Ejemplo n.º 1
  * private
  * generate html output with decision. In html output, the errors with no decision made are display at the top,
  * followed by errors that decisions have been made. This method also calculates number of errors based on made decisions.
  * If a decision is made as pass, the error is ignored without adding into number of errors.
  * parameters:
  * $check_row: table row of the check
  * $line_number: line number that the error happens
  * $col_number: column number that the error happens
  * $html_tag: html tag that the error happens
  * $error_type: IS_WARNING or IS_INFO
 private function generate_cell_with_decision($check_row, $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $error_type)
     $css_code = "";
     // generate decision section
     $userDecisionsDAO = new UserDecisionsDAO();
     $row = $userDecisionsDAO->getByUserLinkIDAndLineNumAndColNumAndCheckID($this->user_link_id, $line_number, $col_number, $check_row['check_id']);
     if (!$row || $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
         // no decision or decision of fail
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
     if (!$row) {
         if ($this->allow_set_decision == 'true') {
             $decision_section = str_replace(array("{LINE_NUM}", "{COL_NUM}", "{CHECK_ID}", "{PASS_CHECKED}", "{FAIL_CHECKED}", "{NODECISION_CHECKED}", "{QUESTION}", "{DECISION_PASS}", "{DECISION_FAIL}", "{DECISION_NO}"), array($line_number, $col_number, $check_row['check_id'], "", "", 'checked="checked"', _AC($check_row['question']), _AC($check_row['decision_pass']), _AC($check_row['decision_fail']), _AC('no_decision')), $this->html_decision_not_made);
         // generate problem section
         $problem_section = $this->generate_problem_section($check_row['check_id'], $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $css_code, _AC($check_row['err']), _AC($check_row['how_to_repair']), $decision_section, $error_type);
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
             $this->rpt_likely_decision_not_made .= $problem_section;
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
             $this->rpt_potential_decision_not_made .= $problem_section;
     } else {
         if ($row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
             $decision = $check_row['decision_pass'];
         if ($row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
             $decision = $check_row['decision_fail'];
         if ($this->allow_set_decision == 'true') {
             $reverse_decision = str_replace(array("{LABEL_REVERSE_DECISION}", "{LINE_NUM}", "{COL_NUM}", "{CHECK_ID}"), array(_AC('reverse_decision'), $line_number, $col_number, $check_row['check_id']), $this->html_reverse_decision);
         $decision_section = str_replace(array("{LABEL_DECISION}", "{QUESTION}", "{DECISION}", "{LABEL_QUESTION}", "{LABEL_USER}", "{LABEL_DATE}", "{DATE}", "{REVERSE_DECISION}"), array(_AC('decision'), _AC($check_row['question']), _AC($decision), _AC('question'), _AC('user'), _AC('date'), $row['last_update'], $reverse_decision), $this->html_decision_made);
         // generate problem section
         $problem_section = $this->generate_problem_section($check_row['check_id'], $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $css_code, _AC($check_row['err']), _AC($check_row['how_to_repair']), $decision_section, $error_type);
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
             $this->rpt_likely_decision_made .= $problem_section;
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
             $this->rpt_potential_decision_made .= $problem_section;
  * private
  * generate html table rows for all errors on one check 
  * @param
  * $errors_for_this_check: all errors
  * $check_id
  * $confidence: KNOWN, LIKELY, POTENTIAL  @ see include/constants.inc.php
  * @return html table rows
 private function get_table_rows_for_one_check($errors_for_this_check, $check_id, $confidence)
     if (!is_array($errors_for_this_check)) {
         // no problem found for this check
         return '';
     $th_row = "";
     $tr_rows = "";
     // generate decision section
     if ($this->allow_set_decision == 'true' && $confidence != KNOWN) {
         $th_row = str_replace(array("{PASS_TEXT}", "{SELECT_ALL_TEXT}", "{CHECK_ID}", "{SELECT_ALL_TEXT}"), array(_AC("pass_header"), _AC("select_all"), $check_id, _AC("select_all")), $this->html_tr_header);
     foreach ($errors_for_this_check as $error) {
         $html_image = "";
         $msg_type = "";
         $img_type = "";
         $img_src = "";
         if ($confidence == KNOWN) {
             $img_type = _AC('error');
             $img_src = "error.png";
         } else {
             if ($confidence == LIKELY) {
                 $img_type = _AC('warning');
                 $img_src = "warning.png";
             } else {
                 if ($confidence == POTENTIAL) {
                     $img_type = _AC('manual_check');
                     $img_src = "info.png";
         if ($this->show_source == 'true') {
             $line_number_to_source = '<a href="checker/index.php#line-' . $error["line_number"] . '">' . $error["line_number"] . '</a>';
         } else {
             $line_number_to_source = $error["line_number"];
         // only display first 100 chars of $html_code
         if (strlen($error["html_code"]) > 100) {
             $html_code = substr($error["html_code"], 0, 100) . " ...";
         if ($error["image"] != '') {
             $height = DISPLAY_PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
             if ($error["image_alt"] == '_NOT_DEFINED') {
                 $alt = '';
             } else {
                 if ($error["image_alt"] == '_EMPTY') {
                     $alt = 'alt=""';
                 } else {
                     $alt = 'alt="' . $error["image_alt"] . '"';
             $html_image = str_replace(array("{SRC}", "{HEIGHT}", "{ALT}"), array($error["image"], $height, $alt), $this->html_image);
         $userDecisionsDAO = new UserDecisionsDAO();
         $row = $userDecisionsDAO->getByUserLinkIDAndLineNumAndColNumAndCheckID($this->user_link_id, $error["line_number"], $error["col_number"], $error['check_id']);
         if (!$row || $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
             // no decision or decision of fail
             if ($confidence == LIKELY) {
             if ($confidence == POTENTIAL) {
         if ($row && $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
             // pass decision has been made, display "congrats" icon
             $msg_type = "msg_info";
             $img_type = _AC('passed_decision');
             $img_src = "feedback.gif";
         // generate individual problem string
         $problem_cell = str_replace(array("{IMG_SRC}", "{IMG_TYPE}", "{LINE_TEXT}", "{LINE_NUMBER}", "{LINE_NUMBER_TO_SOURCE}", "{COL_TEXT}", "{COL_NUMBER}", "{CHECK_ID}", "{HTML_CODE}", "{CSS_CODE}", "{BASE_HREF}", "{IMAGE}"), array($img_src, $img_type, _AC('line'), $error['line_number'], $line_number_to_source, _AC('column'), $error["col_number"], $check_id, htmlentities($error["html_code"], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $error['css_code'], AC_BASE_HREF, $html_image), $this->html_problem);
         // compose all <tr> rows
         // checkboxes only appear
         // 1. when user is login. In other words, user can make decision.
         // 2. likely or potential reports, not error report
         if ($this->allow_set_decision == "true" && $confidence != KNOWN) {
             $checkbox_name = "d[" . $error["line_number"] . "_" . $error["col_number"] . "_" . $error["check_id"] . "]";
             $checkbox_html = '<input type="checkbox" class="AC_childCheckBox" id="' . $checkbox_name . '" name="' . $checkbox_name . '" value="1" ';
             $row_selected = "";
             if ($row && $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
                 $checkbox_html .= 'checked="checked" ';
                 $row_selected = ' class="selected"';
             $checkbox_html .= '/>';
             // associate checkbox label
             $label_start = str_replace("{CHECKBOX_ID}", $checkbox_name, $this->label_start);
             $problem_cell = str_replace(array("{LABEL_START}", "{LABEL_END}"), array($label_start, $this->label_end), $problem_cell);
             $tr_rows .= str_replace(array("{ROW_SELECTED}", "{CHECKBOX}", "{PROBLEM_DETAIL}"), array($row_selected, $checkbox_html, $problem_cell), $this->html_tr_with_decision);
         } else {
             $problem_cell = str_replace(array("{LABEL_START}", "{LABEL_END}"), array("", ""), $problem_cell);
             $tr_rows .= str_replace(array("{PROBLEM_DETAIL}"), array($problem_cell), $this->html_tr_without_decision);
     return $th_row . $tr_rows;
  * private
  * generate array with decision
  * parameters:
  * $check_row: table row of the check
  * $line_number: line number that the error happens
  * $col_number: column number that the error happens
  * $html_tag: html tag that the error happens
  * $error_type: IS_WARNING or IS_INFO
 private function generate_cell_with_decision($check_row, $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $error_type)
     // generate decision section
     $userDecisionsDAO = new UserDecisionsDAO();
     $row = $userDecisionsDAO->getByUserLinkIDAndLineNumAndColNumAndCheckID($this->user_link_id, $line_number, $col_number, $check_row['check_id']);
     if (!$row || $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
         // no decision or decision of fail
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
     if (!$row) {
         $decision_section = 'none';
         // generate problem section
         $problem_section = $this->generate_problem_section($check_row['check_id'], $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $css_code, _AC($check_row['err']), _AC($check_row['how_to_repair']), $decision_section, $error_type);
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
             $this->group_likely_problems_no_decision[] = $problem_section;
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
             $this->group_potential_problems_no_decision[] = $problem_section;
     if ($row && $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
         // pass decision has been made, display "congrats" icon
         $decision_section = TRUE;
         // generate problem section
         $problem_section = $this->generate_problem_section($check_row['check_id'], $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $css_code, _AC($check_row['err']), _AC($check_row['how_to_repair']), $decision_section, $error_type);
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
             $this->group_likely_problems_with_decision[] = $problem_section;
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
             $this->group_potential_problems_with_decision[] = $problem_section;
     if ($row && $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
         // pass decision has been made, display "congrats" icon
         $decision_section = FALSE;
         // generate problem section
         $problem_section = $this->generate_problem_section($check_row['check_id'], $line_number, $col_number, $html_code, $image, $image_alt, $css_code, _AC($check_row['err']), _AC($check_row['how_to_repair']), $decision_section, $error_type);
         if ($error_type == IS_WARNING) {
             $this->group_likely_problems_with_decision[] = $problem_section;
         if ($error_type == IS_INFO) {
             $this->group_potential_problems_with_decision[] = $problem_section;
  * private
  * generate array for all errors on one check 
  * @param
  * $errors_for_this_check: all errors
  * $check_id
  * $confidence: KNOWN, LIKELY, POTENTIAL  @ see include/constants.inc.php
  * @return html table rows
 private function get_table_rows_for_one_check($errors_for_this_check, $check_id, $confidence)
     if (!is_array($errors_for_this_check)) {
         // no problem found for this check
         return '';
     foreach ($errors_for_this_check as $error) {
         if ($confidence == KNOWN) {
             $img_type = _AC('error');
             $img_src = "error.png";
         } else {
             if ($confidence == LIKELY) {
                 $img_type = _AC('warning');
                 $img_src = "warning.png";
             } else {
                 if ($confidence == POTENTIAL) {
                     $img_type = _AC('manual_check');
                     $img_src = "info.png";
         // only display first 100 chars of $html_code
         if (strlen($error["html_code"]) > 100) {
             $html_code = substr($error["html_code"], 0, 100) . " ...";
         if ($error["image"] != '') {
             $height = DISPLAY_PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
             if ($error["image_alt"] == '_NOT_DEFINED') {
                 $alt = '';
             } else {
                 if ($error["image_alt"] == '_EMPTY') {
                     $alt = 'alt=""';
                 } else {
                     $alt = 'alt="' . $error["image_alt"] . '"';
             $error_img['img_src'] = $error["image"];
             $error_img['height'] = $height;
         $userDecisionsDAO = new UserDecisionsDAO();
         $row = $userDecisionsDAO->getByUserLinkIDAndLineNumAndColNumAndCheckID($this->user_link_id, $error["line_number"], $error["col_number"], $error['check_id']);
         if (!$row || $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
             // no decision or decision of fail
             if ($confidence == LIKELY) {
             if ($confidence == POTENTIAL) {
         $passed = FALSE;
         if (!$row) {
             $passed = 'none';
         if ($row && $row['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
             // pass decision has been made, display "congrats" icon
             $msg_type = "msg_info";
             $img_type = _AC('passed_decision');
             $img_src = "feedback.gif";
             $passed = TRUE;
         $problem_cell['img_src'] = $img_src;
         $problem_cell['line_text'] = _AC('line');
         $problem_cell['line_nr'] = $error['line_number'];
         $problem_cell['col_text'] = _AC('column');
         $problem_cell['col_nr'] = $error["col_number"];
         $problem_cell['check_id'] = $check_id;
         $problem_cell['html_code'] = htmlentities($error["html_code"], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         $problem_cell['css_code'] = $error['css_code'];
         $problem_cell['base_href'] = AC_BASE_HREF;
         $problem_cell['error_img'] = $error_img;
         $problem_cell['test_passed'] = $passed;
         $array[] = $problem_cell;
     return $array;
  * private
  * main process to generate report in html format
 private function generateRESTRpt()
     $num_of_errors = 0;
     $num_of_likely_problems = 0;
     $num_of_potential_problems = 0;
     $checksDAO = new ChecksDAO();
     $userDecisionsDAO = new UserDecisionsDAO();
     // generate section details
     foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
         // generate each error result
         $result_type = '';
         $repair = '';
         $decision = '';
         $decision_questions = '';
         $decision_made = '';
         $row_check = $checksDAO->getCheckByID($error["check_id"]);
         if ($row_check["confidence"] == KNOWN) {
             // only known errors have <repair>
             $result_type = _AC('error');
             $repair = str_replace('{REPAIR}', htmlentities(_AC($row_check["how_to_repair"])), $this->rest_repair);
         } else {
             // generate user's decision. only likely and potential problems have decisions to make
             $row_userDecision = $userDecisionsDAO->getByUserLinkIDAndLineNumAndColNumAndCheckID($this->userLinkID, $error["line_number"], $error["col_number"], $error['check_id']);
             if ($row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS || $row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
                 if ($row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_PASS) {
                     $decision_text = _AC('pass');
                 if ($row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
                     $decision_text = _AC('fail');
                 $decision_made = str_replace(array('{DECISIONMADE}', '{DECISIONMADEDATE}'), array(htmlentities($decision_text), $row_userDecision['last_update']), $this->rest_decision_made);
             if ($row_check["confidence"] == LIKELY) {
                 $result_type = _AC('likely_problem');
                 if (!$row_userDecision || $row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
             if ($row_check["confidence"] == POTENTIAL) {
                 $result_type = _AC('potential_problem');
                 if (!$row_userDecision || $row_userDecision['decision'] == AC_DECISION_FAIL) {
             $decision_questions = str_replace(array('{SEQUENCEID}', '{DECISIONPASS}', '{DECISIONFAIL}'), array($error['line_number'] . '_' . $error['col_number'] . '_' . $error['check_id'], htmlentities(_AC($row_check['decision_pass'])), htmlentities(_AC($row_check['decision_fail']))), $this->rest_decision_questions);
             $decision = $decision_questions . $decision_made;
             // end of generating user's decision
         $result .= str_replace(array('{RESULTTYPE}', '{LINENUM}', '{COLUMNNUM}', '{BASE_HREF}', '{CHECK_ID}', '{TITLE}', '{ERRORMSG}', '{ERRORSOURCECODE}', '{REPAIR}', '{DECISION}'), array($result_type, $error["line_number"], $error["col_number"], htmlentities(AC_BASE_HREF), $error['check_id'], htmlentities(_AC("suggest_improvements")), htmlentities(_AC($row_check['err'])), htmlentities($error["html_code"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $repair, $decision), $this->rest_result);
     // retrieve session id
     $userLinksDAO = new UserLinksDAO();
     $row = $userLinksDAO->getByUserLinkID($this->userLinkID);
     $sessionID = $row['last_sessionID'];
     // generate guidelines
     $guidelinesDAO = new GuidelinesDAO();
     foreach ($this->guidelineArray as $gid) {
         $row_guideline = $guidelinesDAO->getGuidelineByIDs($gid);
         $guidelines .= str_replace('{GUIDELINE}', htmlentities($row_guideline[0]['title']), $this->rest_guideline);
     // find out result status: pass, fail, conditional pass
     if ($num_of_errors > 0) {
         $status = _AC('fail');
     } else {
         if ($num_of_likely_problems + $num_of_potential_problems > 0) {
             $status = _AC('conditional_pass');
         } else {
             $status = _AC('pass');
     // generate final output
     $this->output = str_replace(array('{STATUS}', '{SESSIONID}', '{NUMOFERRORS}', '{NUMOFLIKELYPROBLEMS}', '{NUMOFPOTENTIALPROBLEMS}', '{GUIDELINES}', '{RESULTS}'), array($status, $sessionID, $num_of_errors, $num_of_likely_problems, $num_of_potential_problems, $guidelines, $result), $this->rest_main);