Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Initialize the order param
 function init_order_param()
     global $UserSettings;
     if (empty($UserSettings)) {
         $UserSettings = new UserSettings();
     // attribution of an order type
     $this->order_param = 'results_' . $this->param_prefix . 'order';
     $order_request = param($this->order_param, 'string', '', true);
     // remove symbols '-' from the end
     $order_request = rtrim($order_request, '-');
     if ($this->force_order_by_count !== NULL && !empty($order_request)) {
         // Check if we should force an order filed to default value
         if ($this->get_total_rows() > $this->force_order_by_count) {
             // This table has very much records we should force an order to default
             $reverse_default_order = str_replace('D', 'A', $this->default_order);
             $reverse_default_order = $reverse_default_order == $this->default_order ? str_replace('A', 'D', $this->default_order) : $reverse_default_order;
             if ($order_request != $this->default_order && $order_request != $reverse_default_order) {
                 // If an order from request is not default then we must change it to default
                 $this->order = $this->default_order;
                 $order_request_title = $order_request;
                 if (isset($this->cols)) {
                     // Try to find a title of the ordered field to display it in warning message
                     $order_index = strpos($order_request, 'A');
                     $order_index = $order_index === FALSE ? strpos($order_request, 'D') : $order_index;
                     if (isset($this->cols[$order_index]) && isset($this->cols[$order_index]['th'])) {
                         $order_request_title = $this->cols[$order_index]['th'];
                 // Add a message to inform user about this order type is not allowed in this case
                 $this->add_message(sprintf(T_('In order to maintain good performance, you cannot sort by %s when there are more than %s results.'), $order_request_title, number_format($this->force_order_by_count, 0, '', ' ')));
     if (empty($this->order)) {
         // Set an order from GET request
         $this->order = $order_request;
     if (!empty($this->param_prefix) && !empty($this->order) && $this->order != $UserSettings->get($this->order_param)) {
         // Change an order param in DB for current user and current list
         if ($this->order == $this->default_order) {
             // Delete an order param for current list if it is a default value
         } else {
             // Set a new value of an order param for current list
             $UserSettings->set($this->order_param, $this->order);
     if (!empty($this->param_prefix) && empty($this->order)) {
         // Set an order param from DB
         if ($UserSettings->get($this->order_param) != '') {
             // Set a value for current list if it was already defined
             $this->order = $UserSettings->get($this->order_param);
     if (empty($this->order)) {
         // Set a default value
         $this->order = $this->default_order;
foreach ($blog_owners as $moderator_ID => $moderator_blogs) {
    // Loop through each blog owner users and set the highest permission in their own blogs
    $blogs = explode(',', $moderator_blogs);
    foreach ($blogs as $blog_ID) {
        // Loop through each blogs of this user
        if (!isset($moderators[$moderator_ID])) {
            // Init this user moderator perms if it was not initialized yet
            $moderators[$moderator_ID] = array();
        $moderators[$moderator_ID][$blog_ID] = array('perm_edit' => $max_perm_edit, 'perm_statuses' => $max_perm_statuses);
// Set notify moderation condition
$def_send_moderation_reminder = $UserSettings->get('send_cmt_moderation_reminder');
if ($def_send_moderation_reminder) {
    // Send comment moderation reminder is set by default
    $send_moderation_reminder_cond = '( ( uset_value IS NOT NULL AND uset_value <> \'0\' ) OR ( uset_value IS NULL ) )';
} else {
    // Send comment moderation reminder is NOT set by default
    $send_moderation_reminder_cond = '( uset_value IS NOT NULL AND uset_value <> \'0\' )';
// Select blocked and spam email addresses to prevent sending emails to them
$blocked_emails = $DB->get_col('SELECT emblk_address FROM T_email__blocked WHERE ' . get_mail_blocked_condition());
$blocked_emails_condition = count($blocked_emails) ? 'user_email NOT IN ( "' . implode('","', $blocked_emails) . '" )' : NULL;
// load all required Users ( global moderators, blog owners and users with advanced blog perms )
$all_required_users = array_unique(array_merge($global_moderators, array_keys($moderators)));
$SQL = new SQL();
 function test_usersettings()
     $us = new UserSettings();
     // no current user
     $this->assertNull($us->get('foo', 1));
     // not set
     $this->assertTrue($us->set('foo', 'bar', 1));
     // successfully set
     $this->assertEqual('bar', $us->get('foo', 1));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Send notification to users with edit users permission
 * @param string notification email suject
 * @param string notificaiton email template name
 * @param array notification email template params
function send_admin_notification($subject, $template_name, $template_params)
    global $Session, $UserSettings, $current_User;
    $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
    $template_params = array_merge(array('login' => ''), $template_params);
    // Set default subject and permname:
    $subject_suffix = ': ' . $template_params['login'];
    $perm_name = 'users';
    switch ($template_name) {
        case 'account_new':
            $check_setting = 'notify_new_user_registration';
        case 'account_activated':
            $check_setting = 'notify_activated_account';
        case 'account_closed':
            $check_setting = 'notify_closed_account';
        case 'account_reported':
            $check_setting = 'notify_reported_account';
        case 'scheduled_task_error_report':
            $subject_suffix = '';
            $check_setting = 'notify_cronjob_error';
            $perm_name = 'options';
            debug_die('Unhandled admin notification template!');
    if (empty($current_User) && !empty($Session) && $Session->has_User()) {
        // current_User is not set at the time of registration
        $current_User =& $Session->get_User();
    if (empty($UserSettings)) {
        // initialize UserSettings
        load_class('users/model/_usersettings.class.php', 'UserSettings');
        $UserSettings = new UserSettings();
    // load users with edit all users permission
    $UserCache->load_where('user_grp_ID = 1 OR user_grp_ID IN ( SELECT gset_grp_ID FROM T_groups__groupsettings WHERE gset_name = "perm_' . $perm_name . '" AND gset_value = "edit" )');
    // iterate through UserCache
    while ($User =& $UserCache->get_next()) {
        // Loop through Users
        if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->ID == $User->ID) {
            // Don't send a notification to current user, because he already knows about this event
        if ($UserSettings->get($check_setting, $User->ID) && $User->check_perm($perm_name, 'edit')) {
            // this user must be notifed
            // send mail to user (using his local)
            $localized_subject = T_($subject) . $subject_suffix;
            send_mail_to_User($User->ID, $localized_subject, $template_name, $template_params);
            // ok, if this may fail
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Check if user can receive new email today with the given email type or the limit was already exceeded
 * @param string the name of limit/day setting
 * @param string the name of the last email setting
 * @param integer the user ID
 * @return integer/boolean Number of next email counter if new email is allowed, false otherwise
function check_allow_new_email($limit_setting, $last_email_setting, $user_ID)
    global $UserSettings, $servertimenow;
    if (empty($UserSettings)) {
        // Initialize $UserSettings object (for example, it must be done when cron_exec.php is called in CLI mode):
        load_class('users/model/_usersettings.class.php', 'UserSettings');
        $UserSettings = new UserSettings();
    $limit = $UserSettings->get($limit_setting, $user_ID);
    if ($limit == 0) {
        // user doesn't allow this kind of emails at all
        return false;
    $email_count = 0;
    $last_email = $UserSettings->get($last_email_setting, $user_ID);
    if (!empty($last_email)) {
        // at least one email was sent
        $current_date = date('Y-m-d', $servertimenow);
        list($last_email_ts, $last_email_count) = explode('_', $last_email);
        $last_date = date('Y-m-d', $last_email_ts);
        if ($last_date == $current_date) {
            // last email was sent today
            if ($last_email_count >= $limit) {
                // the limit was already reached
                return false;
            $email_count = $last_email_count;
    return $email_count;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Block request by IP address, Domain of current user or block because of a Plugin
 * Bock by Plugin: e.g. GeoIP plugin can block the request if it comes from a blocked country
function antispam_block_request()
    global $DB, $Plugins;
    // Check block by IP
    // Check block by domain
    if (is_logged_in()) {
        // Current user is logged in, We also can check the domains with blocked status
        global $current_User, $UserSettings;
        if (empty($UserSettings)) {
            // Initialize UserSettings
            load_class('users/model/_usersettings.class.php', 'UserSettings');
            $UserSettings = new UserSettings();
        $DomainCache =& get_DomainCache();
        $user_domain = $UserSettings->get('user_domain', $current_User->ID);
        if (!empty($user_domain) && ($Domain =& $DomainCache->get_by_name($user_domain, false, false)) && $Domain->get('status') == 'blocked') {
            // The request from this domain must be blocked
            $debug_message = sprintf('A request from \'%s\' domain was blocked because of this domain is blocked.', $user_domain);
            exit_blocked_request('Domain', $debug_message);
            // WILL exit();
        $initial_referer = $UserSettings->get('initial_referer', $current_User->ID);
        if (!empty($initial_referer) && ($Domain =& get_Domain_by_url($initial_referer)) && $Domain->get('status') == 'blocked') {
            // The request from this domain must be blocked
            $debug_message = sprintf('A request from \'%s\' initial referer was blocked because of a blocked domain.', $initial_referer);
            exit_blocked_request('Domain', $debug_message);
            // WILL exit();
    // Check if plugins may block the request
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Initialize the order param
  * @param string default ordering of columns (special syntax) if not specified in the URL params
  *               example: -A-- will sort in ascending order on 2nd column
  *               example: ---D will sort in descending order on 4th column
 function init_order_param($default_order)
     global $UserSettings;
     if (empty($UserSettings)) {
         $UserSettings = new UserSettings();
     // attribution of an order type
     $this->order_param = 'results_' . $this->param_prefix . 'order';
     $this->order = param($this->order_param, 'string', '', true);
     // remove symbols '-' from the end
     $this->order = preg_replace('/(-*[AD]+)(-*)/i', '$1', $this->order);
     if (!empty($this->param_prefix) && !empty($this->order) && $this->order != $UserSettings->get($this->order_param)) {
         // Change an order param in DB for current user and current list
         if ($this->order == $default_order) {
             // Delete an order param for current list if it is a default value
         } else {
             // Set a new value of an order param for current list
             $UserSettings->set($this->order_param, $this->order);
     if (!empty($this->param_prefix) && empty($this->order)) {
         // Set an order param from DB
         if ($UserSettings->get($this->order_param) != '') {
             // Set a value for current list if it was already defined
             $this->order = $UserSettings->get($this->order_param);
     if (empty($this->order)) {
         // Set a default value
         $this->order = $default_order;