public function displayPublic() { $entry_array[] = array('admin' => NULL, 'title' => "That Page Doesn't Exist", 'body' => "<p>If you feel you've reached this page in error, " . "please <a href=\"mailto:" . SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL . "\">contact the site administrator</a> and let " . "us know.</p>\n<p>Sorry for the inconvenience!</p>"); $template_file = ''; /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); $entry = UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entry_array, $template); return $entry; }
/** * Generates HTML to display a given array of entries with a contact form * * @param array $entries an array of entries to be formatted * @return string HTML markup to display the entry */ protected function displayEntry($entries) { /* * Extracts the ID of the entry if one was supplied */ $id = isset($entries[0]['id']) ? $entries[0]['id'] : NULL; /* * If logged in, loads the admin options for the entry */ $admin = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $id, false); /* * Store variables for the form */ $siteName = SITE_NAME; $formProcessing = FORM_ACTION; /* * If an entry exists, load the template and insert the data into it */ if (isset($entries[0]['title'])) { /* * Store the entries in the entry array for templating purposes */ $entries[0]['admin'] = $admin; /* * Generate the contact form */ $entries[0]['site-name'] = $siteName; $entries[0]['form-processing'] = $formProcessing; $template_file = $this->url0 . '.inc'; } else { $entries[0] = array('admin' => $admin, 'page' => $this->url0, 'title' => "No Entry Found", 'body' => "<p>That entry doesn't appear to exist.</p>", 'site-name' => $siteName, 'form-processing' => $formProcessing); $template_file = $this->url0 . '.inc'; } /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); /* * Return the entry as formatted by the template */ return UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entries, $template); }
protected function displayResults($entries) { $entry = $this->admin_general_options($this->url0); $entry_array = array(); if (isset($entries[0]['title'])) { foreach ($entries as $e) { $e['site-url'] = SITE_URL; // Format the date from the timestamp $e['date'] = date('F d, Y', $e['created']); // Image options if (!empty($e['img']) && strlen($e['img']) > 1) { // Display the latest two galleries $e['image'] = $e['img']; $e['preview'] = str_replace(IMG_SAVE_DIR, IMG_SAVE_DIR . 'preview/', $e['img']); $e['thumb'] = str_replace(IMG_SAVE_DIR, IMG_SAVE_DIR . 'thumbs/', $e['img']); } else { $e['image'] = '/assets/images/no-image.jpg'; $e['preview'] = '/assets/images/no-image.jpg'; $e['thumb'] = '/assets/images/no-image-thumb.jpg'; } $e['comment-count'] = comments::getCommentCount($e['id']); $e['comment-text'] = $e['comment-count'] == 1 ? "comment" : "comments"; $e['url'] = !empty($e['data6']) ? $e['data6'] : urlencode($e['title']); $e['admin'] = $this->admin_simple_options($this->url0, $e['id']); $entry_array[] = $e; } $template_file = $this->url0 . '.inc'; } else { $entry_array[] = array('admin' => NULL, 'title' => 'No Entries Found That Match Your Search', 'body' => "<p>No entries match that query.</p>"); $template_file = ''; } $extra['header']['title'] = 'Search Results for "' . urldecode($this->url2) . '" (' . $this->getEntryCountBySearch($this->url2, $this->url1) . ' entries found)'; $extra['footer']['pagination'] = $this->paginateEntries(); /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); $entry .= UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entry_array, $template, $extra); return $entry; }
/** * Generates HTML to display a given array of entries * * @param array $entries an array of entries to be formatted * @return string HTML markup to display the entry */ protected function displayEntry($entries) { /* * Extracts the ID of the entry if one was supplied */ $id = isset($entries[0]['id']) ? $entries[0]['id'] : NULL; /* * If logged in, loads the admin options for the entry */ $admin = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $id, false); /* * If an entry exists, load the template and insert the data into it */ if (isset($entries[0]['title'])) { /* * Store the entries in the entry array for templating purposes */ $entries[0]['admin'] = $admin; /* * Set the template file */ $template_file = $this->url0 . '.inc'; } else { /* * Set default values if no entries are found */ $entries[0] = array('admin' => $admin, 'title' => "No Entry Found", 'body' => "<p>That entry doesn't appear to exist.</p>"); /* * Load the default template */ $template_file = $this->url0 . '.inc'; } /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); /* * Return the entry as formatted by the template */ return UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entries, $template); }
protected function displayFull($entries) { $id = isset($entries[0]['id']) ? $entries[0]['id'] : NULL; $entry = $this->admin_general_options($this->url0, $id, false); if (isset($entries[0]['title'])) { // Number of results $n = count($entries); $entry_array = array(); // Initialize the variable to avoid a notice foreach ($entries as $e) { // Entry options for the admin, if logged in $e['admin'] = $this->admin_gallery_options($this->url0, $e['id'], $n, $e['data7']); /* * Category and page names for breadcrumbs */ $e['page-url'] = strtolower($e['page']); $e['page-name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $e['page'])); $e['category-url'] = "/{$e['page-url']}/category/" . strtolower($e['data2']); $e['category-name'] = ucwords($e['data2']); /* * Load the photos associated with this entry as HTML */ $e['gallery'] = $this->getGalleryImages($e['id'], FALSE, $e['title']); $entry_array[] = $e; } } else { $entry_array[] = array('page-url' => $this->url0, 'page-name' => ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $this->url0)), 'category-url' => NULL, 'category-name' => NULL, 'title' => 'No Entry Found', 'body' => "That entry doesn't appear to exist.", 'text-full' => "That entry doesn't appear to exist.", 'text-preview' => "That entry doesn't appear to exist.", 'gallery' => NULL, 'admin' => NULL, 'image' => NULL, 'preview' => NULL, 'thumb' => NULL); } /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($this->url0 . ''); $entry .= UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entry_array, $template); return $entry; }
protected function displayFull($entries) { $id = isset($entries[0]['id']) ? $entries[0]['id'] : NULL; $entry = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $id, false); $entry_array = array(); foreach ($entries as $e) { // Entry options for the admin, if logged in $e['admin'] = $this->admin_simple_options($this->url0, $e['id']); $e['image'] = isset($e['img']) ? Utilities::formatImageSimple($e) : NULL; $entry_array[] = $e; } /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($this->url0 . ''); $entry .= UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entry_array, $template); return $entry; }
/** * Creates markup to output a comment form * * @param int $id * @return string The XHTML markup */ private function _formatCommentForm($id) { $c['bid'] = $id; // If the form was not filled out properly, supplies an error message $c['errortext'] = NULL; $c['text-err'] = NULL; $c['robot-err'] = NULL; if (isset($_SESSION['cmnt_error'])) { if ($_SESSION['cmnt_error'] == 1) { $errtext = "You must fill out the required fields in order " . "to post a comment!"; $c['text-err'] = " err"; } else { if ($_SESSION['cmnt_error'] == 2) { $errtext = "You appear to be a robot. Please check to be sure " . "you solved the math equation in the highlighted field " . "below."; $c['robot-err'] = " err"; } } $c['errortext'] = '<div class="c_error">' . $errtext . '</div>'; } /* * Checks first for an existing session value, then for cookies, * finally defaulting to an empty value. This is for convenience; if * the user makes an error on the form, their information is stored in * a session so they don't have to re-type their comment and info, and * name/email/website is stored in a cookie to save returning visitors * the trouble of retyping their info for each comment. */ $c['name'] = $this->_checkStoredValues('cmnt_name'); $c['email'] = $this->_checkStoredValues('cmnt_email'); $c['link'] = $this->_checkStoredValues('cmnt_link'); $c['text'] = $this->_checkStoredValues('cmnt_txt'); /* * Because CAPTCHA is annoying, we're going to trust repeat visitors. * If they successfully posted a comment before, we'll replace the * CAPTCHA text input with a hidden input that will validate that * they're human. Might not be bulletproof, but it's convenient for * the user, and that seems more important */ $challenge = $this->_generateChallenge($c['robot-err']); if (isset($_COOKIE['cmnt_human']) && $_COOKIE['cmnt_human'] == 1) { $c['challenge'] = '<input type="hidden" name="cmnt_human" value="' . $_SESSION['challenge'] . '" />'; } else { $c['challenge'] = $challenge; } $c['token'] = $_SESSION['token']; $c['form-action'] = FORM_ACTION; $template_file = ''; /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); return UTILITIES::parseTemplate(array($c), $template); }
/** * Displays the images * * @return string The HTML to display gallery images. */ public function displayGallery() { $image_array = array(); foreach ($this->_imageArray as $img) { if (isset($this->imgCap_album)) { $e['caption'] = $this->getImageCaption($img); } if (!isset($e['caption'])) { $e['caption'] = isset($this->imgTitle) ? $this->imgTitle : NULL; } $e['thumb'] = '/' . $this->dir . "thumbs/" . $img; $e['preview'] = '/' . $this->dir . "preview/" . $img; $e['image'] = '/' . $this->dir . $img; $image_array[] = $e; } /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate(''); return UTILITIES::parseTemplate($image_array, $template); }
protected function displayFull($entries) { $entry = NULL; if (isset($entries[0]['title'])) { foreach ($entries as $e) { $e['admin'] = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $e['id']); $e['site-url'] = SITE_URL; // Format the date from the timestamp $e['date'] = date('F d, Y', $e['created']); // Image options Utilities::imageOptions($e); $e['url'] = !empty($e['data6']) ? $e['data6'] : urlencode($e['title']); $e['encoded-url'] = urlencode($e['site-url'] . $e['page'] . '/' . $e['url']); $e['encoded-title'] = urlencode($e['title']); $e['permalink'] = SITE_URL . $this->url0 . "/" . $e['url']; $e['tags'] = $this->_formatTags($e['data2']); $entry = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $e['id']); /* * Adjust width of embedded video to fit the max width */ $pattern[0] = "/<(object|embed)(.*?)(width|height)=\"[\\d]+\"(.*?)(width|height)=\"[\\d]+\"/i"; $replacement[0] = '<$1$2width="' . PAGE_OBJ_WIDTH . '"$4height="' . PAGE_OBJ_HEIGHT . '"'; $e['body'] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $e['body']); /* * Load comments for the blog */ $cmnt = new comments(); $e['comments'] = $cmnt->showEntryComments($e['id']); $entry_array[] = $e; $template_file = $this->url0 . ''; } } else { $entry_array[] = array('admin' => NULL, 'title' => 'No Entry Found', 'body' => "<p>That entry doesn't appear to exist.</p>"); $template_file = ''; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], SITE_URL)) { $extra['footer']['backlink'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } $extra['footer']['backlink'] = "/blog"; /* * Load the template into a variable */ $template = UTILITIES::loadTemplate($template_file); $entry .= UTILITIES::parseTemplate($entry_array, $template, $extra); return $entry; }
/** * Writes data to the database; either updates or creates an entry * * @return bool Returns true on success or false on error */ public function write() { /* * Initialize all variables to prevent any notices */ $id = ''; $title = NULL; $subhead = NULL; $body = NULL; $imgcap = NULL; $data1 = NULL; $data2 = NULL; $data3 = NULL; $data4 = NULL; $data5 = NULL; $data6 = NULL; $data7 = NULL; $data8 = NULL; /* * Loop through the POST array and define all variables */ foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if ($key == "body") { ${$key} = $val; } else { ${$key} = htmlentities($val, ENT_QUOTES); } } /* * If a value wasn't explicity passed for data6, save a URL version of * the title */ if (!isset($_POST['data6'])) { $data6 = UTILITIES::makeUrl($title); } else { $data6 = $_POST['data6']; } /* * Processes the image and returns the path, or sets the variable to * NULL if no image was uploaded */ $img = isset($_FILES['img']) ? $this->checkIMG($_FILES['img']) : NULL; if ($img === false) { $img = isset($_POST['stored_img']) ? $_POST['stored_img'] : NULL; } /* * PDF uploads go through the data8 field. If the $_FILES superglobal * isn't set, handle the input as a string. Otherwise, process as a PDF */ if (isset($_FILES['data8']) && $_FILES['data8']['size'] > 0) { $data8check = $this->uploadPDF($_FILES['data8'], $title); $data8 = $data8check === false ? NULL : $data8; } /* * Store the author's name and a timestamp */ $author = $_SESSION['admin_u']; $created = time(); /* * If the ID was passed, set up the query to update the entry */ if ($id) { $sql = "UPDATE `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entryMgr`\n SET\n title=?, subhead=?, body=?, img=?, imgcap=?,\n data1=?, data2=?, data3=?, data4=?,\n data5=?, data6=?, data7=?, data8=?\n WHERE id=?\n LIMIT 1"; $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param("sssssssssssssi", $title, $subhead, $body, $img, $imgcap, $data1, $data2, $data3, $data4, $data5, $data6, $data7, $data8, $id); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entryMgr`\n (page, title, subhead, body, img, imgcap,\n data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8,\n author, created)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param("ssssssssssssssss", $page, $title, $subhead, $body, $img, $imgcap, $data1, $data2, $data3, $data4, $data5, $data6, $data7, $data8, $author, $created); } $success = $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); return $success; }