Ejemplo n.º 1
/** main program for site maintenance
 * This is the main administrator program.
 * First step is to deal with users logging in or out.
 * If a user is not logged in, a login dialog is displayed.
 * If a user is logged in but has no admin privileges, she
 * is redirected to the public site (ie. index.php).
 * Once we have established that the user is an administrator,
 * we setup an output collecting object and see what the user
 * wants us to do by interpreting the parameter 'job'.
 * If the user has access to the specified job, the corresponding
 * code is included and the main routine of that handler is called.
 * It is then the responsability of that handler to further decide
 * what needs to be done.
 * After the handler returns, the collected output is sent to the user.
 * This includes the main navigation (i.e. links to the various
 * 'managers') and also the menu and the content generated by the
 * handler.
 * If the user has no privilege to access a particular manager,
 * an error messate is displayed in both the message area and the content
 * area. This makes it clear to the user that access is denied.
 * Note that the inaccessible items are displayed in the main navigation
 * via 'dimmed' (light-grey) links or black/white images.
 * By showing these 'dimmed' links, the user will be aware that there
 * is more that just what she is allowed to see. This is more transparent
 * than suppressing items and keeping them secret.
 * @return void generated page sent to user's browser
 * @uses $CFG;
 * @uses $LANGUAGE;
 * @uses $USER;
 * @todo should we cater for a special 'print' button + 
 *       support for a special style sheet for media="print"?
function main_admin()
    global $CFG;
    global $LANGUAGE;
    global $USER;
    /** initialise, setup database, read configuration, etc. */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/init.php';
    // user must be logged in to perform any admin tasks at all
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    } elseif (isset($_GET['login'])) {
        $user_id = admin_login(magic_unquote($_GET['login']));
    } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name])) {
        $user_id = admin_continue_session();
    } else {
    /** useraccount.class.php is used to define the USER object */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/useraccount.class.php';
    $USER = new Useraccount($user_id);
    $USER->is_logged_in = TRUE;
    $_SESSION['language_key'] = $LANGUAGE->get_current_language();
    // remember language set via _GET or otherwise
    // Only admins are allowed, others are redirected to index.php
    if (!$USER->is_admin()) {
        logger("admin.php: '{$USER->username}' ({$USER->user_id}) is no admin and was redirected to index.php or login");
    // We now know that this user is an admin, but
    // is she allowed to perform upgrades if any? Check it out in 2 steps
    // 1--we do NOT want exit on error if the user has enough privileges
    // 2--we check the version and stay here if the user has enough privileges
    $exit_on_error = $USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_UPDATE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $need_to_update = was_version_check($exit_on_error) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    // We are still here if versions are OK _or_ versions mismatch but user has UPDATE privilege.
    // Now we know we _will_ be generating output => setup output object
    // using the specified skin OR the user's prefererred skin OR the one
    // stored before in $_SESSION
    $_SESSION['skin'] = get_current_skin();
    // echo "DDD: {$_SESSION['skin']}";
    $output = new AdminOutput($_SESSION['skin'], $CFG->title);
    // Display a 'welcome message' if this is the first page after logging in.
    if ($_SESSION['session_counter'] == 1) {
        $output->add_message(t('login_user_success', 'admin', array('{USERNAME}' => $USER->username)));
    // Let's see what what job needs to be done
    $job = $need_to_update ? JOB_UPDATE : get_parameter_string('job', JOB_STARTCENTER);
    // main dispatcher
    switch ($job) {
        case JOB_STARTCENTER:
        case JOB_PAGEMANAGER:
            add_javascript_popup_function($output, '  ');
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_PAGEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/pagemanager.class.php';
                $manager = new PageManager($output);
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_FILEMANAGER:
        case JOB_FILEBROWSER:
        case JOB_IMAGEBROWSER:
        case JOB_FLASHBROWSER:
            add_javascript_popup_function($output, '  ');
            add_javascript_select_url_function($output, '  ');
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_FILEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/filemanager.class.php';
                $manager = new FileManager($output, $job);
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_MODULEMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/modulemanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_ACCOUNTMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/accountmanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_CONFIGURATIONMANAGER)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/configurationmanagerlib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_STATISTICS:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_STATISTICS)) {
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/statisticslib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_TOOLS:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_TOOLS)) {
                // user has permission to access at least one of the tools
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/toolslib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
        case JOB_UPDATE:
            if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
                // user has permission to access the update routine(s)
                include $CFG->progdir . '/lib/updatelib.php';
            } else {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
                $output->add_message(t('job_access_denied', 'admin'));
            if (!empty($job)) {
                $output->add_content("<h2>" . t('access_denied', 'admin') . "</h2>");
                $output->add_content(t('unknown_job', 'admin', array('{JOB}' => htmlspecialchars($job))));
                $output->add_message(t('unknown_job', 'admin', array('{JOB}' => htmlspecialchars($job))));
                logger("'" . $USER->username . "': unknown job '" . htmlspecialchars($job) . "'");
            } else {
    // the various functions job_*() will have put their output in $output
    // Now it is time to actually output the output to the user's browser.
    // make sure that any changes in $_SESSION are properly stored
    // note that we close the session only after all processing is done,
    // allowing the various job_*()'s to manipulate the session variables
    // at this point we have sent the page to the user,
    // we can now use the remaining time in this run to process
    // a few alerts (if any).
    // if there are more than 25, do them later or let cron do it.