protected function parseDevice()
     if (count($this->pendingInsert) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->pendingInsert as $device) {
             $matcher = UserAgentFactory::userAgentType($this->wurfl, $device['user_agent']);
             $uatable = TeraWurflConfig::$TABLE_PREFIX . '_' . $matcher;
         $this->pendingInsert = array();
     $this->pendingInsert[$this->xml->getAttribute('id')] = array();
     $device =& $this->pendingInsert[$this->xml->getAttribute('id')];
     $device = array('id' => $this->xml->getAttribute('id'), 'user_agent' => UserAgentUtils::cleanUserAgent($this->xml->getAttribute('user_agent')), 'fall_back' => $this->xml->getAttribute('fall_back'));
     if ($this->xml->getAttribute('actual_device_root')) {
         $device['actual_device_root'] = $this->xml->getAttribute('actual_device_root') == "true" ? 1 : 0;
     $groupdevice = '';
     $groupname = '';
     $filtering = TeraWurflConfig::$CAPABILITY_FILTER ? true : false;
     $includegroup = false;
     while ($this->xml->read()) {
         if ($this->xml->nodeType != XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
         // recurse back into this function for the rest of the devices
         switch ($this->xml->name) {
             case "device":
             case "group":
                 $groupname = $this->xml->getAttribute('id');
                 if ($filtering && $this->enabled($this->xml->getAttribute('id'))) {
                     $includegroup = true;
                 } else {
                     $includegroup = false;
                 $device[$groupname] = array();
             case "capability":
                 if (!$filtering || $filtering && $includegroup) {
                     // the groupdevice array must already exist
                     $device[$groupname][$this->xml->getAttribute('name')] = self::cleanValue($this->xml->getAttribute('value'));
                 if ($filtering && !$includegroup && $this->enabled($this->xml->getAttribute('name'))) {
                     // the groupdevice array might already exists
                     if (!array_key_exists($groupname, $device)) {
                         $device[$groupname] = array();
                     $device[$groupname][$this->xml->getAttribute('name')] = self::cleanValue($this->xml->getAttribute('value'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Detects the capabilities of a device from a given user agent and optionally, the HTTP Accept Headers
  * @param String HTTP User Agent
  * @param String HTTP Accept Header
  * @return Bool matching device was found
 public function getDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent($userAgent = null, $httpAccept = null)
     $this->db->numQueries = 0;
     $this->matchData = array("num_queries" => 0, "actual_root_device" => '', "match_type" => '', "matcher" => '', "match" => false, "lookup_time" => 0, "fall_back_tree" => '');
     $this->lookup_start = microtime(true);
     $this->foundInCache = false;
     $this->capabilities = array();
     // Define User Agent
     $this->userAgent = is_null($userAgent) ? WurflSupport::getUserAgent() : $userAgent;
     if (strlen($this->userAgent) > 255) {
         $this->userAgent = substr($this->userAgent, 0, 255);
     // Use the ultra high performance SimpleDesktopMatcher if enabled
     if (TeraWurflConfig::$SIMPLE_DESKTOP_ENGINE_ENABLE) {
         require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/UserAgentMatchers/SimpleDesktopUserAgentMatcher.php');
         if (SimpleDesktopUserAgentMatcher::isDesktopBrowser($userAgent)) {
             $this->userAgent = WurflConstants::$SIMPLE_DESKTOP_UA;
     // Define HTTP ACCEPT header.  Default: DO NOT use HTTP_ACCEPT headers
     //$this->httpAccept= (is_null($httpAccept))? WurflSupport::getAcceptHeader(): $httpAccept;
     $this->userAgent = UserAgentUtils::cleanUserAgent($this->userAgent);
     // Check cache for device
     if (TeraWurflConfig::$CACHE_ENABLE) {
         $cacheData = $this->db->getDeviceFromCache($this->userAgent);
         // Found in cache
         if ($cacheData !== false) {
             $this->capabilities = $cacheData;
             $this->foundInCache = true;
             $deviceID = $cacheData['id'];
     if (!$this->foundInCache) {
         require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/UserAgentMatchers/SimpleDesktopUserAgentMatcher.php');
         // Find appropriate user agent matcher
         $this->userAgentMatcher = UserAgentFactory::createUserAgentMatcher($this, $this->userAgent);
         // Find the best matching WURFL ID
         $deviceID = $this->getDeviceIDFromUALoose($userAgent);
         // Get the capabilities of this device and all its ancestors
         // Now add in the Tera-WURFL results array
         $this->lookup_end = microtime(true);
         $this->matchData['num_queries'] = $this->db->numQueries;
         $this->matchData['lookup_time'] = $this->lookup_end - $this->lookup_start;
         // Add the match data to the capabilities array so it gets cached
         $this->addCapabilities(array($this->matchDataKey => $this->matchData));
     if (TeraWurflConfig::$CACHE_ENABLE == true && !$this->foundInCache) {
         // Since this device was not cached, cache it now.
         $this->db->saveDeviceInCache($this->userAgent, $this->capabilities);
     return $this->capabilities[$this->matchDataKey]['match'];
 protected function loadDeviceXMLToArray(&$device)
     $id = (string) $device['id'];
     $this->devices[$id] = array('id' => $id);
     $filtering = TeraWurflConfig::$CAPABILITY_FILTER ? true : false;
     $includegroup = false;
     if (isset($device['fall_back'])) {
         $this->devices[$id]['fall_back'] = (string) $device['fall_back'];
     if (isset($device['user_agent'])) {
         $this->devices[$id]['user_agent'] = UserAgentUtils::cleanUserAgent((string) $device['user_agent']);
     if (isset($device['actual_device_root'])) {
         $this->devices[$id]['actual_device_root'] = (string) $device['actual_device_root'];
         $this->devices[$id]['actual_device_root'] = $this->devices[$id]['actual_device_root'] ? 1 : 0;
     foreach ($device->group as $group) {
         $groupname = (string) $group['id'];
         if ($filtering && $this->enabled($groupname)) {
             $includegroup = true;
         } else {
             $includegroup = false;
         $groupdata = array();
         foreach ($group->capability as $cap) {
             $capname = (string) $cap['name'];
             if (!$filtering || $filtering && $includegroup || $filtering && !$includegroup && $this->enabled($capname)) {
                 $groupdata[$capname] = $this->cleanValue((string) $cap['value']);
         if (count($groupdata) > 0) {
             $this->devices[$id][$groupname] = $groupdata;