Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function editAction()
     $p = $_REQUEST;
     $pWeight = empty($p['weight']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('干体重不能为空') : floatval($p['weight']);
     $tTime = time();
     $tDWLMO = new DryweightlogModel();
     $tDWLRow = $tDWLMO->field('id')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid . ' and date = \'' . date('Y-m-d', $tTime) . '\'')->fRow();
     $tUMO = new UserModel();
     $tURow = $tUMO->field('user_type')->where(' id = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow();
     if ($tURow['user_type'] == 1) {
     $tData = array('weight' => $pWeight);
     if (empty($tDWLRow['id'])) {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('created' => $tTime, 'uid' => $this->tUid, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', $tTime), 'year' => date('Y', $tTime), 'month' => date('Y-m', $tTime)));
     } else {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('updated' => $tTime, 'id' => $tDWLRow['id']));
     if (!$tDWLMO->save($tData)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 001');
     $tUData = array('id' => $this->tUid, 'dry_weight' => $pWeight, 'updated' => $tTime);
     if (!$tUMO->update($tUData)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 002');
     Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作成功', 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function indexAction()
     $p = $_REQUEST;
     if (!count($p)) {
     $pPhone = empty($p['phone']) ? '' : trim($p['phone']);
     if (!Tool_Validate::mo($pPhone)) {
     $tBUserInfo = Oci_User::isPhone($pPhone);
     if (empty($tBUserInfo)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('非白求恩用户,下一步完善必须资料', 1, array('user_type' => 0));
     $pPassword = empty($p['ptxt']) ? '' : trim($p['ptxt']);
     #客户端发送的必须是md5的 密码
     $pCode = empty($p['code']) ? '0' : trim($p['code']);
     $pDid = empty($p['did']) ? '' : trim($p['did']);
     $tTime = time();
     if (empty($pPassword)) {
     if (empty($pCode)) {
     if (!Tool_Validate::integer($pCode)) {
     if (strlen($pPassword) != 32) {
     if (empty($pDid) || !Tool_Validate::az09($pDid)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('did error');
     $tUMO = new UserModel();
     $tRow = $tUMO->field('count(0) c')->where('phone = \'' . $pPhone . '\'')->fRow();
     if (!empty($tRow['c'])) {
     $tKey = Tool_Fnc::newrand(4);
     $tMd5str = Tool_Fnc::markmd5($pPassword, $tKey);
     $tCodeMO = new PhonecodeModel();
     $tCodeCRow = $tCodeMO->check($pPhone, 1, $pCode);
     if ($tCodeCRow['status'] == 0) {
     $tData = array('phone' => $pPhone, 'reg_ip' => Tool_Fnc::realip(), "passwd" => $tMd5str, "reg_time" => $tTime, 'private_key' => $tKey, 'reg_did' => $pDid, 'user_type' => 1);
     if (!($tID = $tUMO->insert($tData))) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 001');
     $tUDMO = new UserdidModel();
     $tUDRow = $tUDMO->field('count(0) c')->where('uid = ' . $tID . ' and did = \'' . $pDid . '\'')->fRow();
     if (empty($tUDRow['c'])) {
         $tData = array('uid' => $tID, 'did' => $pDid, 'created' => $tTime, 'ip' => Tool_Fnc::realip());
         if (!$tUDMO->insert($tData)) {
             Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 002');
     $tTokenarr = $this->creattoken($tID);
     $tSex = $tBUserInfo['SEX'] == '男' ? 1 : 0;
     $tPatientId = $tBUserInfo['PATIENT_ID'];
     $tDryWeight = Oci_User::getDryWeight($tPatientId);
     $tDatas = array('id' => $tID, 'nickname' => $tBUserInfo['NAME'], 'sex' => $tSex, 'dry_weight' => $tDryWeight['BODY_WEIGHT'], 'date_of_birth' => $tBUserInfo['DATE_OF_BIRTH'], 'headimg' => $tBUserInfo['PHOTO']);
     if (!$tUMO->update($tDatas)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003');
     $tUserAssessment = Oci_User::getAssessment($tPatientId);
     $tUserAssessment['uid'] = $tID;
     $tUserAssessment['name'] = $tBUserInfo['NAME'];
     $tCMO = new CenterModel();
     $tCRow = $tCMO->field('id,name')->where(' center_id = \'' . $tBUserInfo['CENTER_ID'] . '\'')->fRow();
     if (!empty($tCRow['id'])) {
         $tUserAssessment['medical_id'] = $tCRow['id'];
         $tUMedicalData = array('id' => $tID, 'center_id' => $tCRow['id'], 'medical_addr' => $tCRow['name']);
         if (!$tUMO->update($tUMedicalData)) {
             Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003');
     } else {
         $tCenterdict = Oci_User::getCenterdict($tBUserInfo['CENTER_ID']);
         $tCData = array('center_id' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_ID'], 'center_code' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_CODE'], 'name' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_NAME'], 'position' => $tCenterdict['POSITION'], 'created' => $tTime);
         if (!($tUserAssessment['medical_id'] = $tCMO->insert($tCData))) {
             Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 008');
         $tUMedicalData = array('id' => $tID, 'center_id' => $tUserAssessment['medical_id'], 'medical_addr' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_NAME']);
         if (!$tUMO->update($tUMedicalData)) {
             Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003');
     $tUA = new UserassessmentModel();
     foreach ($tUserAssessment as $k => $v) {
         $tUserAssessmentData[strtolower($k)] = $v;
     $tUserAssessmentData['created'] = $tTime;
     $tUserAssessmentData['method'] = 1;
     if (!$tUA->insert($tUserAssessmentData)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 004');
     $tDWMO = new DryweightlogModel();
     /*$tDryWeightLog = array(
           'uid' => $tID,
           'weight' => $tDryWeight['BODY_WEIGHT'],
           'date' => $tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'],
           'month' => date('Y-m',strtotime($tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'])),
           'year' => date('Y',strtotime($tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'])),
           'patient_id' => $tPatientId,
           'created' => time(),
     $tSql = 'update ' . $tDWMO->table . ' set uid=' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\'';
     if (!$tDWMO->exec($tSql)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 005');
     $tSDMO = new BqeschedulingdetailModel();
     $tSql = 'update ' . $tSDMO->table . ' set uid = ' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\'';
     if (!$tSDMO->exec($tSql)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 006');
     #透析 - 治疗单主记录
     $tTRMO = new BqetreatmentrecordModel();
     $tSql = 'update ' . $tTRMO->table . ' set uid = ' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\'';
     if (!$tTRMO->exec($tSql)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 007');
     $tUMO->incognito_real($pDid, $tID);
     $tTokenarr = array_merge($tTokenarr, array('user_type' => 1));
     Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg("注册成功,白求恩用户", 1, $tTokenarr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function moneysave()
     if (!IS_POST) {
         $this->message2('非法操作!', __APP__ . '/Admin');
     $user_model = new UserModel();
     $user_account = new Model('account_log');
     $id = I('id', 0);
     if ($id <= 0) {
         $this->message('未指定会员信息!', __URL__ . '/index');
     $user = $user_model->where('id=' . $id)->find();
     if (empty($user)) {
         $this->message('未找到指定会员信息!', __URL__ . '/index');
     $account_type = I('account_type', 1);
     $bg_type = I('bg_type', 1);
     $addmoney = I('addmoney', 0);
     $reason = I('reason', '');
     if ($addmoney <= 0) {
         $this->message('请填写变动金额!', __URL__ . '/addmoney/id/' . $id);
     if ($reason == '') {
         $this->message('请填写变更原因!', __URL__ . '/addmoney/id/' . $id);
     if ($account_type == 1) {
         if ($bg_type == 1) {
             $money = $user['money'] + $addmoney;
             $content = '增加账户余额' . $addmoney;
         } else {
             $money = $user['money'] - $addmoney;
             $content = '减少账户余额' . $addmoney;
             $addmoney = 0 - $addmoney;
         if ($money < 0) {
             $this->message('该人账户可用余额已不足以冲减!', __URL__ . '/addmoney/id/' . $id);
         $data['money'] = $money;
     } else {
         if ($account_type == 2) {
             if ($bg_type == 1) {
                 $money = $user['refer_money'] + $addmoney;
                 $content = '增加可用佣金' . $addmoney;
             } else {
                 $money = $user['refer_money'] - $addmoney;
                 $content = '减少可用佣金' . $addmoney;
                 $addmoney = 0 - $addmoney;
             $data['refer_money'] = $money;
             if ($money < 0) {
                 $this->message('该人账户可用佣金已不足以冲减!', __URL__ . '/addmoney/id/' . $id);
     if (false !== $user_model->where('id=\'' . $id . '\'')->data($data)->save()) {
         $account_log['user_id'] = $id;
         $account_log['stage'] = 'admin';
         $account_log['money'] = $addmoney;
         $account_log['comm'] = $reason;
         $account_log['addtime'] = $this->getDate();
         if ($account_type == 1) {
             $account_log['remain_money'] = $money;
             $account_log['remain_refer_money'] = $user['refer_money'];
         } else {
             if ($account_type == 2) {
                 $account_log['remain_money'] = $user['money'];
                 $account_log['remain_refer_money'] = $money;
         if (false !== $user_account->data($account_log)->add()) {
             $content = '对会员' . $user['username'] . $content . ',若为本人操作,请忽略该条提醒!';
             $this->message('操作成功', __URL__ . '/index');
         } else {
             $this->message('操作失败1:' . $user_account->getError(), __URL__ . '/addmoney/id/' . $id);
     } else {
         $this->message('操作失败2:' . $user_account->getDbError());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function editAction()
     $p = $_REQUEST;
     $tUMO = new UserModel();
     $tURow = $tUMO->field('user_type')->where(' id = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow();
     if ($tURow['user_type'] == 1) {
     $tData = array();
     if (isset($p['name'])) {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('nickname' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name'])));
     if (isset($p['date_of_birth'])) {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('date_of_birth' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($p['date_of_birth']))));
     if (isset($p['sex'])) {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('sex' => intval($p['sex'])));
     $tTime = time();
     $pDryWeight = !isset($p['dry_weight']) ? '' : floatval($p['dry_weight']);
     if (!empty($pDryWeight)) {
         $tData = array_merge($tData, array('dry_weight' => $pDryWeight));
         $tDWLMO = new DryweightlogModel();
         $tDWLRow = $tDWLMO->field('id')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid . ' and date = \'' . date('Y-m-d', $tTime) . '\'')->fRow();
         if (empty($tDWLRow['id'])) {
             $tDWLData = array('weight' => $pDryWeight, 'uid' => $this->tUid, 'created' => $tTime, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', $tTime), 'month' => date('Y-m', $tTime), 'year' => date('Y', $tTime));
         } else {
             $tDWLData = array('weight' => $pDryWeight, 'updated' => $tTime, 'id' => $tDWLRow['id']);
         if (!$tDWLMO->save($tDWLData)) {
             Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 001');
     if (isset($p['name']) && !empty($p['name'])) {
         $tUAMO = new UserassessmentModel();
         $tUARow = $tUAMO->field('id,name')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow();
         if (!empty($tUARow['id'])) {
             $tUADatas = array('id' => $tUARow['id'], 'name' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name']), 'updated' => $tTime);
             if (!$tUAMO->update($tUADatas)) {
                 Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 002');
         } else {
             $tUADatas = array('uid' => $this->tUid, 'name' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name']), 'created' => $tTime);
             if (!$tUAMO->insert($tUADatas)) {
                 Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 002');
     $tData = array_merge($tData, array('id' => $this->tUid, 'updated' => $tTime));
     if (!$tUMO->update($tData)) {
         Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 003');
     Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作成功', 1);