protected function renderContent($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $items = array(); // get breadcrumb trail if ($api->isPage()) { $startPageId = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'navStart'); // get all page ids in current navigator $nav = $api->getNavigation(); $pageIds = $nav->getNavigatorIds($nav->getCurrentPageId()); // only show until start page if set if (!empty($startPageId) && in_array($startPageId, $pageIds)) { $pageIds = array_slice($pageIds, array_search($startPageId, $pageIds) + 1); } if (is_array($pageIds)) { foreach ($pageIds as $pageId) { $page = $nav->getPage($pageId); // echo "\nPAGE: {$page->getTitle()} {$page->getUrl()}"; $items[] = array('href' => $api->isEditMode() ? 'javascript:void(0)' : $page->getUrl(), 'title' => $page->getNavigationTitle()); } } } else { if ($api->isEditMode() || $api->isPreviewMode()) { // demo nav items in preview and edit mode $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $items = array(array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'title' => $i18n->translate('') . ' 1'), array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'title' => $i18n->translate('') . ' 2'), array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'title' => $i18n->translate('') . ' 3')); } } $spacerTag = $this->getBreadcrumbSpacerTag($api->getFormValue($unit, 'spacer')); $trail = array(); foreach ($items as $page) { $trail[] = $this->getBreadcrumbItemTag($page)->toString(); } echo implode($spacerTag->toString(), $trail); $api->renderChildren($unit); }
public function htmlHeadUnit($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { // enable event only if this extension unit is a direct child of default unit $parentUnit = $api->getParentUnit($unit); if (!$api->getModuleInfo($parentUnit)->isExtension()) { $eventType = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'eventType'); $eventLimit = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'eventLimit'); $eventMode = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'eventMode'); $stateName = ''; if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'enableState')) { $stateName = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'stateName'); } $selector = substr($api->getFormValue($unit, 'additionalSelector'), 2); $code = "window.rz_trigger_event.push({ "; $code .= "\"selector\": \"" . $selector . "\", \"parentUnitId\": \"" . $parentUnit->getId() . "\", \"eventType\": \"" . $eventType . "\", \"stateName\": \"" . $stateName . "\", \"eventLimit\": \"" . $eventLimit . "\", \"eventMode\": \"" . $eventMode . "\""; if ($eventType == 'scroll') { $code .= ",\"scrollConfig\": \"" . $api->getFormValue($unit, 'scrollConfig') . "\""; } $code .= "});"; return "<script>" . $code . "</script>"; } else { if ($api->isEditMode()) { $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('error.insideExtensionModule'); $code = 'alert("' . addslashes($msg) . '");'; } return "<script>" . $code . "</script>"; } }
public function renderContent($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { // find all children modules $allItems = $renderApi->getChildren($unit); $renderItems = array(); // normal units $nonRenderItems = array(); // extension units foreach ($allItems as $item) { if ($renderApi->getModuleInfo($item)->isExtension()) { // assume that extension modules (i.e. styles) render no html output $nonRenderItems[] = $item; } else { $renderItems[] = $item; } } // wrap all children if (empty($renderItems)) { if ($renderApi->isEditMode() && $renderApi->isTemplate()) { $i18n = new Translator($renderApi, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('msg.emptyInEditMode'); $errorTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'RUKZUKmissingInputHint'), array(new HtmlTagBuilder('button', array('style' => 'cursor: default;'), array($msg)))); echo $errorTag->toString(); } } else { $wrapTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('div'); foreach ($renderItems as $renderItem) { echo $wrapTag->getOpenString(); $renderApi->renderUnit($renderItem); echo $wrapTag->getCloseString(); } } }
protected function renderContent($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'imgsrc') != '') { if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'enableImageLink', '') && !$api->isEditMode()) { $linkTitle = $api->getFormValue($unit, 'linkTitle'); $target = "_self"; if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'openNewWindow')) { $target = "_blank"; } echo '<a class="imageContainer" href="' . $this->geturl($api, $unit) . '" title="' . $linkTitle . '" target="' . $target . '">'; } else { echo '<div class="imageContainer">'; } echo $this->getResponsiveImageTag($api, $unit, $moduleInfo)->toString(); if ($api->isEditMode()) { $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $title = $i18n->translate('button.cropIconTitle'); echo '<div class="cropIcon" title="' . $title . '"></div>'; } if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'showCaption', '')) { echo '<div class="imageCaption">' . $api->getFormValue($unit, 'imageTitle', '') . '</div>'; } if ($api->getFormValue($unit, 'enableImageLink', '') && !$api->isEditMode()) { echo '</a>'; } else { echo '</div>'; } } echo $api->getEditableTag($unit, 'text', 'div', 'class="text"'); $api->renderChildren($unit); }
/** * Translate a message. * * @param string $message * @param string $textDomain * @param string $locale * @return string * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ public function __invoke($message, $textDomain = 'default', $locale = null) { if ($this->translator === null) { return $message; } return $this->translator->translate($message, $textDomain, $locale); }
/** * @param \Render\APIs\APIv1\RenderAPI $renderApi * @param \Render\Unit $unit * @param \Render\ModuleInfo $moduleInfo */ protected function showNoAnchorsHint($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $i18n = new Translator($renderApi, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('hint.noAnchor'); $errorTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'RUKZUKmissingInputHint'), array(new HtmlTagBuilder('button', array('style' => 'cursor: default;'), array($msg)))); echo $errorTag->toString(); }
public function testSerialize() { $test = array('en' => 'english', 'fr' => 'french'); $translator = new Translator(); $translator->processInput($test); // test if json serialization is correct $this->assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString(json_encode($test), $translator->serialize()); }
/** * @dataProvider providerTestTranslateAlphabet */ public function testTranslateAlphabet($expected, $letters) { $translator = new Translator(new Impulsions\DotAndDash()); $separedtedLetters = preg_split('~~u', $letters, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($separedtedLetters as $letter) { $this->assertSame($expected, $translator->morsify($letter)); } }
/** * @param JsonSerializationVisitor $visitor * @param Narrative $narrative * @param array $type * @param Context $context * @return array */ public function translateNarrative(JsonSerializationVisitor $visitor, Narrative $narrative, array $type, Context $context) { $messageData = $narrative->getMessages(); foreach ($messageData as $key => &$messages) { foreach ($messages as &$message) { $message = $this->translationService->trans($message, $narrative->getSubstitutions(), $key, 'en'); } } return $messageData; }
static function getTranslatorToLocale($str = "us") { if (!isset(self::$trl[$str])) { $cfg = self::getConfig(); $trl = new Translator($cfg); $trl->setLanguage($str); self::$trl[$str] = $trl; } return self::$trl[str]; }
protected function renderContent($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { echo $this->getResponsiveImageTag($api, $unit, $moduleInfo)->toString(); if ($api->isEditMode()) { $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $title = $i18n->translate('button.cropIconTitle'); echo '<div class="cropIcon" title="' . $title . '"></div>'; } $api->renderChildren($unit); }
public function __invoke($dataType, $dataKey, $locale = null) { if (!$locale) { $locale = $this->translator->getLocale(); } $list = Data::getList($locale, $dataType); if (isset($list[$dataKey])) { return $list[$dataKey]; } }
/** * @param \Render\APIs\APIv1\RenderAPI $renderApi * @param \Render\Unit $unit * @param \Render\ModuleInfo $moduleInfo */ public function renderContent($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $responsiveImage = new ResponsiveImageBuilder($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo); $imageIds = $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'sliderImageIds', array()); $imageQuality = null; if ($renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'enableImageQuality')) { $imageQuality = $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'imageQuality'); } $globalHeightPercent = str_replace('%', '', $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'imgHeight')); // render children (non extensions) if (count($imageIds) > 0) { echo '<ul class="slides">'; $i = 0; foreach ($imageIds as $imageId) { // image try { $image = $renderApi->getMediaItem($imageId)->getImage(); if ($globalHeightPercent == 0) { $heightPercent = $image->getHeight() / $image->getWidth() * 100; } else { $heightPercent = $globalHeightPercent; } $cropHeight = $image->getWidth() * $heightPercent / 100; // slides if ($i == 0) { echo '<li class="slide slideActive">'; } else { echo '<li class="slide">'; } $i++; // image tag $imgTag = $responsiveImage->getImageTag($image, array('resize' => array('width' => $image->getWidth(), 'height' => $cropHeight), 'quality' => $imageQuality)); if (isset($imgTag)) { echo $imgTag->toString(); } echo '</li>'; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } echo '</ul>'; } else { if ($renderApi->isEditMode()) { // missing input hint $i18n = new Translator($renderApi, $moduleInfo); echo '<div class="RUKZUKmissingInputHint">'; echo '<div>'; echo '<button onclick="javascript:CMS.openFormPanel(\'sliderImageIds\');">'; echo $i18n->translate('button.missingInputHint', 'Choose images'); echo '</button>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } $renderApi->renderChildren($unit); }
/** * @param string $val * * @return string */ public function getNameAttribute(string $val) { if (static::$locale === 'en') { return $val; } $name = static::$countries->getName($this->code, static::$locale); if ($name === $this->code) { return $val; } return $name; }
public function testTranslateMissingKey() { $formatter = $this->getMock(get_class($this->formatter)); // create fallback translator $translator = new Translator('en_US', [], $formatter); $formatter->expects($this->once())->method('format')->with('en_US', 'TEXT', ['var' => 'SOME'])->will($this->returnValue('FORMATTED')); // key does not exist, with tokens passed $expect = 'FORMATTED'; $actual = $translator->translate('TEXT', ['var' => 'SOME']); $this->assertEquals($expect, $actual); }
/** * Adds an action to the list of available . * * @param string $key - a unique identifier; it is recommended that it be namespaced i.e. lead.action * @param array $action - can contain the following keys: * 'label' => (required) what to display in the list * 'description' => (optional) short description of event * 'template' => (optional) template to use for the action's HTML in the stage builder * i.e AcmeMyBundle:StageAction:theaction.html.php * 'formType' => (optional) name of the form type SERVICE for the action; will use a default form with stage change only * 'formTypeOptions' => (optional) array of options to pass to formType * 'callback' => (optional) callback function that will be passed when the action is triggered; return true to * change the configured stages or false to ignore the action * The callback function can receive the following arguments by name (via ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs()) * Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory $factory * Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead $lead * $eventDetails - variable sent from firing function to call back function * array $action = array( * 'id' => int * 'type' => string * 'name' => string * 'properties' => array() * ) * * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function addAction($key, array $action) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->actions)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The key, '{$key}' is already used by another action. Please use a different key."); } //check for required keys and that given functions are callable $this->verifyComponent(array('group', 'label'), array('callback'), $action); //translate the label and group $action['label'] = $this->translator->trans($action['label']); $action['group'] = $this->translator->trans($action['group']); $this->actions[$key] = $action; }
public function run() { $this->input = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'english', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS); if (isset($this->input)) { $lexer = new Lexer($this->input); $tokens = $lexer->run(); $translator = new Translator($tokens); $result = $translator->run(); if ($this->isAjax()) { $this->sendPayload($result); } } }
public function htmlHeadUnit($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { // enable event only if this extension unit is a direct child of default unit $parentUnit = $api->getParentUnit($unit); if ($api->getModuleInfo($parentUnit)->isExtension()) { if ($api->isEditMode()) { $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('error.insideExtensionModule'); $code = 'alert("' . addslashes($msg) . '");'; } return "<script>" . $code . "</script>"; } }
/** * @param \Render\APIs\APIv1\RenderAPI $renderApi * @param \Render\Unit $unit * @param \Render\ModuleInfo $moduleInfo */ public function renderContent($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $imageIds = $this->getImageIds($renderApi, $unit); $imageQuality = null; if ($renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'enableImageQuality')) { $imageQuality = $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'imageQuality'); } $globalHeightPercent = str_replace('%', '', $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'imgHeight')); // render images if (count($imageIds) > 0) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($imageIds as $imageId) { try { // image $image = $renderApi->getMediaItem($imageId)->getImage(); if ($globalHeightPercent == 0) { $heightPercent = $image->getHeight() / $image->getWidth() * 100; } else { $heightPercent = $globalHeightPercent; } $cropHeight = $image->getWidth() * $heightPercent / 100; if ($renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'showImageTitles')) { $name = $renderApi->getMediaItem($imageId)->getName(); $attributes = array('title' => $name); } else { $attributes = null; } // image tag $imgTag = $this->getResponsiveImage($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo)->getImageTag($image, array('resize' => array('width' => $image->getWidth(), 'height' => $cropHeight), 'quality' => $imageQuality), $attributes); echo '<li>' . $imgTag->toString() . '</li>'; } catch (\Exception $doNothing) { } } echo '</ul>'; } else { if ($renderApi->isEditMode()) { // missing input hint $i18n = new Translator($renderApi, $moduleInfo); echo '<div class="RUKZUKmissingInputHint">'; echo '<div>'; echo '<button onclick="javascript:CMS.openFormPanel(\'galleryImageIds\');">'; echo $i18n->translate('button.missingInputHint', 'Choose images'); echo '</button>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } $renderApi->renderChildren($unit); }
public function renderContent($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $listTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('ul', array('class' => 'isTeaserList')); echo $listTag->getOpenString(); // show hint when no children inserted if ($renderApi->isEditMode() && count($renderApi->getChildren($unit)) === 0) { $i18n = new Translator($renderApi, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('error.pleaseInsertModules'); $errorTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'RUKZUKmissingInputHint'), array(new HtmlTagBuilder('button', array('style' => 'cursor: default;'), array($msg)))); echo $errorTag->toString(); } else { $this->renderTeaserList($renderApi, $unit); } echo $listTag->getCloseString(); }
/** * @param \Render\APIs\APIv1\CSSAPI $api * @param \Render\Unit $unit * @param \Render\ModuleInfo $moduleInfo * @return string */ protected function htmlHeadUnit($api, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $parentUnit = $api->getParentUnit($unit); // enable animation only if this extension unit is a direct child of default unit if (!$api->getModuleInfo($parentUnit)->isExtension()) { $selector = '#' . $parentUnit->getId(); return "<script>window.rz_style_animation_scroll.push('" . $selector . "');</script>"; } else { if ($api->isEditMode()) { $i18n = new Translator($api, $moduleInfo); $msg = $i18n->translate('error.insideExtensionModule'); return '<script>alert("' . addslashes($msg) . '");</script>'; } } }
public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Translator(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Clean up a languages dir * * @param string $dir Languages dir * * @return void */ public function cleanLanguagesDir($dir) { $dir = rtrim($dir, '/\\'); foreach (scandir($dir) as $entry) { if ($entry[0] === '.') { continue; } if (pathinfo($entry, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) !== 'php') { continue; } $path = "{$dir}/{$entry}"; $code = basename($entry, '.php'); if (!in_array($code, $this->codes)) { $code = Translator::normalizeLanguageCode($code); if (in_array($code, $this->codes)) { // rename file to lowercase rename($path, "{$dir}/{$code}.php"); $this->log[] = "Renamed {$path} to {$code}.php"; continue; } unlink($path); $this->log[] = "Removed {$path}"; } } }
public static function getOne($id) { $data = array(); $sql = ' SELECT * FROM {{translator}} WHERE id=' . $id . ' '; $item = DB::getRow($sql); $sql = ' SELECT * FROM {{translator}} WHERE parent=' . $item['id'] . ' '; $rows = DB::getALL($sql); foreach (Translator::getLanguage() as $ii => $lang) { if ($ii == 0) { $data[$item['lang']] = $item; } else { foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['lang'] == $lang['value']) { $data[$row['lang']] = $row; } } } } return $data; }
/** * Get Translator * * Provides access to the Translator singleton * * @return Translator The translator object */ public static function getTranslator() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new Translator(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Constructor * @param string gallery id * @param sgGallery reference to the parent gallery */ function sgGallery($id, &$parent) { $this->id = $id; $this->parent = $parent; $this->config = sgConfig::getInstance(); $this->translator = Translator::getInstance(); }
public function __construct() { $this->_view = View::getInstance(); $this->_request = Request::getInstance(); $this->_validator = Validator::getInstance(); $this->_translator = Translator::getInstance(); }
public function getFormHtml() { ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Translator::get('module_config'); ?> </legend> <div class="form-fields"> <?php $this->addInputText('config[charset]', Translator::get('module_default_charset'), $this->config->get('charset'))->addInputText('config[language]', Translator::get('module_default_language'), $this->config->get('language'))->addInputText('config[locale]', Translator::get('module_default_locale'), $this->config->get('locale'))->addInputText('config[module]', Translator::get('module_default_module'), $this->config->get('module'))->addInputText('config[action]', Translator::get('module_default_action'), $this->config->get('action')); ?> </div> </fieldset> <?php foreach ($this->envs as $env) { ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Translator::get('module_config_' . $env); ?> </legend> <div class="form-fields"> <?php $this->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][http_host]', Translator::get('module_http_host'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'http_host'))->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][contact]', Translator::get('module_contact'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'contact'))->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][host]', Translator::get('module_database_host'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'host'))->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][database]', Translator::get('module_database_database'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'database'))->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][user]', Translator::get('module_database_user'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'user'))->addInputText('config[' . $env . '][password]', Translator::get('module_database_password'), $this->config->getEnvKey($env, 'password')); ?> </div> </fieldset> <?php } ?> <?php }
function translateInYandex($sentence) { $apiKey = '<paste your API key here>'; $translatedSentence = ""; try { $translator = new Translator($apiKey); $translatedSentence = $translator->translate($sentence, 'en-ru'); //echo $translation; // Привет мир //echo $translation->getSource(); // Hello world; //echo $translation->getSourceLanguage(); // en //echo $translation->getResultLanguage(); // ru } catch (Exception $e) { // handle exception } return $translatedSentence; }
/** * @return XPathExpr */ public function addNameTest() { if ('*' !== $this->element) { $this->addCondition('name() = ' . Translator::getXpathLiteral($this->element)); $this->element = '*'; } return $this; }