Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function onUpdateDocument(DataSource_Hybrid_Document $old = NULL, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $new)
     $files = Arr::get($_FILES, $this->name);
     $remove_files = $new->get($this->name . '_remove');
     if (!empty($remove_files)) {
     if (empty($files)) {
         return FALSE;
     $old_files = $old->get($this->name);
     $old_files = empty($old_files) ? array() : explode(',', $old_files);
     $files = $this->_normalize_files($files);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         try {
             $uploaded_file = ORM::factory('media')->set('module', $this->module_id())->upload($file, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'), $this->max_size);
             if ($uploaded_file->loaded()) {
                 $old_files[] = $uploaded_file->id;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $new->set($this->name, implode(',', $old_files));
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function image(array $file, $max_width = NULL, $max_height = NULL, $exact = FALSE)
     if (Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         try {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']);
         } catch (ErrorException $e) {
             // Ignore read errors
         if (empty($width) or empty($height)) {
             return FALSE;
         if (!$max_width) {
             $max_width = $width;
         if (!$max_height) {
             $max_height = $height;
         if ($exact) {
             // Check if dimensions match exactly
             return $width === $max_width and $height === $max_height;
         } else {
             // Check if size is within maximum dimensions
             return $width <= $max_width and $height <= $max_height;
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function _upload_image(Validate $array, $input)
     if ($array->errors()) {
         // Don't bother uploading
     // Get the image from the array
     $image = $array[$input];
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image)) {
         // No need to do anything right now
     if (Upload::valid($image) and Upload::type($image, $this->types)) {
         $filename = strtolower(Text::random('alnum', 20)) . '.jpg';
         if ($file = Upload::save($image, NULL, $this->directory)) {
             Image::factory($file)->resize($this->width, $this->height, $this->resize)->save($this->directory . $filename);
             // Update the image filename
             $array[$input] = $filename;
             // Delete the temporary file
         } else {
             $array->error('image', 'failed');
     } else {
         $array->error('image', 'valid');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function validate_uploaded_image($image)
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function action_image()
     if (Core::post('photo_delete') and Auth::instance()->get_user()->delete_image() == TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Photo deleted.'));
         $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
     // end of photo delete
     //get image
     $image = $_FILES['profile_image'];
     //file post
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats'))) or !Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($image) && !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats')))) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Is not valid format, please use one of this formats "jpg, jpeg, png"'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
         if (!Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Is not of valid size. Size is limited on ' . core::config('general.max_image_size') . 'MB per image'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is not valid. Please try again.'));
         $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
     } else {
         if ($image != NULL) {
             $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
             // saving/uploadng zip file to dir.
             $root = DOCROOT . 'images/users/';
             //root folder
             $image_name = $user->id_user . '.png';
             $width = core::config('image.width');
             // @TODO dynamic !?
             $height = core::config('image.height');
             // @TODO dynamic !?
             $image_quality = core::config('image.quality');
             // if folder does not exist, try to make it
             if (!is_dir($root) and !@mkdir($root, 0775, TRUE)) {
                 // mkdir not successful ?
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Image folder is missing and cannot be created with mkdir. Please correct to be able to upload images.'));
                 return FALSE;
                 // exit function
             // save file to root folder, file, name, dir
             if ($file = Upload::save($image, $image_name, $root)) {
                 // resize uploaded image
                 Image::factory($file)->orientate()->resize($width, $height, Image::AUTO)->save($root . $image_name, $image_quality);
                 // update category info
                 $user->has_image = 1;
                 $user->last_modified = Date::unix2mysql();
                 Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is uploaded.'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Icon file could not been saved.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function get_val(array $array)
     $val = $array['val'];
     if (is_array($val)) {
         if (!Arr::get($val, 'custom') and !Upload::not_empty($val)) {
             $val = NULL;
     return $val ? $val : NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function does_file_exist($file_path)
     if (is_file($file_path)) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif (isset($_FILES[$this->key])) {
         return Upload::not_empty($_FILES[$this->key]);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Image nudity detector based on flesh color quantity.
  * @param array $file uploaded file data
  * @param string $threshold Threshold of flesh color in image to consider in pornographic. See page 302
  * @return boolean
 public static function not_nude_image(array $file, $threshold = 0.5)
     if (Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         $image = Image::factory($file['tmp_name']);
         if ($image->is_nude_image($threshold)) {
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * CRUD controller: CREATE
 public function action_create()
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $this->template = View::factory('js');
     if (!isset($_FILES['image'])) {
         $this->template->content = json_encode('KO');
     $image = $_FILES['image'];
     if (core::config('image.aws_s3_active')) {
         require_once Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'amazon-s3-php-class/S3', 'php');
         $s3 = new S3(core::config('image.aws_access_key'), core::config('image.aws_secret_key'));
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats'))) or !Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($image) and !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats')))) {
             $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => $image['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not valid format, please use one of this formats "%s"'), core::config('image.allowed_formats'))));
         if (!Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
             $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => $image['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not of valid size. Size is limited to %s MB per image'), core::config('image.max_image_size'))));
         $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is not valid. Please try again.')));
     } elseif ($image != NULL) {
         // saving/uploading img file to dir.
         $path = 'images/cms/';
         $root = DOCROOT . $path;
         //root folder
         $image_name = URL::title(pathinfo($image['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME));
         $image_name = Text::limit_chars(URL::title(pathinfo($image['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME)), 200);
         $image_name = time() . '.' . $image_name;
         // if folder does not exist, try to make it
         if (!file_exists($root) and !@mkdir($root, 0775, true)) {
             // mkdir not successful ?
             $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => __('Image folder is missing and cannot be created with mkdir. Please correct to be able to upload images.')));
             // exit function
         // save file to root folder, file, name, dir
         if ($file = Upload::save($image, $image_name, $root)) {
             // put image to Amazon S3
             if (core::config('image.aws_s3_active')) {
                 $s3->putObject($s3->inputFile($file), core::config('image.aws_s3_bucket'), $path . $image_name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
             $this->template->content = json_encode(array('link' => Core::config('general.base_url') . $path . $image_name));
         } else {
             $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image file could not been saved.')));
         $this->template->content = json_encode(array('msg' => $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is not valid. Please try again.')));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function post_images()
     $json = array();
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     $module = $this->param('module', 'default');
     if (!Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         $this->json = json_encode($json);
     $image = ORM::factory('media')->set('module', $module)->upload($file, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'));
     $json = array('id' => $image->id, 'thumb' => Image::cache($image->filename, 100, 100, Image::INVERSE), 'image' => PUBLIC_URL . $image->filename, 'title' => (string) $image->description, 'folder' => $image->module);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function _save_image($image)
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) {
         return FALSE;
     $directory = DOCROOT . '/public/media/image_product/';
     if ($file = Upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) {
         $filename = strtolower(Text::random('alnum', 20)) . '.jpg';
         Image::factory($file)->resize(500, 500, Image::AUTO)->save($directory . $filename);
         // Delete the temporary file
         return $filename;
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @return bool|string
 private function save_image($image)
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) {
         return FALSE;
     $directory = DOCROOT . $this->prefix;
     if ($file = Upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) {
         // Save the image.
         Image::factory($file)->resize($this->width(), $this->height())->save($directory . $this->_filename());
         // Delete the temporary file
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function action_add()
     $user_id = $this->user->id;
     if (empty($user_id)) {
     $article = new Model_Article();
     $article->title = Arr::get($_POST, 'title');
     $article->description = Arr::get($_POST, 'description');
     $article->text = Arr::get($_POST, 'text');
     $cover = Arr::get($_FILES, 'cover');
     $errors = FALSE;
     $table_values = array();
     if ($article->title != '') {
         $table_values['title'] = array('value' => $article->title);
     } else {
         $errors = TRUE;
     if ($article->description != '') {
         $table_values['description'] = array('value' => $article->description);
     } else {
         $errors = TRUE;
     if ($article->text != '') {
         $table_values['text'] = array('value' => $article->text);
     } else {
         $errors = TRUE;
     if (!Upload::valid($cover) or !Upload::not_empty($cover) or !Upload::type($cover, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')) or !Upload::size($cover, '10M')) {
         $table_values['cover'] = TRUE;
         $errors = TRUE;
     if ($errors) {
         // $this->view["editor"] = View::factory('templates/articles/editor', array("storedNodes" => $table_values['text']['value']));
         $content = View::factory('templates/articles/new', $this->view);
         $this->template->content = View::factory("templates/articles/wrapper", array("active" => "newArticle", "content" => $content));
         return false;
     // getting new name for cover
     $article->cover = $this->methods->save_cover($cover);
     $article->user_id = $user_id;
     $article->is_published = true;
     // FIXME изменить, когда будет доступны режимы публикации
     // redirect to new article
     $this->redirect('/article/' . $article->id);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function action_upload_files()
     $files = array();
     if (isset($_FILES)) {
         foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) {
             if (Upload::not_empty($file)) {
                 $filename = uniqid() . '_' . $file['name'];
                 $filename = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', '_', $filename);
                 $dir = 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'page_media';
                 Upload::save($file, $filename, DOCROOT . $dir);
                 $files[] = array('url' => URL::site($dir . '/' . $filename), 'file' => $file, 'dir' => $dir, 'filename' => $filename);
     $this->response->json(array('files' => $files));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function action_upload()
     $field = 'Filedata';
     if (($value = Arr::get($_FILES, $field, FALSE)) === FALSE) {
         $this->request->response = 'error';
     if (!Upload::not_empty($value) or !Upload::valid($value)) {
         $this->request->response = 'error';
     if ($tmp_name = Torn_Uploader::upload_to_cache($value, $field)) {
         $this->request->response = 'done;' . $tmp_name;
     } else {
         $this->request->response = 'error';
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * осуществляет проверку загружаемого изображения на jpg(jpeg)
  * копирует его в католог img, предварительно 
  * изменив размер до s - max(300*300) m  - max(800*800) схранив пропорции
  * @param $file    string  полное имя файла 
  * @return         mixed new file name or false(boolean)
 public function load($file, $id = '')
     if (!Upload::valid($file) || !Upload::not_empty($file) || !Upload::type($file, array('jpg', 'jpeg'))) {
         return false;
     $dir = DOCROOT . self::IMAGE_DIR;
     if ($image = Upload::save($file, NULL, $dir)) {
         if ($id == '') {
             $id = Text::random('alnum', 32);
         $name = $id . '.jpg';
         Image::factory($image)->resize(300, 300, Image::AUTO)->save($dir . 's_' . $name);
         Image::factory($image)->resize(800, 800, Image::AUTO)->save($dir . 'm_' . $name);
         return $name;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function action_image()
     //get image
     $image = $_FILES['profile_image'];
     //file post
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats'))) or !Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($image) && !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats')))) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Is not valid format, please use one of this formats "jpg, jpeg, png"'));
             $this->request->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
         if (!Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Is not of valid size. Size is limited on ' . core::config('general.max_image_size') . 'MB per image'));
             $this->request->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is not valid. Please try again.'));
         $this->request->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
     } else {
         if ($image != NULL) {
             $user_id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_user;
             // saving/uploadng zip file to dir.
             $root = DOCROOT . 'images/users/';
             //root folder
             $image_name = $user_id . '.png';
             $width = core::config('image.width');
             // @TODO dynamic !?
             $height = core::config('image.height');
             // @TODO dynamic !?
             $image_quality = core::config('image.quality');
             // if folder doesnt exists
             if (!file_exists($root)) {
                 mkdir($root, 775, true);
             // save file to root folder, file, name, dir
             if ($file = Upload::save($image, $image_name, $root)) {
                 // resize uploaded image
                 Image::factory($file)->resize($width, $height, Image::AUTO)->save($root . $image_name, $image_quality);
             Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is uploaded.'));
             $this->request->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected function _save_image($image, $directory)
     if (!Upload::valid($image) || !Upload::not_empty($image) || !Upload::type($image, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')) || !Upload::size($image, '2M')) {
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($directory)) {
         mkdir($directory, 0777, true);
     if ($file = Upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) {
         try {
             $filename = Text::random('alnum', 20) . '.jpg';
             Image::factory($file)->save($directory . $filename);
             return $filename;
         } catch (ErrorException $e) {
             // ...
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function action_upload()
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $errors = array();
     # Проверяем файл
     if (!isset($_FILES['file'])) {
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     if (!is_dir(BACKUP_PLUGIN_FOLDER)) {
         $errors[] = __('Folder (:folder) not exist!', array(':folder' => BACKUP_PLUGIN_FOLDER));
     if (!is_writable(BACKUP_PLUGIN_FOLDER)) {
         $errors[] = __('Folder (:folder) must be writable!', array(':folder' => BACKUP_PLUGIN_FOLDER));
     # Проверяем на пустоту
     if (!Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         $errors[] = __('File is not attached!');
     # Проверяем на расширение
     if (!Upload::type($file, array('sql', 'zip'))) {
         $errors[] = __('Bad format of file!');
     if (!empty($errors)) {
     $ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     # Имя файла
     $filename = 'uploaded-' . date('YmdHis') . '-' . $file['name'];
     Upload::$default_directory = BACKUP_PLUGIN_FOLDER;
     # Cохраняем оригинал и продолжаем работать, если ок:
     if ($file = Upload::save($file, $filename, NULL, 0777)) {
         Messages::success(__('File :filename uploaded successfully', array(':filename' => $filename)));
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::ALERT, 'Backup file :filename uploaded by :user', array(':filename' => $filename))->write();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function action_add()
     $file = $_FILES['image'];
     if (!Upload::valid($file)) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => '不是有效的文件');
         $this->content = json_encode($ret, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
     } elseif (!Upload::not_empty($file)) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => '上传文件为空');
         $this->content = json_encode($ret, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
     } elseif (!Upload::type($file, array('jpg', 'png'))) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => '文件格式只能为jpg,png');
         $this->content = json_encode($ret, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
     } elseif (!Upload::size($file, '8M')) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => '文件大小不能超过8M');
         $this->content = json_encode($ret, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function action_icon()
     //get icon
     if (isset($_FILES['category_icon'])) {
         $icon = $_FILES['category_icon'];
     } else {
         $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'index')));
     $category = new Model_Category($this->request->param('id'));
     if (core::config('image.aws_s3_active')) {
         require_once Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'amazon-s3-php-class/S3', 'php');
         $s3 = new S3(core::config('image.aws_access_key'), core::config('image.aws_secret_key'));
     if (core::post('icon_delete') and $category->delete_icon() == TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Icon deleted.'));
         $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $category->id_category)));
     // end of icon delete
     if (!Upload::valid($icon) or !Upload::not_empty($icon) or !Upload::type($icon, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats'))) or !Upload::size($icon, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($icon) && !Upload::type($icon, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats')))) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $icon['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not valid format, please use one of this formats "%s"'), core::config('image.allowed_formats')));
             $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $category->id_category)));
         if (!Upload::size($icon, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $icon['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not of valid size. Size is limited to %s MB per image'), core::config('image.max_image_size')));
             $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $category->id_category)));
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $icon['name'] . ' ' . __('Image is not valid. Please try again.'));
         $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $category->id_category)));
     } else {
         if ($icon != NULL) {
             // saving/uploading img file to dir.
             $path = 'images/categories/';
             $root = DOCROOT . $path;
             //root folder
             $icon_name = $category->seoname . '.png';
             // if folder does not exist, try to make it
             if (!file_exists($root) and !@mkdir($root, 0775, true)) {
                 // mkdir not successful ?
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Image folder is missing and cannot be created with mkdir. Please correct to be able to upload images.'));
                 // exit function
             // save file to root folder, file, name, dir
             if ($file = Upload::save($icon, $icon_name, $root)) {
                 // put icon to Amazon S3
                 if (core::config('image.aws_s3_active')) {
                     $s3->putObject($s3->inputFile($file), core::config('image.aws_s3_bucket'), $path . $icon_name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
                 // update category info
                 $category->has_image = 1;
                 $category->last_modified = Date::unix2mysql();
                 Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $icon['name'] . ' ' . __('Icon is uploaded.'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, $icon['name'] . ' ' . __('Icon file could not been saved.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::get($this->_route_name)->uri(array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(), 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $category->id_category)));
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * save_image upload images with given path
  * @param array image
  * @return bool
 public function save_image($image)
     if (!$this->loaded()) {
         return FALSE;
     $seotitle = $this->seotitle;
     if (!Upload::valid($image) or !Upload::not_empty($image) or !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats'))) or !Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($image) && !Upload::type($image, explode(',', core::config('image.allowed_formats')))) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not valid format, please use one of this formats "%s"'), core::config('image.allowed_formats')));
             return FALSE;
         if (!Upload::size($image, core::config('image.max_image_size') . 'M')) {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . sprintf(__('Is not of valid size. Size is limited to %s MB per image'), core::config('image.max_image_size')));
             return FALSE;
         if (!Upload::not_empty($image)) {
             return FALSE;
     if (core::config('image.disallow_nudes') and !Upload::not_nude_image($image)) {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $image['name'] . ' ' . __('Seems a nude picture so you cannot upload it'));
         return FALSE;
     if ($image !== NULL) {
         $path = $this->image_path();
         $directory = DOCROOT . $path;
         if ($file = Upload::save($image, NULL, $directory)) {
             return $this->save_image_file($file, $this->has_images + 1);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Something went wrong with uploading pictures, please check format'));
             return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Check if file has been saved to a temporary persistent directory.
  * @param   array    uploaded file data
  * @param   string   session key for persistent uploaded files
  * @return  boolean  TRUE if file temporary saved, FALSE if file not saved
 public static function persistent_check(array &$file, $sess_key = NULL)
     static $cache = array();
     $input_name = Arr::get($file, 'input_name');
     if (isset($cache[$input_name])) {
         return FALSE;
     $cache[$input_name] = TRUE;
     $sess_key === NULL and $sess_key = Ku_Upload::persistent_key($input_name);
     $sess_file = NULL;
     // Get all of the session data as an array
     $_SESSION =& Session::instance()->as_array();
     if (!empty($_SESSION['persistents']) and is_array($_SESSION['persistents']) and isset($_SESSION['persistents'][$sess_key])) {
         $sess_file = $_SESSION['persistents'][$sess_key];
     if ($sess_file) {
         if (parent::valid($file) and !parent::not_empty($file)) {
             if (isset($sess_file['persistent']) and isset($sess_file['persistent_key']) and $sess_file['persistent_key'] === $sess_key) {
                 $filename = $sess_file['persistent'];
                 // Make sure the directory ends with a slash
                 $directory = dirname($filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                 // Delete old persistent files from this directory
                 // Refresh timestamp in the file name
                 $new_filename = preg_replace('/persistent~\\d+~/', 'persistent~' . time() . '~', $filename);
                 if (file_exists($filename) and is_file($filename) and rename($filename, $new_filename)) {
                     $sess_file['persistent'] = $new_filename;
                     // Save information about temporary saved file in the session
                     $_SESSION['persistents'][$sess_key] = $sess_file;
                     // Update file
                     $file = $sess_file;
                     // Update $_FILES
                     $_FILES[$input_name] = $sess_file;
                     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * save_product upload images with given path
  * @param  [array]  $file      [file $_FILE-s ]
  * @param  [string] $seotitle   [unique id, and folder name]
  * @return [bool]               [return true if 1 or more files uploaded, false otherwise]
 public function save_product($file)
     if (!Upload::valid($file) or !Upload::not_empty($file) or !Upload::type($file, explode(',', core::config('product.formats'))) or !Upload::size($file, core::config('product.max_size') . 'M')) {
         if (Upload::not_empty($file) && !Upload::type($file, explode(',', core::config('product.formats')))) {
             return Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $file['name'] . ': ' . sprintf(__('This uploaded file is not of a valid format. Please use one of these formats: %s'), core::config('product.formats')));
         if (!Upload::size($file, core::config('product.max_size') . 'M')) {
             return Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $file['name'] . ': ' . sprintf(__("This uploaded file exceeds the allowable limit. Uploaded files cannot be larger than %s MB per product"), core::config('product.max_size')));
     if ($file !== NULL) {
         $directory = DOCROOT . '/data/';
         // make dir
         if (!is_dir($directory)) {
             // check if directory exists
             mkdir($directory, 0755, TRUE);
         $product_format = strrchr($file['name'], '.');
         $encoded_name = md5($file['name'] . uniqid(mt_rand())) . $product_format;
         // d($product_format);
         if ($temp_file = Upload::save($file, $encoded_name, $directory, 775)) {
             return $encoded_name;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
         // Delete the temporary file
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function action_upload()
     $problem = Model_Problem::find_by_id($this->request->param('id'));
     $ret = 'upload failed, filetype is .in or .out ?';
     if ($problem and $this->request->is_post()) {
         $data_path = $problem->data_dir();
         if (isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) {
             $file = $_FILES['Filedata'];
             if (Upload::not_empty($file) and Upload::type($file, array('in', 'out'))) {
                 if (!file_exists($data_path)) {
                     mkdir($data_path, 0777, true);
                 if ($f = Upload::save($file, $file['name'], $data_path)) {
                     $ret = 'OK';
         } else {
             return $this->redirect('admin');
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * returns true if file is of valid type.
  * Its used to check file sent to user from advert usercontact
  * @param array file
  * @return BOOL 
 public static function is_valid_file($file)
     //catch file
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     //validate file
     if ($file !== NULL) {
         if (!Upload::valid($file) or !Upload::not_empty($file) or !Upload::type($file, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'pdf', 'doc', 'docx')) or !Upload::size($file, '3M')) {
             return FALSE;
         return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Загрузка файлов из массива
  * @param array $array
  * @return \DataSource_Hybrid_Document
 public function read_files($array)
     foreach ($this->section()->record()->fields() as $key => $field) {
         if (isset($array[$key]) and $field->family == DataSource_Hybrid_Field::FAMILY_FILE and Upload::valid($array[$key]) and Upload::not_empty($array[$key])) {
             $field->onReadDocumentValue($array, $this);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * move the uploaded file to a specified location, throw an exception on upload error (with appropriate error message)
  * Return the filename
  * @param  array $data
  * @param  string $directory
  * @return string
 public static function process_type_upload(array $data, $directory)
     if (!Upload::not_empty($data)) {
         $errors = array(UPLOAD_ERR_OK => 'No errors.', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'must not be larger than ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'must not be larger than specified', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'was only partially uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'no file was uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'missing a temporary folder.', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'failed to write file to disk.', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'file upload stopped by extension.');
         throw new Jam_Exception_Upload("File not uploaded properly. Error: :error", array(':error' => Arr::get($errors, Arr::get($data, 'error'), '-')));
     if (!move_uploaded_file($data['tmp_name'], Upload_Util::combine($directory, $data['name']))) {
         throw new Jam_Exception_Upload('There was an error moving the file to :directory', array(':directory' => $directory));
     return $data['name'];
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: image.php Proyecto: anqh/core
  * Creates or updates the current image.
  * @param   Validation  $validation a manual validation object to combine the model properties with
  * @return  integer
  * @throws  Kohana_Exception
 public function save(Validation $validation = null)
     $new = !(bool) $this->id;
     // Validate new image
     if ($new) {
         $path = Kohana::$config->load('image.upload_path');
         // Download remote files
         if ($this->remote && !$this->file) {
             $this->file = Request::factory($this->remote)->download(null, $path);
         if (!$this->file || !$this->remote && !Upload::not_empty($this->file)) {
             throw new Kohana_Exception(__('No image'));
         } else {
             if (!Upload::size($this->file, Kohana::$config->load('image.filesize'))) {
                 throw new Kohana_Exception(__('Image too big (limit :size)', array(':size' => Kohana::$config->load('image.filesize'))));
             } else {
                 if (!Upload::type($this->file, Kohana::$config->load('image.filetypes')) && !in_array($this->file['type'], Kohana::$config->load('image.mimetypes'))) {
                     throw new Kohana_Exception(__('Invalid image type (use :types)', array(':types' => implode(', ', Kohana::$config->load('image.filetypes')))));
         $upload = $this->file;
         if ($this->remote && !is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'])) {
             // As a remote file is no actual file field, manually set the filename
             $this->file = basename($upload['tmp_name']);
         } else {
             if (is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'])) {
                 // Sanitize the filename
                 $upload['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-\\.]/', '-', mb_strtolower($upload['name']));
                 // Strip multiple dashes
                 $upload['name'] = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', $upload['name']);
                 // Try to save upload
                 if (false !== ($this->file = Upload::save($upload, null, $path))) {
                     // Get new filename
                     $this->file = basename($this->file);
     try {
     } catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
         if ($new && $this->file) {
             unlink($path . $this->file);
         throw $e;
     // Some magic on created images only
     if ($new) {
         // Make sure we have the new target directory
         $new_path = Kohana::$config->load('image.path') . URL::id($this->id);
         if (!is_dir($new_path)) {
             mkdir($new_path, 0777, true);
             chmod($new_path, 0777);
         if (is_writable($new_path)) {
             $new_path = rtrim($new_path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         } else {
             throw new Kohana_Exception(get_class($this) . ' can not write to directory');
         // New file name with some random postfix for hard to guess filenames
         !$this->postfix and $this->postfix = Text::random('alnum', 8);
         $new_file = $this->id . '_' . $this->postfix . Kohana::$config->load('image.postfix_original') . '.jpg';
         // Rename and move to correct directory using image id
         $old_file = $this->file;
         if (!rename($path . $old_file, $new_path . $new_file)) {
             unlink($path . $old_file);
             throw new Kohana_Exception(get_class($this) . ' could not move uploaded image');
         $this->file = $new_file;
         // Start creating images
         $this->_generate_images($new_path . $new_file);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 protected function save()
     // clean null values
     foreach ($this->model->table_columns() as $field => $values) {
         $is_boolean = Arr::get($values, 'data_type') === 'tinyint' and Arr::get($values, 'display') == 1;
         $is_nullable = Arr::get($values, 'is_nullable');
         $has_value = (bool) $this->model->{$field} and $this->model->{$field} !== NULL;
         if ($is_nullable and !$is_boolean and !$has_value) {
             $this->model->{$field} = NULL;
     try {
         if (isset($_FILES)) {
             foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) {
                 if (Upload::not_empty($file)) {
                     $filename = uniqid() . '_' . $file['name'];
                     $filename = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', '_', $filename);
                     $dir = DOCROOT . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($this->model_name);
                     Upload::save($file, $filename, $dir);
                     $this->model->{$name} = $filename;
         if ($this->parent_id) {
             $this->model->{$this->parent . '_id'} = $this->parent_id;
         $this->has_many = Arr::merge($this->has_many, $this->model->has_many());
         // ignore external relations
         $has_many_through = array_filter($this->has_many, function ($item) {
             return strpos(Arr::get($item, 'through'), $this->model->table_name() . '_') === 0;
         // add has many
         foreach ($has_many_through as $name => $values) {
             $ids = $this->request->post($name);
             if (!$ids) {
             $this->model->add($name, $ids);
         if ($this->request->is_ajax()) {
         Session::instance()->set('success', 'Registro salvo com sucesso!');
         if ($this->redirect === NULL) {
         } else {
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
         $errors = $e->errors('models');
         if (!$errors) {
             $errors = array($e->getMessage());
         View::set_global('errors', $errors);
         if ($this->request->is_ajax()) {
             $this->response->json(array('errors' => $errors));