  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate($id)
     $model = new UserLocation();
     $model->user_id = $id;
     if (isset($_POST['UserLocation'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['UserLocation'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('user/update', 'id' => $model->user_id));
     $this->layout = '//layouts/column1';
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate($custId)
     $model = new UserLocation();
     $model->user_id = $custId;
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['UserLocation'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['UserLocation'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             if (isset($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] == '1') {
             } else {
                 $this->redirect(array('user/update', 'id' => $model->user_id));
     $this->layout = '//layouts/column1';
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Displays the register page
 public function actionRegister()
     $model = new User();
     $vars = array();
     if (isset($_POST['User'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
         $model->scenario = 'register';
         if ($model->save()) {
             $Customer = new Customer();
             $Customer->attributes = $_POST['Customer'];
             if (!$Customer->Location->is_pickup) {
                 $CustLoc = new UserLocation();
                 $CustLoc->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
                 $CustLoc->location_id = $Customer->location_id;
                 $CustLoc->address = $model->user_address;
                 $CustLoc->address2 = $model->user_address2;
                 $CustLoc->suburb = $model->user_suburb;
                 $CustLoc->state = $model->user_state;
                 $CustLoc->postcode = $model->user_postcode;
                 $CustLoc->phone = !empty($model->user_phone) ? $model->user_phone : $model->user_mobile;
             $model->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
             $Auth = Yii::app()->authManager;
             $Auth->assign('customer', $model->id);
             //Send email
             $adminEmail = SnapUtil::config('boxomatic/adminEmail');
             $adminEmailFromName = SnapUtil::config('boxomatic/adminEmailFromName');
             $message = new YiiMailMessage('Welcome to ' . Yii::app()->name);
             $message->view = 'welcome';
             $message->setBody(array('User' => $model, 'newPassword' => $_POST['User']['password']), 'text/html');
             $message->setFrom(array($adminEmail => $adminEmailFromName));
             if (!@Yii::app()->mail->send($message)) {
                 $mailError = true;
             $identity = new UserIdentity($model->email, $_POST['User']['password']);
             User::model()->updateByPk($identity->id, array('last_login_time' => new CDbExpression('NOW()')));
     $model->password = '';
     $model->password_repeat = '';
     $vars['model'] = $model;
     // $this->render('register',array('model'=>$model));
     $this->render('register', $vars);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function createDefault($id = 0)
     // creates default UserLocation entry for a user if not exists
     $x = UserLocation::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $id));
     if ($x === null) {
         $ul = new UserLocation();
         $ul->neighborhood_id = 0;
         // default
         $ul->user_id = $id;
         $ul->gps = new CDbExpression("GeomFromText('Point(0 0)')");
         // default
         $ul->address = '';
         $ul->address_ext = '';
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $Customer = $this->loadModel($id);
     if ($Customer->id !== Yii::app()->user->id) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, 'You are not authorized to perform this action.');
     if (isset($_POST['role']) && $_POST['role'] == 'customer') {
         $UserLoc = new UserLocation();
         $UserLoc->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
         $UserLoc->location_id = $Customer->location_id;
         $UserLoc->address = $Customer->user_address;
         $UserLoc->address2 = $Customer->user_address2;
         $UserLoc->suburb = $Customer->user_suburb;
         $UserLoc->state = $Customer->user_state;
         $UserLoc->postcode = $Customer->user_postcode;
         $UserLoc->phone = !empty($Customer->user_phone) ? $Customer->user_phone : $Customer->user_mobile;
         $Customer->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
     $allSaved = true;
     if (isset($_POST['Supplier'])) {
         $Supplier = $Customer->Supplier;
         $Supplier->attributes = $_POST['Supplier'];
         if (!$Supplier->update()) {
             $allSaved = false;
     if (isset($_POST['role'])) {
     if (isset($_POST['BoxomaticUser'])) {
         $oldLocation = $Customer->location_id;
         $oldDeliveryDay = $Customer->delivery_day;
         $Customer->attributes = $_POST['BoxomaticUser'];
         $locationId = $_POST['BoxomaticUser']['delivery_location_key'];
         $custLocationId = new CDbExpression('NULL');
         if (strpos($locationId, '-')) {
             //has a customer location
             $parts = explode('-', $locationId);
             $locationId = $parts[1];
             $custLocationId = $parts[0];
         $Customer->location_id = $locationId;
         $Customer->user_location_id = $custLocationId;
         if (!$Customer->update()) {
             $allSaved = false;
         //Update the cart to prevent ordering on an unavailable day
         $BoxoCart = new BoxoCart();
         $BoxoCart->delivery_day = $Customer->delivery_day;
         //The frontend system currently doesn't handle ordering from multiple locations
         //so delete all orders if changing location
         if ($Customer->location_id != $oldLocation || $Customer->delivery_day != $oldDeliveryDay) {
             $deleted = false;
             foreach ($Customer->getFutureOrders() as $Order) {
                 $deleted = true;
             if ($deleted) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('warning', 'All future orders removed.');
         if ($allSaved) {
             $this->redirect(array('user/update', 'id' => $Customer->id));
     $custLocDataProvider = null;
     $custLocDataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('UserLocation', array('criteria' => array('condition' => 'user_id=' . $Customer->id)));
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $Customer, 'custLocDataProvider' => $custLocDataProvider));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['role']) && $_POST['role'] == 'customer') {
         if (empty($model->user_id)) {
             $Customer = new Customer();
         } else {
             $Customer = Customer::model()->findByPk($model->user_id);
         $CustLoc = new UserLocation();
         $CustLoc->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
         $CustLoc->location_id = $Customer->location_id;
         $CustLoc->address = $model->user_address;
         $CustLoc->address2 = $model->user_address2;
         $CustLoc->suburb = $model->user_suburb;
         $CustLoc->state = $model->user_state;
         $CustLoc->postcode = $model->user_postcode;
         $CustLoc->phone = !empty($model->user_phone) ? $model->user_phone : $model->user_mobile;
         $model->user_id = $Customer->user_id;
     $allSaved = true;
     			$custLocationId=new CDbExpression('NULL');
     			{ //has a customer location
     if (isset($_POST['Supplier'])) {
         $Supplier = $model->Supplier;
         $Supplier->attributes = $_POST['Supplier'];
         if (!$Supplier->update()) {
             $allSaved = false;
     if (isset($_POST['role'])) {
     if (isset($_POST['BoxomaticUser'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['BoxomaticUser'];
         if (!$model->update()) {
             $allSaved = false;
         if ($allSaved) {
     $custLocDataProvider = null;
     $custLocDataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('UserLocation', array('criteria' => array('condition' => 'user_id=' . $model->id)));
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'custLocDataProvider' => $custLocDataProvider));