Ejemplo n.º 1
    $div_header_html = "<div class=\"tabpage\" id=\"tabpage_%s\">";
    //1st page shows search results
    if (count($usersearch->current_list) > 0) {
        $pagehead = "<h2>Results from " . $udm->name . "</h2>";
        $pagehead .= "<P><center>";
        #<table width='400'><tr><td>";
        $tabhead .= $usersearch->tab_navs();
        $tabhead .= sprintf($div_header_html, "Results");
        #print($usersearch->translateSearch(0, $udm);
        $results_page = $usersearch->output_list();
        $tabfoot = "</center></div>";
        $show_div_footer = TRUE;
        $formhead = sprintf($div_header_html, "Search Options");
    $search_summary = '<div style ="background-color:E3E3E3; width:300px; min-height=50px; vertical-align:center; text-align:left; padding: 5px;">' . $usersearch->translateSearch($udm) . '</div><P>';
$modidselect = $dbcon->Execute("SELECT id from modules where publish=1 and userdatamodid=" . $udm->instance) or die($dbcon->ErrorMsg());
$modid = $modidselect->Fields("id");
/* Now Output the Form.

   Any necessary changes to the form should have been registered
   before now, including any error messages, notices, or
   complete form overhauls. This can happen either within the
   $usersearch object, or from print() or echo() statements.
require_once 'header.php';
//Create page with search form
if (!isset($pagehead)) {
    $pagehead = "<h2>Search " . $udm->name . "</h2>";