public static function exists($username) { Zend_Registry::get('logger')->debug('Find matching line item'); $users = new User(); $where = $users->_db->quoteInto('username = ?', $username); $result = $users->fetchAll($where); return $result->exists(); }
function showList() { //Списък потребители $user_model = new User($this->dbconn); $users = $user_model->fetchAll(array('filter' => ' ORDER BY id desc ', 'values' => array())); $this->smarty->Assign('users', $users); $this->display('User/list.tpl'); }
function _show_users() { isUserLoggedIn(); $user = new User(getdbh()); $user_details = $user->fetchAll(); $result['user'] = $user_details; $data['msg'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'afisare_user.tpl.php', $result); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layout.php', $data); }
function _addGrupaUsers($id = 0) { isUserLoggedIn(); $user = new User(getdbh()); $getUsers = $user->fetchAll(); $result['user'] = $getUsers; $result['grupaID'] = $id; $data['msg'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH . 'addUserGrupa.tpl.php', $result); View::do_dump(VIEW_PATH . 'layout.php', $data); }
function index($varnish_cashe = NULL) { //Последно регистрирани $user_model = new User($this->dbconn); $users = $user_model->fetchAll(array('filter' => ' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 10 ', 'values' => array())); $this->smarty->Assign('users', $users); //Последно създадени дървета $tree_model = new Tree($this->dbconn); $trees = $tree_model->fetchAll(array('filter' => ' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 10 ', 'values' => array()), 'all'); $this->smarty->Assign('trees', $trees); $this->display('Main/main.tpl'); }
protected function buildSQl() { $select = $this->dbModelTable->select(); $user = new User(); if (isset($this->filterdata['deleg_no']) and !empty($this->filterdata['deleg_no'])) { $select->where('deleg_no = ?', $this->filterdata['deleg_no']); } if (isset($this->filterdata['employee']) and !empty($this->filterdata['employee'])) { $tetaId = $user->findOne($this->filterdata['employee'])->teta_id; $select->where('teta_id = ?', $tetaId); } else { if (isset($this->filterdata['branch']) and !empty($this->filterdata['branch'])) { $userRowset = $user->fetchAll('id_branch = ' . $this->filterdata['branch']); $inStmt = array(); foreach ($userRowset as $row) { $inStmt[] = $row->teta_id; } $select->where('teta_id IN (?)', $inStmt); } } return $select->__toString(); }
/** * The default action - show the home page */ public function indexAction() { $method = $this->getRequest()->getMethod(); $view = $this->initView(); $callback = $this->getRequest()->getParam('callback'); $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $date = $this->getRequest()->getParam('date'); if ($method == 'GET') { $user = new User(); if ($id) { $s = 'id'; if (!is_numeric($id)) { $s = 'login'; } $row = $user->fetchRow($user->select()->where($s . ' = ?', $id)); if (is_null($row)) { /* 404 Not Found */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(404); } else { $response = Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($row->toArray()); } } else { $rows = $user->fetchAll(); $users = $rows->toArray(); if ($users == 0) { /* 404 Not Found */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(404); } else { /*foreach ($users as &$u) { $u['teste'] = $id.' - '.$date; }*/ $response = Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($users); } } if ($callback) { $response = $callback . "(" . $response . ")"; } $view->json = $response; $this->render('json'); } elseif ($method == 'POST') { //$user = Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($this->getRequest()->getParam('user')); $t = $this->getRequest()->getRawBody(); $temp = Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($t, Zend_Json::TYPE_ARRAY); $user = new User(); try { $l = Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($t, Zend_Json::TYPE_OBJECT)->login; $verified = $user->fetchRow($user->select()->where('login = ?', $l)); if ($verified->id == 0) { $inserted = $user->insert($temp); $response = $inserted; //$user['name']; } else { /* 409 Conflict */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(409); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = $e->getMessage(); } if ($callback) { $response = $callback . "(" . $response . ")"; } $view->json = $response; $this->render('json'); } elseif ($method == 'DELETE') { } elseif ($method == 'PUT') { } else { /* 405 Method Not Allowed */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(405); } }
function attendeesAction() { $userTbl = new User(); // Put the session in the view $this->session->putInView($this->view); // Check whther an export is required if (isset($_REQUEST['export_action'])) { $exportRequired = true; $exportType = $_REQUEST['export_action']; } else { $exportRequired = false; } // load the template if (!$exportRequired) { $this->view->set_file("content", "attendees.xml"); } else { if ($exportType == Config::EXPORT_EXCEL) { $this->view->setFile("content", "attendees_xls.xml"); $mimeType = "text/xls"; $exportName = "attendees.xls"; } else { // Default: HTML $this->view->setFile("content", "attendees_html.xml"); $mimeType = "text/plain"; $exportName = "attendees.html"; } } /* Select all the users and list them. First extract the 'block' describing a line from the template */ $this->view->set_block("content", "ATTENDEE", "ATTENDEES"); $this->view->set_block("content", "GROUPS_LINKS", "LINKS"); if (isset($_REQUEST['remove'])) { $idUser = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id_user'); // instantiate a PaperRow object. Ok, not elegant, but easier $user = $userTbl->find($idUser)->current(); $user->delete(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm_payment'])) { $idUser = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id_user'); // instantiate a PaperRow object. Ok, not elegant, but easier $user = $userTbl->find($idUser)->current(); $user->payment_received = 'Y'; $user->save(); } $nbAttendees = 0; // Initialize the current interval if (!isset($_REQUEST['iMin'])) { $iMinCur = 1; $iMaxCur = self::SIZE_ATTENDEES_GROUP; } else { $iMinCur = $_REQUEST['iMin']; $iMaxCur = $_REQUEST['iMax']; } // Export? No group. if ($exportRequired) { $iMinCur = 0; $iMaxCur = 999999999; } // Get all the attendees, ordered by last name $userTbl = new User(); $users = $userTbl->fetchAll(" roles LIKE '%P%'", "last_name"); $this->view->mailType = Mail::SOME_USER; $i = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $i++; if ($i >= $iMinCur and $i <= $iMaxCur) { // Choose the CSS class $this->view->css_class = Config::CssCLass($i); $user->putInView($this->view); $this->view->choices = ""; // Get the answer to open questions $rAnswers = $this->zmax_context->db->query("SELECT * FROM RegAnswer a, RegQuestion q, " . " RegChoice c WHERE a.id_question = and a.id_user='******' " . " AND a.id_answer=c.id_choice AND"); while ($answer = $rAnswers->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) { $this->view->choices .= "{$answer->question_code}: {$answer->choice}; "; } $this->view->append("ATTENDEES", "ATTENDEE"); } } // Export if required if ($exportRequired) { $this->view->assign("export", "content"); $this->exportFile($exportName, $mimeType, $this->view->export); return; } // Create the groups $nbAttendees = $i; $nb_groups = $nbAttendees / self::SIZE_ATTENDEES_GROUP + 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_groups; $i++) { $iMin = ($i - 1) * self::SIZE_ATTENDEES_GROUP + 1; if ($iMin >= $iMinCur and $iMin <= $iMaxCur) { $link = "<font color=red>{$i}</font>"; } else { $link = $i; } $this->view->set_var("LINK", $link); $this->view->set_var("IMIN_VALUE", $iMin); $this->view->set_var("IMAX_VALUE", $iMin + self::SIZE_ATTENDEES_GROUP - 1); $this->view->append("LINKS", "GROUPS_LINKS"); } $this->view->nb_attendees = $nbAttendees; echo $this->view->render("layout"); }
} else { echo "\n\nParametr app_env jest wymagany!"; echo "\n\n" . $opts->getUsageMessage() . "\n\n"; exit; } /** Zend_Application */ require_once 'Zend/Application.php'; // Create application, bootstrap, and run $application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); Base_Controller_Action_Helper_Currentip::$_unitTestEnabled = true; $application->bootstrap(); $application->getBootstrap()->runForCmd(); Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->setParam('bootstrap', $application->getBootstrap()); Zend_registry::set('config', $application->getOptions()); $user = $application->getOption('bin'); $u = new User(); $u_data = $u->fetchAll("login = '******'user'] . "'", "id DESC", 1); if (null == $u_data) { throw new Exception('Brak użytkownika o podanym ID'); } $u_data = $u_data->toArray(); $storageRow = new stdClass(); foreach ($u_data[0] as $key => $value) { $storageRow->{$key} = $value; } $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $storage = $auth->getStorage(); $o = new Branch(); $data = $o->fetchAll("branch_name = '" . $user['branch'] . "'", "id DESC", 1)->toArray(); $storageRow->jednostka = $data[0]; $storage->write($storageRow);
/** * Called by ITechController * To view ACLs in an action function use Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->acls; or ITechController::_getACLs(); */ public static function getACLs($user_id) { $rtn = array(); if ($user_id) { $userTable = new User(); $select = $userTable->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false); $select->join(array('uacl' => 'user_to_acl'), 'uacl.user_id =', 'uacl.acl_id'); $select->where('uacl.user_id = ?', $user_id); $rowset = $userTable->fetchAll($select); foreach ($rowset as $row) { $rtn[] = $row->acl_id; } } return $rtn; }
/** * Metoda dla crona do stosowania zaplanowanych blokad użytkowników * @return array */ public function deleter() { $userModel = new User(); $exceptions = array(); try { $select = $userModel->select()->where('timelock_start IS NOT NULL')->where('timelock_start <= ?', new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()'))->where('ghost = ?', 'f'); $users = $userModel->fetchAll($select); foreach ($users as $user) { $user->ghost = true; $user->is_locked = true; $user->save(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $exceptions[] = $e; } return $exceptions; }
* @property int $age * * @method static User[] fetchAll(array $cond = null, array $sort = null, $count = null, $offset = null, $hint = NULL) * @method static User|null fetchOne(array $cond = null, array $sort = null) * @method static User fetchObject(array $cond = null, array $sort = null) */ class User extends Mongostar_Model { } $newUser = User::fetchObject(array('id' => null)); echo $newUser->name . "<br>"; die("lsjdlksj"); if (rand(0, 1)) { // User::remove(); } $user = User::fetchOne(array('id' => '54de8e1e9cd81ebf330041bc')); echo $user->name . "<br>"; $user->name = "User_name - " . rand(1000, 9999); $user->save(); $user = User::fetchOne(array('id' => '54de8e1e9cd81ebf330041bc')); echo $user->name . "<br>"; die; $user->name = "Name: " . rand(1000, 9999); $user->save(); echo "last name: " . $user->name . "<br/>"; $user->name = "Name-edited"; $user->save(); foreach (User::fetchAll() as $user) { echo $user->id . ' - ' . $user->name . "<br>"; } echo "count: " . User::getCount() . "<br>";
public function myresetpasswordAction() { //check GUID param with database //remove all elements, only password and repeat stays $this->form = new User_Form_Edit(); $elems = $this->form->getElements(); foreach ($elems as $elem) { if (!($elem->getName() == User::COL_PASSWORD || $elem->getName() == User_Form_Edit::PASSWORD_CLONE || $elem->getName() == 'submit' || $elem->getName() == User::COL_GUID)) { $this->form->removeElement($elem->getName()); } } if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { if ($this->form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getParams())) { //update password $pass = $this->form->getValue(User::COL_PASSWORD); if ($pass != $this->getRequest()->getParam(User_Form_Edit::PASSWORD_CLONE)) { $element = $this->form->getElement(User_Form_Edit::PASSWORD_CLONE); $element->addError("Error: Your password and the repeating don't match."); $this->form->markAsError(); return $this->render('form'); } /* credit: Author : Paul Hayman Published : 14 June 2006 */ $regexStringGuid = "^(\\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\\}{0,1})\$^"; $vali = new Zend_Validate_Regex($regexStringGuid); $userGuid = $this->getRequest()->getParam(User::COL_GUID); if ($vali->isValid($userGuid)) { $user = new User(); $select = $user->select(); $where = $user->getAdapter()->quoteInto(User::COL_GUID . ' = ?', $userGuid, 'string'); $select->where($where); $rowset = $user->fetchAll($select); if ($rowset->count() == 1) { $data = array(User::COL_PASSWORD => "{SHA}" . base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($pass))), User::COL_GUID => null); try { $user->update($data, $where); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Error: Password was not changed' . $e->getMessage()); } } else { //no or too much users with this GUID! //TODO log in IDS? } } else { //param != GUID //TODO log in IDS? } $this->view->message = 'password was changed'; $this->render('message'); } else { //not valid $this->render('form'); } } else { //not post $userGuid = $this->getRequest()->getParam(User::COL_GUID); $this->form->setValues(array(User::COL_GUID => $userGuid)); $this->view->form = $this->form; $this->render('form'); } }
<?php session_start(); require_once "../lib/"; require_once "../lib/classes/Admin.php"; require_once "../lib/classes/User.php"; require_once "../lib/"; require_once "../lib/pagingClass.php"; $UserObj = new User(); $adminObj = new Admin(); $adminObj->validateAdmin(); $UserList = $UserObj->fetchAll($_GET); $pagingObj = new PagingClass2($obj->NumRows($UserObj->fetchAllUsers()), 10); // user want to change status as Active or Inactive if (isset($_GET['uid']) && $_GET['uid'] != null && (isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q'] == 'trash')) { $UserObj->statusRemove(intval($_GET['uid'])); } // when user want to remove and transfer in trash if (isset($_POST['uid']) && $_POST['uid'] != null && (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] != null)) { $result = $UserObj->modifyStatus($_POST); echo $result; die; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico"><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico"><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php
/** * * Manage the list of program committee members * */ function usersAction() { $texts =& $this->zmax_context->texts; // Create the infos for the filter list if (isset($_POST['filter_roles'])) { $filterRoles = array_flip($_POST['filter_roles']); } else { // Show only reviewers $filterRoles = array_flip(array("R")); } if (isset($_POST['mail_filter'])) { $this->view->mail_filter = $_POST['mail_filter']; $mailCriteria = " email LIKE '%{$this->view->mail_filter}%' "; } else { $this->view->mail_filter = ""; $mailCriteria = " 1 "; } if (isset($_POST['name_filter'])) { $this->view->name_filter = $_POST['name_filter']; $nameCriteria = " last_name LIKE '%{$this->view->name_filter}%' "; } else { $this->view->name_filter = ""; $nameCriteria = " 1 "; } $this->view->filter_roles_list = Zmax_View_Phplib::checkboxField("checkbox", "filter_roles[]", Config::$Roles, $filterRoles, array()); $filterRolesList = ""; $connector = ""; foreach (array_flip($filterRoles) as $role) { $filterRolesList .= " {$connector} roles LIKE '%{$role}%' "; $connector = " OR "; } $user = new User(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $email = $request->getParam('email'); // Check whether an export is required if (isset($_REQUEST['export_action'])) { $exportRequired = true; $exportType = $_REQUEST['export_action']; } else { $exportRequired = false; } // load the template if (!$exportRequired) { $this->view->setFile("content", "users.xml"); $this->view->setBlock("content", "post_message", " "); } else { if ($exportType == Config::EXPORT_EXCEL) { $this->view->setFile("content", "members_xls.xml"); $mimeType = "text/xls"; $exportName = "members.xls"; } else { // Default: HTML $this->view->setFile("content", "members_html.xml"); $mimeType = "text/plain"; $exportName = "members.html"; } } // After submission, insert if (isset($_REQUEST['id_user'])) { $idUser = $request->getParam("id_user"); if (!isset($_POST['form_mode'])) { // The user exists. It must be modified or removed $instr = $request->getParam("instr"); $userRow = $user->find($idUser)->current(); if ($instr == "modify") { // Just show the form with default values $this->view->pcmember_message = "Modify user infos"; $this->view->form_action = $texts->form->update; $this->view->form_mode = "update"; $userRow->putInView($this->view); } else { if ($instr == "remove") { $this->view->pcmember_message = "User {$email} has been removed"; $this->view->form_action = $texts->form->insert; $this->view->form_mode = "insert"; $userRow->delete(); // Create a new user for insertion $userRow = $user->createRow(); $userRow->roles = User::REVIEWER_ROLE; $userRow->putInView($this->view); } } } else { // Data comes from the form $form_mode = $request->getParam("form_mode"); if ($form_mode == "insert") { $userRow = $user->createRow(); } else { $userRow = $user->find($idUser)->current(); } $this->view->form_action = $texts->form->update; $userRow->email = $_POST['email']; $userRow->first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $userRow->last_name = $_POST['last_name']; if (isset($_POST['topics'])) { $userRow->setTopicsFromArray($_POST['topics']); } if (isset($_POST['roles'])) { $userRow->setRolesFromArray($_POST['roles']); } $messages = $userRow->checkValues($this->zmax_context->texts, array("affiliation", "address", "city", "zip_code")); // Any error ? if (count($messages) > 0) { $this->view->setFile("error", "error.xml"); $this->view->setBlock("error", "ERROR", "ERRORS"); foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->view->message = $message; $this->view->append("ERRORS", "ERROR"); } $this->view->assign("pcmember_message", "ERRORS"); $this->view->form_mode = $form_mode; } else { /* Everything is OK. Save and display the form with the user */ $userRow->save(); $this->view->assign("pcmember_message", "post_message"); } // Always put the current data in the view $userRow->putInView($this->view); } } else { /* Display the form with an empty user*/ $this->view->pcmember_message = ""; $this->view->form_action = $texts->form->insert; $this->view->form_mode = "insert"; $userRow = $user->createRow(); $userRow->roles = User::REVIEWER_ROLE; $userRow->putInView($this->view); } // We are ready to instantiate the form $this->view->form_reviewer = $userRow->form($this->view, "form_reviewer.xml"); $this->view->someUser = Mail::SOME_USER; /* Select all the members and list them. First extract the 'block' describing a line from the template */ $this->view->setBlock("content", "MEMBER", "MEMBERS"); $pcmembers = $user->fetchAll("{$mailCriteria} AND {$nameCriteria} AND ({$filterRolesList})", 'last_name'); $i = 0; foreach ($pcmembers as $member) { $member->putInView($this->view); // Choose the CSS class $this->view->css_class = Config::CssCLass($i++); $this->view->append("MEMBERS", "MEMBER"); } if ($exportRequired) { $this->view->assign("export", "content"); $this->exportFile($exportName, $mimeType, $this->view->export); return; } // Show the view echo $this->view->render("layout"); }
/** * Send a mail (or several mails) * @author philipperigaux * */ function send() { // Look at the mail type switch ($this->_mailType) { case Mail::SOME_USER: $user = new User(); $userRow = $user->findByEmail($this->_to); if (!is_object($userRow)) { // echo "Unknown user: "******"<br/>"; } else { $userRow->putInView($this->_view); } $this->_view->assign("message", "template"); // Send the mail $this->sendMail($this->_to, $this->_subject, $this->_view->message, $this->_from, $this->_from, $this->_from); break; case Mail::ALL_REVIEWERS: case Mail::ALL_AUTHORS: case Mail::ALL_PARTICIPANTS: // Determine the role from the mail type if ($this->_mailType == Mail::ALL_REVIEWERS) { $role = "%R%"; } else { if ($this->_mailType == Mail::ALL_AUTHORS) { $role = "%A%"; } else { if ($this->_mailType == Mail::ALL_PARTICIPANTS) { $role = "%P%"; } } } $user = new User(); $userRows = $user->fetchAll("roles LIKE '{$role}' "); foreach ($userRows as $userRow) { // Instanciate all variables present in reviewers messages $userRow->putInView($this->_view); // instantiate the message $this->_view->assign("message", "template"); $this->sendMail($userRow->email, $this->_subject, $this->_view->message, $this->_from, $this->_from); } break; case Mail::ALL_AUTHORS_ACCEPTED: // Loop on the contact authors of accepted papers, // instanciate and send the mail $qPapers = "SELECT p.* FROM PaperStatus s, Paper p " . "WHERE and cameraReadyRequired='Y' "; $rPapers = $this->_db->query($qPapers); while ($paper = $rPapers->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) { $subjectWithID = "Submission " . $paper->id . "-- " . $this->_subject; $to = $paper->emailContact; $this->_view->assign("message", "template"); // Send the free mail text $this->sendMail($to, $subjectWithID, $this->_view->message, $this->_from, $this->_from, $this->_config->chairMail); } break; default: echo "Send mail: INVALID SEND MODE. CANNOT CONTINUE <br/>"; exit; } }
function SummaryPapersAssignment(&$tpl, $db, &$TEXTS) { $registry = Zend_registry::getInstance(); $config = $registry->get("Config"); $config->putInView($tpl); $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter(); $paperTbl = new Paper(); $reviewTbl = new Review(); $ratingTbl = new Rating(); $userTbl = new User(); /* Check whether there is a prefered topic for papers */ if ($config->selectedPaperTopic) { $prefPaperTopic = $config->selectedPaperTopic; } else { $prefPaperTopic = "%"; } /* Check whether there is a prefered topic for reviewers */ if ($config->selectedReviewerTopic) { $prefReviewerTopic = $config->selectedReviewerTopic; } else { $prefReviewerTopic = "%"; } // Decompose the blocks of the template $tpl->set_block("content", "MEMBER_DETAIL", "MEMBERS"); $tpl->set_block("content", "PAPER_DETAIL", "PAPERS"); $tpl->set_block("content", "NAVIGATION_TABLE", "NAVIGATION"); $tpl->set_block("PAPER_DETAIL", "ASSIGNMENT_DETAIL", "ASSIGNMENTS"); // Get the list of topics $topicList = $db->fetchPairs("SELECT id, label FROM ResearchTopic"); $topicList["0"] = "Any"; ksort($topicList); // Show the selection list $tpl->paper_topics = Zmax_View_Phplib::selectField("paperTopic", $topicList, $prefPaperTopic); $tpl->reviewer_topics = Zmax_View_Phplib::selectField("reviewerTopic", $topicList, $prefReviewerTopic); /* Store the list of reviewers in an array (+easier, +efficient). */ $members = array(); $nb_members = 0; $users = $userTbl->fetchAll("roles LIKE '%R%'", "last_name"); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($prefReviewerTopic == '%' or $user->matchTopic($prefReviewerTopic)) { $members[++$nb_members] = $user; } } // Same thing for papers $papers = array(); $nb_papers = 0; $rPapers = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Paper ORDER BY id"); while ($paper = $rPapers->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) { if ($prefPaperTopic == '%' or $paper->topic == $prefPaperTopic) { $papers[++$nb_papers] = $paper; } } // Manage the navigation table if ($nb_papers > MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT or $nb_members > MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT) { // Show the navigation table $tpl->set_var("nb_paper", $nb_papers); $tpl->set_var("nb_reviewers", $nb_members); $tpl->set_var("max_items_in_assignment", MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT); if (isset($_REQUEST['i_paper_min'])) { // The request comes from the navigation table $i_paper_min = $_REQUEST['i_paper_min']; $i_paper_max = min($_REQUEST['i_paper_max'], $nb_papers); $i_member_min = $_REQUEST['i_member_min']; $i_member_max = min($_REQUEST['i_member_max'], $nb_members); } else { $i_paper_min = 1; $i_paper_max = min($nb_papers, MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT); $i_member_min = 1; $i_member_max = min($nb_members, MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT); } // Show the navigation table $tpl->set_var("NAV_TABLE", ""); $lines = ""; $script = $tpl->base_url . "/admin/chair/showassignment?1=1"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_papers; $i += MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT) { $line = ""; for ($j = 1; $j <= $nb_members; $j += MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT) { $link = $script . "&i_paper_min={$i}" . "&i_paper_max=" . ($i + MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT - 1) . "&i_member_min={$j}" . "&i_member_max=" . ($j + MAX_ITEMS_IN_ASSIGNMENT - 1); if ($i == $i_paper_min and $j == $i_member_min) { $line .= "<td bgcolor=lightblue><a href='{$link}'>" . "<font color=white>{$i}/{$j}</font></a></td>"; } else { $line .= "<td><a href='{$link}'>{$i}/{$j}</a></td>"; } } $lines .= "<tr>{$line}</tr>\n"; } $tpl->set_var("NAV_TABLE", $lines); $tpl->append("NAVIGATION", "NAVIGATION_TABLE"); } else { // Hide the navigation table $i_paper_min = $i_member_min = 1; $i_paper_max = $nb_papers; $i_member_max = $nb_members; $tpl->set_var("NAVIGATION", ""); } // Put the current values in the template $tpl->set_var("I_PAPER_MIN", $i_paper_min); $tpl->set_var("I_PAPER_MAX", $i_paper_max); $tpl->set_var("I_MEMBER_MIN", $i_member_min); $tpl->set_var("I_MEMBER_MAX", $i_member_max); // echo "I paper min=$i_paper_min I paper max = $i_paper_max<br>"; // OK, now create the table. First the columns' headers for ($j = $i_member_min; $j <= $i_member_max; $j++) { $members[$j]->putInView($tpl); $tpl->member_nb_papers = $members[$j]->countPapers(); $tpl->append("MEMBERS", "MEMBER_DETAIL"); } // then each line $tpl->PAPERS = ""; for ($i = $i_paper_min; $i <= $i_paper_max; $i++) { // Choose the CSS class if ($i % 2 == 0) { $tpl->set_var("css_class", "even"); } else { $tpl->set_var("css_class", "odd"); } $paper = $papers[$i]; $entity = "Paper" . "->id"; $tpl->setVar($entity, $papers[$i]->id); $tpl->SESSION_ID = session_id(); // Get the ratings of each PC member $nbReviewers = 0; for ($j = $i_member_min; $j <= $i_member_max; $j++) { $member = $members[$j]; $member->putInView($tpl); $rating = $ratingTbl->find($paper->id, $member->id)->current(); if ($rating) { $val = $rating->rate; } else { $val = 2; } $tpl->bg_color = "white"; $tpl->set_var("paper_rating", $val); $tpl->set_var("CHECKED_YES", ""); $tpl->set_var("CHECKED_NO", "checked='1'"); // Check if the paper is assigned $review = $reviewTbl->find($paper->id, $member->id)->current(); if ($review) { $nbReviewers = $nbReviewers + 1; $tpl->bg_color = "yellow"; $tpl->set_var("CHECKED_YES", "checked='1'"); $tpl->set_var("CHECKED_NO", ""); } // Add to the assignment line $tpl->append("ASSIGNMENTS", "ASSIGNMENT_DETAIL"); } // Add to the list of papers $tpl->setVar("paper_nb_reviewers", $nbReviewers); $tpl->append("PAPERS", "PAPER_DETAIL"); $tpl->set_var("ASSIGNMENTS", ""); } }
/** * Exibe uma lista com todos os usuários registrados * * @return void */ public function listAction() { $this->view->users = $this->_model->fetchAll(); }
public function doGet() { $view = $this->initView(); $callback = $this->getRequest()->getParam('callback'); $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $date = $this->getRequest()->getParam('date'); $user = new User(); if ($id) { $s = 'id'; if (!is_numeric($id)) { $s = 'login'; } $row = $user->fetchRow($user->select()->where($s . ' = ?', $id)); if (is_null($row)) { /* 404 Not Found */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(404); } else { $response = Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($row->toArray()); } } else { $rows = $user->fetchAll(); $users = $rows->toArray(); if ($users == 0) { /* 404 Not Found */ $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(404); } else { /*foreach ($users as &$u) { $u['teste'] = $id.' - '.$date; }*/ $response = Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($users); } } if ($callback) { $response = $callback . "(" . $response . ")"; } $view->json = $response; $this->render('json'); }
static function getUserListPage() { $users = User::fetchAll(); echo self::render('userListPage', array('users' => $users)); }
/** * Compute the automatic assignment of papers * */ function computeassignmentAction() { $paperTbl = new Paper(); $userTbl = new User(); $ratingTbl = new Rating(); $assignmentTbl = new Assignment(); // Form has been posted? Store the new assignment if (isset($_POST['commitAssignment'])) { if (isset($_POST['idMin'])) { // Commit for a group $idMin = $_POST['idMin']; $idMax = $_POST['idMax']; } else { $idMin = $idMax = -1; } $this->commitAssignment($idMin, $idMax, $this->db_v1); $this->view->set_file("content", "index.xml"); $this->view->initial_message = "Assignment committed!"; // SummaryPapersAssignment (&$this->view, $this->db_v1); } else { if ($this->config->assignment_mode == Config::TOPIC_BASED) { // Assignment based on topics $this->view->setFile("content", "topicbased.xml"); $this->view->setBlock("content", "MEMBER", "MEMBERS"); $this->view->setBlock("MEMBER", "PAPER", "PAPERS"); $this->zmax_context->db->query("DELETE FROM Assignment"); // Loop on PC members $members = $userTbl->fetchAll("roles LIKE '%R%'"); $i = 0; foreach ($members as $member) { $member->putInView($this->view); $this->view->PAPERS = ""; $nbPapers = 0; // Loop on papers that match the reviewer's topics $qPapers = "SELECT p.* FROM Paper p, UserTopic s " . " WHERE p.topic=s.id_topic AND s.id_user='******' "; $rPapers = $this->zmax_context->db->query($qPapers); while ($p = $rPapers->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) { // instantiate a PaperRow object. Ok, not elegant, but easier $paper = $paperTbl->find($p->id)->current(); // Check whether there is a conflict $comments = ""; $conflict = $paper->checkConflictWithuser($member, $comments); if ($conflict) { $this->view->PAPERS .= "<li>{$comments}</li>"; } else { $paper->putInView($this->view); $nbPapers++; // OK, now save the rating $assignment = $assignmentTbl->createRow(); $assignment->idPaper = $paper->id; $assignment->id_user = $member->id; $assignment->weight = 5; $assignment->save(); $this->view->append("PAPERS", "PAPER"); } if ($nbPapers >= 4) { break; } } // Loop on papers $this->view->nb_papers = $nbPapers; $this->view->append("MEMBERS", "MEMBER"); } // End of loop on users } else { // Assignment based on reviewers preferences $this->view->set_file("content", "computeassignment.xml"); $this->view->set_file("assigngroup", "assigngroup.xml"); // Compute and propose the assignment if (isset($_GET['nbRev'])) { $maxReviewers = $_GET['nbRev']; } else { $maxReviewers = $this->config->nbReviewersPerItem; } ComputeAssignment($this->view, $this->db_v1, $maxReviewers); } } echo $this->view->render("layout"); }
public function showAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $request->getParam('id'); $id = $this->_helper->IdConvert->hexToStr($id); $logic = new Logic_Branch(); $logicUser = new Logic_User(); $userModel = new User(); $profileRole = new ProfileRole(); $select = $logicUser->getUsersInBranch($id); $user_data = $userModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) { $ru = $profileRole->fetchAll("id_profile = " . $value['profile_id'])->toArray(); if ($value['role_count'] == 1 && $ru[0]['id_role'] == $config['role']['assistant']) { unset($user_data[$key]); } } $data = array(); try { $data = $logic->showBranch($id); $headers = $data->getHeaderMappings(); $this->view->advisers = count($user_data); $headers['advisers'] = array('title' => 'Ilość doradców', 'sort' => false); } catch (Logic_Branch_Exception $e) { $this->_helper->messenger->error(); $this->_helper->redirector('index'); return; } if ($data['map_image'] != "") { $data['map_image'] = '<img src="/static/img/' . $data['map_image'] . '" />'; } $this->view->data = $data; $this->view->data_headers = $headers; }
function exportProgramCommittee($templateFile) { // Load the template $this->_view->setFile("member", $templateFile); $userTbl = new User(); $this->_view->list_pc = ""; $members = $userTbl->fetchAll("roles LIKE '%R%'"); foreach ($members as $member) { $member->putInView($this->_view); $this->_view->append("list_pc", "member"); } $contents = $this->_view->list_pc; $this->replaceBadChars($contents); return $contents; }