Ejemplo n.º 1
    public function __construct()
        $app = $this;
        // -- global generic parameters ---------------------------------------
        $this['app.debug'] = false;
        $this['app.charset'] = 'UTF-8';
        $this['app.name'] = 'easybook';
        $this['app.signature'] = <<<SIGNATURE

 ___ ____ _ ____ ____ _ ________  
|_  ||_  _|  (_)|_  _|    |_  _|(_)
  | |_/ /    __   \\ \\  /\\  / /  __
  |  __'.   [  |   \\ \\/  \\/ /  [  |
 _| |  \\ \\_  | |    \\  /\\  /    | |
|____||____|[___]    \\/  \\/    [___]

        KKKKKKKKK    KKKKKKK  iiii WWWWWWWW                           WWWWWWWW iiii
        K:::::::K    K:::::K i::::iW::::::W                           W::::::Wi::::i
        K:::::::K    K:::::K  iiii W::::::W                           W::::::W iiii
        K:::::::K   K::::::K       W::::::W                           W::::::W
        KK::::::K  K:::::KKKiiiiiii W:::::W           WWWWW           W:::::Wiiiiiii
          K:::::K K:::::K   i:::::i  W:::::W         W:::::W         W:::::W i:::::i
          K::::::K:::::K     i::::i   W:::::W       W:::::::W       W:::::W   i::::i
          K:::::::::::K      i::::i    W:::::W     W:::::::::W     W:::::W    i::::i
          K:::::::::::K      i::::i     W:::::W   W:::::W:::::W   W:::::W     i::::i
          K::::::K:::::K     i::::i      W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W      i::::i
          K:::::K K:::::K    i::::i       W:::::W:::::W   W:::::W:::::W       i::::i
        KK::::::K  K:::::KKK i::::i        W:::::::::W     W:::::::::W        i::::i
        K:::::::K   K::::::Ki::::::i        W:::::::W       W:::::::W        i::::::i
        K:::::::K    K:::::Ki::::::i         W:::::W         W:::::W         i::::::i
        K:::::::K    K:::::Ki::::::i          W:::W           W:::W          i::::::i
        KKKKKKKKK    KKKKKKKiiiiiiii           WWW             WWW           iiiiiiii
        '||  //'      '||      ||`
         || //    ''   ||      ||   ''
         ||<<     ||   ||  /\  ||   ||
         || \\    ||    \\//\\//    ||
        .||  \\. .||.    \/  \/    .||.
          _  __  _  __          __  _
         | |/ / (_) \ \        / / (_)
         | ' /   _   \ \  /\  / /   _
         |  <   | |   \ \/  \/ /   | |
         | . \  | |    \  /\  /    | |
         |_|\_\ |_|     \/  \/     |_|
        // -- global directories location -------------------------------------
        $this['app.dir.base'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../');
        $this['app.dir.cache'] = $this['app.dir.base'] . '/app/Cache';
        $this['app.dir.doc'] = $this['app.dir.base'] . '/doc';
        $this['app.dir.resources'] = $this['app.dir.base'] . '/app/Resources';
        $this['app.dir.plugins'] = $this['app.dir.base'] . '/src/Easybook/Plugins';
        $this['app.dir.translations'] = $this['app.dir.resources'] . '/Translations';
        $this['app.dir.skeletons'] = $this['app.dir.resources'] . '/Skeletons';
        $this['app.dir.themes'] = $this['app.dir.resources'] . '/Themes';
        // -- console ---------------------------------------------------------
        $this['console.input'] = null;
        $this['console.output'] = null;
        $this['console.dialog'] = null;
        // maintained for backwards compatibility
        $this['publishing.id'] = function () {
            trigger_error('The "publishing.id" option is deprecated since version 5.0 and will be removed in the future. Use "publishing.edition.id" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        // -- event dispatcher ------------------------------------------------
        $this['dispatcher'] = function () {
            return new EventDispatcher();
        // -- finder ----------------------------------------------------------
        $this['finder'] = $this->factory(function () {
            return new Finder();
        // -- filesystem ------------------------------------------------------
        $this['filesystem'] = $this->factory(function () {
            return new Filesystem();
        $this->register(new ApiServiceProvider());
        /*    $providers = (array) require __DIR__.'/providers.php';
            array_walk($providers, function($class, $i, $app) {
              class_exists($class) AND $app->register(new $class);
            }, $app);*/
        // -- titles ----------------------------------------------------------
        $this['titles'] = function () use($app) {
            $titles = Yaml::parse($app['app.dir.translations'] . '/titles.' . $app->book('language') . '.yml');
            // books can define their own titles files
            if (null !== ($customTitlesFile = $app->getCustomTitlesFile())) {
                $customTitles = Yaml::parse($customTitlesFile);
                return Toolkit::array_deep_merge_and_replace($titles, $customTitles);
            return $titles;