($this->registry, $cart); } }
$num_rows = $sql->num_rows; if ($num_rows == 0) { // lets now register the user // connect user to database. $dsn = array('hostspec' => $this->get('config.database.hostspec'), 'phptype' => $this->get('config.database.phptype'), 'database' => $this->get('config.database.user')); $dsn = array_merge($dsn, $this->get('config.database_user')); $this->dsn = $dsn['phptype'] . ":host=" . $dsn['hostspec'] . ";dbname=" . $dsn['database']; $this->username = $dsn['username']; $this->password = $dsn['password']; $conn = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password); $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); try { $conn->beginTransaction(); // encrypt password. $user_config = new Config($this->registry, array('path' => $this->registry->ini_dir . '/user/user.ini.php')); $pwd = UthandoUser::encodePassword($password, $user_config->get('key', 'cipher')); // get user group for user. $stmt = $conn->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT user_group_id\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->registry->user . "user_groups\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_group='registered'\n\t\t\t"); $stmt->execute(); $res = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $stmt = $conn->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO users (user_group_id, first_name, last_name, username, email, password, iv, cdate)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (:user_group_id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :email, :password, :iv, NOW())\n\t\t\t"); $stmt->execute(array(':user_group_id' => $res->user_group_id, ':first_name' => $name['first'], ':last_name' => $name['last'], ':email' => $email, ':password' => $pwd[0], ':iv' => $pwd[1])); if ($conn->commit()) { // mail user comfirmation. // get mail config. $this->registry->mail_config = new Config($this->registry, array('path' => $this->registry->ini_dir . '/mail.ini.php')); // get mailer type and call class instance. $mailer = $this->registry->mail_config->get('type', 'mailer'); $mail = new Mailer($mailer, $this->registry); $email_type = 'html'; // set some headers.
$password = $form->exportValue('password1'); $update['user_group_id'] = $form->exportValue('group'); if ($update['user_group_id'] == 0) { $update['user_group_id'] = $user->user_group_id; } if (!empty($password)) { $user_config = new Config($registry, array('path' => $this->registry->ini_dir . '/user/user.ini.php')); // encrypt password. // get group id $ugid = $this->registry->db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT user_group\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->registry->user . "user_groups\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE user_group_id=:group\n\t\t\t\t\t", array(':group' => $update['user_group_id'])); if ($ugid[0]->user_group == 'registered') { $key = array($user_config->get('key', 'cipher'), $this->get('config.server.web_url')); } else { $key = $user_config->get('key', 'cipher'); } $pwd = UthandoUser::encodePassword($password, $key); $update['password'] = $pwd[0]; $update['iv'] = $pwd[1]; } $result = $this->registry->db->update($update, $this->registry->user . 'users', array('WHERE' => 'user_id=' . $this->registry->params['id']), $quote = true); if (!$result) { $this->registry->Error('record not updated.'); } else { Uthando::go('/user/overview'); } } else { $form->setDefaults(array('name' => array('first' => $user->first_name, 'last' => $user->last_name), 'username' => $user->username, 'email' => $user->email, 'group' => $user->user_group_id)); // Output the form $renderer = new UthandoForm(TEMPLATES . $this->get('')); $renderer->setFormTemplate('form'); $renderer->setHeaderTemplate('header');