Ejemplo n.º 1
 //See if we can fetch local ticket id associated with the ID given
 if (!$errors && is_numeric($ticketID) && Validator::is_email($email) && ($tid = Ticket::getIdByExtId($ticketID))) {
     //At this point we know that a ticket with the given number exists.
     $ticket = new Ticket($tid);
     //TODO: 1) Check how old the ticket is...3 months max?? 2) Must be the latest 5 tickets??
     //Check the email given.
     if ($ticket->getId() && strcasecmp($ticket->getEMail(), $email) == 0) {
         //valid email match...create session goodies for the user.
         $user = new UserSession($email, $ticket->getId());
         $_SESSION['_user'] = array();
         $_SESSION['_user']['userID'] = $ticket->getEmail();
         $_SESSION['_user']['key'] = $ticket->getExtId();
         //Ticket ID --acts as password when used with email. See above.
         $_SESSION['_user']['token'] = $user->getSessionToken();
         $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset();
         $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving();
         //Log login info...
         $msg = sprintf("%s/%s " . _("logged in"), $ticket->getEmail(), $ticket->getExtId());
         Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'User login', $msg, $ticket->getEmail());
         //Redirect tickets.php
         @header("Location: tickets.php");
         require_once 'tickets.php';
         //Just incase. of header already sent error.
 //If we get to this point we know the login failed.