Ejemplo n.º 1
    if (Config::GetSetting('FORCE_HTTPS', 0) == 1) {
        $redirect = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        header("Location: {$redirect}");
// What is the production mode of the server?
if (Config::GetSetting('SERVER_MODE') == 'Test') {
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Debugging?
if (Debug::getLevel(Config::GetSetting('audit')) == 10) {
// Setup the translations for gettext
// Create login control system
require_once 'modules/' . Config::GetSetting("userModule");
// Page variable set? Otherwise default to index
$page = Kit::GetParam('p', _REQUEST, _WORD, 'index');
$function = Kit::GetParam('q', _REQUEST, _WORD);
// Does the version in the DB match the version of the code?
// If not then we need to run an upgrade. Change the page variable to upgrade
if (DBVERSION != WEBSITE_VERSION && !($page == 'index' && $function == 'login' || $page == 'error')) {
    require_once 'install/upgradestep.class.php';
    $page = 'upgrade';
    if (Kit::GetParam('includes', _POST, _BOOL)) {
        $upgradeFrom = Kit::GetParam('upgradeFrom', _POST, _INT);
        $upgradeTo = Kit::GetParam('upgradeTo', _POST, _INT);
        for ($i = $upgradeFrom + 1; $i <= $upgradeTo; $i++) {
            if (file_exists('install/database/' . $i . '.php')) {