function synchroniseUDatabase()
     $sync = parent::synchroniseUDatabase();
     if ($sync) {
         /*$status = $this->owner->getCustomerStatus(false);
         		if(empty($status)) {
         			return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Status');
         $member = $this->owner->Member();
         if ($member->exists()) {
             $sync = $member->synchroniseUDatabase();
             if ($sync) {
                 $sync = $member->updateUDatabase();
             if (!$sync) {
                 return $this->notifyError('SS_RELATION_INVALID', 'Member');
         } else {
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Member');
         // Currency is not required to POST but it should be
         $currency = $this->getUCurrency();
         if (empty($currency)) {
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Currency');
         $tax = $this->getUTax();
         if (!$tax) {
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Unleashed Tax');
         $attributes = $this->owner->Attributes();
         foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
             if ($attribute->ClassName != self::$attribute_tax_class) {
                 if ($attribute->CalculatedTotal != 0 || !in_array($attribute->ClassName, self::$exclude_attribute_classes)) {
                     // Only exclude them if CalculatedTotal equals 0
                     // Precondition : Only order items
                     $buyable = $attribute->Buyable(true);
                     $extensions = array_keys($buyable->getExtensionInstances());
                     foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
                         if (is_subclass_of($extension, 'UnleashedObjectDOD')) {
                             $sync = $buyable->synchroniseUDatabase();
                             if ($sync) {
                                 $sync = $buyable->updateUDatabase();
                             if (!$sync) {
                                 return $this->notifyError('SS_RELATION_INVALID', "{$buyable->ClassName} #{$buyable->ID}");
                     // Todo : deal with other modifiers like delivery
         return true;
 function synchroniseUDatabase()
     $sync = parent::synchroniseUDatabase();
     $sync = $sync && !(Object::has_extension('Product', 'ProductWithVariationDecorator') && $this->owner->HasVariations());
     if ($sync) {
         if (empty($this->owner->Title)) {
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Title');
         return true;
 function synchroniseUDatabase()
     $sync = parent::synchroniseUDatabase();
     $orders = DataObject::get('Order', "MemberID = {$this->owner->ID}");
     // $this->owner->Orders() does not work. Has EcommerceRole been added properly ?
     if ($sync && $orders) {
         $name = $this->owner->Surname;
         // Company Name
         if (empty($name)) {
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', 'Company Name');
         return true;
 function synchroniseUDatabase()
     $sync = parent::synchroniseUDatabase();
     if ($sync) {
         $description = $this->getUDescription();
         if (empty($description)) {
             $names[] = 'Description';
             if (self::$alternative_description) {
                 $names[] = 'Alternative Description';
             return $this->notifyError('SS_FIELDS_MISSING', $names);
         return true;