Ejemplo n.º 1
 * 設定ファイル編集ウインドウを開くHTMLを表示する
 * @return  void
function _printEditFileHtml($path_value, $submit_value)
    global $_conf;
    // アクティブ
    if (file_exists($path_value) && is_writable($path_value) || !file_exists($path_value) && is_writable(dirname($path_value))) {
        $onsubmit = '';
        $disabled = '';
        // 非アクティブ
    } else {
        $onsubmit = ' onsubmit="return false;"';
        $disabled = ' disabled';
    $rows = 36;
    // 18
    $cols = 92;
    // 90
    // edit_aborn_word.php
    if (preg_match('/^p2_(aborn|ng)_(name|mail|id|msg)\\.txt$/', basename($path_value))) {
        $edit_php = 'edit_aborn_word.php';
        $target = '_self';
        $path_value = basename($path_value);
        $q_ar = array('path' => $path_value, UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue());
        $url = $edit_php . '?' . UriUtil::buildQuery($q_ar);
        $html = P2View::tagA($url, $submit_value) . "\n";
        // editfile.php
    } else {
        $edit_php = 'editfile.php';
        $target = 'editfile';
        $html = <<<EOFORM
<form action="{$edit_php}" method="POST" target="{$target}" class="inline-form"{$onsubmit}>
\t<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$path_value}">
\t<input type="hidden" name="encode" value="Shift_JIS">
\t<input type="hidden" name="rows" value="{$rows}">
\t<input type="hidden" name="cols" value="{$cols}">
\t<input type="submit" value="{$submit_value}"{$disabled}>

        // IE用にform HTML内のタグ間の空白を除去整形する
        if (strstr(geti($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'MSIE')) {
            $html = '&nbsp;' . preg_replace('{>\\s+<}', '><', $html);
    echo $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $uri
  * @param   array   $qs
  * @return  string
 function buildQueryUri($uri, $qs, $opts = array())
     if ($q = UriUtil::buildQuery($qs, $opts)) {
         $separator = empty($opts['separator']) ? '&' : $opts['separator'];
         $mark = strpos($uri, '?') === false ? '?' : $separator;
         $uri .= $mark . $q;
     return $uri;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$ita_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array_merge($thread_qs, $b_qs));
$ita_url_hs = hs($ita_url);
$similar_atag = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array_merge($similar_qs, $thread_qs, $b_qs, array('refresh' => 1))), hs($siml_thre_st), array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'target' => 'subject', 'title' => '同じ板からタイトルが似ているスレッドを検索する'));
$info_php = UA::isIPhoneGroup() ? 'info_i.php' : 'info.php';
$info_qs = array_merge($thread_qs, $b_qs, array('ttitle_en' => $ttitle_en));
$info_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php, $info_qs);
$info_url_hs = hs($info_url);
$info_js_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php, array_merge($info_qs, array('popup' => '1'), $sid_qs));
$info_js_url_es = str_replace("'", "\\'", $info_js_url);
$info_atag = P2View::tagA($info_url, hs($info_st), array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'accesskey' => $_conf['pc_accesskey']['info'], 'title' => sprintf('スレッド情報を表\示(アクセスキー[%s])', $_conf['pc_accesskey']['info']), 'onclick' => "return !openSubWin('{$info_js_url_es}',{$STYLE['info_pop_size']},0,0)"));
$setfav_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php, array_merge($info_qs, array('setfav' => $favvalue)));
$setFavJs_query = UriUtil::buildQuery(array_merge($info_qs, $sid_qs));
$setFavJs_query_es = str_replace("'", "\\'", $setFavJs_query);
$setFavATag = P2View::tagA($setfav_url, hs("お気に{$favmark}"), array('accesskey' => $_conf['pc_accesskey']['setfav'], 'title' => $favtitle, 'target' => 'info', 'onclick' => "return setFavJs('{$setFavJs_query_es}', '{$favvalue}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'read', this);"));
$dele_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php, array_merge($info_qs, array('dele' => 'true')));
$deleLogJs_query = UriUtil::buildQuery(array_merge($info_qs, $sid_qs));
$deleLogJs_query_es = str_replace("'", "\\'", $deleLogJs_query);
$deleLogATag = P2View::tagA($dele_url, hs($dele_st), array('accesskey' => $_conf['pc_accesskey']['dele'], 'title' => sprintf("ログを削除する。自動で「お気にスレ」「殿堂」からも外れます。(アクセスキー[%s])", $_conf['pc_accesskey']['dele']), 'target' => 'info', 'onclick' => "return !deleLog('{$deleLogJs_query_es}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'read', this);"));
$tabornATag = '';
$taborn_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php, array_merge($info_qs, array('taborn' => '2')));

$taborn_js_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($info_php,
    array_merge($info_qs, array('taborn' => '2'), array('popup' => '2'), $sid_qs)
$taborn_js_url_es = str_replace("'", "\\'", $taborn_js_url);

$tabornATag = P2View::tagA(
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: P2Util.php Proyecto: poppen/p2
 function buildQuery($array, $opts = array())
     return UriUtil::buildQuery($array, $opts);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * スレッド一覧をHTML表示する (PC用 <tr>〜</tr>)
 * @access  public
 * @return  void
function sb_print($aThreadList)
    global $_conf, $sb_view, $p2_setting, $STYLE;
    $GLOBALS['debug'] && $GLOBALS['profiler']->enterSection('sb_print()');
    if (!$aThreadList->threads) {
        echo '<tr><td> 該当サブジェクトはなかったぽ</td></tr>';
        $GLOBALS['debug'] && $GLOBALS['profiler']->leaveSection('sb_print()');
    // 変数 ================================================
    // >>1 表示
    $onlyone_bool = false;
    if ($_conf['sb_show_one'] == 1 or $_conf['sb_show_one'] == 2 and ereg('news', $aThreadList->bbs) || $aThreadList->bbs == 'bizplus') {
        // spmodeは除く
        if (empty($aThreadList->spmode)) {
            $onlyone_bool = true;
    // チェックボックス
    $checkbox_bool = false;
    if ($aThreadList->spmode == 'taborn' || $aThreadList->spmode == 'soko') {
        $checkbox_bool = true;
    // 板名
    $ita_name_bool = false;
    if ($aThreadList->spmode && $aThreadList->spmode != 'taborn' && $aThreadList->spmode != 'soko') {
        $ita_name_bool = true;
    $norefresh_q = '&amp;norefresh=1';
    // ソート ==================================================
    // 現在のソート形式をclass指定でCSSカラーリング
    $class_sort_midoku = '';
    // 新着
    $class_sort_res = '';
    // レス
    $class_sort_no = '';
    // No.
    $class_sort_title = '';
    // タイトル
    $class_sort_ita = '';
    // 板
    $class_sort_spd = '';
    // すばやさ
    $class_sort_ikioi = '';
    // 勢い
    $class_sort_bd = '';
    // スレ立て日
    $class_sort_fav = '';
    // お気に入り
    if ($GLOBALS['now_sort']) {
        $nowsort_code = <<<EOP
\$class_sort_{$GLOBALS['now_sort']}=' class="now_sort"';
    $sortq_spmode = '';
    $sortq_host = '';
    $sortq_ita = '';
    // spmode時
    if ($aThreadList->spmode) {
        $sortq_spmode = "&amp;spmode={$aThreadList->spmode}";
    // spmodeでない、または、spmodeがあぼーん or dat倉庫なら
    if (!$aThreadList->spmode || $aThreadList->spmode == "taborn" || $aThreadList->spmode == "soko") {
        $sortq_host = "&amp;host={$aThreadList->host}";
        $sortq_ita = "&amp;bbs={$aThreadList->bbs}";
    $midoku_sort_ht = "<td class=\"tu\" nowrap><a{$class_sort_midoku} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=midoku{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><nobr>新着</nobr></a></td>";
    // テーブルヘッダHTML表示
    echo '<tr class="tableheader">' . "\n";
    // 並替
    if ($sb_view == "edit") {
        echo '<td class="te">&nbsp;</td>';
    // 新着
    if ($sb_view != "edit") {
        echo $midoku_sort_ht;
    // レス数
    if ($sb_view != "edit") {
        echo "<td class=\"tn\" nowrap><a{$class_sort_res} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=res{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\">レス</a></td>";
    // >>1
    if ($onlyone_bool) {
        echo '<td class="t">&nbsp;</td>';
    // チェックボックス
    if ($checkbox_bool) {
        echo '<td class="tc"><input id="allbox" name="allbox" type="checkbox" onClick="checkAll();" title="すべての項目を選択、または選択解除"></td>';
    // No.
    $title = empty($aThreadList->spmode) ? " title=\"2ch標準の並び順番号\"" : '';
    echo "<td class=\"to\"><a{$class_sort_no} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=no{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\"{$title}>No.</a></td>";
    // タイトル
    echo "<td class=\"tl\"><a{$class_sort_title} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=title{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\">タイトル</a></td>";
    // 板
    if ($ita_name_bool) {
        echo "<td class=\"t\"><a{$class_sort_ita} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=ita{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\">板</a></td>";
    // すばやさ
    if ($_conf['sb_show_spd']) {
        echo "<td class=\"ts\"><a{$class_sort_spd} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=spd{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\">すばやさ</a></td>";
    // 勢い
    if ($_conf['sb_show_ikioi']) {
        echo "<td class=\"ti\"><a{$class_sort_ikioi} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=ikioi{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\" title=\"一日あたりのレス数\">勢い</a></td>";
    // スレ立て日
    echo "<td class=\"t\"><a{$class_sort_bd} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=bd{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\">スレ立て日</a></td>";
    // お気に入り
    if ($_conf['sb_show_fav'] and $aThreadList->spmode != "taborn") {
        echo "<td class=\"t\"><a{$class_sort_fav} href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?sort=fav{$sortq_spmode}{$sortq_host}{$sortq_ita}{$norefresh_q}\" target=\"_self\" title=\"お気にスレ\">☆</a></td>";
    echo "\n</tr>\n";
    if ($aThreadList->spmode) {
        $spmode_q = "&amp;spmode={$aThreadList->spmode}";
    } else {
        $spmode_q = '';
    $sid_q = defined('SID') && strlen(SID) ? '&amp;' . hs(SID) : '';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($aThreadList->threads as $aThread) {
        $midoku_ari = '';
        $anum_ht = '';
        // #r1
        $offline_q = '';
        $bbs_q = "&amp;bbs=" . $aThread->bbs;
        $key_q = "&amp;key=" . $aThread->key;
        if ($aThreadList->spmode != 'taborn') {
            if (!$aThread->torder) {
                $aThread->torder = $i;
        // td欄 cssクラス
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            $class_t = ' class="t"';
            // 基本
            $class_te = ' class="te"';
            // 並び替え
            $class_tu = ' class="tu"';
            // 新着レス数
            $class_tn = ' class="tn"';
            // レス数
            $class_tc = ' class="tc"';
            // チェックボックス
            $class_to = ' class="to"';
            // オーダー番号
            $class_tl = ' class="tl"';
            // タイトル
            $class_ts = ' class="ts"';
            // すばやさ
            $class_ti = ' class="ti"';
            // 勢い
        } else {
            $class_t = ' class="t2"';
            $class_te = ' class="te2"';
            $class_tu = ' class="tu2"';
            $class_tn = ' class="tn2"';
            $class_tc = ' class="tc2"';
            $class_to = ' class="to2"';
            $class_tl = ' class="tl2"';
            $class_ts = ' class="ts2"';
            $class_ti = ' class="ti2"';
        // 新着レス数 =============================================
        $unum_ht_c = "&nbsp;";
        // 既得済み
        if ($aThread->isKitoku()) {
            // $ttitle_en_q は節減省略
            $onclick_at = " onClick=\"return !deleLog('host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$sid_q}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'subject', this);\"";
            $title_at = ' title="クリックするとログ削除"';
            $unum_ht_c = "<a class=\"un\" href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$spmode_q}&amp;dele=1\" target=\"_self\"{$onclick_at}{$title_at}>{$aThread->unum}</a>";
            $anum = $aThread->rescount - $aThread->unum + 1 - $_conf['respointer'];
            if ($anum > $aThread->rescount) {
                $anum = $aThread->rescount;
            $anum_ht = '#r' . $anum;
            // {{{ 新着あり
            if ($aThread->unum > 0) {
                $midoku_ari = true;
                $dele_log_qs = $thread_qs = array('host' => $aThread->host, 'bbs' => $aThread->bbs, 'key' => $aThread->key);
                if (defined('SID') && strlen(SID)) {
                    $dele_log_qs[session_name()] = session_id();
                $dele_log_q = UriUtil::buildQuery($dele_log_qs);
                $unum_ht_c = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array_merge($thread_qs, array('spmode' => $aThreadList->spmode, 'dele' => '1', UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue()))), hs($aThread->unum), array('id' => "un{$i}", 'class' => 'un_a', 'target' => '_self', 'title' => 'クリックするとログ削除', 'onClick' => sprintf("return !deleLog('%s', %s, 'subject', this);", str_replace("'", "\\'", $dele_log_q), $STYLE['info_pop_size'])));
            // }}}
            // subject.txtにない時
            if (!$aThread->isonline) {
                // JavaScriptでの確認ダイアログあり
                $unum_ht_c = "<a class=\"un_n\" href=\"{$_conf['subject_php']}?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$spmode_q}&amp;dele=true\" target=\"_self\" onClick=\"if (!window.confirm('ログを削除しますか?')) {return false;} return !deleLog('host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$sid_q}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'subject', this)\"{$title_at}>-</a>";
        $unum_ht = "<td{$class_tu}>" . $unum_ht_c . "</td>";
        // 総レス数
        $rescount_ht = "<td{$class_tn}>{$aThread->rescount}</td>";
        // {{{ 板名
        $ita_td_ht = '';
        if ($ita_name_bool) {
            $ita_name = $aThread->itaj ? $aThread->itaj : $aThread->bbs;
            $ita_atag = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array('host' => $aThread->host, 'bbs' => $aThread->bbs)), $ita_name, array('target' => '_self'));
            $ita_td_ht = "<td{$class_t} nowrap>{$ita_atag}</td>";
        // }}}
        // お気に入り
        if ($_conf['sb_show_fav'] and $aThreadList->spmode != 'taborn') {
            $favmark = !empty($aThread->fav) ? '★' : '+';
            $favvalue = !empty($aThread->fav) ? 0 : 1;
            $favtitle = $favvalue ? 'お気にスレに追加' : 'お気にスレから外す';
            $setfav_q = '&amp;setfav=' . $favvalue;
            // $ttitle_en_q も付けた方がいいが、節約のため省略する
            $fav_ht = <<<EOP
<td{$class_t}><a class="fav" href="info.php?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$setfav_q}" target="info" onClick="return setFavJs('host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}', '{$favvalue}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'subject', this);" title="{$favtitle}">{$favmark}</a></td>
        // torder(info) =================================================
        // お気にスレ
        if ($aThread->fav) {
            $torder_st = "<b>{$aThread->torder}</b>";
        } else {
            $torder_st = $aThread->torder;
        $torder_ht = "<a id=\"to{$i}\" class=\"info\" href=\"info.php?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}\" target=\"_self\" onClick=\"return !openSubWin('info.php?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}&amp;popup=1{$sid_q}',{$STYLE['info_pop_size']},0,0)\">{$torder_st}</a>";
        // title =================================================
        $chUnColor_ht = '';
        $rescount_q = "&amp;rc=" . $aThread->rescount;
        // dat倉庫 or 殿堂なら
        if ($aThreadList->spmode == "soko" || $aThreadList->spmode == "palace") {
            $rescount_q = '';
            $offline_q = "&amp;offline=1";
            $anum_ht = '';
        // タイトル未取得or全角空白なら(IEで全角空白もリンククリックできないので)
        if (!$aThread->ttitle_ht or $aThread->ttitle_ht == ' ') {
            $aThread->ttitle_ht = "http://{$aThread->host}/test/read.cgi/{$aThread->bbs}/{$aThread->key}/";
        if ($aThread->similarity) {
            $aThread->ttitle_ht .= sprintf(' <var>(%0.1f)</var>', $aThread->similarity * 100);
        // 元スレ
        $moto_thre_ht = '';
        if ($_conf['sb_show_motothre']) {
            if (!$aThread->isKitoku()) {
                $moto_thre_ht = '<a class="thre_title" href="' . hs($aThread->getMotoThread()) . '">・</a> ';
        // 新規スレ
        if ($aThread->new) {
            $classtitle_q = ' class="thre_title_new"';
        } else {
            $classtitle_q = ' class="thre_title"';
        // スレリンク
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['find_cont']) && strlen($GLOBALS['word_fm'])) {
            $word_q = "&amp;word=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['word']) . "&amp;method=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['sb_filter']['method']);
            $rescount_q = '';
            $offline_q = '&amp;offline=1';
            $anum_ht = '';
        } else {
            $word_q = '';
        $thre_url = "{$_conf['read_php']}?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$rescount_q}{$offline_q}{$word_q}{$anum_ht}";
        if ($midoku_ari) {
            $chUnColor_ht = "chUnColor('{$i}');";
        $change_color = " onClick=\"chTtColor('{$i}');{$chUnColor_ht}\"";
        // オンリー>>1
        if ($onlyone_bool) {
            $one_ht = "<td{$class_t}><a href=\"{$_conf['read_php']}?host={$aThread->host}{$bbs_q}{$key_q}{$rescount_q}&amp;onlyone=true\">&gt;&gt;1</a></td>";
        } else {
            $one_ht = '';
        // チェックボックス
        $checkbox_ht = '';
        if ($checkbox_bool) {
            $checked_ht = '';
            if ($aThreadList->spmode == "taborn") {
                if (!$aThread->isonline) {
                    $checked_ht = " checked";
                // or ($aThread->rescount >= 1000)
            $checkbox_ht = "<td{$class_tc}><input name=\"checkedkeys[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$aThread->key}\"{$checked_ht}></td>";
        // 並替
        $edit_ht = '';
        if ($sb_view == "edit") {
            $unum_ht = '';
            $rescount_ht = '';
            if ($aThreadList->spmode == "fav") {
                $setkey = "setfav";
            } elseif ($aThreadList->spmode == "palace") {
                $setkey = "setpal";
            $narabikae_a = UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array('host' => $aThread->host, 'bbs' => $aThread->bbs, 'key' => $aThread->key, 'spmode' => $aThreadList->spmode, 'sb_view' => 'edit'));
            $edit_ht = <<<EOP
\t\t\t<a class="te" href="{$narabikae_a}&amp;{$setkey}=top" target="_self">▲</a>
\t\t\t<a class="te" href="{$narabikae_a}&amp;{$setkey}=up" target="_self">↑</a>
\t\t\t<a class="te" href="{$narabikae_a}&amp;{$setkey}=down" target="_self">↓</a>
\t\t\t<a class="te" href="{$narabikae_a}&amp;{$setkey}=bottom" target="_self">▼</a>
        // すばやさ(= 時間/レス = レス間隔)
        $spd_ht = '';
        if ($_conf['sb_show_spd']) {
            if ($spd_st = $aThread->getTimePerRes()) {
                $spd_ht = "<td{$class_ts}>{$spd_st}</td>";
        // 勢い
        $ikioi_ht = '';
        if ($_conf['sb_show_ikioi']) {
            if ($aThread->dayres > 0) {
                // 0.0 とならないように小数点第2位で切り上げ
                $dayres = ceil($aThread->dayres * 10) / 10;
                $dayres_st = sprintf("%01.1f", $dayres);
            } else {
                $dayres_st = "-";
            $ikioi_ht = "<td{$class_ti}>" . hs($dayres_st) . "</td>";
        // スレ立て日
        //if (preg_match('/^\d{9,10}$/', $aThread->key) {
        if (631119600 < $aThread->key && $aThread->key < time() + 1000) {
            // 1990年-
            $birthday = date("y/m/d", $aThread->key);
            // (y/m/d H:i)
        } else {
            $birthday = '-';
        $birth_ht = "<td{$class_t}>{$birthday}</td>";
        // スレッド一覧 table ボディ HTMLプリント <tr></tr>
        echo "<tr>\n{$edit_ht}\n{$unum_ht}\n{$rescount_ht}\n{$one_ht}\n{$checkbox_ht}\n<td{$class_to}>{$torder_ht}</td>\n<td{$class_tl} nowrap>{$moto_thre_ht}<a id=\"tt{$i}\" href=\"{$thre_url}\"{$classtitle_q}{$change_color}>{$aThread->ttitle_ht}</a></td>\n{$ita_td_ht}\n{$spd_ht}\n{$ikioi_ht}\n{$birth_ht}\n{$fav_ht}\n</tr>\n";
    $GLOBALS['debug'] && $GLOBALS['profiler']->leaveSection('sb_print()');
Ejemplo n.º 6
// HTMLプリント
<html lang="ja">
if ($_conf['refresh_time']) {
    $refresh_time_s = $_conf['refresh_time'] * 60;
    $qs = array('host' => $aThreadList->host, 'bbs' => $aThreadList->bbs, 'spmode' => $aThreadList->spmode, UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue());
    if (defined('SID') && strlen(SID)) {
        $qs[session_name()] = session_id();
    $refresh_url = $_conf['subject_php'] . '?' . UriUtil::buildQuery($qs);
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 7
// $read_navi_previous_ht -- 前
$before_rnum = $aThread->resrange['start'] - $rnum_range;
if ($before_rnum < 1) {
    $before_rnum = 1;
if ($aThread->resrange['start'] == 1 or !empty($_GET['onlyone'])) {
    $read_navi_prev_isInvisible = true;
} else {
    $read_navi_prev_isInvisible = false;
$read_navi_prev_anchor = '';
//if ($before_rnum != 1) {
//    $read_navi_prev_anchor = "#r{$before_rnum}";
if (!$read_navi_prev_isInvisible) {
    $q = UriUtil::buildQuery(array_merge($thread_qs, array('offline' => '1', UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue())));
    $html = "{$_conf['k_accesskey']['prev']}.{$prev_st}";
    $url = $_conf['read_php'] . '?' . $q;
    if ($aThread->resrange_multi and !empty($_REQUEST['page']) and $_REQUEST['page'] > 1) {
        $html = $html . '*';
        // ls は http_build_query() を通して urlencode を掛けたくないので
        // → 2007/10/04 urlencodeされるとどう困るのだろう。その理由を忘れた。かけてもいいような気がするが。
        $url .= '&ls=' . $aThread->ls;
        $prev_page = intval($_REQUEST['page']) - 1;
        $url .= '&page=' . $prev_page;
    } else {
        $url .= '&ls=' . "{$before_rnum}-{$aThread->resrange['start']}n";
    $read_navi_previous_ht = P2View::tagA($url, $html);
    $read_navi_previous_btm_ht = P2View::tagA($url, $html, array($_conf['accesskey_for_k'] => $_conf['k_accesskey']['prev']));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * スレッドの新着部分を読み込んで表示する
 * @return  void
function _readNew(&$aThread)
    global $_conf, $_newthre_num, $STYLE, $sid_q;
    // idxの読み込み
    // hostを分解してidxファイルのパスを求める
    $aThread->setThreadPathInfo($aThread->host, $aThread->bbs, $aThread->key);
    // FileCtl::mkdirFor($aThread->keyidx); // 板ディレクトリが無ければ作る // この操作はおそらく不要
    $aThread->itaj = P2Util::getItaName($aThread->host, $aThread->bbs);
    if (!$aThread->itaj) {
        $aThread->itaj = $aThread->bbs;
    // idxファイルがあれば読み込む
    if (file_exists($aThread->keyidx)) {
        $lines = file($aThread->keyidx);
        $data = explode('<>', rtrim($lines[0]));
    // DATのダウンロード
    if (!(isset($GLOBALS['word']) && file_exists($aThread->keydat))) {
    // DATを読み込み
    // ローカルからタイトルを取得して設定
    // {{{ 表示レス番の範囲を設定
    // 取得済みなら
    if ($aThread->isKitoku()) {
        $from_num = $aThread->readnum + 1 - $_conf['respointer'] - $_conf['before_respointer_new'];
        if ($from_num > $aThread->rescount) {
            $from_num = $aThread->rescount - $_conf['respointer'] - $_conf['before_respointer_new'];
        if ($from_num < 1) {
            $from_num = 1;
        //if (!$aThread->ls) {
        $aThread->ls = "{$from_num}-";
    // }}}
    // ヘッダ 表示
    $motothre_url = $aThread->getMotoThread();
    $ttitle_en = base64_encode($aThread->ttitle);
    $popup_q = "&amp;popup=1";
    // require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/read_header.inc.php';
    $prev_thre_num = $_newthre_num - 1;
    $next_thre_num = $_newthre_num + 1;
    $prev_thre_ht = '';
    if ($prev_thre_num != 0) {
        $prev_thre_ht = "<a href=\"#ntt{$prev_thre_num}\">▲</a>";
    $next_thre_ht = "<a href=\"#ntt{$next_thre_num}\">▼</a> ";
    // スマートポップアップメニュー
    if ($_conf['enable_spm']) {
    // ヘッダ部分HTML
    $read_header_ht = <<<EOP
\t<table id="ntt{$_newthre_num}" class="toolbar" width="100%" style="padding:0px 10px 0px 0px;">
\t\t\t<td align="left">
\t\t\t\t<h3 class="thread_title">{$aThread->ttitle_hs} </h3>
\t\t\t<td align="right">

    // ローカルDatを読み込んでHTML表示
    $aThread->resrange['nofirst'] = true;
    $GLOBALS['newres_to_show_flag'] = false;
    if ($aThread->rescount) {
        // $aThread->datToHtml(); // dat を html に変換表示
        require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/ShowThreadPc.php';
        $aShowThread = new ShowThreadPc($aThread);
        $res1 = $aShowThread->quoteOne();
        $read_cont_ht = $res1['q'];
        $read_cont_ht .= $aShowThread->getDatToHtml();
    // フッタ 表示
    // require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/read_footer.inc.php';
    // $read_footer_navi_new_ht  続きを読む 新着レスの表示
    $newtime = date("gis");
    // リンクをクリックしても再読込しない仕様に対抗するダミークエリー
    $info_st = "情報";
    $dele_st = "削除";
    $prev_st = "前";
    $next_st = "次";
    $thread_qs = array('host' => $aThread->host, 'bbs' => $aThread->bbs, 'key' => $aThread->key, UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue());
    $sid_qs = array();
    if (defined('SID') && strlen(SID)) {
        $sid_qs[session_name()] = session_id();
    $read_footer_navi_new_ht = P2View::tagA(
            array_merge($thread_qs, array(
                'ls'   => "$aThread->rescount-",
                'nt'   => $newtime
        ) . '#r' . rawurlencode($aThread->rescount),
    if ($_conf['disable_res']) {
        $dores_ht = P2View::tagA($motothre_url, '書込', array('target' => '_blank'));
    } else {
        $post_form_uri = UriUtil::buildQueryUri('post_form.php', array_merge($thread_qs, array('rescount' => $aThread->rescount, 'ttitle_en' => $ttitle_en)));
        $post_form_uri_hs = hs($post_form_uri);
        $post_from_openwin_uri = UriUtil::buildQueryUri('post_form.php', array_merge($thread_qs, array('rescount' => $aThread->rescount, 'ttitle_en' => $ttitle_en, 'popup' => '1', 'from_read_new' => '1'), $sid_qs));
        $post_from_openwin_uri_hs = hs($post_from_openwin_uri);
        $dores_ht = <<<EOP
        <a href="{$post_form_uri_hs}" target='_self' onClick="return !openSubWin('{$post_from_openwin_uri_hs}',{$STYLE['post_pop_size']},1,0)">書込</a>
    $dores_ht = '<span style="white-space: nowrap;">' . $dores_ht . '</span>';
    // ツールバー部分HTML =======
    // お気にマーク設定
    $favmark = !empty($aThread->fav) ? '★' : '+';
    $favvalue = !empty($aThread->fav) ? 0 : 1;
    $favtitle = $favvalue ? 'お気にスレに追加' : 'お気にスレから外す';
    $setfav_q = '&amp;setfav=' . $favvalue;
    $itaj_hs = hs($aThread->itaj);
    $similar_qs = array('detect_hint' => '◎◇', 'itaj_en' => base64_encode($aThread->itaj), 'method' => 'similar', 'word' => $aThread->ttitle_hc);
    $b_qs = array(UA::getQueryKey() => UA::getQueryValue());
    $info_qs = array_merge($thread_qs, $b_qs, array('ttitle_en' => $ttitle_en));
    $ita_atag = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array_merge($thread_qs, $b_qs)), hs($aThread->itaj), array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'target' => 'subject', 'title' => '板を開く'));
    $similar_atag = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['subject_php'], array_merge($similar_qs, $thread_qs, $b_qs, array('refresh' => 1))), hs('似スレ'), array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'target' => 'subject', 'title' => '同じ板からタイトルが似ているスレッドを検索する'));
    $info_url = UriUtil::buildQueryUri('info.php', $info_qs);
    $info_url_hs = hs($info_url);
    $info_hs = hs($info_st);
    $js_q_hs = hs(UriUtil::buildQuery(array_merge($info_qs, $sid_qs)));
    $motothre_atag = P2View::tagA($motothre_url, '元スレ', array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'title' => '板サーバ上のオリジナルスレを表\示'));
    $toolbar_right_ht = <<<EOTOOLBAR

\t\t<a style="white-space: nowrap;" href="{$info_url_hs}" target="info" onClick="return !openSubWin('{$info_url_hs}{$popup_q}{$sid_q}',{$STYLE['info_pop_size']},0,0)" title="スレッド情報を表\示">{$info_hs}</a>

\t\t<span class="setfav" style="white-space: nowrap;"><a href="{$info_url_hs}{$setfav_q}{$sid_q}" target="info" onClick="return setFavJs('{$js_q_hs}', '{$favvalue}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'read_new', this);" title="{$favtitle}">お気に{$favmark}</a></span>

\t\t<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><a href="{$info_url_hs}&amp;dele=1" target="info" onClick="return !deleLog('{$js_q_hs}', {$STYLE['info_pop_size']}, 'read_new',  this);" title="ログを削除する。自動で「お気にスレ」「殿堂」からも外れます。">{$dele_st}</a></span>

<!--\t\t<a style="white-space: nowrap;" href="{$info_url_hs}&amp;taborn=2" target="info" onClick="return !openSubWin('{$info_url_hs}&amp;popup=2&amp;taborn=2{$sid_q}',{$STYLE['info_pop_size']},0,0)" title="スレッドのあぼーん状態をトグルする">あぼん</a> -->

    // レスのすばやさ
    $spd_ht = "";
    if ($spd_st = $aThread->getTimePerRes() and $spd_st != "-") {
        $spd_ht = '<span class="spd" style="white-space: nowrap;" title="すばやさ=時間/レス">' . $spd_st . '</span>';
    // フッタ部分HTML
    $read_atag = P2View::tagA(UriUtil::buildQueryUri($_conf['read_php'], array_merge($thread_qs, array('offline' => '1', 'rescount' => $aThread->rescount))) . '#r' . rawurlencode($aThread->rescount), hs($aThread->ttitle_hc));
    $read_footer_ht = <<<EOP
\t<table class="toolbar" width="100%" style="padding:0px 10px 0px 0px;">
\t\t\t<td align="left">
\t\t\t\t{$res1['body']} | {$read_atag} | {$dores_ht} {$spd_ht}
\t\t\t<td align="right">
\t\t\t<td align="right">
\t\t\t\t<a href="#ntt{$_newthre_num}">▲</a>

    // 透明あぼーんで表示がない場合はスキップ
    if ($GLOBALS['newres_to_show_flag']) {
        echo '<div style="width:100%;">' . "\n";
        // ほぼIE ActiveXのGray()のためだけに囲ってある
        echo $read_header_ht;
        echo $read_cont_ht;
        echo $read_footer_ht;
        echo '</div>' . "\n\n";
        echo '<hr>' . "\n\n";
    // key.idx の値設定
    if ($aThread->rescount) {
        $aThread->readnum = min($aThread->rescount, max(0, $data[5], $aThread->resrange['to']));
        $newline = $aThread->readnum + 1;
        // $newlineは廃止予定だが、後方互換用に念のため
        $sar = array($aThread->ttitle, $aThread->key, $data[2], $aThread->rescount, $aThread->modified, $aThread->readnum, $data[6], $data[7], $data[8], $newline, $data[10], $data[11], $aThread->datochiok);
        P2Util::recKeyIdx($aThread->keyidx, $sar);
        // key.idx に記録