public function action_404() { // Lets see if theres a URL to redirect // $url = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'); $url = str_replace(Uri::Base(), '', Uri::Create($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $parts = preg_split('/\\//', $url); // var_dump($parts); if (count($parts) == 1) { $url = str_replace('%20', ' ', $url); static::$url_found = Model_Url::query()->where('short_url', $url)->get_one(); if (empty(static::$url_found) === false) { return Controller_Url::action_view(static::$url_found); } } else { if (count($parts) == 2) { // $url = str_replace('%20',' ',$url[1]); $url = explode('/', $url); $url = $url[1]; static::$url_found = Model_Url::query()->where('short_url', $url)->get_one(); if (empty(static::$url_found) === false) { return Controller_Url::action_view(static::$url_found); } } } $data = new stdClass(); $this->template->content = View::forge('core/404'); }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (Auth::Check() === false) { Response::Redirect(Uri::Base()); } }
public function action_recover($hash = null) { if (Input::Method() === "POST") { if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_email(Input::POST('email'))) { // generate a recovery hash $hash = \Auth::instance()->hash_password(\Str::random()) . $user->id; // and store it in the user profile \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => $hash, 'lostpassword_created' => time()), $user->username); // send an email out with a reset link \Package::load('email'); $email = \Email::forge(); $html = 'Your password recovery link <a href="' . Uri::Create('login/recover/' . $hash) . '">Recover My Password!</a>'; // use a view file to generate the email message $email->html_body($html); // give it a subject $email->subject(\Settings::Get('site_name') . ' Password Recovery'); // GET ADMIN EMAIL FROM SETTINGS? $admin_email = Settings::get('admin_email'); if (empty($admin_email) === false) { $from = $admin_email; } else { $from = 'support@' . str_replace('http:', '', str_replace('/', '', Uri::Base(false))); } $email->from($from); $email->to($user->email, $user->fullname); // and off it goes (if all goes well)! try { // send the email $email->send(); Session::set('success', 'Email has been sent to ' . $user->email . '! Please check your spam folder!'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Session::Set('error', 'We failed to send the eamil , contact ' . $admin_email); \Response::redirect_back(); } } else { Session::Set('error', 'Sorry there is not a matching email!'); } } elseif (empty($hash) === false) { $hash = str_replace(Uri::Create('login/recover/'), '', Uri::current()); $user = substr($hash, 44); if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_id($user)) { // do we have this hash for this user, and hasn't it expired yet , must be within 24 hours if (isset($user->lostpassword_hash) and $user->lostpassword_hash == $hash and time() - $user->lostpassword_created < 86400) { // invalidate the hash \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => null, 'lostpassword_created' => null), $user->username); // log the user in and go to the profile to change the password if (\Auth::instance()->force_login($user->id)) { Session::Set('current_password', Auth::reset_password($user->username)); Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('user/settings')); } } } Session::Set('error', 'Invalid Hash!'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('login/recover'); }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (\Settings::Get('api') !== true) { echo 'API DISABLED'; Session::Set('error', 'API Disabled'); Response::redirect(Uri::Base()); die; } }
public function before() { // Lets render the template parent::before(); // Check to see if the config exsists if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/production/db.php') === false) { Response::Redirect('install'); } if (DBUtil::field_exists('urls', array('cached_preview')) === false && file_exists(APPPATH . 'classes/controller/upgrade.php')) { Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('upgrade')); } $real_base_url = Config::get('base_url'); Config::set('base_url', str_replace('public/', '', $real_base_url)); $base_url = Settings::get('different_short_url'); if (empty($base_url) === false) { View::set_global(array('base_url' => $base_url), false, false); } if (trim(Uri::Base(), '/') == Settings::get('different_short_url')) { if (count(Uri::Segments()) == 2) { $route = Uri::to_assoc(); if (isset($route) === true && $route['core'] == '404') { // We are good! } else { Response::Redirect(Settings::Get('base_url')); } } else { Response::Redirect(Settings::Get('base_url')); } } $data = null; if (Auth::Check()) { $user_id = Auth::get_user_id(); static::$user_id = $user_id[1]; $data['api_key'] = Auth::get('api_key'); if (empty($data['api_key']) === true) { if (empty($data['api_key']) === true) { $data['api_key'] = preg_replace('/\\+|\\/|\\=|\\?/', '', \Auth::instance()->hash_password(\Str::random()) . static::$user_id); // invalidate the hash \Auth::update_user(array('api_key' => $data['api_key']), Auth::get('username')); } } } // Lets set the default title , you can change it when calling the view $this->template->title = ucwords(str_replace('controller_', '', strtolower($this->request->route->controller))); try { Module::load('image'); $this->template->image_js = true; } catch (Exception $e) { } // Lets get the header and footer and set a variable to use within the template $this->template->footer = View::forge('core/footer', $data); $this->template->header = View::forge('core/header'); }
echo isset($base_url) === true ? $base_url . '/' . $url->short_url : Uri::Create($url->short_url); ?> "><?php echo $url->short_url; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo number_format($url->hits); ?> </td> <td><?php echo Settings::time_ago($url->updated_at); ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo \Uri::Base() . 'stats/' . $url->short_url; ?> ">View Stats</a></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
text_input.focus (); (); } var max_file_size = <?php echo min($max_upload, $max_post); ?> ; $(document).ready(function() { $('.colorbox').colorbox({photo:true, maxWidth:'95%', maxHeight:'95%'}).resize(); $("#content-short-url .btn").zclip({ path:'<?php echo Uri::Base(); ?> assets/swf/ZeroClipboard.swf', copy:function(){return $('#appendedInputButton').val();}, afterCopy:function(){ $('#show_copy').slideDown(); } }); $(".confirm").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var targetUrl = $(this).attr("href"); $("#dialog").html($(this).attr('data-text')); $("#dialog").dialog({ buttons : {
$.get('<?php echo Uri::Create('url/make_image?url_id=' . $url_object->id . ''); ?> ', function(data_url) { $('#preview_text').hide(); $('#preview').attr('src',data_url); }); }); </script> <?php } if (isset($base_url) === false) { $base_url = Uri::Base(); } else { $base_url = $base_url . '/'; } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2"> <h2>Your new URL has been created!</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2" id="content-short-url"> <hr> <div style="display: none;" id="show_copy" class="alert alert-info">Copied</div> <div class="input-group margin-bottom-10"> <input id="appendedInputButton" class="form-control input-lg" type="text" value="<?php
public function action_stats($short_url) { $data['url'] = Model_Url::query()->where('short_url', $short_url)->get_one(); if (empty($data['url']) === false) { $data['unqiue_hits'] = DB::select('ip')->distinct()->from('url_stats')->where('url_id', $data['url']->id)->execute(); $data['unqiue_hits'] = count($data['unqiue_hits']); $data['unqiue_hits_today'] = DB::select('ip')->distinct()->from('url_stats')->where('url_id', $data['url']->id)->where('created_at', '>=', strtotime('today 12:01'))->where('created_at', '<=', strtotime('today 12:01 + 1 day'))->execute(); $data['unqiue_hits_today'] = count($data['unqiue_hits_today']); $data['hits_today'] = DB::select('id')->from('url_stats')->where('url_id', $data['url']->id)->where('created_at', '>=', strtotime('today 12:01'))->where('created_at', '<=', strtotime('today 12:01 + 1 day'))->execute(); $data['hits_today'] = count($data['hits_today']); $new_results = ''; // Get countries Stats $countries = DB::select('country')->from('url_stats')->distinct(true)->where('url_id', $data['url']->id)->execute()->as_array(); if (empty($countries) === false) { foreach ($countries as $country) { $hit_count = Model_Url_Stat::query()->related('url')->where('country', $country)->where('url_id', $data['url']->id)->count(); $new_results .= "['" . $country['country'] . "', " . $hit_count . "], "; } $data['stats'] = $new_results; } else { $data['stats'] = null; } $this->template->content = View::forge('url/stats', $data); } else { Session::Set('error', 'No URL was found'); Response::Redirect(Uri::Base()); } }
public static function Create_User($opauth, $user_id = null) { if (empty($user_id) === true) { $user_id = static::$user_id; } if ($user_id != 0 && empty($user_id) === false) { // call Opauth to link the provider login with the local user $insert_id = $opauth->link_provider(array('parent_id' => $user_id, 'user_id' => 0, 'provider' => $opauth->get('auth.provider'), 'uid' => $opauth->get('auth.uid'), 'access_token' => $opauth->get('credentials.token', null), 'secret' => $opauth->get('credentials.secret', null), 'refresh_token' => $opauth->get('credentials.refresh_token', null), 'expires' => $opauth->get('credentials.expires', null), 'created_at' => time())); } else { Response::Redirect(Uri::Base()); } }